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Rolling a Magus? Allow me to share my opinion.



  • UrrellesUrrelles Member Posts: 574

    My suggested fixes to the magus and engineer would be:

    -Increase potency of snares and knockbacks.

    -Increase number of turrents they are capable of deploying

    -increase HP and damage of turrents by 100% at least

    -perhaps give these classes the same armor as a White Lion or Marauder, which in turn would increase their survival rate.  kinda like the warlock from WoW.

    -Give these classes life leeches, area affect regen, and buffing turrets.  (Bugmans brew is not enough)


    Just one or 2 of these fixes could help tons.

  • mmofanaticmmofanatic Member UncommonPosts: 136

    Are Magus's able to get plate armor by level 40? The guards always seem to be wearing it. I hope we do get better armor because i could use some mitigation.

  • coomscooms Member Posts: 219

    well to the people that seem to insulted or whatever by my post like they are super pros or something. Im sorry if i enjoy my Mag and can kill people and you cant. Im sorry our dps isnt as good as a BW or whatever the hell class you can to compare us. I think we need help and some upgrades but Its simply not as bad as some of you are implying. But i can top meters and i can help the team as a whole. This isnt WoW sorry. We are a DEFENSIVE caster class. I think Mythic needs to add some more defensive skills to engs and mags but overall id say we can rape face if healed. I dont go around in scenerios and look for solo people to kill. I go right in the fight and spam my AE dots and i use my little tentacle. I can do a lot of damage while boosting my Sorc friends and other elemental damage. I currently do think the pets are worthless and need help. And yes we need some added damage to our DoTs. But we can be played right and be successful. I am having fun and enjoy playing him. Gl to all the other mags and engs that enjoy their class and to the rest of you that simply hate your class reroll and come back to the class when and if we get buffs. There is 2 more cents for a total of 4..

  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    I hate the disc's they fly on

    Feel like i should be playing audiosurf for some reason

  • joswijjoswij Member Posts: 82

    I've already made a post about this, but I took my Magus into the t2 scenarios and pull some great numbers. (level 12) (level 13)

    I'm just thinking that people expect to 100 yard nuke people and come out on top like a Sorc/BW.  It just isn't going to happen.  The damage is fine, the problem is people refuse to play the caster like it should be and it reflects in the performance of the class.


    edit: Also the Magus receives a tatic to make a timered nuke do a 50% HP drain.  So again people basing their opinion on the class at low levels aren't realizing the potential of the class.

    this is just a sidenote playing in the t2 bracket.

    I'm loving my chosen putting the beatdown on people.  A strange dread spec using discord abilities to debuff for the clean 300 hits with a shield. (level 20 chosen)

  • bensculptbensculpt Member Posts: 80

    If u think magus is bad try a squig herder or white lion, weak and way buggy! Id start a thread about it but no one gives a shit cause no one plays them! lol!

  • HazmalHazmal Member CommonPosts: 1,013
    Originally posted by Ixnatifual

    I seemed to generally be on top of the damage done charts when playing my Magus, and often see other Magi at the top as well. Of course it could have been a case of everyone but the Magus players in those scenarios being crap. I do think BWs and Sorcs should do more damage, but Magus IMO shouldn't be too far behind.


    I wonder when the mentality of top damage charts = win is going to go by the wayside.  People seem to think if they come close to the top that they are better than those who don't.  I can play a MDPS class and attach myself to every inc. tank I see...if I manage to stay alive long I can put out a lot of damage sure, but it takes 5 mins to put a dent in them and then it is healed away.  That sure helps to take a keep or win a scenario...

    Point is, anyone can spam spam spam on a useless target for big damage at the end.  It sure helped your team that you took 15% of the tank's hp while the MDPS and RDPS were shredding your healers and RDPS.  Good job.

    Anyway, magus and engineer need a little work and people need a lot of work on understanding their role.  Until people realize roles and they get their tweaking, threads like this will run rampant.  Full of flaming and crying.

    Originally posted by javac

    well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?

  • DoktorTeufelDoktorTeufel Member UncommonPosts: 413


    Originally posted by Hazmal:


    I wonder when the mentality of top damage charts = win is going to go by the wayside. People seem to think if they come close to the top that they are better than those who don't.

