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Whats with all the circle strafing ?



  • slask777slask777 Member Posts: 706
    Originally posted by fingis


    Originally posted by Lobotomist

    Hello people! This is not WOW Didnt you notice that your enemy , if he stands still and attacks - he is automatically turning to face you ?


    WAR's pvp is simplified. Movment advantages have been removed to help the elderly and physically challenged.

    But I was able to kite a witch elf to death with my shaman by DOTing her and HOTing myself while bunny hopping away. That way I could face her and move fast.

    A big oO to this post. First, movement advantages haven't been removed from the game. The WoW way aka circlestrafing, which is exploiting a bug really, don't work here, but movement still do. I seldom stay still in scenarios except when casting spells(BW). If I stay still too much, I'm a dead wiz. Second, what fool turns their back to a witchelf? I wish that was mine you where facing, heh. That witchelf must've sucked or been low level.

    Edit:Reread the post I quoted and wondered how the bloody hell you could duel your own faction? Oh well, another poster talking nonsense. Try out the game before you come around posting about it, please.

    Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.

  • VultureSkullVultureSkull Member UncommonPosts: 1,774

    I hate circle straffers tbh, and i am glad that it doesnt work here, in fact when peeps try to do it to me when

    i am playing my Marauder, i just stand still and spam Impale(hits from back only), it hits the straffer continously and they soon stop straffing or they end up dead!









  • SweeetSweeet Member Posts: 135

    I play an IB and whenever someone tries to circle strafe me I just pop my moral ability that holds them in place for 10 seconds - cracks me up every time I see them panicking and just spinning around in circles.

    To wank, or not to wank. The ultimate MMO sacrifice.

  • cukimungacukimunga Member UncommonPosts: 2,258

    Yeah I cant wait till i get my flank tactic with my witch hunter they will help me get my bonus for damage. lol

  • MrbloodworthMrbloodworth Member Posts: 5,615
    Originally posted by Macamus

    There actually is a point for a non positional class to circle one that requires you to....  if he has strong attacks that he needs to do in your back or rear, well MOVE so he CANT do it? 


    Auto face.

    The only movement you should be worried about is moving out of range, circle-strafing does nothing.

    "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me

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    "Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.

    How are you?" -Me

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228
    Originally posted by Mrbloodworth

    Originally posted by Macamus

    There actually is a point for a non positional class to circle one that requires you to....  if he has strong attacks that he needs to do in your back or rear, well MOVE so he CANT do it? 


    Auto face.

    The only movement you should be worried about is moving out of range, circle-strafing does nothing.


    My problem with the straffers (sp) is that in RvR if I lag even a little, I can't get a hit in.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • GetalifeGetalife Member CommonPosts: 786

    I play as Witch Hunter. Even though i don't circle around my enemy but i do strafe and move out of range when faced against big groups. yes it frustrates the enemy and i have surivved many times if you know when and how to strafe.


    And no i am not a WOW player. People who are saying strafe doesn't work must have never tried it when in Mourkain Temple zerged by Destruction.

  • AramanuAramanu Member Posts: 157

    I love people who use auto-face in pvp, makes them much easier to kill.

  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593
    Originally posted by Lobotomist

    Hello people! This is not WOW
    Didnt you notice that your enemy , if he stands still and attacks - he is automatically turning to face you ?
    Just thought to inform you ...
    Now if you are Witchtard (you know the rogue classes) with positional attack, than i can see why are you running around. Or Shadow Warrior.
    But else you are killing your self with stupidity


    I play a tank and I circle-strafe a lot. It's killing the guys who are trying to follow me with mouse or keyboard rather than letting the game track me.

    And besides when I rush into the thickest pile of red retargeting every 1.5 seconds and aoeing like crazy I circle-strafe to appear there's quite more of me there than actually is.

    Circle-strafing has its place in the arsenal. It is a situational thing and its not always bad.

