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Bad Community? Ouch!



  • EvolvedMonkyEvolvedMonky Member Posts: 549

    Theres alot of talking in the game. Its just without a general chat, you dont see all the retarded one liners.

    Warbands chat, PQ groups bs while we grind. And in scenarios you cant get people to shut up.

    Every game ive played most the people I messed with turned off general chat. And just talked in Groups or in there guild.

    This game doesnt have alot of downtime so theres no need to do something while you wait to play the game.

    Community is fine, there busy playing a game. Instead of a chat room.  And the majority is nice enough. You get run by heals like most games and everyone always helps someone when they get to many adds. And I know one person (me) who gives people armor my class cant use.  Plus if somone runs into you while doing the same quest they always invite.

    Guess im the minority that doesnt have there fun in a game dictated by other people. A good community is a bonus ofcourse but not a game breaker.

    WAR is the most easiest game to find a group in.  Its just the groups dont last that long since everyone splits off and does there own thing. Then they find themselves in a new group and start the cycle again. Which works for me cause long groups get annoying to me.

    To the OP stay in the game ur with now cause you seem like those guys who adds me to there friends list after grouping with em for 2 minutes. 

  • GylfiGylfi Member UncommonPosts: 708

     Game types will call certain player types.

    WAR is bad so it's bound to have bad community.

  • galad2003galad2003 Member Posts: 167

    The community was horrible from my experience.  But what do you expect from a PvP oriented game?

  • GhistGhist Member Posts: 275

    Communities lead to Barrens Chat therefore are bad!

    Waiting for the next thing

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564
    Originally posted by Stradden

    Originally posted by kuzseamer

    talked to a friend a few days ago...and i asked him if he had played this game at all.  he told me he did but couldn't play it as the community was absolutely one groups...or even wants to talk as he put it.  he used a different description (and having played many pvp oriented servers i knew what he meant) but basically said the majority of the players that he had encountered simply weren't very friendly.  i then checked a few sites including this one and couldn't believe it....every forum i checked reinforced that the community is absolutely terribel in this game....i have never seen so much negative feedback about the community on a new mmo....most new games you get a fairly decent community at least to start with.
    so i justthought i'd post for some feedback...either positive or negative about the community that those who have played have encountered.  what is the community like and if it is bad....why specifically is it bad.  is it the game context that makes talking hard...or is there a large population of gamers that feel they are too good to communicate?  i was interested in trying the game however if the community is really that bad (as a good community is important to me in a MMORPG) then i'll skip it and continue playing the game i'm would be great :)


    Since you seem to be asking for feedback, I'll give you some:

    I think that reviews on the community are mixed because it really does seem like there's no one chatting. This is an issue with the chat system that we'd all like to see resolved.


    That being said, I have jumped into pick up groups a LOT in the game and every time I've had nothing but good experiences with friendly people.

    Like in real like, you have to actually look to find good people. *shrug* Been fun for me.




    I think the thing is, in most MMOs, you log on and as long as you have the area (or the given MMO's version of it) active, there's always idle chatter going on. And it's not always about "Chuck Norris" or other inane things as some like to characterize it. I've read and been part of a great variety of discussions, from game-related things, to world events, etc.

    You don't see that in WAR which, yes, does lead to the feeling of a not-very-active or at least not very talkative community. I've noticed this, too.

    For those saying "join a guild and problem solved" that's a very disingenuous response. Guilds are a subset of the community at large and, again, in most MMOs I've played, there is active conversation in guild chat *and* in world/area chat. The presence of one does not "solve" the absence of the other.

    It *is* something that's notably absent in WAR, and I think that Mythic is working to address it shows that it's not some "imaginary thing people want to complain about", but a real issue.

    It's a bad thing, because even if something like that is merely perceived, it can make the impression on a new player that the game is not active, and they'll likely get discouraged and leave.


    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • GylfiGylfi Member UncommonPosts: 708
    Originally posted by galad2003

    The community was horrible from my experience.  But what do you expect from a PvP oriented game?

    not to have to pay monthly 

  • YoofaloofYoofaloof Member UncommonPosts: 217

    I think it makes a refreshing change not having to witness immature, inane drivel scrolling up the screen, which only serves as a distraction. If people want chat there's MSN.

  • joswijjoswij Member Posts: 82
    Originally posted by Yoofaloof

    I think it makes a refreshing change not having to witness immature, inane drivel scrolling up the screen, which only serves as a distraction. If people want chat there's MSN.


