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Yeahyeah and yeah so WotLK is the biggest kid on the block, strong and mean and all that... But it also looks like this kid is getting a bit obese. lol
WoW LK has consistently lost gaming time in Xfire since launch, less than a month back. It's not something just related to the season as both LotRo and AoC seem to have gained some gaming time. Even WAR looks almost like stabilized. Could it really be that people finally are getting fed up by the Fat and Ugly Punk in MMO world? Comments
WoW i never realised x fire wass the tell all of the gaming population, i guess aftrer swg haters on this forum wow haters are next.
Wow wont die isnt going to die anytime soon move on already to your latest greatest game and leave the others to enjoy.
Have a Great day:)
Some lead and some follow I prefer to stand beside!
OP never said WoW is dying.
Looking for something new.
Well, it have losts some playing hours since WOTLK launched, it was 600K then on the weekend to 500K now but it havn't been out so long yet so it is hard to make any conclusions.
The game is off course 4 1/2 years old so people can start to get tired about it but it can also just be that people played themselves silly at launch and taking a little time off.
In LOTROs case the up is because it gotten an expansion, that always kick the numbers up.
In AoC it is because they finally patching up the content now, it will probably slowly rise now as they add more content.
And WAR do still bleed a little but the reason it slowed down is that most of the players left are hardcore fans. The ones that just get a box and start playing are a lot fewer now than a month ago.
The question is still if the players added to AoC and LOTRO are from Wow, some probably are they sure haven't gone up what wow lost and they also got players back from WAR and other games like EQ2. And did wow lose players or are the regular ones just taking it a bit more slowly?
Another theory is that people have been soloplaying characters up to 80 (including many death knights), you really don't need to have X-fire on when doing that.
Or maybe bad economy made people to work more overtime or something? We really can't make anything out of these numbers yet. Off course Wow will get a top and start to lose players sooner or later, that happens to evry game but if it have happened now or still is 2 years away? Who knows.
Even if LOTRO and AoC are getting players from Wow I wouldn't call it ganking, they have just become better games and therefore they are getting more players. It is still hard to say if WOTLK is a huge succes or not for Wow.
Dying? It is still by far the biggest game overall and there is a really big gap to the second MMO (Guildwars).
It have lost something about 15-20% of it's play hours the last month or so however, that was what the thread is about. No one was really pointing out that they hate Wow either.
Wow will be around for at least 5 years more. It will not be as big as now 5 years in the future however, if nothing else then Blizzard would compete themselves with it.
Everything will peak sooner or later but that surely doesn't mean it is dying. It doesn't really mean that Wow has peaked yet either, it might go up fast again.
But it do means that Wow is down a bit since the launch of WOTLK. The question is off course: Why?
And all we can do there are guessing.
But you should continue to play Wow for as long time as you are having a good time. Those who don't have a good time quits, that is how gaming works. Trying to see trends doesn't mean you hate a game, I surely doesn't hate Wow.
In fact: Wow grew 20% with the expansion on Xfire: look at the beginning line, which is no longer viewable before the patch.
War has now 22.5 times less players than Wow, while two months ago the average was 7.5.
That means War has now about 225K subscriptions. If you count the 5.000.000 western based subs for Wow. LOTRO is now at about 150K subs and AOC has certainly less than an equivalent of 50 K subs.
You have to look at the players for these relations, not the minutes played btw.
3 months ago the XFire lines for Wow were between 300K in the week and 400K in the weekends.
That amount is now 20% more. Settling at about 400K week and 500K weekends.
Crushing the other MMO's like they never did before and having a healthy 60+% of the complete market.
In the summer it was 55%.
The complete market: meaning FREE MMO's included.
Have fun on the empty servers of those other games
Did you just compare Xfire numbers on an absolute level out of the trend? lol
Well, comparing between different games are hard, in PvP centered games you have most X-fire. Otherwise EQ2 would have someting like 20K players and it don't.
In AoCs case there is also some compability issue that makes X-fire less popular than ventrilo. It is still an excellent tool to se how the games fares from week to week however.
And yes wow is a lot of the market, it is far away from Guildwars, mmo #2 on the list.
But the game still lost 100K hours since the launch of WOTLK, even if it peaked there it is still a bit down.
Doesn't really mean anything now anyways but if it continues for a few months, then we get a trend.
Cant say the LotrO servers are empty at all tool
You mean people aren't playing as much now as they did when it was all new? *gasp* lol
I guess we should look at the first few days WAR came out and compare it to now and say ... well... clearly it's *dead* because it went down 90% or what since it's peak?
