I'd have put: "There was no War and I couldn't plug a hole that big."
You know the best part about wow pvp ? Its paladin v paladin fights. Now that is the ultimate pvp fun, pwnage good times right there !! oh boy, the same 8 classed fighting for 2 very different factions -- FUN FUN FUN !!
that is the ultimate pvp fun, pwnage good times right there !! oh boy, the same 8 classed fighting for 2 very different factions -- FUN FUN FUN !!
I guess the key verb in this sentence is FIGHTING.
At least two paladins ACTUALLY showed up for a battle. I was still looking for Destro guys to burn up outside a scenario till the day I uninstalled.
Um.. I fried mob trolls for awhile instead then /uninstall.
I'm sure War will find a nice comfty spot in the bargain bin in the back of the store next to Vanguard and AoC. It won't die, but the collective sound of those three games huddled and whimpering together in the back will prompt some customer in Gamestop to call the SPCA or the cops or something.
"I'm telling ya, officer.. they are beating animals or running Micheal Vick-style dogfights in that store!!!"
"Don't give us bullshit theme park kiddy MMO's and bring back the only MMO that could still be worth a shit these days (with a couple of exceptions) with releasing DAoC Origins."
That's a long sentence.
just because your sig is awetastic (yeah, jam awesome and fantastic together, I just made that a word).
And your sentence basically sums up what I said above. I don't know if it was EA's fault (insanely greedy mega-corp) or Mythic's fault (small-time dev studio going big-time and let it get to their head.....plus greed), but WAR turned out terribly. Sold all these fans on a product that was NOT delivered and they'll get away with it due to vague wording and descriptions.
I never give reasons why I leave a game so if there is "other" in the choices I always say
"It's not my job to tell you how to do your job".But for war I would rather say "If your game had everything that was promised we would not have been in this situation,won`t we?"
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
The poll is so in the near future, MJ can spin the numbers " 75% of players who left Warhammer for WOW have now come back during the timeframe we used". Of course that means he will wait for the 5 minute period where 3 out of 4 people who complete the survey said they were coming back. ".
You are getting better every day Azrile. Gz.
What a laugh this MJ is: for those who missed out on some other quotes of comical MJ:
"We only lost 3% of our players..... since yesterday (sic!)"
"We have a retention rate of 70% since subs billing started"....a week ago.
The fact that this email was send out now, means he is going to pull some numbers out of his ass in a few weeks time. With Blizz it's an automated webpage, they do this for years. With Mythic it's a handmade email reaction to the "they all come back" statement of Blizz..
How much worse can you get in your communications ? Perhaps mentioning death threads ?
One day in Northrend is enough to never go back to War again. And we didn't even get to play Lake Winter yet.
The day he publishes something like 30% of the War players came back with a flat Xfire line showing to everyone, he'll be the joke of the world (again).
Poor poor MJ. When is he going to be replaced or "promoted" , EA is cutting everything with these kind of losses they have. It wouldn't surprise me one bit.
Because WOW pvp requires more skill and it is more fun than WAR.
You think something in WoW requires skill? Really? You do? Are you 11 or something?
DAoC(and by association, WAR) have the best PvP on the market right now. WoW is a PvE game kids.
Everything requires one level of skill or another. He didn't say it requires skill, he says it requires MORE skill than WAR. He's completely right. Howerever much I dislike arenas, they do magnify personal skill far more than any zergfest scenario ever could. Little skill is needed at all to play WAR, and they purposely made it that easy.
I dunno if I would say WoW is more skill than WAR. Its definately more gear based, that goes without saying. WoW PvP is based primarily on gear. As far as WAR goes, its still kind of early and im still getting the feel of the mechanics. But all in all it feels more like Shadowbane PvP than WoW, and take that how you will.
I started this thread wondering if anyone else had got this "pre-WoTLK" email. Looks like I was right in wondering.
I really just thought it strange that they would send a "Tell us why our relationship went bad" email went bad several WEEKS afterI quit. They were THAT busy???
To send that to me the day WoTLK releases in stores (even though I was NOT planning on buying WoTLK) says louder volumes about the state of this game than Mythic closing (oops... "free character transfers") servers.
