Do people get a kick out of bashing stuff? There's always at least a handful, though usually more, of people who just go around and bash stuff all the time. Sure no one's heard of any of these names. Sure it could be a scam. But at the same time it could be an honest new company trying to bring something good to the consumers. Only time will tell.
Well when two relatively unknown characters jump up and announce a movie and a MMO, it pretty much screams to be a bit skeptical. Even experienced development teams have tilted at windmills lately with their MMO's and you don't understand why there is a lot of skepticism on announcement like this?
No no, I totally understand their skepticism which I'm totally fine with, but there's showing their skepticism twoards something, and then there's outright flaming something which I consider the post above the originally quoted remark I made to be. I admit I'm a bit skeptical about this myself, but I hope it's a real deal and they do take the time and effort to make it the great game everyone knows it could be.
Let me preface this comment with sadly I have never read any of the Wheel of TIme books...but do we really need another epic fantasy MMORPG? I don't think so.
I have been reading (on and off) the Wheel of Time since it first came out in 1990. I was in the 8th grade at the time, as some friends of mine all started reading them the same time as I. As the years flew by (and the series became longer than originally intended) a friend of mine said something I'll never forget, "Ya know what's gonna happen? He's gonna up and die before the series is completed." That was back in 1996-7. Little did we know how *prophetic* that statement was, even with the knowledge that Robert Jordan had started becoming ill even at that time. As even more books and time went by we became even less-interested in the series, as it seemed that there was no end in sight, and that Jordan had lost his mind with all the *tangents* he was exploring with more and more characters. So, I stopped reading the series. About 2 years ago I was looking at my bookshelf and saw that I still had several of the books (I think had about 8 books then), and I decided to re-read them. Now, I had re-read the series about 3-4 times (through book 5) about 4 times, but I had forgotten so many of the details that I started over. Needless to say I fell in love with the story all over again. It wasn't until about book 6 or 7 that I started to get worried that I was going to *run out* of reading material soon, so I started looking online for the last few books in the series. It was at this time that I discovered that Robert Jordan had succumbed to his disease only 2 months prior. I was in total shock. I forwarded the site announcing his passing to all the friends of mine that began this wonderful adventure in the WoT so many years ago with me.
I have now finished book 10, and have ordered book 11. I await it impatiently. All things seem to be building up to a very climactic ending. Whether for the good or bad of the world, we'll just have to wait and see. I for one will be one of the millions waiting to open the cover with both anticipation and regret. Regret that these characters...and this story...that I have come to love will soon be ending.
For those that haven't read it, read it. I think fantasy-lovers will like it. But, if you don't that's fine. There are over 40 million of us that do .
P.S. I have hoped/longed for an MMO set in this setting for a good while now. Many people are worried about them screwing this up, and they have *every* reason to be worried. Most MMO-makers are interested in one I hope that the developers of this MMO have a true desire to make an MMO and games that do justice to the story...and the spirit...that Jordan has gifted to us.
"We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder."
---Anonymous fragment of a poem believed written near the end of the previous Age, known by some as the Third Age. Sometimes attributed to the Dragon Reborn.
Wow! I haven't been this excited in a VERY long time. I can't wait to see what they do with this property. Looking forward to the movies and the MMORPG.
I'm in.. I'd play any WoT game.. I played the original PC WoT rpg/fps game when it came out in the late 90s. Great game.. Really well done, an somewhat innovative at the time. I know during that making of the game, Jordan had his hands pretty involved, to insure it went along with the book(s). Not sure how that would work out, but anything less than stelar would be in insult.
Besides the games, it would be great if they would come out with a movie.
