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An interesting question that every MMO dev-team should ask:

 Why are they making this an MMO instead of a single player game (kotor 3)?


I'm curious to see what you all think the BioWare answer to this would be.  I'm not trying to praise or denounce this game; I'm just asking a simple question that I'd like to see this particular community's outlook on.

Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.



  • MidnitteMidnitte Member Posts: 510

    They probably feel like they should bring KOTOR to the next level, though I want another single player KOTOR as well, KOTOR 2 did no justice to KOTOR 1.


  • AbrahmmAbrahmm Member Posts: 2,448

    I can tell you the number one reason. A KotOR MMO will make more money than KotOR 3.

    Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
    Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
    Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
    Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
    Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.

  • KarahandrasKarahandras Member UncommonPosts: 1,703

    You don't get monthly subs from a single player game

  • CoralisCoralis Member Posts: 31

     An interesting question that every MMO dev-team should ask:   is the game fun , comes to my mind first

  • MrArchyMrArchy Member Posts: 643
    Originally posted by demalus

     Why are they making this an MMO instead of a single player game (kotor 3)?


    Probably because LEC wants a SW MMO.  If LEC wanted a single player RPG, they'd make that instead.

    Karahandras also has a very good point - MMOs yield monthly subs, single player RPGs usually don't.  Ka-ching!!

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  • KhalathwyrKhalathwyr Member UncommonPosts: 3,133
    Originally posted by demalus

     Why are they making this an MMO instead of a single player game (kotor 3)?
    I'm curious to see what you all think the BioWare answer to this would be.  I'm not trying to praise or denounce this game; I'm just asking a simple question that I'd like to see this particular community's outlook on.


    In my opinion they have already answered this exact question in a recent interview. So, unless you want an answer from all 500+ folks working on it this question has been answered.

    "Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."

    Chavez y Chavez

  • Gabrion2Gabrion2 Member Posts: 55
    Originally posted by Karahandras

    You don't get monthly subs from a single player game


  • ForcanForcan Member UncommonPosts: 700
    Originally posted by MrArchy

    Originally posted by demalus

     Why are they making this an MMO instead of a single player game (kotor 3)?


    Probably because LEC wants a SW MMO.  If LEC wanted a single player RPG, they'd make that instead.

    Karahandras also has a very good point - MMOs yield monthly subs, single player RPGs usually don't.  Ka-ching!!




    Basically, LEC feel that the Star Wars MMO that's on the market right now (SWG) wasn't the success they thought it should be, and with new series and things coming out, they would want to grab more attentions of the gamers. 

    So they pick the studio that they think would deliver the success (since Bioware did made KOTOR great), so they are working to make sure this one is a "success".


    Also, the subs. fee is a reason for it also.

    Current MMO: FFXIV:ARR

    Past MMO: Way too many (P2P and F2P)

  • ObeeObee Member Posts: 1,550

    There is a ton of money to be made on a decent Star Wars MMO.  Since there isn't a decent Star Wars MMO currently available, taken with the success of BioWare's KotOR, it makes sense that the folks at BioWare and LEC would want to try to make a ton of cash by making a decent Star Wars MMO.

    At this point and time in the gaming market, MMORPGs can easily earn far more revenue than a single player game.  Both BioWare and LEC are in business to make money.  BioWare has a history of making money through making good games, while LEC has a history of making money by developing/publishing poor games with well known Lucas owned IPs.  Between the two companies and their divergent philosophies, there is a very good possibility that their upcoming Star Wars MMO will be a decent game.  Both companies would be much better off if the folks at LEC never commented on the game ever again, since the folks at the Lucas companies are good at promoting events, but horrible at promoting good games.



  • demalusdemalus Member Posts: 401

     No, they haven't answered that question without using vague buzz-phrases like "the next level".  If I'm incorrect, please let me know.


    So, non of you can think of a non-monetary reason for this decision?

    Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.

  • musicmannmusicmann Member UncommonPosts: 1,095

    They already answered the question. They said this mmo will be KOTOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The game has 12 full time writer's and more content than all Bioware games put togeither, plus their expansions.

    while the second KOTOR left many questions unanswered. I think it would be best to let that story end where it ended, and just look forward to what this new mmo will bring.


  • demalusdemalus Member Posts: 401

     I don't think that answers the quesiton at all.  Amount of content does not constitute why a game is an MMO instead of a single-player game.

    Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.