There was always going to be a spike in *time played* when something is first released. Then it goes down and levels out, it's common sense as people just fall back into their old patterns instead of play play play to work through it faster than everyone else.
Also, it's 3am here in Europe right now, servers just went down for short maintenance but before they did I logged out and checked the server status. 6 recommended servers and every other server was either medium or full. Eat your heart out other MMO's
I find it funny that someone is actually using Xfire to gauge the popularity of a game, especially since the majority of those that play MMO's do not use Xfire.
yet again people are using X-fire as strong data.
the only people that i know that use X-fire are (no offence) jerks, hardcore freaks and grinders. Having played WoW for 2 years i can say that X-fire (even at the best of times) would not even come close to representing 20% of WoW's general population. Stop using X-fire for data and go ingame and have a look.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
The only thing you are seeing is that the hours played are less, but the number of players is about the same (which is not viewed in these stats). But you can see them in the daily resumee.
IN the early 2 weeks of WotLK launch players played an average of sometime 4 hours per player, that's much less now. Something about 2.5. Just look at the beginning curve, it was at 270K playings just before the launch.
The relation between Wow players and other MMO players just keeps growing to compare this. War came from 7.5 to more than 22 time less played.
Also LOTRO had a really bad drop on Xfire in the last week. Its expansion did only hold out about 1 week. The problem is that the graphics for LOTRO are only displayed for the last 5 days, so you don't see this trend.
I believe strongly in Xfire and it shows very much of what is being played and the relations between the games. The above mentioned estimated subs show very well how many subs a game may have.
WAR= around 225 K, LOTRO = 150 K, AoC certainly less than 50 K. Combined they don't even have 10% of the western subs of Wow.
But the only thing you have to look out for is players, not the hours played.
Look at the market share of 63% these days and you' ll realise the others are dwarfs in comparaison.
The fact that War is not losing like before is due to two facts btw: it is being sold now at 40% of its price in the garbage bins (along with the subscription cards), Secondly look at how long the players of War are logged in ... these days ...
But their number of players just keep dropping. It is now just 4000, while they had 16.000 at the end of Sep.
I am NOT suggesting something in the lines above, but I can't help it noticing it.
The lower price helps to even out the guys leaving War(like always), but unless they sell it at 1 dollar (like TR) this is only temporarely.
Pulling out another steaming one? lol, I don't know about LotRO, but AoC has 150-200000 subscribers by the projection for Q4 finacial report. It's hard to mickey Mouse around that. I would think OP wanted to discuss the WOW, LotRo, AoC, WAR trends.... and I see WOW are dropping pretty violently there. What does it mean. I am not sure, perhaps just the first extensionpack craze is wearing off, but it could also be that WOW after all is just the same ol same ol.
The only thing you are seeing is that the hours played are less, but the number of players is about the same (which is not viewed in these stats). But you can see them in the daily resumee.
IN the early 2 weeks of WotLK launch players played an average of sometime 4 hours per player, that's much less now. Something about 2.5. Just look at the beginning curve, it was at 270K playings just before the launch.
The relation between Wow players and other MMO players just keeps growing to compare this. War came from 7.5 to more than 22 time less played.
Also LOTRO had a really bad drop on Xfire in the last week. Its expansion did only hold out about 1 week. The problem is that the graphics for LOTRO are only displayed for the last 5 days, so you don't see this trend.
I believe strongly in Xfire and it shows very much of what is being played and the relations between the games. The above mentioned estimated subs show very well how many subs a game may have.
WAR= around 225 K, LOTRO = 150 K, AoC certainly less than 50 K. Combined they don't even have 10% of the western subs of Wow.
But the only thing you have to look out for is players, not the hours played.
Look at the market share of 63% these days and you' ll realise the others are dwarfs in comparaison.
The fact that War is not losing like before is due to two facts btw: it is being sold now at 40% of its price in the garbage bins (along with the subscription cards), Secondly look at how long the players of War are logged in ... these days ...
But their number of players just keep dropping. It is now just 4000, while they had 16.000 at the end of Sep.
I am NOT suggesting something in the lines above, but I can't help it noticing it.
The lower price helps to even out the guys leaving War(like always), but unless they sell it at 1 dollar (like TR) this is only temporarely.
Pulling out another steaming one? lol, I don't know about LotRO, but AoC has 150-200000 subscribers by the projection for Q4 finacial report. It's hard to mickey Mouse around that. I would think OP wanted to discuss the WOW, LotRo, AoC, WAR trends.... and I see WOW are dropping pretty violently there. What does it mean. I am not sure, perhaps just the first extensionpack craze is wearing off, but it could also be that WOW after all is just the same ol same ol.