Its just nice to have Fantasy MMORPG's in the pipeline able to take advantage of Hardware and software advances. I have read most of the WOT series and enjoyed them. Since given the limitations of current hardware and software noone can create a world as deep and complex as that described in the books, it should however be possible to make a good, fun game based upon it. In fact I would welcome any game that is not another cheap attempt to cash in on WoW. So many developers set out with great ideas only to be forced to conform by publishers to a guaranteed money making formula and create another 1 month wonder.
i think this would be good they did make a single player game along time ago that was ok the way games are nowit would be great i would hope. i would love to see a movie made about the series that would be great as long as it was done well like LOTR
Well if they can pull off and stay true to the books, this could be an awesome MMO.
The characters in the books are rather unbalanced for an MMO. Channeling the One Power is supposed to be a relatively rare gift but I'm sure a lot of players would want to be one. Also, how do you handle the issue of male vs female channelers? The books (til the end) stated that any male who channels goes mad.
Not to mention, people would demand PvP but not sure how they would handle it. Children of the Light attack all Aes Sedai on sight but not others? Red Ajah only can attack male channelers?
Although I'm excited about this news I have one advice for Red Eagle: everyone channels, or no one channels...there's no way to balance it if you're staying true to the book save by allowing players to control huge armies to bash at the channeler or enabling one shot arrow shots...
And I'm of the opinion that the magic system of WoT just gives way too many options in regards to spells you can conceive to let it go to waste. I mean, you can have standard channels that one can learn, secret ones you can learn from certain channelers AND if you want you can experiment and find really wicked weaves...or die.
Anyway, the movie comment indeed makes me skeptical we should expect much out of this
Good grief, I would not play it even if they PAID me for! Jordan is the most over-hyped fantasy authors. Absoultely horrible. If we really have to plunder fantasy IPs, I'd rather see David Eddings Belgariath.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Well that's a bit harsh Elikal, he created a very detailed fantasy world. No short 200-300 page books, they were all meaty reads.
I will say, however, that I feel he dragged the story on a bit too long. The original WoT story could of been completed in 5-6 books. Instead he seemed to keep it dragging along, almost like he didn't want to let it go or for it to end. I lost interest at Crossroads of Twilight, just got tired of the No Ending endings.
I am really looking forward to this game. Right now there is nothing else in production that interests me. Still, no updates on the game yet. Hope it will still be made.
I am really looking forward to this game. Right now there is nothing else in production that interests me. Still, no updates on the game yet. Hope it will still be made.
Jesus, don't dig up 2 year old threads in the 'News' sections!
Right another developer no one has heard of before with zero experience writing MMO's is going to write a wheel of time MMO.
Excuse me while I ROFL. The rush to get money of out an IP makes people do stupid things like letting a complete unknown sell them bill of goods.
Anyone anticipating this MMO from this developer needs to wake up from their fantasy world. The chances of this ever coming to light of day are slim and none.
This saddens me, who is Red Eagle Games. They make this a hack job I will be really upset. This IP could be the game that brings a wackadoodle of new gamers to MMOs just to be able to walk around in the worlds Robert Jordan created. By far the best books I have ever read and a dream of mine to be able to live in this world threw a MMO. Please dont mess this up!!!!
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon saying this is going to be a spectacular mess. It is a studio that nobody has heard of and their plans are huge. So huge that I would consider them ridiculous. They are going to produce a movie, several single player games and an MMORPG. Not to mention that they "burst onto the scene" in the first paragraph. I don't think there's any way this could live up to expectations.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Oooo Red Eagle Games is owned by EA. This means they have money but EA tends to stick their hands in projects that are to their determinant. I hope EA does not jump the gun on this one thinking about pocket book over quality.
This "news" article is from 2008. Red Eagle Games website has not been touched since 2009. What makes anyone think this thing is even still in the works?
Let me preface this comment with sadly I have never read any of the Wheel of Time books (though I have always heard only good things about them)...but do we really need another epic fantasy MMORPG?
I don't think so.
WTF are you on crack.....It's WoT, Hell yes we need it.
If you don't care about it then stuff your head into an applesauce grinder.
JK. But Wheel of Time is the greatest fantasy work of all time. If they get a good developer that isn't afraid to spend boatloads of cash developing it this could be awesome.
