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This game is starting to dwindle.

 I mean I really like this game and hope it stays alive.  But, the time played has dwindled on xfire from top 3 to 11.  I know we lost a lot from the free month.  But, whats going to happen once this month is up?    

As well,  I love the scenarios.  But, I cannot get in any of them anymore.  I still believe they should have scenario's as all servers tied.  Then all you would have to do is join a que and auto get into a game.  And influence in zones should be totally based on RVR, not how many pve monsters you kill.  That's just like saying, in the old days people who cleared the wild animals from a place. And then built a fortress but lost it to another army.  Well, the army that just took over does not OWN the land because they didn't kill the wild animals around the place, or built the fortress.  PLEASE!

 So take scenarios and pve from the influence of RvR.  

I'm going to continue to play, but on a skeptical note now.  If when they patch in the new characters, and the patch is like 2 gig, then i'm down right quitting right there.  They should have had them classes fixed and intergrated intot he game before release.  That just shows how much they wanted the game to be properly made.  As well - what in the hell do game testers get paid for?  If they are such good game testers; then why are there so many bugs and imbalances?

Well, i'm going to go and play my bright wizziy.  Laugh and cry - and maybe go back to wow once my month is gone.


  • Raiz1Raiz1 Member Posts: 177

    Just go now. It sounds like your mind is made up already.

    WAR was released with way too many servers. They should have done the faction balance bonuses from day one.  

    That being said, I have plenty of activity on my server and am having a great time. I play with a core group of people, but there are at least 15-20 people in any area i go to, and PQs usually have at least a small warband in play. 


  • EvolvedMonkyEvolvedMonky Member Posts: 549

    Yesterday in tier 2 at about 11 at night. We had a 22 player warband.  Killing destruct over and over till they turtled at there warcamp.

    No one in my guild was in the warband but the roster had a good amount online.

    I have notice the lower tiers are thining out. Tier 1 is pretty low and now tier 2 is shrinking. But I hear tier 3 is pretty busy.

    But like he said leave. Go back to EQ i mean WoW, theres enough to kill in DAoC err i mean WAR.

    Its funny how history always repeats itself.

  • What is going to happen after the second month, well judging from the poll on VNBoards you are going to lose another 40% of the population unless somethign changes.


    However I would say a large portion of the 40%, like me, are not really playing right now anyway.  I am not gonna grind anymore just so I can play broken and meaningless T4 "endgame".  Getting past T3 was pretty bad bad on a low pop server.  Scenario get old and RvR campaign mechanics are silly.


    That won't get fixed in 3 weeks.  So basically after 2 months we are looking at about a 40% retention rate.   A number of people are hanging on for decemenber in the hopes that by 1.1 the ship will have been righted.  If 1.1 does not satisfy them then we will probably come to like a 30% retention and WAR will be a niche game.


    I have not seen much indication that Mythic knows how to fix its RvR even if they want to.  So I expect it to be niche and not grow much during christmas.



  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

    Well, I have kept playing and it really has come to the point of nomore for me.  I really love the warhammer novels.  But, I cannot continue in this game.  

    I have to agree with a lot of post being made.  There is way to much grinding.  I find the scenarios do get boring, and that  decent RvR is rare.  PQs are the same thing over and over.  Kill x amount of people and recieve a small amount of influence.  Then do step one over and over until full.  Becuase, its uncommon to find a PQ group to take down a champion, or hero, in step 2 an 3.

    I really tried mythic.  I would rather play DAOC then this at the moment.  I will give it another shot in the far future.  This game sadly reminds me of Vanguards start and Age of Conans.  Great hype - then great fall.  

    I hope mythic will fix all these problems.  And if they do it quick enough this game CAN be SAVED.  And possibly make it back to the top 2 mmorpg.  Because currently Silkroad is out playing it. 


  • susanto1228susanto1228 Member Posts: 203

    Gears of War 2, Fall out 3, Call of Duty world at war, Tom Clancy end war......that's where i'll be, cancelled already this game ain't worth my time or money..

