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Warrior Epic CB invitations



  • ShizomouShizomou Member UncommonPosts: 6

    If anyone has invites please send to [email protected]

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    The invites don't work that way.  You have to sign up for an account, then PM Ravager the account name at the WE website.  Once I get that I use one of my invites to activate your account.  (Make sure to click the "Apply for Beta" button)



  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    New Playday/stress-test coming on the 20th.  Participants will receive a Vanisher.  That's one of the classes that's been unavailable till now.  Keep an eye on the home page for details:


  • BeThCaBeThCa Member Posts: 10

    I would love to try it out

    account name: btc

    thanks in advance

  • georchgeorch Member Posts: 1

    pm sent, waiting for the OK

  • fishellofishello Member Posts: 1

    One invite for me too!

    Act: fishello

    Cheers and thanks!

    Time to play!

  • turbomaxyturbomaxy Member Posts: 13

     If anyone got any invitation plz send to : [email protected] 


  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    The little i have seen of it,doesn't look too bad.It sort of has the looks of playing DDO.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • S1GNALS1GNAL Member Posts: 366

    It looks very good. Seems like it have alot of capability for nice futures.

    I sent you a PM on the Warrior Epic forum. Thanks!

  • BeltamkorBeltamkor Member Posts: 37

    sent you a pm on Warrior Epic forums. :)

  • TekkamanTekkaman Member UncommonPosts: 158

    Sent! Looks interesting to say the least.

  • S1GNALS1GNAL Member Posts: 366

    Okey, I tested it for some hours. Got bored really fast. Same look/feel on most of the areas I was exploring.

    The camera angle was really irritating, and you felt very claustrophobic when you could not get better overview. Had to make minimap big in order for it to be of any use. The missions was zzz . I am sorry but have we not seen this too many times in previously MMO's? What about trying something new and sticking out from the crowd for once?

    Vast character customization should be an obvious function in any MMO, but no, instead they just did not care. How big problem is it to give players freedom of choice?

    Wish the best luck in developing this game, but the feel of the game is not for me like so many other MMO's.

    I have a hard time finding any MMO that got things smooth with lots of groove and freedom. I know what I am looking for in a game, so I hope there will be one in the next 5 years. Not going to pay for any half made game.



  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Well it's a little early to judge.  What's running now is about 15% of the finished games.  There's TONS of stuff to come.  And it's very different.  For one thing, it's infinitely expandable.  There's gonna be monthly updates that'll add new classes, missions, gear, etc, etc, etc...  You can also maintain a stable of as many different chars as you want.

    I admit there's a bit of a lack of content, and it's obviously very buggy, but that's what "very early closed beta" means.  Version 2.0 of the website is set to hit any time now, and open beta will be shortly after that, and open beta's gonna fill in the other 85%. 

    You can use dead chars as "nukes" for other chars if you want.  That's pretty different.  In the open-beta build, you'll also be able to bind those spirits to weapons.  Each spirit does different things depending on its class, and the higher the level of the spirit, the more powerful it is.  Considering you'll be able to bind up to 3 spirits to a weapon, that's gonna make for some VERY different stuff.

    A lot of your complaints have been addressed too.  For one, there'll be WASD control in-game, and the camera control is gonna be overhauled a bit too.  I understand it's a little rough around the edges in its current form, but you have to look at the potential for the future, and it's definitely gonna be interesting. 

    I mean, there's gonna be new classes added all the time.  How many games do that?  The next two that're supposed to show up, aside from the 8 you can see in the CB build is a floating-eye creature and a fire-breathing slug-beast.  Give it another look once open beta starts.  You really won't have enough info to make a FAIR judgment on it till then.  It may still not grab you, but at least then you'll be able to make an informed decision on a FINAL build instead of this just-out-of-alpha build.

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Okay, closed beta's finally over now.  Servers are shut down and are gonna stay down until open beta starts.  Thanks to everybody that helped us test the game.  I hope we'll see some of you in open beta too.  There's gonna be so much new content, you'll barely recognize the place.  ;-)  Keep an eye on to stay informed and look for the new 2.0 version of the site to hit the web in the next couple weeks.

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Scroll back a page.

  • dimitexdimitex Member Posts: 1

     Hey There , I registered at site but got no e-mail on my accout.


    Please pm me.


    acc : dimitex

     email: dimitex at gmail dot com

    Thank you Sir!

  • apaccaapacca Member Posts: 10

    yes i filled it out nothing happend lol

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Well like I said on page 7, the closed beta's over and the servers are down and are gonna stay that way till open beta.  Sorry you missed it.  Open beta will be more fun anyway.  There's a TON of new content coming with that build.  And before anybody asks, no I don't have a date on when that happens.  The devs are very tight-lipped about the date.

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    I'm sorry, but the first CB is over now.  The second one will be starting soon, with open beta shortly thereafter.  Release date is currently set for April 2009.

  • Cik_AsalinCik_Asalin Member Posts: 3,033

    I look forward to it.

This discussion has been closed.