I have nothing against the WoT series. I was just stating in the big picture of things the last thing we need is another fantasy MMORPG. Especially seeing the last two major MMORPGs to launch, AoC and WAR, are fantasy setting...and both failed to bring anything new or exciting to the genre.
Well when two relatively unknown characters jump up and announce a movie and a MMO, it pretty much screams to be a bit skeptical. Even experienced development teams have tilted at windmills lately with their MMO's and you don't understand why there is a lot of skepticism on announcement like this?
No no, I totally understand their skepticism which I'm totally fine with, but there's showing their skepticism twoards something, and then there's outright flaming something which I consider the post above the originally quoted remark I made to be. I admit I'm a bit skeptical about this myself, but I hope it's a real deal and they do take the time and effort to make it the great game everyone knows it could be.
Agreed. Terry Goodkind did a much better job of things.
Goodkind copied Robert Jorden admit please!
The Dragon will be reborn!
If it's Wheel of Time, then yes... yes we do.
If it doesn't suck complete ass... yes we do.
I have been reading (on and off) the Wheel of Time since it first came out in 1990. I was in the 8th grade at the time, as some friends of mine all started reading them the same time as I. As the years flew by (and the series became longer than originally intended) a friend of mine said something I'll never forget, "Ya know what's gonna happen? He's gonna up and die before the series is completed." That was back in 1996-7. Little did we know how *prophetic* that statement was, even with the knowledge that Robert Jordan had started becoming ill even at that time. As even more books and time went by we became even less-interested in the series, as it seemed that there was no end in sight, and that Jordan had lost his mind with all the *tangents* he was exploring with more and more characters. So, I stopped reading the series. About 2 years ago I was looking at my bookshelf and saw that I still had several of the books (I think had about 8 books then), and I decided to re-read them. Now, I had re-read the series about 3-4 times (through book 5) about 4 times, but I had forgotten so many of the details that I started over. Needless to say I fell in love with the story all over again. It wasn't until about book 6 or 7 that I started to get worried that I was going to *run out* of reading material soon, so I started looking online for the last few books in the series. It was at this time that I discovered that Robert Jordan had succumbed to his disease only 2 months prior. I was in total shock. I forwarded the site announcing his passing to all the friends of mine that began this wonderful adventure in the WoT so many years ago with me.
I have now finished book 10, and have ordered book 11. I await it impatiently. All things seem to be building up to a very climactic ending. Whether for the good or bad of the world, we'll just have to wait and see. I for one will be one of the millions waiting to open the cover with both anticipation and regret. Regret that these characters...and this story...that I have come to love will soon be ending.
For those that haven't read it, read it. I think fantasy-lovers will like it. But, if you don't that's fine. There are over 40 million of us that do
P.S. I have hoped/longed for an MMO set in this setting for a good while now. Many people are worried about them screwing this up, and they have *every* reason to be worried. Most MMO-makers are interested in one I hope that the developers of this MMO have a true desire to make an MMO and games that do justice to the story...and the spirit...that Jordan has gifted to us.
"We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder."
---Anonymous fragment of a poem believed written near the end of the previous Age, known by some as the Third Age. Sometimes attributed to the Dragon Reborn.
"I am handicapped...I'm psychotic."
Wow! I haven't been this excited in a VERY long time. I can't wait to see what they do with this property. Looking forward to the movies and the MMORPG.
A Voice From Within
I'm in.. I'd play any WoT game.. I played the original PC WoT rpg/fps game when it came out in the late 90s. Great game.. Really well done, an somewhat innovative at the time. I know during that making of the game, Jordan had his hands pretty involved, to insure it went along with the book(s). Not sure how that would work out, but anything less than stelar would be in insult.
Besides the games, it would be great if they would come out with a movie.