  • FreddyNoNoseFreddyNoNose Member Posts: 1,558

    Ok. we have threads about how the game is going to die out and dwindle.  To save some time, fill in your new game is dying threads with as in: "THIS GAME IS STARTING TO ____________."  Use a word from the list below:

    abate, bate, become smaller, close, contract, decay, decline, decrease, die away, die down, die out, diminish, drain, drop, ebb, fade, fall, grow less, lessen, peter out*, pine, shrink, shrivel, sink, slack off*, subside, taper, wane, weaken, wither


    Thanks for your cooperation.

  • strategystrategy Member Posts: 183


    We know, this is old news for 15 days now. The most important discussion now is:

    Why? I say it's the bad PvP animations and uncontrolled avatar feeling. Others say it's the lacking RvR or the dull PVE quests, some say it is only "scenarios on line....", others think it's a server issue.

    Fact is - WAR players should gather and think over: why? This could really help the industry which is now to be dominated by only one game and even Wow fans know this is not a good thing in the long run.

    I AM opposed to those who keep saying the game still is a success and is the second "beast" in MMO town. Wake up all. It is NOT. So better analyse where you can help to avoid future shortcomings. But to me, it's already too late to help this game. Sorry for the fans, but it is NOT going to be above EVE in 2009 and even now GW is the second kid in town.

    So I say it's the avatars that killed the basic PvP and I think I can speak for a majority of users who played both GW and Wow. LOTRO suffered from the same thing, but that game is PVE, so no problem, but in PvP you must have complete and full avatar control which was never the case with War.

  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593

    Yet another dull troll post.

    Will you people ever stop? Ever?

    I'm having great fun on my server and so are all my mates. Faction imbalance is a thing of the past and it has improved population-wise from low to med. I really don't have any problems with the game at all in T3 where I am right now and I'm here to stay. Sorry but I can't think of playing any other mmorpg right now because WAR quite simply beats them all - as is evident from user ratings on this site and all over the web for that matter.

    I just hope TCoS or Aion release soon so our resident troll population can find some other game to abuse.

  • PraviusPravius Member UncommonPosts: 68
    Originally posted by gestalt11

    What is going to happen after the second month, well judging from the poll on VNBoards you are going to lose another 40% of the population unless somethign changes.
    However I would say a large portion of the 40%, like me, are not really playing right now anyway.  I am not gonna grind anymore just so I can play broken and meaningless T4 "endgame".  Getting past T3 was pretty bad bad on a low pop server.  Scenario get old and RvR campaign mechanics are silly.
    That won't get fixed in 3 weeks.  So basically after 2 months we are looking at about a 40% retention rate.   A number of people are hanging on for decemenber in the hopes that by 1.1 the ship will have been righted.  If 1.1 does not satisfy them then we will probably come to like a 30% retention and WAR will be a niche game.
    I have not seen much indication that Mythic knows how to fix its RvR even if they want to.  So I expect it to be niche and not grow much during christmas.


    Ugh so VN polls represent 100% of the player base? VN is like MAYBE 2% total of the players playing this game.... your numbers are all wrong, take the doom and gloom elsewhere please.

  • AzrileAzrile Member Posts: 2,582
    Originally posted by markoraos

    Yet another dull troll post.
    Will you people ever stop? Ever?
    I'm having great fun on my server and so are all my mates. Faction imbalance is a thing of the past and it has improved population-wise from low to med. I really don't have any problems with the game at all in T3 where I am right now and I'm here to stay. Sorry but I can't think of playing any other mmorpg right now because WAR quite simply beats them all - as is evident from user ratings on this site and all over the web for that matter.
    I just hope TCoS or Aion release soon so our resident troll population can find some other game to abuse.


    We have already given the reasons why

    1. Animations and controls are clunky.  You don't feel like you are controlling your character because the animations are 'off' and your keyboard strokes don't match up with what is happening on screen.  I hate to give a wow comparison because I know the hate there is for the game.  But as a shaman, I can actually time when to use my earthshock based on the other players cast bar.  If he has a 1.5 second cast, I can make him waste a second by interupting near the end of his cast time (rather than the beginning).  The animations and character reaction in warhammer just isn't that smooth and precise.