Kinda like they got a hint that their man might wanna see another woman, so they give a quick holla' back trying to give a quick booty call to keep the bling coming her way.
What's next? Free exp if I come back? Founder bags? More loot drops than someone subbing now for the first time?
Sad, just sad. I think I can smell the desperation now, I didn't before but looks that way now.
I swear to God this is starting to look like Vanguard more and more, except with fewer bugs and less fun. Same formula with similar customer service.
I started this thread wondering if anyone else had got this "pre-WoTLK" email. Looks like I was right in wondering. I really just thought it strange that they would send a "Tell us why our relationship went bad" email went bad several WEEKS afterI quit. They were THAT busy??? To send that to me the day WoTLK releases in stores (even though I was NOT planning on buying WoTLK) says louder volumes about the state of this game than Mythic closing (oops... "free character transfers") servers. Kinda like they got a hint that their man might wanna see another woman, so they give a quick holla' back trying to give a quick booty call to keep the bling coming her way. What's next? Free exp if I come back? Founder bags? More loot drops than someone subbing now for the first time? Sad, just sad. I think I can smell the desperation now, I didn't before but looks that way now. I swear to God this is starting to look like Vanguard more and more, except with fewer bugs and less fun. Same formula with similar customer service.
Yeah, getting this email the day before Wrath really made me laugh. I cancelled my account on Sept 24th or something like that. Getting an email 2 months later is funny. It kinda goes hand-in-hand with EA having a 'one day half price sale' on warhammer the same day Wrath is released.
If people like MJ and GG/EE (from Funcom) weren't so smug about their games pre-release, I probably wouldn't enjoy this all so much.
Yeah, getting this email the day before Wrath really made me laugh. I cancelled my account on Sept 24th or something like that. Getting an email 2 months later is funny. It kinda goes hand-in-hand with EA having a 'one day half price sale' on warhammer the same day Wrath is released. If people like MJ and GG/EE (from Funcom) weren't so smug about their games pre-release, I probably wouldn't enjoy this all so much.
Watching smug pricks have their dreams destroyed usually is the best form of entertainment. Their tears are so delicious.
All joking aside though I'm willing to bet Games Workshop isn't too happy about how things turned out. I would say something like, 'MJ will probably get replaced.", but I can't really think of anyone who would want to take his job right now.
lol i think its funny reading all these threads about how horrible aoc and war is and remembering the days they were still developing and in beta and releasing little videos on how awesome their game is gonna be!
and how its gonna be the bestest thing in the history of mmo's. and both of those fuckers failed and their games are crap LOL
-------------------------------------- Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me. -the Sith code
War isn't horrible - it's just mediocre. I would love to see a good PVP mmo with more twitchiness and less "I don't care what you do to me I have/am a healer" bs which was what I was hoping for here.
The poll is so in the near future, MJ can spin the numbers " 75% of players who left Warhammer for WOW have now come back during the timeframe we used". Of course that means he will wait for the 5 minute period where 3 out of 4 people who complete the survey said they were coming back. My answer was basically " Warhammer was supposed to be about open world, massive PvP. Instead it was all about grinding scenarios and occassionally running through the deserted areas that you call pvp lakes only to be disappointed by the lack of other players. No thank you, if I wanted to grind battlegrounds, I would do that in WOW which has smoother combat mechanisms".
You make it sound like you know the man, when you don't. Are you sure you're not in need of any councelling?
On the bright side, MMORPG.com has hit it's all time greatest in user numbers. Now these boards have 200 members and 1.1k guests online! Pathetic, no?
Yeah, getting this email the day before Wrath really made me laugh. I cancelled my account on Sept 24th or something like that. Getting an email 2 months later is funny. It kinda goes hand-in-hand with EA having a 'one day half price sale' on warhammer the same day Wrath is released. If people like MJ and GG/EE (from Funcom) weren't so smug about their games pre-release, I probably wouldn't enjoy this all so much.
Watching smug pricks have their dreams destroyed usually is the best form of entertainment. Their tears are so delicious.