I guess that depends what you consider a "violent" drop. The numbers are still higher than before Wotlk released. If that's violent... whoa .. lol, what's a real drop then where they actually go *below* prerelease numbers?
The only thing you are seeing is that the hours played are less, but the number of players is about the same (which is not viewed in these stats). But you can see them in the daily resumee.
IN the early 2 weeks of WotLK launch players played an average of sometime 4 hours per player, that's much less now. Something about 2.5. Just look at the beginning curve, it was at 270K playings just before the launch.
The relation between Wow players and other MMO players just keeps growing to compare this. War came from 7.5 to more than 22 time less played.
Also LOTRO had a really bad drop on Xfire in the last week. Its expansion did only hold out about 1 week. The problem is that the graphics for LOTRO are only displayed for the last 5 days, so you don't see this trend.
I believe strongly in Xfire and it shows very much of what is being played and the relations between the games. The above mentioned estimated subs show very well how many subs a game may have.
WAR= around 225 K, LOTRO = 150 K, AoC certainly less than 50 K. Combined they don't even have 10% of the western subs of Wow.
But the only thing you have to look out for is players, not the hours played.
Look at the market share of 63% these days and you' ll realise the others are dwarfs in comparaison.
The fact that War is not losing like before is due to two facts btw: it is being sold now at 40% of its price in the garbage bins (along with the subscription cards), Secondly look at how long the players of War are logged in ... these days ...
But their number of players just keep dropping. It is now just 4000, while they had 16.000 at the end of Sep.
I am NOT suggesting something in the lines above, but I can't help it noticing it.
The lower price helps to even out the guys leaving War(like always), but unless they sell it at 1 dollar (like TR) this is only temporarely.
Pulling out another steaming one? lol, I don't know about LotRO, but AoC has 150-200000 subscribers by the projection for Q4 finacial report. It's hard to mickey Mouse around that. I would think OP wanted to discuss the WOW, LotRo, AoC, WAR trends.... and I see WOW are dropping pretty violently there. What does it mean. I am not sure, perhaps just the first extensionpack craze is wearing off, but it could also be that WOW after all is just the same ol same ol.
I guess that depends what you consider a "violent" drop. The numbers are still higher than before Wotlk released. If that's violent... whoa .. lol, what's a real drop then where they actually go *below* prerelease numbers?
Well I doubt the WotLK devteam sat around the table contemplating on how to make an expansion pack that would bring them back to ground 0 in about a month or two? Twist and turn baby, but I think OP have a point here. -100000 gaming hours in Xfire over one month is violent.
Yep. The game is doomed.
The only thing you are seeing is that the hours played are less, but the number of players is about the same (which is not viewed in these stats). But you can see them in the daily resumee.
IN the early 2 weeks of WotLK launch players played an average of sometime 4 hours per player, that's much less now. Something about 2.5. Just look at the beginning curve, it was at 270K playings just before the launch.
The relation between Wow players and other MMO players just keeps growing to compare this. War came from 7.5 to more than 22 time less played.
Also LOTRO had a really bad drop on Xfire in the last week. Its expansion did only hold out about 1 week. The problem is that the graphics for LOTRO are only displayed for the last 5 days, so you don't see this trend.
I believe strongly in Xfire and it shows very much of what is being played and the relations between the games. The above mentioned estimated subs show very well how many subs a game may have.
WAR= around 225 K, LOTRO = 150 K, AoC certainly less than 50 K. Combined they don't even have 10% of the western subs of Wow.
But the only thing you have to look out for is players, not the hours played.
Look at the market share of 63% these days and you' ll realise the others are dwarfs in comparaison.
The fact that War is not losing like before is due to two facts btw: it is being sold now at 40% of its price in the garbage bins (along with the subscription cards), Secondly look at how long the players of War are logged in ... these days ...
But their number of players just keep dropping. It is now just 4000, while they had 16.000 at the end of Sep.
I am NOT suggesting something in the lines above, but I can't help it noticing it.
The lower price helps to even out the guys leaving War(like always), but unless they sell it at 1 dollar (like TR) this is only temporarely.
Pulling out another steaming one? lol, I don't know about LotRO, but AoC has 150-200000 subscribers by the projection for Q4 finacial report. It's hard to mickey Mouse around that. I would think OP wanted to discuss the WOW, LotRo, AoC, WAR trends.... and I see WOW are dropping pretty violently there. What does it mean. I am not sure, perhaps just the first extensionpack craze is wearing off, but it could also be that WOW after all is just the same ol same ol.