    2. Scenarios are too convienent  for personal progression.. this detracts the amount of players in oRvR.   Warhammer was supposed to be about oRvR... pve and scenarios are not designed to take up so much of a players times or the devs would have made them more interesting.  This means the fun stuff is ignored (RvR) and most players end up grinding two things that were supposed to be side things ( PQs and Scenarios).  PQ's and Scenarios would be great if they were something you do occasionally, but they just don't have he long-term attention holding ability that is needed as main features in a MMORPG.  I think this is the main point of the problem with Warhammer at the moment. 

    3. Faction imbalance -  The underpopulated side learns quickly that advancment will be VERY slow if they just lose in oRvR.  So while the high pop side is winning pretty much uncontested fights in the lakes (no fun), the losing side isn't even bothering to defend and is instead doing  scenarios, where at least they can have fair fights AND progress their character.

    4.  Mythic missed the mark with their efforts to get people into RvR.    Initial EXP was never the problem, the problem is the diminishing returns.  If you have a 20 minute skirmish against another group, odds are the last 15 mins of it you will get no exp because of diminishing returns.  It's much 'smarter' to do 3 scenarios in that time and get full exp for all your kills.

    It's sad the people like myself who have been giving this feedback since head start get labelled as trolls and everything we post about ignored.  The fact is if people had listened to us back in mid September instead of saying " go play WOW' the game would be in a much better state now.  But we were drowned out, and instead of scenarios being fixed, MJ made it even easier for players to get into them which just helped further hurt Warhammer

  • ParkCarsHereParkCarsHere Member Posts: 666

    Man... when I'm playing WAR, everyone is happy and having a ton of fun with the game. No one even mentions the grindfest that is WoW, or even brings up another MMO.

    However, when I come on over to the jaded forums, these are the only posts I see. Why? Because you guys are scared that your #1 game, WoW, is going to lose some subs? Or is it because you have such a low self image of yourself that you feel the need to take shots at something that other people are enjoying?

    Whatever the case may be, you are not helping or hindering anyone here. You're simply wasting space. Go to the Darkfall forums are start trolling that game.. isn't it about time you guys moved out anyways?

  • lareslocilaresloci Member UncommonPosts: 373

    WAR is a good game, I am waiting for "certain" things to shake out before I re-sub. It just needs more polish. IMHO.

    Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? ~Ernest Gaines

  • brostynbrostyn Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,092
    Originally posted by ParkCarsHere

    Man... when I'm playing WAR, everyone is happy and having a ton of fun with the game. No one even mentions the grindfest that is WoW, or even brings up another MMO.
    However, when I come on over to the jaded forums, these are the only posts I see. Why? Because you guys are scared that your #1 game, WoW, is going to lose some subs? Or is it because you have such a low self image of yourself that you feel the need to take shots at something that other people are enjoying?
    Whatever the case may be, you are not helping or hindering anyone here. You're simply wasting space. Go to the Darkfall forums are start trolling that game.. isn't it about time you guys moved out anyways?


    Actually if you go to or vn boards they are saying the same thing.


    Just because you're are happy with a hollow game doesn't mean everyone else will be so easily pleased. So quit wasting space by acting like you're the majority.

  • DubelDubel Member Posts: 138
    Originally posted by Pravius

    Originally posted by gestalt11

    What is going to happen after the second month, well judging from the poll on VNBoards you are going to lose another 40% of the population unless somethign changes.
    However I would say a large portion of the 40%, like me, are not really playing right now anyway.  I am not gonna grind anymore just so I can play broken and meaningless T4 "endgame".  Getting past T3 was pretty bad bad on a low pop server.  Scenario get old and RvR campaign mechanics are silly.
    That won't get fixed in 3 weeks.  So basically after 2 months we are looking at about a 40% retention rate.   A number of people are hanging on for decemenber in the hopes that by 1.1 the ship will have been righted.  If 1.1 does not satisfy them then we will probably come to like a 30% retention and WAR will be a niche game.
    I have not seen much indication that Mythic knows how to fix its RvR even if they want to.  So I expect it to be niche and not grow much during christmas.


