You think it is boring, great. But really trying to present your opinion as fact is not something you should do. I am past my 30 days (like everyone else) and I still love the game. Does it have bugs? Yes. But I'm not getting even 1/8 of the bugs or slowdown people are complaining about. I've had maybe 4 or 5 CTD's but thats it. The game appeals to me for a number of reasons;
I work and have this thing called a life so i don't have a whole lot of time to play games. Nice to know I can log in and be on par with other people if i put in some effort.
The pvp is fun because I'm not getting 1 shotted and am not constantly seeing a grey screen within 3 seconds of engaging in combat.
It's nice to know (at least right now) that the devs are doing things for the subscribers of the game and not changing the game around to suit their own personal whims. (Most people should know what I'm talking about)
And I'd rather trust a company who did good with their first game and it is regarded as one of the best PvP based games around than a company who put tom chilton (Kalgan or Evocare from his UO days, you know the one he was lead designer for and screwed up with AoS) in charge whom if i saw him walking down the street tomorrow I'd give him a swift kick to his shins and hope I'd break them.
The PvE is weak but certainly not the worst I've seen. I will honestly say the crafting is god awful. I was in both beta for WotLK and WAR and WAR won my money because all WotLK was the same thing over again.
And to the person who said 4 well done battlegrounds are better than 20 crappy ones, I hate to tell you but WoW's battlegrounds many times has AV been changed now? It's been 3 years and they still have yet to fix the fact that alliance can jump right over the wall and pretty much bypass all of the horde army at the lower levels at the frostwolf camp. I mean they can't even fix one battleground properly. AB is weak in the simple fact that if you zerg hard enough you can force the opposite side to be completely shut out with no chance of even getting out of their starting area. WSG can be so mind numbingly boring with the flag turtles. And EotS is simply some crappy mix of the other 3.
As for the person saying 4 classes were broke I can honestly say that I've played the magus up to the beginning of tier 3 and I have done very well on damage charts. If you think magus is broken then that means you just never took the time to learn how to play one. And if you think WoW's classes are any better I got one word for you...Shaman.
Boring? Hardly. I'm having more fun in WAR than I've had in MMO's for a while now.
Of course, it also helps that I came into WAR without following its development, with zero expectations, and with no idea if I'd even enjoy the game because I've never been much of a PvP fan at all in any of the previous MMO's I played. I decided to play it on a whim in open beta, got hooked, and am currently enjoying myself. When it stops being fun, I'll play something else. *shrug*
Wow... This game has to be in the top 5 most boring, least intelligent and biggest let down I have ever played. And I've played nearly everything. This game makes WoW look difficult. Asian Hack N Slash games are even more challenging. But, the game being 3 year old friendly isn't why I dislike it. EVERYTHING is bugged in one way or another. The game is probably a year from being tuned to finish. There are still items in the game for classes that have long since been removed from the game. Quests make you choose a reward even if there is only 1 reward. Boss mobs sometimes run off only to come back fully healed. Targetting system is unreliable. blah blah blah...I could go on and on mentioning every aspect of the game. Scenerios, bugged... Guild system, bugged.... Alliance system, bugged... Your mastery tree gives bonus to abilities 3 levels before you can even get the ability to take advantage of the bonus. WHAT?!?!? The community, you ask? How is the community? Let's just say, it seems that most of the gimps from WoW who have never played an MMO besides WoW are now playing WAR. Anyway, I'm just a tad let down by this game. Especially after waiting for 3 years and being a 7 year DAoC player. I understand there will be a few of you that disagree and will choose to try and insult me in your clever little ways. Feel free but the fact remains, WAR is weak. It doesn't compare to WoW in PvE content and is laughable compared to DAoC in RvR. LAUGHABLE!! three2six
Thanks for an honest response about the state of the game. I have been waiting to see how it has been progressing as all the information so far seems to be paid reviews and fan responses. I wanted to know what the game is actually like without having to waste my hard earned money on something I might only play for a few hours.
Looks like the game still needs a lot of time to work out the multitude of bugs before I will try it.
This is a huge shame as I have been a huge fan of the Warhammer franchise since Space Hulk for 40k and pen & paper Warhammer RPG. (Demonologists are soo much fun!)
Wow... This game has to be in the top 5 most boring, least intelligent and biggest let down I have ever played. And I've played nearly everything. This game makes WoW look difficult. Asian Hack N Slash games are even more challenging. But, the game being 3 year old friendly isn't why I dislike it. EVERYTHING is bugged in one way or another. The game is probably a year from being tuned to finish. There are still items in the game for classes that have long since been removed from the game. Quests make you choose a reward even if there is only 1 reward. Boss mobs sometimes run off only to come back fully healed. Targetting system is unreliable. blah blah blah...I could go on and on mentioning every aspect of the game. Scenerios, bugged... Guild system, bugged.... Alliance system, bugged... Your mastery tree gives bonus to abilities 3 levels before you can even get the ability to take advantage of the bonus. WHAT?!?!? The community, you ask? How is the community? Let's just say, it seems that most of the gimps from WoW who have never played an MMO besides WoW are now playing WAR. Anyway, I'm just a tad let down by this game. Especially after waiting for 3 years and being a 7 year DAoC player. I understand there will be a few of you that disagree and will choose to try and insult me in your clever little ways. Feel free but the fact remains, WAR is weak. It doesn't compare to WoW in PvE content and is laughable compared to DAoC in RvR. LAUGHABLE!! three2six
I think a lot of people are feeling this way, the amount of threads that bring up much of what you say is scary.
