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2 questions

What is the new PVMP region in LotrO?  and second, are there talent trees for classes now?


  • kinghart0126kinghart0126 Member Posts: 15

    Come on one out of the 38 of you has to know atleast one answer 

  • ThradarThradar Member Posts: 949

     I'm not a PVMPer (zero interest), so I don't know the answer to your first question.

    The answer to the second question is "sort of."  With MoM they've added class Trait Sets that focus on a specific build.  By equipping certain combinations of traits you can get bonus abilities that are more focused towards tanking, healing, fire DPS, etc...depending on your class.  But there are no huge talent trees with generic talent points that you automagically get each level.  You still earn traits by completing deeds as you play, quest, explore, and level your character.

    For more information on Trait Sets go here:

  • MrbloodworthMrbloodworth Member Posts: 5,615


    Talent tress? We have deeds, traits, legendary traits, trait sets, and ....god... We don’t need talent trees.


    I am not aware of a New PvMP area, but the old one has been completely revamped.


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  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,106
    Originally posted by kinghart0126

    Come on one out of the 38 of you has to know atleast one answer 


    First off, when you start a thread called "2 questions" you are going to get a lot of people looking because maybe they can answer them. However, if they can't they won't.

    As others have said there are traits, deeds, etc. You can follow a preset path "sort of" if you want but in no way are you forced to. There are three for each class.

    The monster player area is the Ettenmoors.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Gamer_17Gamer_17 Member Posts: 202

    Quick add on question about traits

    is it a huge difference if you do not follow one of the specific builds as would it be a great disadvantage to me if i made my captain more of a dps but kept a few of his healing traits?

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,106
    Originally posted by Gamer_17

    Quick add on question about traits

    is it a huge difference if you do not follow one of the specific builds as would it be a great disadvantage to me if i made my captain more of a dps but kept a few of his healing traits?


    To be honest I can't really speak on the Captain so I don't know. I do know that I looked at the preset builds and haven't felt very compelled to make the change, so at the moment I'm keeping my current build and am happy with it (guardian). When I get a bit more money maybe I'll fool around a bit more with two of the three builds.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • PapadamPapadam Member Posts: 2,102
    Originally posted by Gamer_17

    Quick add on question about traits

    is it a huge difference if you do not follow one of the specific builds as would it be a great disadvantage to me if i made my captain more of a dps but kept a few of his healing traits?


    Well you only need 5 traits in a set to get the highest reward for its so you could "spec" 5 in tank/dps line and 2 in healing. The 5th set-reward is another legendary trait. You could spec 4 dps/tank and 3 in healing and then you wouldnt get the legendary from the trait set. But you could use 3 of the old legendary traits instead for example: In defence of ME, Oathbreakers shame and Escape from darkness. (3 nice legendary traits)

    This means that you dont have to stick to the trait sets and that you can expereiment as you like.

    Hope it helped and wasnt to confusing :)

    If WoW = The Beatles
    and WAR = Led Zeppelin
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  • popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

    What is the new PVMP region in LotrO?

    Theres a NEW PvMP zone other than Ettenmoors?? I didn't know that, didn't even read that anywhere.

    Shows how much I pay attention to developer's notes lol.

  • ZeppelinJ0ZeppelinJ0 Member UncommonPosts: 115

    Sorry to hijack the thread but I also have a question.


    I'd like to try the game out and am really interested in rune-keeper.  Would buddy-key free-trials allow access to the new classes? 

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  • WaitsWaits Member UncommonPosts: 30
    Originally posted by ZeppelinJ0

    Sorry to hijack the thread but I also have a question.
    I'd like to try the game out and am really interested in rune-keeper.  Would buddy-key free-trials allow access to the new classes? 

    It does not. In order to play the new classes you'll need the Mines of Moria Expansion.

  • AndraxxAndraxx Member UncommonPosts: 256

    There isn't yet.

    Back several months ago there was talk of a new PvMP zone being added with Moria. That zone didn't make it.

    Instead, Ettenmoors was given a major overhaul and all creeps auto-levelled to 60 (and given extra skills, some base, most requiring ranks to unlock).

    Who knows, a new zone may appear sometime in the next year as part of a Volume 2 book release.



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