    Actually no, that's what the ignore feature is for.  Considering there are tome unlocks for that activity as well... ;)  I couldn't imagine playing a game that didn't include a default text chat system.  As long as the features exist to refine what channels you have logged, I can't see why you wouldn't give people access.

    In any case, I think that is one of the short falls for WAR.  While grouping is simple enough, it would be nice to get to communicate with others outside your immediate area.  It takes about three seconds to identify some channel spammer and ignore them.  I would much rather be able to make zone queries for RvR or general area/PQ information.  IE. the Warband leader for a PQ is near your area, but the group isn't anywhere close.  You can join the group only to notice the leader isn't really doing the PQ you "signed" up for.  So you have to drop, and hope the next leader is actually doing the PQ.  Little nitpick issues to correct, but nothing gamebreaking. 

    What I really like about the grouping system, is that anyone can make an invite.  The request is then forwarded to the group leader automatically.  So no more of tell-so-and-so-to-invite-me scenarios.  Although the game is just getting on it's feet, as long as they address the convience concerns it will add to the longevity of the game.

  • coomscooms Member Posts: 219

    in terms of community in WAR if you are a lone its a cold bitter place that has little to offer. Get into a guild NOW if you want to have fun in the game. Make sure its an active guild with lots of people. My guild which i found randomly and have no RL friends in do all kinds of RvR and take keeps. We journey around and kill destruction players and all that jazz and its fun as hell on vent. We level together and do everything everyone else should be doing. my only advice about WAR is find a guild asap with nice people. I know it can be hard but once you find some nice people it becomes a much better game.

  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    WAR has no community would be a better way to phrase it if you ask me

    It is a lonely world, very lonely. I've tried to get the ball going on chat a few times, but usually no one responds, or i get your normal 8 year old response.

    I think its safe to say WAR has the deadest community of any mmo, ive yet to encounter any mmo like it as far as community goes.

  • jblahjblah Member UncommonPosts: 368

    This thread needs to be renamed " Mythic add more Chuck Norris jokes or I quit". I would say in most games general chat is about 95% worthless info and maybe 5% of it people care about. Only reason I even pay attention in chat is when I am looking for a group to do something and well Mythic handled that with open party system.

    The main city chat works great so that covers the trade channel for the crafters if needed. If by having a bad community it means not hearing racial slurs  and part time comedians then I am more than happy to be part of a bad community.

    Thanks again Mythic for a bad community 2 thumbs up here

    Playing- Guild Wars 2, SWTOR
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  • bodypassbodypass Member Posts: 770


    War is directed to PvP players. The kind who want action instead of talking.

    War is not a traditionnal MMO(rpg), like you hang out with friends and do all kind of things, from fishing to crafting to having a chat on the national football team to dozens of emotes.

    The game - as an MMO(rpg) - doesn't offer decent emotes, doesn't offer official forums, doesn't offer a nice general chat system.

    War offers Waaaarrrgghh and so it attracts the kind of people who want Waaaaarggh. Not even in a very polished way.

    That in these posts these same kind of people react by saying Wow is the cause of lack of chat is the most ridiculous statement ever.

    It's about time War stands on its own feet instead of serving as an excuse of not playing Wow or LOTRO or any other MMORPG.


  • JonnyBigBossJonnyBigBoss Member UncommonPosts: 702

    Worst community than any other game, including WoW, hands down.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,142
    Originally posted by WSIMike

    I think the thing is, in most MMOs, you log on and as long as you have the area (or the given MMO's version of it) active, there's always idle chatter going on. And it's not always about "Chuck Norris" or other inane things as some like to characterize it. I've read and been part of a great variety of discussions, from game-related things, to world events, etc.
    You don't see that in WAR which, yes, does lead to the feeling of a not-very-active or at least not very talkative community. I've noticed this, too.
    For those saying "join a guild and problem solved" that's a very disingenuous response. Guilds are a subset of the community at large and, again, in most MMOs I've played, there is active conversation in guild chat *and* in world/area chat. The presence of one does not "solve" the absence of the other.
    It *is* something that's notably absent in WAR, and I think that Mythic is working to address it shows that it's not some "imaginary thing people want to complain about", but a real issue.
    It's a bad thing, because even if something like that is merely perceived, it can make the impression on a new player that the game is not active, and they'll likely get discouraged and leave.


    Have you ever experienced an mmo without world chat but vibrant Guild chat?

    Lineage 2 is that way. Oh sure you will occassionally see someone do some shouts but most talk is done in clan and alliance and then "wtb/wts" in the cities.

    That is what I was used to as it was my first mmo.