I agree.
Everyone else saying diffrent wants a game where they can log in and imediatly play a class with two to five button attacks...
If you think im imagine all this, then you better start rethink my frined, because i am right... its sad..
Its very simple.. The brain want to have good moments, its called seratonin (the brain makes this chemical to make u feel good) and so forth.. its like a drug.. killing people in pvp is like a drug for most players, so ur brain gives u the happy moments when u play a game where u kill other players..
You forget what realy is fun, it is not the drugs man... hahahaha
Anyway, im so glad that i know of this and can see what a mmorpg realy is about.. woohooo.
You sound a lot like me OP, former DAOC player looking for DAOC 2, similiar game but improved. WAR is definitely not that game. Sure, it might make some folks happy, but those who really loved DAOC for what it was won't more often than not. (IMO). Mythic's attempt to make the game fun by making everything easy, friendly and with little grind basically built a shooter inside an MMO world. I know some people think this is the greatest thing ever, but not me.
They are the fact huh, these people 1 never bought war , two bought war and never leveled passed 16, or three bought war and soloed alot and never did well anything but maybe solo quests.
Why do i say this: 1 first dungeon boss hydra was way op,a s well as the other bosses in the first noob dungeon were a tad hard (they nerffed her like less than a week ago , thank god); 2 first lair bosses also insaine, without a doubt a challenge at max level 11 you can fight her (more so than any lvl 11 or lower mob in daoc, wow , or anyother mmo i know of minus DnD but in respect that be like a level 2 boss and its would be true then); 3 never did may teir 3 pqs becuase the lord bosses in them make, zf, strat, etc, look like wimps (they are .. overpowered), 4 never pvped , 5 never tryied to zerg a pq without a totaly stacked group in t2 and under (as once you hit t3 and over some pqs you don't zerg at all .... if you want to live); i think this sums it up. Honestly , if you have just solo quested and done a few pqs where other were doing the easy ones and left dungeons alone (oe went to them 10 levels higher) , then yeah war pve could seem rather weak; otherwise is has more challenging pve and pvp then most other mmos out there.
Tell me how pre 40 pve was so much more strong in DAOC?
That being said it is not daoc (a ton of people said it was to make it look bad , now people say its not to make it look bad, odd no? [side note you been taking lessons from barack?]) it does require some classes (casters) to react as quickly to attacks, however, tansk have much more deep roles with CD in and well that is more important seeing as playing a tank in daoc was like watching paint dry (ps any class can cd so all class including caster can block, i block my healer a ton and when i play my healer i block other healers and nukers.)
PS at level 13 with my magus i use 9 abilities min. every pvp encounter and 6-7 MIN. for 90% of my pve.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I find the pvp in war extremely weak and boring 9 time out of 10 you can tell who's going to win before it's even begun, the system also has the same weakness as WOWs pvp with melee completely dominating the game.
In remark to Mele completely dominating the game like in WoW, since when have you seen a Warrior beat out a warlock, or mage. I saw 2 equally skilled, equally geared classes duke it out on the Puble Test Realm yestarday trying out the new 51 point talents, a Warrior and a Mage, mage completely destroyed the warrior with their new damn Deep freeze spell (or whatever it's called) that acts like a rogues stun. Warrior didn't stand a chance. Warlocks just dot them up and fear them and they drop. So no, mele doens't dominate in wow, over use of CC and CC breaking skills that every class has other than Shaman is what dominates that game.
Dude you realize you just showed how Giant of a noob you arE. this is fact for EVERY non noob wow player. MAGES > warriors , and have been so for at least aa year and a half and now your talking about how one beat one on the ptr , zomg new flash from 2 years ago.
And warlocks beat warriors? (who can just pop right out of that fear then be immune to it, uza nub). WARRIOR > warlocks (everyday)
That being said melee dps are the most useless of classes in WAR (others in here beza nubs) And any good player / group will tell you so. That being said they do just fine, as all classes are useful. (however, aoe> single target, you need a tank/s you need healers).
You know you can tell who is gonna win, they stick together and stop rushing by themselves, you can't fix stupid. (oh 12 lvl 10s vs 12 lvl 21s might mean somethign also).
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I find the pvp in war extremely weak and boring 9 time out of 10 you can tell who's going to win before it's even begun, the system also has the same weakness as WOWs pvp with melee completely dominating the game.
In remark to Mele completely dominating the game like in WoW, since when have you seen a Warrior beat out a warlock, or mage. I saw 2 equally skilled, equally geared classes duke it out on the Puble Test Realm yestarday trying out the new 51 point talents, a Warrior and a Mage, mage completely destroyed the warrior with their new damn Deep freeze spell (or whatever it's called) that acts like a rogues stun. Warrior didn't stand a chance. Warlocks just dot them up and fear them and they drop. So no, mele doens't dominate in wow, over use of CC and CC breaking skills that every class has other than Shaman is what dominates that game.
