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I've played WoW on and off since its retail release and I have left the last two times due to lag being so bad I couldn't bare to play any longer. I was wondering if the lag has improved at all? I have 3GB of RAM, 3GHz core 2 duo cpu, and a Nvidia GeForce 260 with 876MB video ram. I'm on a 15MB/15MB cable connection. My computer shouldn't be the source of lag. My question is aimed at the WOW servers. Any expereinces, thoughts, suggestions, or feedback would be most appreciated.
Note: I know many hate WoW. Please do not respond just to flame WoW or me for playing it.
Well your comp isn't the prob because mine is not quite as good and I experience very little lag. Basically in the cities there is a bit but not enough to be an issue.
Hello my old friend.
The last patch has brought with it decreased performance for many.
With the new patch 3.0.2 there was some lag experienced by some players, and every now and then you might get a random lag spike. Otherwise, I'm running more or less 125ms constant. (EU servers and staying in the EU).
Muahaha. . . oh fine I won't.
It might be that your computer is the source of the lag just not in the way you think. WoW is an older game and you are running on almost the top of the line rig. As hardware and drivers become more advanced they begin to cut some of the more basic items that some of the older games need to run smoothly.
Some of the things you can try are:
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
WoW is the least laggy of all the games. Mostly because of its graphics style and game engine.
I notice some stuttering now that I have never had before, or for a long time at least. And not even lowering the settings is helping. But it's a very mild stuttering, a bit annoying but I guess some people wouldn't even notice it. I have a one year and a half old computer.
Some people are, they have upgraded the graphic engine a bit, notice the new shadows and spell effects?
I have never had any lag problems in WoW you should talk to you ISP because i have been playing off and on since the release and have never expirenced lag besides the opening of AQ 40
ATD3, ACEO, AoC, AO, AC, CO, COH, COV, DAC, DR, DDO, EO, EVE, EQ, EQ2, Flyff, GW, HG:L, HO, KO, L2, LotRO, MS, MUo, PotBS, PS, RagO, RF, ROSEo, Ryzom, SB, SWG, TLA, TMO, V:SoH, WO:AoR, WOW
You might have bad lag due to your ISP. I am supposed to have high speed cable and I get constant high latency and packet loss. Called my ISP and they basically told me their internet sucks and gave me $20 lol.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Muahaha. . . oh fine I won't.
It might be that your computer is the source of the lag just not in the way you think. WoW is an older game and you are running on almost the top of the line rig. As hardware and drivers become more advanced they begin to cut some of the more basic items that some of the older games need to run smoothly.
Some of the things you can try are:
Thats bad advice, the amount of people I've seen with dead boards because someone has advised them to flash there BIOS for magic fixes makes it not worth it.
Luckily I know how to work with computers fairly well
. This latest PC build has been under constant and very anal computer maintenance on a regular basis since Windows was first installed. Everything from your basic adware and virus cleanup to defragmentation of the page file, hard drive, registry to registry compaction, temporary file cleanup, and regular driver updates for all hardware. I think I'll go ahead and give WoW another go. I just hope it doesn't take me a few months to decide if I am going to stay or not. I've lost too much time to characters that were left behind. I just can't bring myself to resurrect old characters. I have to start anew every time I return