All joking aside though I'm willing to bet Games Workshop isn't too happy about how things turned out. I would say something like, 'MJ will probably get replaced.", but I can't really think of anyone who would want to take his job right now.
I know the president of my WAR TT club is furious about how things (the lore) were handled in this War thing. Mythic completely destroyed the TT lore and made a joke out of that beautiful miniatures Warhammer fantasy battles game.
Look at the GW Warhammer website, they just talk about their excellent miniature game and so it should be. I am convinced GW is totally unhappy with the situation. It could hurt the sales of the miniatures.
Please rename WAR into "Warbattles" or simply "War" something, but they should delete the Warhammer brand name completely. As for EA, I think they are gonne replace MJ in the next 6 months and probalbly unplug the game servers when it should reach 100 K subs.
Staying 2 minutes in the new zones of WotLK is enough to know War isn't going anywhere.
WAR is old, pathetic, has old PvP, a non existent world RvR and its "world" and PVE is a laugh. Not even worth comparing to products that were published years ago (Basic Wow, EQ2, LOTRO,...).
In fact WAR is an epitaph of very bad taste. A disgrace to the present state of PC games.
You know the best part about wow pvp ? Its paladin v paladin fights. Now that is the ultimate pvp fun, pwnage good times right there !! oh boy, the same 8 classed fighting for 2 very different factions -- FUN FUN FUN !!
yay !!
I guess the key verb in this sentence is FIGHTING.
At least two paladins ACTUALLY showed up for a battle. I was still looking for Destro guys to burn up outside a scenario till the day I uninstalled.
Um.. I fried mob trolls for awhile instead then /uninstall.
I'm sure War will find a nice comfty spot in the bargain bin in the back of the store next to Vanguard and AoC. It won't die, but the collective sound of those three games huddled and whimpering together in the back will prompt some customer in Gamestop to call the SPCA or the cops or something.
"I'm telling ya, officer.. they are beating animals or running Micheal Vick-style dogfights in that store!!!"
Lag, lag killed me more than anything else.
Slow leveling speed. So slow, I couldn't see any progress.
just because your sig is awetastic (yeah, jam awesome and fantastic together, I just made that a word).
And your sentence basically sums up what I said above. I don't know if it was EA's fault (insanely greedy mega-corp) or Mythic's fault (small-time dev studio going big-time and let it get to their head.....plus greed), but WAR turned out terribly. Sold all these fans on a product that was NOT delivered and they'll get away with it due to vague wording and descriptions.
I never give reasons why I leave a game so if there is "other" in the choices I always say
"It's not my job to tell you how to do your job".But for war I would rather say "If your game had everything that was promised we would not have been in this situation,won`t we?"
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
You are getting better every day Azrile. Gz.
What a laugh this MJ is: for those who missed out on some other quotes of comical MJ:
"We only lost 3% of our players..... since yesterday (sic!)"
"We have a retention rate of 70% since subs billing started"....a week ago.
The fact that this email was send out now, means he is going to pull some numbers out of his ass in a few weeks time. With Blizz it's an automated webpage, they do this for years. With Mythic it's a handmade email reaction to the "they all come back" statement of Blizz..
How much worse can you get in your communications ? Perhaps mentioning death threads ?
One day in Northrend is enough to never go back to War again. And we didn't even get to play Lake Winter yet.
The day he publishes something like 30% of the War players came back with a flat Xfire line showing to everyone, he'll be the joke of the world (again).
Poor poor MJ. When is he going to be replaced or "promoted" , EA is cutting everything with these kind of losses they have. It wouldn't surprise me one bit.
You think something in WoW requires skill? Really? You do? Are you 11 or something?
DAoC(and by association, WAR) have the best PvP on the market right now. WoW is a PvE game kids.
Everything requires one level of skill or another. He didn't say it requires skill, he says it requires MORE skill than WAR. He's completely right. Howerever much I dislike arenas, they do magnify personal skill far more than any zergfest scenario ever could. Little skill is needed at all to play WAR, and they purposely made it that easy.
I dunno if I would say WoW is more skill than WAR. Its definately more gear based, that goes without saying. WoW PvP is based primarily on gear. As far as WAR goes, its still kind of early and im still getting the feel of the mechanics. But all in all it feels more like Shadowbane PvP than WoW, and take that how you will.