Dude you realize you just showed how Giant of a noob you arE. this is fact for EVERY non noob wow player. MAGES > warriors , and have been so for at least aa year and a half and now your talking about how one beat one on the ptr , zomg new flash from 2 years ago.
And warlocks beat warriors? (who can just pop right out of that fear then be immune to it, uza nub). WARRIOR > warlocks (everyday)
That being said melee dps are the most useless of classes in WAR (others in here beza nubs) And any good player / group will tell you so. That being said they do just fine, as all classes are useful. (however, aoe> single target, you need a tank/s you need healers).
You know you can tell who is gonna win, they stick together and stop rushing by themselves, you can't fix stupid. (oh 12 lvl 10s vs 12 lvl 21s might mean somethign also).
And i think you just showed how much of a "Noob" you are. Tossing such childish words at me will do nothing for your credibility or intelligence. Come back again when you are ready to have an actual conversation.
"Whoever said 'honesty is the best policy' didn't have a girlfriend with a fat @$$"
i have concerns as well. even if i did just buy a game card for the next 2 months.
all of the usa servers being in virginia is something i cant agree with ever. i get no less than 300 ping from out here in california. usually in the 400 range,
hence the "hey im in a scenario and nothing is happening wtf?........... omg hit 300 times!!!" situations. this on 10mb cable and a very well kept network on my end.
Games i'm playing right now...
"In short, I thought NGE was a very bad idea" - Raph Koster talking about NGE on his blog at
And i think you just showed how much of a "Noob" you are. Tossing such childish words at me will do nothing for your credibility or intelligence. Come back again when you are ready to have an actual conversation.
Even a child can be correct. I may use mean and stuped head words, but you could not contest them with anything other than what . . . . calling me a child and saying on the basis of my childness my arguments now do not count and are incorrect.
So basically, I am right and you cannot counter with anything intelligent?
Well here is a tip for your esteemed self, next time call me a child and then attack my claims otherwise it is you who looks foolish.
naa naa naah nah poopy face.
PS. My statements were correct go to any wow vent and ask them , look at the wow forums, whatever, the FACTS remain that this poster set-up or insinuated false pretenses and I called him rather bluntly on them.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
And i think you just showed how much of a "Noob" you are. Tossing such childish words at me will do nothing for your credibility or intelligence. Come back again when you are ready to have an actual conversation.
Even a child can be correct. I may use mean and stiped head words, but you could not contest them with anythign other than what . . . . calling me a child and saying on the basis of my childness my arguments now do not count.
So basiclly, I am right and you cannot counter with anything intelligent other than that?
Well here is a tip for your esteemed self, next time call me a child and then attack my claims otherwise it is you who looks foolish.
naa naa naah nah poopy face.
just because i choose not to counter your comments, does not make you right. And your last comment just further implicates your intelligence. You could have proven me wrong in a much more mature fasion than you did, the fact that you chose not to shows you immaturaty. Therefore i see no reason to prove myself to some random person of which i've never met or heard of over an internet forum such as this. If you find a sence of accomplishement in what you've "proven" here, then more power to you.
"Whoever said 'honesty is the best policy' didn't have a girlfriend with a fat @$$"
just because i choose not to counter your comments, does not make you right. And your last comment just further implicates your intelligence. You could have proven me wrong in a much more mature fasion than you did, the fact that you chose not to shows you immaturaty. Therefore i see no reason to prove myself to some random person of which i've never met or heard of over an internet forum such as this. If you find a sence of accomplishement in what you've "proven" here, then more power to you.
You made the claim and now you say I could prove i was right but will not because you called me a poppy head.
Well your also writing to others so for their sake prove it. (Of course you can't and are now looking for any hole to hide in. You'll only find it by claiming higher ground, an intellectual superiority, yet you never will back up your pretense and still will be wrong).
Its ok go , run, hide on the high hill.
Edit- i don't mind a dispute of opinion, but i gave you the binifit of doubt and called ya a noob (one who would not know that warriors still are favored over caster other than a mage as it has been forever), but the truth is probly more along the time that your were being less than honest in your pretense and the following post point that out quite well. Ill banter forever, bu the glove really come out with the entire honesty thing, i can't help it false statements, not matter of opinion (but statitical or factual value), just drive me mad.
Lets point out some other statitical fact about WoW atm. Pallies currently can out dps and heal (same spec at the same time) entire raids. Thats right, folk the melee class paladin can top the healing and dps meters in raids on the live servers in wow RIGHT NOW. (PS big guilds on Illidian). Im sure this is not ment to be but so what it must mean the healer/melee hybrids are the most op hardest hitting best healing in all MMOs (there now i added a false pretense as messed up as the orginal one i set out to smash; on top of a factual statement. It is wrong, but if you tell me that calling me a noob becuase i never seen an unblanced class in an mmo before that will be nerfed then you must be wrong. After all that would make you childish).
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
But really, the op experience is a far call from mine.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
just because i choose not to counter your comments, does not make you right. And your last comment just further implicates your intelligence. You could have proven me wrong in a much more mature fasion than you did, the fact that you chose not to shows you immaturaty. Therefore i see no reason to prove myself to some random person of which i've never met or heard of over an internet forum such as this. If you find a sence of accomplishement in what you've "proven" here, then more power to you.