    In addition melee DPSs have positional skills and fights aren't always 1v1 if you haven't noticed. You can't track 2 targets in different positions you know.

  • HazmalHazmal Member CommonPosts: 1,013
    Originally posted by markoraos

    Originally posted by Lobotomist

    Hello people! This is not WOW
    Didnt you notice that your enemy , if he stands still and attacks - he is automatically turning to face you ?
    Just thought to inform you ...
    Now if you are Witchtard (you know the rogue classes) with positional attack, than i can see why are you running around. Or Shadow Warrior.
    But else you are killing your self with stupidity


    I play a tank and I circle-strafe a lot. It's killing the guys who are trying to follow me with mouse or keyboard rather than letting the game track me.

    And besides when I rush into the thickest pile of red retargeting every 1.5 seconds and aoeing like crazy I circle-strafe to appear there's quite more of me there than actually is.

    Circle-strafing has its place in the arsenal. It is a situational thing and its not always bad.

    In addition melee DPSs have positional skills and fights aren't always 1v1 if you haven't noticed. You can't track 2 targets in different positions you know.


    An intelligent post.  Are you sure you are on the right boards?  Not being sarcastic, there are a lot of stupid comments to wade through.

    Anyway, if you are holding the directional keys it appears that auto-face does not would that not make a place for circle strafing?  I think auto-face is a little lame anyway, you have directional keys and a mouse...use em.

    Originally posted by javac

    well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?

  • Rayx0rRayx0r Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,902
    Originally posted by fingis


    Originally posted by Lobotomist

    Hello people! This is not WOW Didnt you notice that your enemy , if he stands still and attacks - he is automatically turning to face you ?


    WAR's pvp is simplified. Movment advantages have been removed to help the elderly and physically challenged.

    But I was able to kite a witch elf to death with my shaman by DOTing her and HOTing myself while bunny hopping away. That way I could face her and move fast.



    IE:  "I like to make shit up to make myself appear bad ass"

    Not saying you cant kite a player with a shaman.  But next time you make up a scenerio of uberness, consider using a player of the opposing faction.


    “"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
  • banthisbanthis Member Posts: 1,891

    I only circle around people concentrating on someone else as their target.  I position myself behind them or to the side so when they reach a point that a healer is going to heal them I Punt them away from their group and nail them with my heavier ranged shots.   Its a pretty good tactic but only tends to work if they're not paying attention to you.

    Alot of people stupidly circle strafe themselves into a wall of people rofl :) so what if they want to circle strafe let them...when they get stuck in a corner you beat the crap out of them and go onto the next target.

  • Cotillion99Cotillion99 Member UncommonPosts: 251

    I do a lot of circle strafing/ moving in general just to make it harder to target me and to move in and out of range.  The tab targetting still doesn't do a perfect job so if you keep moving and the target relies on this you can do a lot of damage before they even have you targetted. 


  • wozzuwozzu Member Posts: 109

    WAR is WoW on easy mode.

    Yes, in WAR, the computer points you at your target automatically. Look ma! No hands!

    If you're a healer, you'll have to set auto attack on.

  • TeiloTeilo Member Posts: 284

    I wonder how many circle-strafers & bunny-hoppers have gone up against level 40 Chosen using 'Touch of Palsy' yet?

    That'll teach 'em when they do!  

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Every class has reasons to circle strafe believe it or not. With my WH I circle strafe back and forth going in and out to make use of my Slow technique which only works when hitting them in the back.

    This way I can slow them while moving in and out to attack and be able to get away as long as I don't get rooted or slowed myself.  Not to mention there are a number of other reasons for a WH to circle strafe.

    HOWEVER I also circle strafe on my Warrior Priest.  Why, would i do that?  If I'm ever locked into battle I like circle strafing to keep my eye on other players health bars.  Usually I can only see the players health in my group, but if I'm looking at my surroundings I can easily see all friendly players withing my little circle so I can assist and heal them --- most of the time they're there to keep me alive anyway.