Its just nice to have Fantasy MMORPG's in the pipeline able to take advantage of Hardware and software advances. I have read most of the WOT series and enjoyed them. Since given the limitations of current hardware and software noone can create a world as deep and complex as that described in the books, it should however be possible to make a good, fun game based upon it. In fact I would welcome any game that is not another cheap attempt to cash in on WoW. So many developers set out with great ideas only to be forced to conform by publishers to a guaranteed money making formula and create another 1 month wonder.
Please God let RJ come down here and make sure the game does him justice.
We can always hope his wife/editor wont let things get bad.
Hello my old friend.
i think this would be good they did make a single player game along time ago that was ok the way games are nowit would be great i would hope. i would love to see a movie made about the series that would be great as long as it was done well like LOTR
Well if they can pull off and stay true to the books, this could be an awesome MMO.
The characters in the books are rather unbalanced for an MMO. Channeling the One Power is supposed to be a relatively rare gift but I'm sure a lot of players would want to be one. Also, how do you handle the issue of male vs female channelers? The books (til the end) stated that any male who channels goes mad.
Not to mention, people would demand PvP but not sure how they would handle it. Children of the Light attack all Aes Sedai on sight but not others? Red Ajah only can attack male channelers?
Although I'm excited about this news I have one advice for Red Eagle: everyone channels, or no one channels...there's no way to balance it if you're staying true to the book save by allowing players to control huge armies to bash at the channeler or enabling one shot arrow shots...
And I'm of the opinion that the magic system of WoT just gives way too many options in regards to spells you can conceive to let it go to waste. I mean, you can have standard channels that one can learn, secret ones you can learn from certain channelers AND if you want you can experiment and find really wicked weaves...or die.
Anyway, the movie comment indeed makes me skeptical we should expect much out of this
Good grief, I would not play it even if they PAID me for! Jordan is the most over-hyped fantasy authors. Absoultely horrible. If we really have to plunder fantasy IPs, I'd rather see David Eddings Belgariath.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Well that's a bit harsh Elikal, he created a very detailed fantasy world. No short 200-300 page books, they were all meaty reads.
I will say, however, that I feel he dragged the story on a bit too long. The original WoT story could of been completed in 5-6 books. Instead he seemed to keep it dragging along, almost like he didn't want to let it go or for it to end. I lost interest at Crossroads of Twilight, just got tired of the No Ending endings.
I am really looking forward to this game. Right now there is nothing else in production that interests me. Still, no updates on the game yet. Hope it will still be made.
Jesus, don't dig up 2 year old threads in the 'News' sections!
I got all exited and what a huge disappointment
Right another developer no one has heard of before with zero experience writing MMO's is going to write a wheel of time MMO.
Excuse me while I ROFL. The rush to get money of out an IP makes people do stupid things like letting a complete unknown sell them bill of goods.
Anyone anticipating this MMO from this developer needs to wake up from their fantasy world. The chances of this ever coming to light of day are slim and none.
To be honest not everthing we read has to become a Mmo , i'd rather play something fresh and original nowadays .
Oooo I want the spell "Death Gates" Oooo they better make this MMO right! If they dont it will be the biggest epic fail of MMO IP history.
This saddens me, who is Red Eagle Games. They make this a hack job I will be really upset. This IP could be the game that brings a wackadoodle of new gamers to MMOs just to be able to walk around in the worlds Robert Jordan created. By far the best books I have ever read and a dream of mine to be able to live in this world threw a MMO. Please dont mess this up!!!!
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon saying this is going to be a spectacular mess. It is a studio that nobody has heard of and their plans are huge. So huge that I would consider them ridiculous. They are going to produce a movie, several single player games and an MMORPG. Not to mention that they "burst onto the scene" in the first paragraph. I don't think there's any way this could live up to expectations.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Oooo Red Eagle Games is owned by EA. This means they have money but EA tends to stick their hands in projects that are to their determinant. I hope EA does not jump the gun on this one thinking about pocket book over quality.
This "news" article is from 2008. Red Eagle Games website has not been touched since 2009. What makes anyone think this thing is even still in the works?
*edited* (didn't realize how old this thread was)