You made the claim and now you say I could prove i was right but will not because you called me a poppy head.
Well your also writing to others so for their sake prove it. (Of course you can't and are now looking for any hole to hide in. You'll only find it by claiming higher ground, an intellectual superiority, yet you never will back up your pretense and still will be wrong).
Its ok go , run, hide on the high hill.
Since when have i ever asked anyone to prove anything. That post i made (8 days ago i may add) was purely opinion based. Never once in that post did i ever ask anyone to prove me wrong or right. You're the only one here trying to prove something because you keep replying. Since that post, i haven't once posted in this forum concerning the topic untill you decided to come along and throw a personal attack such as calling me a noob. And i had no intentions of posting anything else here either. Why? Cause personally i have better things to do. If i'm wrong, fine, i acknowledge that. Do i care? hell no. IT's a game, i play it for entertainment. So what if i thought warriors would get their asses kicked by a warlock? Obviosly only you because you are the first to go the distance you have trying to prove me wrong and ask that i prove your statements wrong. And as for intellectual supiority, I'll be the first to admit i'm not the smartest person in the world, nor would i want to be. But seeing as how you kept lowering yourself with your comments, I felt the need to reply with a higher sence of intelligence. If you would like a serious discussion, intelligence and elitist comments set aside, i'll be more than happy to discuss things with you. But so far with each and every reply you have resorted to personal attacks on my character. Opinions are opinions, every person has a different one and trying to prove them is about the most useless thing to do. If you've felt offended by any of my coments, then i truely apologize, it's 3:00 AM here and when tired i have a tendancy to post stupid crap. And for the sake of keeping this miniature flame war from spreading, i say forget this argument and move on.
"Whoever said 'honesty is the best policy' didn't have a girlfriend with a fat @$$"
Well i can you say you rock , it takes a giant person to admit they are wrong. So i today had to, looks like DF will not be Vaporware had to say i was wrong.
Just wanted to point out that Daorok did something here that the large majority of people would not do and it takes guts (which are greater than brains [don't let them fool you, your brains that is ])
Lets clear the air you did not state opinion you claimed a fact (your wordage claimed it has it was stated as ill reputable), however, i rarely type well so this can be understandable. (writing is my weakness, i think thats why i am drawn to it. improve what you lack)
I disagree i think melee does fair better in wow than not (rouge op warriors op in pvp more so even, theres little room to argue this , but these are my beliefs and not fact, yet i bet stats and general consensus supports me).
In WAR quite the opposite is true (and i call that persona nub also) because classes have more of a role than in wow (where as the warriors (and now pallies) tanks can dps, tanks in war do not dps well {not bad just not good}, other melee dps does a great job but can't dish out aoe madness dps like the casters can. ) Thus I set in motion to state this.
My views on wow pvp are quite set in statistical and general knowledge , where as, the WAr part is more of a opinion (still a logical one).
Still, you are a person far above the normal in regards to your willingness to communicate, and see an end to a situation. You address problems and stand up, you have guts and i like it.
Daoroks cool with me.
Let truth be your guide, devote yourselves to it, shear tears, give away your nights, sacrifice your family, and in the end all you will have is the truth and the scorn of others . . . . at least you will be right. (ME, my philosophy, i blame it on Sunday school lessons as a child and it will ruin me one day).
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Well i can you say you rock , it takes a giant person to admit they are wrong. So i today had to, looks like DF will not be Vaporware had to say i was wrong.
Just wanted to point out that Daorok did something here that the large majority of people would not do and it takes guts (which are greater than brains [don't let them fool you, your brains that is ])
Lets clear the air you did not state opinion you claimed a fact (your wordage claimed it has it was stated as ill reputable), however, i rarely type well so this can be understandable. (writing is my weakness, i think thats why i am drawn to it. improve what you lack)
I disagree i think melee does fair better in wow than not (rouge op warriors op in pvp more so even, theres little room to argue this , but these are my beliefs and not fact, yet i bet stats and general consensus supports me).
In WAR quite the opposite is true (and i call that persona nub also) because classes have more of a role than in wow (where as the warriors (and now pallies) tanks can dps, tanks in war do not dps well {not bad just not good}, other melee dps does a great job but can't dish out aoe madness dps like the casters can. ) Thus I set in motion to state this.
My views on wow pvp are quite set in statistical and general knowledge , where as, the WAr part is more of a opinion (still a logical one).
Still, you are a person far above the normal in regards to your willingness to communicate, and see an end to a situation. You address problems and stand up, you have guts and i like it.
Daoroks cool with me.
Let truth be your guide, devote yourselves to it, shear tears, give away your nights, sacrifice your family, and in the end all you will have is the truth and the scorn of others . . . . at least you will be right. (ME, my philosophy, i blame it on Sunday school lessons as a child and it will ruin me one day).
That was the start of this whole situation. I may LIKE to type and communicate in a higher fasion, but being this is printed word, emotions and sarcasm is lost to it unless specifically stated as such. I agree i could have been alot more clear about the intentions of that post and will try to be in the future. The only reason this continued as it did was the Noob comment. I've been playing games for a large ammount of my overall life, and that term has always been the type directed at someone you thought was no good at what they do, and i took it a bit personally. Wheter i was right or wrong was never a concern to me, i'm going to be wrong and i accept that. Had your reply been made without that first part i would either have replied stateing i was wrong due to not looking at it from a different perspective or not at all and left it as is.