    So there are a lot of good reasons to circle strafe.... now I don't ALWAYS circle strafe.. only sometimes.

  • slask777slask777 Member Posts: 706

    Circle strafing, actually lets just call it strafing, got it's place in WAR, but not when I see those brainless melee'rs coming in to whack on the casters. It's most of the time a 1vs1 thing and the strafing don't do squat. What do make sense though is that when you are in the thick of things and try to position yourself to use your directional attacks. It wont work on the target hitting away on you, but it will work on his buddy who is busy dps'ing someone else.

    Again, this ain't WoW, or DaoC where circlestrafing actually work to some degree, or so I've heard. Besides when I see some meleer coming for one of the caster's and try to circlestrafe him/her, I put some dot on him that will hurt him if he move. Granted my BW is still a little too low for that dot to hurt too much, every little bit helps. Killed quite a few people when they run out of my range, but the dot is still ticking on them


    Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.

  • AraikisAraikis Member Posts: 74
    Originally posted by Teilo

    I wonder how many circle-strafers & bunny-hoppers have gone up against level 40 Chosen using 'Touch of Palsy' yet?
    That'll teach 'em when they do!  

    Happy thoughts!

  • joswijjoswij Member Posts: 82

    Actually it's a two-fold benefit to strafing around your targets.  Besides the already mentioned positional attacks, you can A) Land attacks that will not be parried/blocked.  B) Get a better view of your surroundings.

    Yes there is an autoface when you "use" abilities, you will not always be facing between moves.  Allowing you small slivers of the fight to land attacks to the sides and rear that are not parried/blocked.  Cutting down a decent amount on mitigated blows.  Yes even casters can parry moves.  I'm fairly certain you can block from all sides, but I tend to face groups as I run Hold the Line moving back to safety to add the parry defense.

    I'll have to check later if there is a way to set a new default, but I find the automatic camera positioning to be lacking.  It seems to jam the camera angle as closely as it can to your character without going into first person mode after each spawn.  With the targeting system requiring you to click and release by default( a mod fixes this for RvR), when you are panning the camera around and try to click on a player it becomes difficult in large scale fights.


    Edit: Changes to Parry comment, after testing you will not block attacks on the sides or rear. So yes there ia a huge difference if you are able to land attacks when you are strafing.

  • UrrellesUrrelles Member Posts: 574

    Man I made a huge post long ago about this, but no one had anything to comment on it.

    Circle strafing is a two way street.  When you strafe you are granted opening on your target that allows you to hit them with positional attacks.


    As you strafe you are also open to those positional attacks and you are, in fact, doing all the work to allow your enemy the ability to hit your sides.  So basicallyt he more you move around, the longer you leave yourself vulnerable to enemy attacks.


    the BEST way to combat someone one on one is to open the fight by running bpast them and hitting your best back attack.  then facing them as normal.  When it comes times to slip in another positional attack, do a 1 second, quarter circle strafe around your target and pop it real fat.  This works nearly 100% of the time.


    Basiclaly, if you don't strafe you lose out on damage.  If you strafe too much you lose out on defense.  Only one type of character needs constant strafing to beat.  A tank class with a shield.

  • WarmakerWarmaker Member UncommonPosts: 2,246
    Originally posted by darwa

    Originally posted by gan3f

    Originally posted by darwa

    Originally posted by gan3f

    lots of classes have attacks from behind or the side.. marauder,witchelfs witch hunts, shadow warrior, hell i even think swordmasters do. so maybe you should check your facts before posting your supreme knowledge of something.
    might not be SM maybe it was white lions but still.. you sir are in the wrong and make your self look stupid not these people strafeing to the side and behind.  Well i guess you showed that already by calling ppl witchtards for playing a class they like.. grow up, you act like you are from the wow boards.


    WOW! Such anger! lol

    I think you'll find that he's referring to the fact that these people continually circle their opponent.