I guess that depends what you consider a "violent" drop. The numbers are still higher than before Wotlk released. If that's violent... whoa .. lol, what's a real drop then where they actually go *below* prerelease numbers?
Well I doubt the WotLK devteam sat around the table contemplating on how to make an expansion pack that would bring them back to ground 0 in about a month or two? Twist and turn baby, but I think OP have a point here. -100000 gaming hours in Xfire over one month is violent.
Rofl, aren't you confusing expansions with new games here? Expansions are supposed to sell to the existing sub base and keep them playing longer, added subs is added benefit.
A *new* game is supposed to attract a lot of subs. WoW is 4 years old for crying out loud, most of the MMO's out there either died or faded into nothingness by that age(Not just counting the ones that made it but all the failures as well), WOW actually expanded to a new high in it's 4th year (shortly before Wotlk release)
But yeah, twist and turn baby, clearly you expect expansions to double sub base or be a failure or something
I'd love to see you bring up other game's expansions stats, see if they even increased the sub base to begin with 
What a laugh.
The financial report of Funcom from the period between July and Sep made it clear they had an average subscription rate of 150K to 200 K for that period.
Now comes the joke .... At the end of June they offiicaly announced they had 420 K subs.
So at the beginning of July 420 K subs, means they had already far less than 100 K Subs at the end of September to arrive at 200K average for the 3 months from July to September. Capiche ???
Now I have here the number of AoC players on Xfire on Sep 28: 1823 players for AoC.
It is now today at ....: 938 Xfire players. That's 49% less. Meaning 50K subs. As clear as can be in position 56(!) on Xfire
As your remark for Wow: last monday it was at 381.922 this week - 7 days later today it was at 379.678.
Only playing time dropped NOT the people. Only in its first 3 weeks people play 4 hours on average. That drops to 2.5 hours on average.
AoC relates to Wow as 97.83 less players. That means about 5.000.000/97.83 = 51.000 players at the most because Wow is also published on the Mac and Xfire is not used in China
I think you need to have guts to say shit like this on Wow with a game like AoC.
Heads rolled already for AoC and the end for that game is very very near.
Apparently 63% marketshare and an increase of 8% marketshare after WotLK isn't even enough for the Wow haters...and these are western based figures. AoC is a 0.65% market share ? Or it's too small to be measured ...?
♦ World of Warcraft (63.5%) (coming from 54% two months ago)
♦ Silkroad Online (3.6%)
♦ Guild Wars (3.5%)
♦ CABAL Online (2.5%)
♦ Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (2.3%) (coming from 9% two months ago)
♦ Other (24.6%)
And remember these % are free to play games included and NO chinese clients ... and the Mac isn't even included.
Off Topic:
No, Cobra is right. Subscription in AoC is 150 to 200 000 now based on revenue that is estimated for Q4. Q4 is October, November and December while you talk about Q3. lol.
On topic:
I think the dropping WOW trend is due to loss of players. In particular WAR will have benefit from WOW customers leaving WOW.
I agree with Pheace on this one games will have a drop after a few weeks when they release an Xpac.
The newness factor wears off for some and others just burn out and dont play as much. Cant really say the new new Xpac for WOW was really tailored for new people as BC had 2 new races and only a 60 level gap.
New games will have this same effect as I dont really feel that the genre adds that many new people everyday so most players have already played MMO's before.
It was probably better to just add new stuff for the existing playerbase for Blizzard than to try to entice their existing fanbase to do 80 levels as a Deathknight. Its probably easier to try and keep a WOW vet than to try to convince new people to do 80 levels but thats just my opinion.
Playing- Guild Wars 2, SWTOR
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Personally I never knew anyone I played with that used X-Fire...
I played 3 years of WoW, couple of months EQ2, some Vanguard and now i'm playing Lotro and WAR
From my experience (for EU at least):
WoW is doing OK - lots of people, their quality is somewhat doubtful in the masses tho
EQ2 is doing OK - my server was always on Medium load during day and peaked on High in evenings... I never felt walking alone in the game and I played from level 1 to 46 (meaning I went thru lowbie old zones too - no I didn't start in Kunark).
VG felt kind of empty tho - Didn't really meet people around that's why I stopped playing.
Now WAR is full of people even if I'm in the not so good EU part of the WAR release...