All things aside, again i do apologize for the condecending comments that i made, answering what i percieved as a personal attack with one of my own wasn't the brightest thing to do and only leads to further arguments.
"Whoever said 'honesty is the best policy' didn't have a girlfriend with a fat @$$"
The worse game I ever played...This game sux sooo much...I can't beleive it...
Another stupid game with all the OLD stuff...Dward, Elf etc...nothing new, nothing innovative..just the old bored stuff...
Mythic did a good job in the past with DAoC but now they fail..this game is a joke...
WAR, you really think that you would beat WoW, AOC, EQ2 with your boring game ? Close the studio and go to find a new job cause in gaming you really sux, you're a joke among the MMO community...go to clean the bathroom for Mcdonnald...
Back to our old love MMO
FUNCOM, Blizzard, AreanNet rock like hell compare to Mythic....
I could never have thought that the classes would be so boring and useless in this game. If there was ONE thing I really really never could have guessed.
Basicly all there is in variation is Knockback/Down and Snare/Root. Nothing else.
And too many classes are WORTHLESS in 1v1. And can never kill anything. How fun is that to play really? I'm thinking Engineer/Squig Herder and magus
$OE lies list " And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Its really just not fun period. Its a ULTRA casual PvE crap fest with a tiny little splash of repeateramma garbage scenario (instanced) unbalanced PvP. There is no "RvR" happening unless you call who can kill the most NPCs in the PvE zone for "victory points" "RvR".
Weakest RvR game I have ever had the displeasure of spending money on.
So for the record in what you can see in these post, people hate war and they also hate most other mmos, in general they don't like mmos but they also don't like WAR. What a suprize.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
than don't play it... does coming on here and bitching and crying make the game any more fun for you?
since when did people take up this mentality that just because THEY don't like a game, it is sooo important to come to the forums and cry about it to the point all you ever read on these sites is thread after thread of complete negativity and "this game is so bad, the people who made it should all be fired because I don't like it!!"
sad sad days in the mmo world.
and does you crying about his crying make the game any funner? Dont be a hypocrite
Originally posted by Desetes Bet you're not in T3+
Not yet. I'm making my way through T2 with my main characters at the moment. I'm also not in a hurry to get to T3 or higher. The game just launched a month ago. I've got plenty of time to get to Level 40/Renown 80.
I'm working and going to school full time to finish my degree, so WAR is my way of unwinding after a long day or relaxing when I'm finished with papers or any assignments I've got. At the casual pace I play at, it's fun. And I never expected to play the game, much less enjoy it, because I've never been a PvP player in the past. It's a different experience, and I'm having fun. That's what matters, IMO.
The day it stops being fun, I'll quit. Until then, I like WAR.
You think it is boring, great. But really trying to present your opinion as fact is not something you should do. I am past my 30 days (like everyone else) and I still love the game. Does it have bugs? Yes. But I'm not getting even 1/8 of the bugs or slowdown people are complaining about. I've had maybe 4 or 5 CTD's but thats it. The game appeals to me for a number of reasons;
I work and have this thing called a life so i don't have a whole lot of time to play games. Nice to know I can log in and be on par with other people if i put in some effort.
The pvp is fun because I'm not getting 1 shotted and am not constantly seeing a grey screen within 3 seconds of engaging in combat.
It's nice to know (at least right now) that the devs are doing things for the subscribers of the game and not changing the game around to suit their own personal whims. (Most people should know what I'm talking about)
And I'd rather trust a company who did good with their first game and it is regarded as one of the best PvP based games around than a company who put tom chilton (Kalgan or Evocare from his UO days, you know the one he was lead designer for and screwed up with AoS) in charge whom if i saw him walking down the street tomorrow I'd give him a swift kick to his shins and hope I'd break them.
The PvE is weak but certainly not the worst I've seen. I will honestly say the crafting is god awful. I was in both beta for WotLK and WAR and WAR won my money because all WotLK was the same thing over again.
And to the person who said 4 well done battlegrounds are better than 20 crappy ones, I hate to tell you but WoW's battlegrounds many times has AV been changed now? It's been 3 years and they still have yet to fix the fact that alliance can jump right over the wall and pretty much bypass all of the horde army at the lower levels at the frostwolf camp. I mean they can't even fix one battleground properly. AB is weak in the simple fact that if you zerg hard enough you can force the opposite side to be completely shut out with no chance of even getting out of their starting area. WSG can be so mind numbingly boring with the flag turtles. And EotS is simply some crappy mix of the other 3.
As for the person saying 4 classes were broke I can honestly say that I've played the magus up to the beginning of tier 3 and I have done very well on damage charts. If you think magus is broken then that means you just never took the time to learn how to play one. And if you think WoW's classes are any better I got one word for you...Shaman.
Boring? Hardly. I'm having more fun in WAR than I've had in MMO's for a while now.