    I wonder this myself. Total damage done is meaningless, and even kills are meaningless if they're not helping your team to win. Mindlessly spamming damage abilities doesn't help you win.

    Example: There's a Zealot a long way off from his spawn point in Tor Anroc, running back there because Destruction is turtling the Brimstone Bauble.

    Do you:

    1.) Root him and snare him, but don't kill him, and continue heading towards the spawn yourself?


    2.) Stop, take 15 seconds to kill him because you're an ub3r 1337 Bright Wizard, thus delaying your arrival at the real battle and SPEEDING his arrival by helping him to respawn faster?


    An extreme example, but it gets the point across. I can't count how many times five idiots have stopped to kill me, a retreating Magus, who then get rooted for 10 seconds right before I die, thus seriously delaying their arrival at the site of a real battle.

    Also, I sometimes use Crowd Control abilities so much in certain scenarios that I deal only average damage. I only spam my AoE DoTs and such when there's a really good opportunity to use them, and/or all my CC is on cooldown.

    What it boils down to is that people need to L2P.

    And I blame Mythic for including a damage-measuring meter to begin with in a team game. Shame on them.

    Currently Playing: EVE Online
    Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR

  • joswijjoswij Member Posts: 82

    I'm not really certain how you make a claim that Magus damage doesn't exist.  Then have that claim refuted by screenshots of rounds, and still believe that it's not the fault of the player.  There are other stats beyond just damage, such as deaths, solo kills, and renown.  Those all go to show how much time in the mix you have spent.

    I'm not going to lie about this, I'm horrible at melee healers.  I easily go 1dmg to 4 heals, because I play like a pure healer.  A solid WP/DoK can pull some very respectable 1-1 ratios.  I just have to accept the fact that I'm not very good at focusing damage and throwing out the heals.  It's the same premise of the so called Magus/Engineer problem.  I think that people just aren't used to playing them properly, and it reflects in their gameplay. 

    Frankly, of all the classes during a seige I find that engineers/magus on defense is maddeningly frustrating.  I'm not really certain why people would not want them.  They are able to lay down respectable AE, root, and have pets continuously laying down AE on either offense or defense.  Even when retreating the pets are still ticking away a large chunk of players.  It's the shining point of the classes, which is area denial.  The more compressed the enemy, the higher the effectiveness of the class. 


  • ChiramChiram Member UncommonPosts: 643
    Originally posted by cooms

    well to the people that seem to insulted or whatever by my post like they are super pros or something. Im sorry if i enjoy my Mag and can kill people and you cant. Im sorry our dps isnt as good as a BW or whatever the hell class you can to compare us. I think we need help and some upgrades but Its simply not as bad as some of you are implying. But i can top meters and i can help the team as a whole. This isnt WoW sorry. We are a DEFENSIVE caster class. I think Mythic needs to add some more defensive skills to engs and mags but overall id say we can rape face if healed. I dont go around in scenerios and look for solo people to kill. I go right in the fight and spam my AE dots and i use my little tentacle. I can do a lot of damage while boosting my Sorc friends and other elemental damage. I currently do think the pets are worthless and need help. And yes we need some added damage to our DoTs. But we can be played right and be successful. I am having fun and enjoy playing him. Gl to all the other mags and engs that enjoy their class and to the rest of you that simply hate your class reroll and come back to the class when and if we get buffs. There is 2 more cents for a total of 4..


    You are enjoying your class because you actually have a personal healer. I will agree, that this is awesome, especially with Daemon tree spec (tentacle smackin' everyone for 350+). However, most people don't have a personal healer and don't understand the Magus potential. The class... is very different but FUN at certain points with certain conditions. It's very conditional.

    The worst part about the magus, is IF you don't have a personal healer and you run in, knock down half the people to 50% health and then get killed... guess what, you don't get any renown. All you get is a nice damage meter and much less renown because the sorc who comes in at 100 yards away after you die finishes them off.

    Right now our DOTS are bugged and DO NOT COUNT for renown gains. This has been tested and proven. Even our tentacle damage. Only our direct damage nukes truly count for additional gains. This is why so many magus go havoc, because they don't have a healer and they feel more comfortable sitting back at a range with an escape route.

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