  • achesomaachesoma Member RarePosts: 1,773
    Originally posted by demalus

     No, they haven't answered that question without using vague buzz-phrases like "the next level".  If I'm incorrect, please let me know.
    So, non of you can think of a non-monetary reason for this decision?


    The only other non-monetary reason is that Bioware has been wanting to get into the MMO for several years now.  According to them, they have been studying other MMOs and the market.  They were just waiting for the right moment with the right title.  They wanted to take advantage of the SW IP since SOE failed with it.  They have been working on this game since December of 2005.  Can you remember what happened the previous month? 

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  • demalusdemalus Member Posts: 401

     OK, you are giving pretty poor reasons.  It is also possible that I have phrased my question incorrectly.

    Why should this game be an MMO instead of a single player game?  What does making it an MMO add?


    Now, obviously MMOs make more money (which has interesting implications, no?), and they obviously wanted to make an MMO.  Those two reasons don't explain why this game is an MMO instead of a single player game.

    Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.

  • ForcanForcan Member UncommonPosts: 700
    Originally posted by demalus

     OK, you are giving pretty poor reasons.  It is also possible that I have phrased my question incorrectly.
    Why should this game be an MMO instead of a single player game?  What does making it an MMO add?
    Now, obviously MMOs make more money (which has interesting implications, no?), and they obviously wanted to make an MMO.  Those two reasons don't explain why this game is an MMO instead of a single player game.


    Because it's THEIR game and they feel like making it a MMO instead of a single player game, how's that?

    They don't need to answer this question because this is their choice, not yours or mine.


    According to Bioware, they feel that the MMO genre is lacking good story-driven content (and no, the quests in many games, although has stories, means nothing in driving the story), hence they wish to make one.  Does this answer your question now?

    Current MMO: FFXIV:ARR

    Past MMO: Way too many (P2P and F2P)

  • musicmannmusicmann Member UncommonPosts: 1,095
    Originally posted by demalus

     OK, you are giving pretty poor reasons.  It is also possible that I have phrased my question incorrectly.
    Why should this game be an MMO instead of a single player game?  What does making it an MMO add?
    Now, obviously MMOs make more money (which has interesting implications, no?), and they obviously wanted to make an MMO.  Those two reasons don't explain why this game is an MMO instead of a single player game.


    Dude, not to be rude or anything, but your question is pointless. The reason it is being made an mmo and not  KOTOR 3, is because that's what they want to do and they can.  Why sit around and rack your brain on this.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,520
    Originally posted by demalus

     OK, you are giving pretty poor reasons.  It is also possible that I have phrased my question incorrectly.
    Why should this game be an MMO instead of a single player game?  What does making it an MMO add?
    Now, obviously MMOs make more money (which has interesting implications, no?), and they obviously wanted to make an MMO.  Those two reasons don't explain why this game is an MMO instead of a single player game.


    plain and simple, 4 reasons

    a) because many people wanted a KOTOR MMO (it's been talked about since 2004)

    b) because BioWare wanted to do an MMO

    c) because SWG failed to draw in as many people as Lucas Arts thinks Star Wars is capable of drawing in, and they wanted another shot.

    4) MMOs have a bigger draw over a longer period of time than single player games.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • demalusdemalus Member Posts: 401

     What I'm trying to get at is that this isn't really an MMO.  It's a single player game that's made to make some more money that borders on the side of consumer manipulation.  If you honestly thought I was really trying to ask that question, get off of your high and mighty horse.  Notice how not one person named ONE single MMO element.

    Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.

  • TerranahTerranah Member UncommonPosts: 3,575

    That sell you the game box plus monthly subs.

  • TerranahTerranah Member UncommonPosts: 3,575
    Originally posted by demalus

     What I'm trying to get at is that this isn't really an MMO.  It's a single player game that's made to make some more money that borders on the side of consumer manipulation.  If you honestly thought I was really trying to ask that question, get off of your high and mighty horse.  Notice how not one person named ONE single MMO element.


    Maybe formulate your question better instead of getting irritated at people for answering your question.  We're not mind readers.

  • xaldraxiusxaldraxius Member Posts: 1,249


    Originally posted by demalus

    Originally posted by xaldraxius



    Originally posted by demalus

     What I'm trying to get at is that this isn't really an MMO.  It's a single player game that's made to make some more money that borders on the side of consumer manipulation.  If you honestly thought I was really trying to ask that question, get off of your high and mighty horse.  Notice how not one person named ONE single MMO element.