Of course, it also helps that I came into WAR without following its development, with zero expectations, and with no idea if I'd even enjoy the game because I've never been much of a PvP fan at all in any of the previous MMO's I played. I decided to play it on a whim in open beta, got hooked, and am currently enjoying myself. When it stops being fun, I'll play something else. *shrug*
Thanks for an honest response about the state of the game. I have been waiting to see how it has been progressing as all the information so far seems to be paid reviews and fan responses. I wanted to know what the game is actually like without having to waste my hard earned money on something I might only play for a few hours.
Looks like the game still needs a lot of time to work out the multitude of bugs before I will try it.
This is a huge shame as I have been a huge fan of the Warhammer franchise since Space Hulk for 40k and pen & paper Warhammer RPG. (Demonologists are soo much fun!)
I think a lot of people are feeling this way, the amount of threads that bring up much of what you say is scary.
I agree.
Everyone else saying diffrent wants a game where they can log in and imediatly play a class with two to five button attacks...
If you think im imagine all this, then you better start rethink my frined, because i am right... its sad..
Its very simple.. The brain want to have good moments, its called seratonin (the brain makes this chemical to make u feel good) and so forth.. its like a drug.. killing people in pvp is like a drug for most players, so ur brain gives u the happy moments when u play a game where u kill other players..
You forget what realy is fun, it is not the drugs man... hahahaha
Anyway, im so glad that i know of this and can see what a mmorpg realy is about.. woohooo.
Yor are all slaves, hahahahaha..
They are the fact huh, these people 1 never bought war , two bought war and never leveled passed 16, or three bought war and soloed alot and never did well anything but maybe solo quests.
Why do i say this: 1 first dungeon boss hydra was way op,a s well as the other bosses in the first noob dungeon were a tad hard (they nerffed her like less than a week ago , thank god); 2 first lair bosses also insaine, without a doubt a challenge at max level 11 you can fight her (more so than any lvl 11 or lower mob in daoc, wow , or anyother mmo i know of minus DnD but in respect that be like a level 2 boss and its would be true then); 3 never did may teir 3 pqs becuase the lord bosses in them make, zf, strat, etc, look like wimps (they are .. overpowered), 4 never pvped , 5 never tryied to zerg a pq without a totaly stacked group in t2 and under (as once you hit t3 and over some pqs you don't zerg at all .... if you want to live); i think this sums it up. Honestly , if you have just solo quested and done a few pqs where other were doing the easy ones and left dungeons alone (oe went to them 10 levels higher) , then yeah war pve could seem rather weak; otherwise is has more challenging pve and pvp then most other mmos out there.
Tell me how pre 40 pve was so much more strong in DAOC?
That being said it is not daoc (a ton of people said it was to make it look bad , now people say its not to make it look bad, odd no? [side note you been taking lessons from barack?]) it does require some classes (casters) to react as quickly to attacks, however, tansk have much more deep roles with CD in and well that is more important seeing as playing a tank in daoc was like watching paint dry (ps any class can cd so all class including caster can block, i block my healer a ton and when i play my healer i block other healers and nukers.)
PS at level 13 with my magus i use 9 abilities min. every pvp encounter and 6-7 MIN. for 90% of my pve.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
In remark to Mele completely dominating the game like in WoW, since when have you seen a Warrior beat out a warlock, or mage. I saw 2 equally skilled, equally geared classes duke it out on the Puble Test Realm yestarday trying out the new 51 point talents, a Warrior and a Mage, mage completely destroyed the warrior with their new damn Deep freeze spell (or whatever it's called) that acts like a rogues stun. Warrior didn't stand a chance. Warlocks just dot them up and fear them and they drop. So no, mele doens't dominate in wow, over use of CC and CC breaking skills that every class has other than Shaman is what dominates that game.
Dude you realize you just showed how Giant of a noob you arE. this is fact for EVERY non noob wow player. MAGES > warriors , and have been so for at least aa year and a half and now your talking about how one beat one on the ptr , zomg new flash from 2 years ago.
And warlocks beat warriors? (who can just pop right out of that fear then be immune to it, uza nub). WARRIOR > warlocks (everyday)
That being said melee dps are the most useless of classes in WAR (others in here beza nubs) And any good player / group will tell you so. That being said they do just fine, as all classes are useful. (however, aoe> single target, you need a tank/s you need healers).
You know you can tell who is gonna win, they stick together and stop rushing by themselves, you can't fix stupid. (oh 12 lvl 10s vs 12 lvl 21s might mean somethign also).
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
In remark to Mele completely dominating the game like in WoW, since when have you seen a Warrior beat out a warlock, or mage. I saw 2 equally skilled, equally geared classes duke it out on the Puble Test Realm yestarday trying out the new 51 point talents, a Warrior and a Mage, mage completely destroyed the warrior with their new damn Deep freeze spell (or whatever it's called) that acts like a rogues stun. Warrior didn't stand a chance. Warlocks just dot them up and fear them and they drop. So no, mele doens't dominate in wow, over use of CC and CC breaking skills that every class has other than Shaman is what dominates that game.
Dude you realize you just showed how Giant of a noob you arE. this is fact for EVERY non noob wow player. MAGES > warriors , and have been so for at least aa year and a half and now your talking about how one beat one on the ptr , zomg new flash from 2 years ago.