    I was told that it's a habit from WoW where attacks aren't self-facing.


    so i guess i shouldn't continually circle my opponent to hit him from behind for 180 none crit attack. Hey maybe i will just stand there and fight him w/o moving at all, cuz if i circle to the back iam some "wow nub".

    Hell better yet i will just ask him to run away so i can get my attacks from behind, hrmm but there is still a chance it may look like iam strafing him if he turns or something.. Darn i cuz theres no choice but to reroll a class that doesn't have any back/side attacks. MYTHIC you bastards for making such attacks now everyone that plays those classes are wow nubs and have no skills at all.


    Get yourself on an anger management course or something. You're not cut out for the internet.


    Nothing wrong with what he said, because it is the **truth**, whether you like it or not.

    Some classes do have attacks that do much better if striking from the back or sides.

    There IS a tiny bit of latency in facing changes.  Not much of use for most attacks, but at certain distances, angle of movement to the target, etc., it does work.

    "I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)

  • VultureSkullVultureSkull Member UncommonPosts: 1,774
    Originally posted by Urrelles


    Thanks Urrelles for your excellent summary in the above link.

  • APRAuroreAPRAurore Member Posts: 330

    I am one of those who hates circle strafing and bunny hopping. I hated it in WoW and I hate it in WAR because I hate the irritating constant movement. It doesn't affect how I play against those players because I realised very quickly that tabbing almost always targets the person closest to you (the bunny hopper or circle strafer) and that my spells or whatever still hit him because I'm autofacing him. I also use logic: if I see an mdps class, especially a WE, coming somewhat along my direction, I start pre-kiting so that tart never gets near me in the first place. I actually think constant circle strafing and bunny hopping should be discouraged and melees should be smacked down with a to-hit penalty when they do it. As someone said above, the positionals were designed with the intent that you use them on a person who isn't paying attention to you. It makes sense to me that if you're constantly moving you shouldn't be able to hit as often and I would even say, do as much damage as you would normally do when the target is mostly immobile with respect to you.

    Back in EvE. Started with BatMUD. Main MMOs have been EvE and DAoC.

  • kcypher2000kcypher2000 Member Posts: 116

    Wow some people here are dense.  While most players over use circle strafing for no reason it can be a valuable tactic in this game in certain situations.  For one if you are a witch hunter you will be a fool to stand in the face of a marauder or tank class in a 1 on 1 situation.  This is when strafing can be useful, run around him get a 5 point burn heretic then instead of circling around him strafe away until you can run a bit.  Most of the stupid players who are used to standing like rocks will be to slow to react to follow you in time for a snare.

    Strafing also works well in large group battles.  A trick i use a lot is to strafe around the first opponent i engage, typically a healer and if another healer begins to keep my target up i quickly break off running to a new opponent.  While most strafers do it for apparently no reason it can be a valuable too for not only making it harder to be targeted but also as a tool for misdirection. 

    Btw I have never seen this circle strafing used effectively in Wow. it is way to easy to just back up and turn your mouse slightly to keep your target always in the position you want.  This game atleast allows you to sneak off certain position based attacks if you know how to hit and move.  Also the collision  detection makes strafing more useful.  You can't simply run through your opponent in this game so if my WH has a tank running straight towards me im not going to stand still so i can fight him 1 on 1, im going to strafe around him till i can peel off towards his healer. 


    Summary of post for the lazy: while its not very useful to run circles around your enemy thinking you will kill him easier it can be very useful as a tool for misdirection, especially in group combat.

  • crunchyblackcrunchyblack Member Posts: 1,362

    circle that what a fps player call kiting?

    the "hit and run" tactic has been around for a while usualy regarding "squishy" clases such as mages.  Its widely known and a well accepted practice usualy.  In fact it is a must for most magic classes in most fantasy mmo's, as standing in one spot means instant death for them usualy, since mages are typically right under the healers in most peoples "order of people to kill" list..

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