Lotro is packed right now, I started a new toon with my gf 2 weeks ago and the world is quite vibrant and populated...
I think this statistic hunt is pointless tbh and not very accurate judging x-fire...
I mean I have it but I can't see why I should turn it on when I have a high quality ventrilo + MSN + guild website...? Maybe I'm missing something but still :P
Now lets look at the facts:
WoW - Huge fan base - Expansion (not release, just an EXPANSION) sold more than all three competitors combined, 20+ new NA servers opened to cater to the added load (more new servers than some of the competition have in total world wide).
WAR - Piss poor game - Forced server merges - Maybe xfire should record how much time WAR fans spend on WoW forums talking shit, probably double the time they spend on their WAR servers playing that shit.
AoC - Worse than WAR, all round bad game, hard to pick out one redeeming feature from this mother of all turds.
Lotro - Of the three I think Lotro is the most successful and most interesting, however they lost me after the beta, the Moria expansion does look tempting however and I may jump in again at some point. However, still not a competitor to WoW in raw number of players.
In fact: Wow grew 20% with the expansion on Xfire: look at the beginning line, which is no longer viewable before the patch.
War has now 22.5 times less players than Wow, while two months ago the average was 7.5.
That means War has now about 225K subscriptions. If you count the 5.000.000 western based subs for Wow. LOTRO is now at about 150K subs and AOC has certainly less than an equivalent of 50 K subs.
You have to look at the players for these relations, not the minutes played btw.
3 months ago the XFire lines for Wow were between 300K in the week and 400K in the weekends.
That amount is now 20% more. Settling at about 400K week and 500K weekends.
Crushing the other MMO's like they never did before and having a healthy 60+% of the complete market.
In the summer it was 55%.
The complete market: meaning FREE MMO's included.
Have fun on the empty servers of those other games
i cant help but laugh at this post. claiming yourself how everyone bashes WoW while at the same time u try to degrade every other big mmo with some stats of one site. GG.
MMOs currently playing: -
About to play: Lord of the Rings Online
Played: Anarchy Online (alltime favorite) and lots of f2p titles (honorable mentions: 9Dragons, Martial Heroes, Dekaron, Atlantica Online)
In fact: Wow grew 20% with the expansion on Xfire: look at the beginning line, which is no longer viewable before the patch.
War has now 22.5 times less players than Wow, while two months ago the average was 7.5.
That means War has now about 225K subscriptions. If you count the 5.000.000 western based subs for Wow. LOTRO is now at about 150K subs and AOC has certainly less than an equivalent of 50 K subs.
You have to look at the players for these relations, not the minutes played btw.
3 months ago the XFire lines for Wow were between 300K in the week and 400K in the weekends.
That amount is now 20% more. Settling at about 400K week and 500K weekends.
Crushing the other MMO's like they never did before and having a healthy 60+% of the complete market.
In the summer it was 55%.
The complete market: meaning FREE MMO's included.
Have fun on the empty servers of those other games
i cant help but laugh at this post. claiming yourself how everyone bashes WoW while at the same time u try to degrade every other big mmo with some stats of one site. GG.
Are you sure you quoted the right post?
I don't see him claiming anything about someone bashing WoW.
And both posts you quoted seem to be getting there information from the same source, xfire. So why should he not respond with the stats from the same site?
Wow, you must have missed the OP, because the OP used that exact site for numbers. So using the OP's numbers to show how the games are failing shows either the OP was wrong about those games coming back, or the OP was wrong to use those numbers now, doesn't it?
Follow the thread sometimes.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
The only (almost) fact listed is that WoW sold more than the other games. None of the the rest is fact, and is pure opinion.
Silly thread. WoW had a big spike for WotLK, and now it's dropped a bit. Very predictable, it no longer has that New Game Smell. Still the #1 MMO played by a long shot. WAR had a big drop due to not meeting the hype and server population problems, but is stablizing on fewer servers and they seem to be fixing the game, it will be fine and probably grow a bit next year. Lotro also had a big spike for MoM, and although it will die down a bit too, everyone who's actually playing the game can tell you that it definitely had a population boost - it's also doing fine. Haven't played AOC, but they also seem to be fixing the game, and it's probably stabilizing its population, and hopefully can do OK as well. Good times for all, and pie for everyone!
And LOL at all those who use xfire to determine *absolute* game numbers. It is definitely a good indicator of population *trends*, but because of differing game demographics you can not use it for any reliable indication of absolute numbers at all. There's just no way to know what percentage of Lotro users, for example, use xfire as compared to WoW players. L2statistic!