And warlocks beat warriors? (who can just pop right out of that fear then be immune to it, uza nub). WARRIOR > warlocks (everyday)
That being said melee dps are the most useless of classes in WAR (others in here beza nubs) And any good player / group will tell you so. That being said they do just fine, as all classes are useful. (however, aoe> single target, you need a tank/s you need healers).
You know you can tell who is gonna win, they stick together and stop rushing by themselves, you can't fix stupid. (oh 12 lvl 10s vs 12 lvl 21s might mean somethign also).
And i think you just showed how much of a "Noob" you are. Tossing such childish words at me will do nothing for your credibility or intelligence. Come back again when you are ready to have an actual conversation.
"Whoever said 'honesty is the best policy' didn't have a girlfriend with a fat @$$"
i have concerns as well. even if i did just buy a game card for the next 2 months.
all of the usa servers being in virginia is something i cant agree with ever. i get no less than 300 ping from out here in california. usually in the 400 range,
hence the "hey im in a scenario and nothing is happening wtf?........... omg hit 300 times!!!" situations. this on 10mb cable and a very well kept network on my end.
Games i'm playing right now...

"In short, I thought NGE was a very bad idea" - Raph Koster talking about NGE on his blog at
Even a child can be correct. I may use mean and stuped head words, but you could not contest them with anything other than what . . . . calling me a child and saying on the basis of my childness my arguments now do not count and are incorrect.
So basically, I am right and you cannot counter with anything intelligent?
Well here is a tip for your esteemed self, next time call me a child and then attack my claims otherwise it is you who looks foolish.
naa naa naah nah poopy face.
PS. My statements were correct go to any wow vent and ask them , look at the wow forums, whatever, the FACTS remain that this poster set-up or insinuated false pretenses and I called him rather bluntly on them.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Even a child can be correct. I may use mean and stiped head words, but you could not contest them with anythign other than what . . . . calling me a child and saying on the basis of my childness my arguments now do not count.
So basiclly, I am right and you cannot counter with anything intelligent other than that?
Well here is a tip for your esteemed self, next time call me a child and then attack my claims otherwise it is you who looks foolish.
naa naa naah nah poopy face.
just because i choose not to counter your comments, does not make you right. And your last comment just further implicates your intelligence. You could have proven me wrong in a much more mature fasion than you did, the fact that you chose not to shows you immaturaty. Therefore i see no reason to prove myself to some random person of which i've never met or heard of over an internet forum such as this. If you find a sence of accomplishement in what you've "proven" here, then more power to you.
"Whoever said 'honesty is the best policy' didn't have a girlfriend with a fat @$$"
You made the claim and now you say I could prove i was right but will not because you called me a poppy head.
Well your also writing to others so for their sake prove it. (Of course you can't and are now looking for any hole to hide in. You'll only find it by claiming higher ground, an intellectual superiority, yet you never will back up your pretense and still will be wrong).
Its ok go , run, hide on the high hill.
Edit- i don't mind a dispute of opinion, but i gave you the binifit of doubt and called ya a noob (one who would not know that warriors still are favored over caster other than a mage as it has been forever), but the truth is probly more along the time that your were being less than honest in your pretense and the following post point that out quite well. Ill banter forever, bu the glove really come out with the entire honesty thing, i can't help it false statements, not matter of opinion (but statitical or factual value), just drive me mad.
Lets point out some other statitical fact about WoW atm. Pallies currently can out dps and heal (same spec at the same time) entire raids. Thats right, folk the melee class paladin can top the healing and dps meters in raids on the live servers in wow RIGHT NOW. (PS big guilds on Illidian). Im sure this is not ment to be but so what it must mean the healer/melee hybrids are the most op hardest hitting best healing in all MMOs (there now i added a false pretense as messed up as the orginal one i set out to smash; on top of a factual statement. It is wrong, but if you tell me that calling me a noob becuase i never seen an unblanced class in an mmo before that will be nerfed then you must be wrong. After all that would make you childish).
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
sorry about the rant.
But really, the op experience is a far call from mine.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
You made the claim and now you say I could prove i was right but will not because you called me a poppy head.
Well your also writing to others so for their sake prove it. (Of course you can't and are now looking for any hole to hide in. You'll only find it by claiming higher ground, an intellectual superiority, yet you never will back up your pretense and still will be wrong).
Its ok go , run, hide on the high hill.
Since when have i ever asked anyone to prove anything. That post i made (8 days ago i may add) was purely opinion based. Never once in that post did i ever ask anyone to prove me wrong or right. You're the only one here trying to prove something because you keep replying. Since that post, i haven't once posted in this forum concerning the topic untill you decided to come along and throw a personal attack such as calling me a noob. And i had no intentions of posting anything else here either. Why? Cause personally i have better things to do. If i'm wrong, fine, i acknowledge that. Do i care? hell no. IT's a game, i play it for entertainment. So what if i thought warriors would get their asses kicked by a warlock? Obviosly only you because you are the first to go the distance you have trying to prove me wrong and ask that i prove your statements wrong. And as for intellectual supiority, I'll be the first to admit i'm not the smartest person in the world, nor would i want to be. But seeing as how you kept lowering yourself with your comments, I felt the need to reply with a higher sence of intelligence. If you would like a serious discussion, intelligence and elitist comments set aside, i'll be more than happy to discuss things with you. But so far with each and every reply you have resorted to personal attacks on my character. Opinions are opinions, every person has a different one and trying to prove them is about the most useless thing to do. If you've felt offended by any of my coments, then i truely apologize, it's 3:00 AM here and when tired i have a tendancy to post stupid crap. And for the sake of keeping this miniature flame war from spreading, i say forget this argument and move on.