    { Mod Delete }

    { Mod Delete }


    Hey, you are saying that this is a single player game that they are making an MMO to make more money with. My question is: How do you know this is a single player game? Must be psychic powers as the game hasn't even entered the alpha stage yet. Speculate all you want, but don't present it as fact, and certainly don't get your panties in a bunch when no one else seems to agree with you.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,520
    Originally posted by demalus

     What I'm trying to get at is that this isn't really an MMO.  It's a single player game that's made to make some more money that borders on the side of consumer manipulation.  If you honestly thought I was really trying to ask that question, get off of your high and mighty horse.  Notice how not one person named ONE single MMO element.


    Not sure what you're on about. Are you pissed because it's an MMO? Considering how much we know about the details it's kinda hard to give any really huge specifics. But if you read what they have talked about the last few weeks in articles you would notice they mention guilds, crafting, leveling, end game, raids, loot, economy and dungeons ect. Kinda hard to do a 30 player dungeon if it's just a MUD. It's also harder to add and tweak content in a single player game. It's obvious you aren't listening to reason at all so I'm done trying to convince you. Deal with it or get over it is my advice, no one here is on a high horse but you.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • demalusdemalus Member Posts: 401

     My question makes sense.  The reason I asked it is because hopefully some of you will begin to think about the issues this game has.  Could any of you think of one reason why this game would be better as an MMO than a single player game?


    Answers like "because they wanted to" really don't answer the question.  Look, I loved Kotor 1 & 2 and many other BioWare games (NWN, ME, etc.).  I also like Star Wars.  This game will simply have a fantastic story.  As an MMO lover though, I find it rather insulting for these companies to degrade the genre.  What are they going to do next, start charging monthly subscriptions for all online games (oh wait, that's already happening).

    Has BioWare no shame or are they just being forced to pump up this cash cow with tons of steroids by the wonderful minds at LucasArts and EA?


    Seriously, the game might be fun, but what will you do when you finish the story?  How is a 'story' in an MMO any good if it doesn't involve everyone, it allows everyone to be the same hero, and it has no effect on the playerbase as a whole?  MMOs are made up of people, they provide the context.  You should NOT be able to play an MMO if you are the only subscriber, right?

    Would none of you be upset if they charged a subscription fee for Fallout 3, Fable 2, The Witcher, or any other single player game (without actually doing anything besides charging you)?

    Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.

  • demalusdemalus Member Posts: 401
    Originally posted by xaldraxius


    Originally posted by demalus

    Originally posted by xaldraxius

    Originally posted by demalus

     What I'm trying to get at is that this isn't really an MMO.  It's a single player game that's made to make some more money that borders on the side of consumer manipulation.  If you honestly thought I was really trying to ask that question, get off of your high and mighty horse.  Notice how not one person named ONE single MMO element.

    { Mod Delete }

    { Mod Delete }


    Hey, you are saying that this is a single player game that they are making an MMO to make more money with. My question is: How do you know this is a single player game? Must be psychic powers as the game hasn't even entered the alpha stage yet. Speculate all you want, but don't present it as fact, and certainly don't get your panties in a bunch when no one else seems to agree with you.


    Honestly, they have been clamoring on about a wonderful single-player story.  What more proof do you need?  Should I suddenly expect the game to be completely different than what they said it was going to be?  

    The ONLY mention of actual MMO content is the discussion on end game, which is frankly delusional.  WoW made this work because WoW is more like Diablo 2 than an MMO.  All games that have come out so far that have used ideas from WoW haven't seen big success.


    Am I wrong to want a real Star Wars MMO to succeed?  I think this makes me more on your side than you know..

    Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.

  • efefiaefefia Member Posts: 631
    Originally posted by demalus

     Why are they making this an MMO instead of a single player game (kotor 3)?
    I'm curious to see what you all think the BioWare answer to this would be.  I'm not trying to praise or denounce this game; I'm just asking a simple question that I'd like to see this particular community's outlook on.


    How about that it's "Kotor 3, 4, 5 & 6"?

    Why are they making it an mmo? Probably the same reason Bethesda's parent company are making what's rumoured to be an elder scrolls mmo, Bliz have created a monster that has effectively  set up a print press that churns out large stacks of cash, everyone now wants in on that, understandably.

    Kotor sold 700k copies at launch, BioWare have said they're going after WoW numbers, they're fulling expecting millions of sbscribers, ontop of millions of box sales. Makes good, pure economic sense to make an mmo when you look at it from that standpoint.

    So unfortunately for fans of the single player rpg's, there won't be any kotor 3.



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