    But this also comes back to how people view guilds.

    A few nights ago, someone noted in Warhammer that I wasn't in a guild and thought it was interesting as by lvl 18 (at the time) people usually found a group to be with.

    As we talked he made the comment to me that being in a guild wasn't any sort of deep life long commitement.

    And that is where I had to differ. Not that being in a guild is some sort of blood pack, but anyone who has played Lineage 2 will know that the people you are with really do have your back. They help you hunt for mats, they run to whereever you are if you drop your equipment on death (when you could drop your equipment on death) they come to pk your enemies, etc. It really is more like being in a family.

    But from seeing games like WoW and LOTRO it really does seem more like a chat channel and perhaps some people to run quests with. There is no sense of greater depth.

    So what do people do? They seek interactioin in larger chat channels.

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  • susanto1228susanto1228 Member Posts: 203
    Originally posted by Zayne3145

    I think a lot of this is due to the fact that the chat system is pretty appalling, although Mythic are apparently addressing this issue.
    Until this is fixed I won't be touching the game. I want my MMORPGs to feel 'alive'. People say that to experience the community in this game you need to be part of a guild. I'm sorry but I disagree with this. WAR is supposed to be about RvR; the whole realm working together, not various cliques going about their own business and not communicating on a wider scale for a common goal. If Mythic manage to find a way around this issue then I may give it another look.


    Hey guys just wanted to give my 2 cents here, THIS has got to be the MOST horrible, horrible chat system I have ever encountered in a game before.  I mean No thought went into making this Chat box.  Just to type stuff to send it to certain places is a pain in the rear.  IF you type /Chan order (if you are in order) you will hear a lot more chatting going on, usually its channel 2, and Change the Color of your Text to your liking it helps a lot, Turn OFF the "Monster say" option in the Chat Tab settings, that will cut out all the NPC chatter which is useless....but yah Mythic you seriously need to Fix this, It's annoying, ineffective, just fix it please

  • checkthis500checkthis500 Member Posts: 1,236
    Originally posted by Stradden

    Originally posted by kuzseamer

    talked to a friend a few days ago...and i asked him if he had played this game at all.  he told me he did but couldn't play it as the community was absolutely one groups...or even wants to talk as he put it.  he used a different description (and having played many pvp oriented servers i knew what he meant) but basically said the majority of the players that he had encountered simply weren't very friendly.  i then checked a few sites including this one and couldn't believe it....every forum i checked reinforced that the community is absolutely terribel in this game....i have never seen so much negative feedback about the community on a new mmo....most new games you get a fairly decent community at least to start with.
    so i justthought i'd post for some feedback...either positive or negative about the community that those who have played have encountered.  what is the community like and if it is bad....why specifically is it bad.  is it the game context that makes talking hard...or is there a large population of gamers that feel they are too good to communicate?  i was interested in trying the game however if the community is really that bad (as a good community is important to me in a MMORPG) then i'll skip it and continue playing the game i'm would be great :)


    Since you seem to be asking for feedback, I'll give you some:

    I think that reviews on the community are mixed because it really does seem like there's no one chatting. This is an issue with the chat system that we'd all like to see resolved.


    That being said, I have jumped into pick up groups a LOT in the game and every time I've had nothing but good experiences with friendly people.

    Like in real like, you have to actually look to find good people. *shrug* Been fun for me.



    It seems like people expect everyone to magically just start talking and grouping and coming up with strategies.

    If everyone that complains that no one talks would start talking, I bet it wouldn't be as bad as it is.  Just because there are Public Groups doesn't mean LFG is obsolete.  If you want to find a good group, you still have to do some work just like in other MMOs.  Don't expect the game to do it for you.

    That being said, the chat interface does need a good bit of tweaking.

    But after it's tweaked to how the users want it, don't expect people to magically start typing up a storm.  You have to be willing to start a conversation.

    I live to fight, and fight to live.

  • TheSheikhTheSheikh Member Posts: 804

    There is nothing wrong with the community, people just need to learn how to make friends.

    It is not that hard..... really.


  • hyperenixhyperenix Member Posts: 5

    When I first started playing I also felt lonely in the sense that No one is communicating. However, as I played I realized almost anyone i asked to party with me accepted and everytime i wispered I got a reply. Sure, there is a lack of General Chat clutter,but in a way im glad because its always abused. WAR finds a better way to party without having to spam LFG in between immature children spamming things like Anal Aimed shot or whatever. Its a different game with a different system and I believe with time we will appreciate mythic on this matter instead of complaining about it.  Good Gaming All!!

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