I started this thread wondering if anyone else had got this "pre-WoTLK" email. Looks like I was right in wondering.
I really just thought it strange that they would send a "Tell us why our relationship went bad" email went bad several WEEKS after I quit. They were THAT busy???
To send that to me the day WoTLK releases in stores (even though I was NOT planning on buying WoTLK) says louder volumes about the state of this game than Mythic closing (oops... "free character transfers") servers.
Kinda like they got a hint that their man might wanna see another woman, so they give a quick holla' back trying to give a quick booty call to keep the bling coming her way.
What's next? Free exp if I come back? Founder bags? More loot drops than someone subbing now for the first time?
Sad, just sad. I think I can smell the desperation now, I didn't before but looks that way now.
I swear to God this is starting to look like Vanguard more and more, except with fewer bugs and less fun. Same formula with similar customer service.
uhhh answer it truthfully?
thats what i did...
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
I really have to laugh at this one.

I really have to laugh at this one.

Why cuz ur too bad to even attempt WoW arenas?
Yeah, getting this email the day before Wrath really made me laugh. I cancelled my account on Sept 24th or something like that. Getting an email 2 months later is funny. It kinda goes hand-in-hand with EA having a 'one day half price sale' on warhammer the same day Wrath is released.
If people like MJ and GG/EE (from Funcom) weren't so smug about their games pre-release, I probably wouldn't enjoy this all so much.
Watching smug pricks have their dreams destroyed usually is the best form of entertainment. Their tears are so delicious.
All joking aside though I'm willing to bet Games Workshop isn't too happy about how things turned out. I would say something like, 'MJ will probably get replaced.", but I can't really think of anyone who would want to take his job right now.
lol i think its funny reading all these threads about how horrible aoc and war is and remembering the days they were still developing and in beta and releasing little videos on how awesome their game is gonna be!
and how its gonna be the bestest thing in the history of mmo's. and both of those fuckers failed and their games are crap LOL
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.
-the Sith code
War isn't horrible - it's just mediocre. I would love to see a good PVP mmo with more twitchiness and less "I don't care what you do to me I have/am a healer" bs which was what I was hoping for here.
You make it sound like you know the man, when you don't. Are you sure you're not in need of any councelling?
On the bright side, MMORPG.com has hit it's all time greatest in user numbers. Now these boards have 200 members and 1.1k guests online! Pathetic, no?
I really have to laugh at this one.

Why cuz ur too bad to even attempt WoW arenas?
I have to do it again

lol, this would make a great sig.
Watching smug pricks have their dreams destroyed usually is the best form of entertainment. Their tears are so delicious.
All joking aside though I'm willing to bet Games Workshop isn't too happy about how things turned out. I would say something like, 'MJ will probably get replaced.", but I can't really think of anyone who would want to take his job right now.
I know the president of my WAR TT club is furious about how things (the lore) were handled in this War thing. Mythic completely destroyed the TT lore and made a joke out of that beautiful miniatures Warhammer fantasy battles game.
Look at the GW Warhammer website, they just talk about their excellent miniature game and so it should be. I am convinced GW is totally unhappy with the situation. It could hurt the sales of the miniatures.
Please rename WAR into "Warbattles" or simply "War" something, but they should delete the Warhammer brand name completely. As for EA, I think they are gonne replace MJ in the next 6 months and probalbly unplug the game servers when it should reach 100 K subs.
Staying 2 minutes in the new zones of WotLK is enough to know War isn't going anywhere.
WAR is old, pathetic, has old PvP, a non existent world RvR and its "world" and PVE is a laugh. Not even worth comparing to products that were published years ago (Basic Wow, EQ2, LOTRO,...).
In fact WAR is an epitaph of very bad taste. A disgrace to the present state of PC games.
Lol you get so angry over a game? is there too much emptiness in your life? need a hug?
I left along with my friends because there is NO reason to log in, except to Q for pvp, sorry, NOT paying for this steaming pile of Rhino-excrement.
Oh yes, and the classes are IDIOTICALLY unbalanced. Fix the game!