"Whoever said 'honesty is the best policy' didn't have a girlfriend with a fat @$$"
Well i can you say you rock , it takes a giant person to admit they are wrong. So i today had to, looks like DF will not be Vaporware had to say i was wrong.
Just wanted to point out that Daorok did something here that the large majority of people would not do and it takes guts (which are greater than brains [don't let them fool you, your brains that is
Lets clear the air you did not state opinion you claimed a fact (your wordage claimed it has it was stated as ill reputable), however, i rarely type well so this can be understandable. (writing is my weakness, i think thats why i am drawn to it. improve what you lack)
I disagree i think melee does fair better in wow than not (rouge op warriors op in pvp more so even, theres little room to argue this , but these are my beliefs and not fact, yet i bet stats and general consensus supports me).
In WAR quite the opposite is true (and i call that persona nub also) because classes have more of a role than in wow (where as the warriors (and now pallies) tanks can dps, tanks in war do not dps well {not bad just not good}, other melee dps does a great job but can't dish out aoe madness dps like the casters can. ) Thus I set in motion to state this.
My views on wow pvp are quite set in statistical and general knowledge , where as, the WAr part is more of a opinion (still a logical one).
Still, you are a person far above the normal in regards to your willingness to communicate, and see an end to a situation. You address problems and stand up, you have guts and i like it.
Daoroks cool with me.
Let truth be your guide, devote yourselves to it, shear tears, give away your nights, sacrifice your family, and in the end all you will have is the truth and the scorn of others . . . . at least you will be right. (ME, my philosophy, i blame it on Sunday school lessons as a child and it will ruin me one day).
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
That was the start of this whole situation. I may LIKE to type and communicate in a higher fasion, but being this is printed word, emotions and sarcasm is lost to it unless specifically stated as such. I agree i could have been alot more clear about the intentions of that post and will try to be in the future. The only reason this continued as it did was the Noob comment. I've been playing games for a large ammount of my overall life, and that term has always been the type directed at someone you thought was no good at what they do, and i took it a bit personally. Wheter i was right or wrong was never a concern to me, i'm going to be wrong and i accept that. Had your reply been made without that first part i would either have replied stateing i was wrong due to not looking at it from a different perspective or not at all and left it as is.
All things aside, again i do apologize for the condecending comments that i made, answering what i percieved as a personal attack with one of my own wasn't the brightest thing to do and only leads to further arguments.
"Whoever said 'honesty is the best policy' didn't have a girlfriend with a fat @$$"
I agree....This game is just horrible and a horrible let down.. I had high hopes for it
The worse game I ever played...This game sux sooo much...I can't beleive it...
Another stupid game with all the OLD stuff...Dward, Elf etc...nothing new, nothing innovative..just the old bored stuff...
Mythic did a good job in the past with DAoC but now they fail..this game is a joke...
WAR, you really think that you would beat WoW, AOC, EQ2 with your boring game ? Close the studio and go to find a new job cause in gaming you really sux, you're a joke among the MMO community...go to clean the bathroom for Mcdonnald...
Back to our old love MMO
FUNCOM, Blizzard, AreanNet rock like hell compare to Mythic....
I could never have thought that the classes would be so boring and useless in this game. If there was ONE thing I really really never could have guessed.
Basicly all there is in variation is Knockback/Down and Snare/Root. Nothing else.
And too many classes are WORTHLESS in 1v1. And can never kill anything. How fun is that to play really? I'm thinking Engineer/Squig Herder and magus
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Its really just not fun period. Its a ULTRA casual PvE crap fest with a tiny little splash of repeateramma garbage scenario (instanced) unbalanced PvP. There is no "RvR" happening unless you call who can kill the most NPCs in the PvE zone for "victory points" "RvR".
Weakest RvR game I have ever had the displeasure of spending money on.
A poster compared this game to Planetside and I am horrified -
Planetside >>> War
Planetside at one month >>> War at one month.
(And, for the record - I got bored with WoW when I played it for a couple months a few years ago.)
So for the record in what you can see in these post, people hate war and they also hate most other mmos, in general they don't like mmos but they also don't like WAR. What a suprize.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
and does you crying about his crying make the game any funner? Dont be a hypocrite
Not yet. I'm making my way through T2 with my main characters at the moment. I'm also not in a hurry to get to T3 or higher. The game just launched a month ago. I've got plenty of time to get to Level 40/Renown 80.
I'm working and going to school full time to finish my degree, so WAR is my way of unwinding after a long day or relaxing when I'm finished with papers or any assignments I've got. At the casual pace I play at, it's fun. And I never expected to play the game, much less enjoy it, because I've never been a PvP player in the past. It's a different experience, and I'm having fun. That's what matters, IMO.
The day it stops being fun, I'll quit. Until then, I like WAR.