    Ugh so VN polls represent 100% of the player base? VN is like MAYBE 2% total of the players playing this game.... your numbers are all wrong, take the doom and gloom elsewhere please.

    lol, polls usually show you how things are going to go. If 2% of the people polled are cancelling, you can bet its gonna be pretty close all across the range of all players.  Polls are an indication, I have yet to see a poll for this game that showed the opposite of what the other polls show. Hell even xfire is showing a huge drop.  You can deny it all you want but the truth is, this game is losing its player base quickly because they released a buggy, unfinished, unmeaniful shallow game. 


  • VyethVyeth Member UncommonPosts: 1,461
    Originally posted by ParkCarsHere

    Man... when I'm playing WAR, everyone is happy and having a ton of fun with the game. No one even mentions the grindfest that is WoW, or even brings up another MMO.
    However, when I come on over to the jaded forums, these are the only posts I see. Why? Because you guys are scared that your #1 game, WoW, is going to lose some subs? Or is it because you have such a low self image of yourself that you feel the need to take shots at something that other people are enjoying?
    Whatever the case may be, you are not helping or hindering anyone here. You're simply wasting space. Go to the Darkfall forums are start trolling that game.. isn't it about time you guys moved out anyways?


    To be honest, NOW that the game is out and going, the useless trolls have used their 30 day passes and moved on (unless they are dumb and actually PAID to complain). The folks you see saying these things now, are actually people who rooted for the game against the waves of blizzfans and ended up finding out that the game was not what they hoped it would be..

    Unless you talk to everyone on the server on a daily basis, you wouldn't know the frustrations people are having with this game.. Just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Hell, I RARELY see ANYONE talk outside of guild chat, so who knows what people are saying?

    The arguments that are coming now are very credible in most cases and only serve to inform those who are still mis-informed, the true and actual state of the game... You play 1 scenario a tier, Open RvR in lakes is an event that happens only with zerg confidence (strength in numbers), and after getting to rank 40 the game becomes a joke combination of endless serpents passage or waiting for Order/Destruction to gain enough of a zerg to be confident enough to attack a keep or BO's.. Zones are not being taken over because of a seriously weird and borked "VP" system, and as of now, Keeps and BO's offer little to no incentives to take over (besides guilds claiming them)....

    There are some things going on right now that are holding this game back from its true potential, and some people must vent because it makes them feel validated and usually helps them fight through another month to see if things will get better.. The game IS not doing as well as it should be and mythic is going the wrong way about it tbh..

    No one wants to quit (at least I dont yet) but its not looking good right now..

  • LeKinKLeKinK Member Posts: 899
    Originally posted by brostyn

    Originally posted by ParkCarsHere

    Man... when I'm playing WAR, everyone is happy and having a ton of fun with the game. No one even mentions the grindfest that is WoW, or even brings up another MMO.
    However, when I come on over to the jaded forums, these are the only posts I see. Why? Because you guys are scared that your #1 game, WoW, is going to lose some subs? Or is it because you have such a low self image of yourself that you feel the need to take shots at something that other people are enjoying?
    Whatever the case may be, you are not helping or hindering anyone here. You're simply wasting space. Go to the Darkfall forums are start trolling that game.. isn't it about time you guys moved out anyways?


    Actually if you go to or vn boards they are saying the same thing.


    Just because you're are happy with a hollow game doesn't mean everyone else will be so easily pleased. So quit wasting space by acting like you're the majority.

    This is highly debatable.  The naysayers are not the majority nor are those who like the game and post about it.   The vast majority of gamers don't care about the forums.   I often go to warhammeralliance and there is a lot less negative post there.   I did resubbed on oct 18 but I wont do it for a third month, T4 grind is horrible and there is just nothing to do. T3 was fun tho.

    edit: hmm maybe I'Il roll an alt WH.... 

  • IonNinjaIonNinja Member Posts: 4

    Warhammer is not dead yet :P

    who knows there might be a huge amount of players joining the War by the holidays

    (> <)This is Bunny, copy and past him into your signature to help him gain world domination.

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