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i miss the good old days (3 or so years ago) when we used to hang out in TIR, by the rock at the grid which was located in TIR, and on the red tents infront of TIR.
When I came back to try SL, i logged on in TIR, and wanted to sell something and when someone wanted to buy, they didnt know where the tents were in TIR, from then i knew it wasnt the same, and that it will never be the same :
for those of you who still play, you have no idea what the game was like before those dreadful team missions came out, it was actually fun!
just had to let that out, cos im still upset about it..
Well I dont play any more and probably never will agian thanks to Shadowlands.. There were still people posted at the local RK hangouts after team missions hell thats one of the things that you could do if you didnt feel like soling, dyna camping, going to the dungeons, getting buffs, shopping, pvping, raiding, farming, ect.
What killed AO in my opinion and a few others was SWG beta, the AR nerf patch (right before SL), and the horrible camp, aggro, bore, team killing, bugfest known as Shadowlands...After that people started to leave the game in masses, whole orgs just dissapered... I dont care what any of the current players try to say I have logged in on AO recently and its a shell of what it used to be population wise..
But I do miss my Old AO it was the best MMO most complete MMO I have played to this date, that is untill the Devs destroyed it with EQ 1.5.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
So true dude.
AO is still to this point the longest mmo i have played. and believe me i have played quite a few after this one.
I will never forget parties at the reet retreat and creating a super twink trader alt and just having a good time in general.
Maybe guild wars, wow, or eq2 will keep my interest for more than 2 months, but i am starting to doubt it.
Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
Oscar Wilde
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.
- John Wooden
oh i remember that tir hangout .... i remember when the whoompas was right on top of fair trade (FT) for those who played ao since launch ....
but u have to admit is was quite laggy , the reason they moved it .. as much as i agree with you the new hangout have appeared like jobe platform or SL gardens ... always players there ...i must say that as much people play ao, there just not at the same places anymore... as for me well ... all the RP guilds hang out in the west athens area ...mostly the backyard 4 ...
one thing that is true though SL has changed the game . . . in my opinion u play SL or u dont play SL for they are 2 different games ...
games have to evolve

- - - i remember in everquest ... for those that played a while ago ... est commons saturday morning
boy were those trade channels active .... and that zone was alive and fun of activities good there now
totally deserted .... devs tend try to make games better but sometimes they kill the essence of the community ..... hang out me are the spirit of a game and people tend to look at that alot ...
dark age of camelot ... camelot city ....since the housing expansion .....what happened to camelot ???
go see ... u will understand ................ bye
Yeah I remeber those day's that was fun
as you SL killede it and now AI has been released and killede the game even more its just sad.
I would be so happy if they would make a server before sl was release so I could hangout there...
This game was really good before the SL expansion came out.
I used to like this game the best of all MMOS. It didn't need expansions what it really needed was either a really big graphics upgrade OR they should have just made an AO2 with all new graphics and some new zones. Add in better character customization, player housing and cities, revamp some of the skills and BAM they would have the best MMO on the market.
I remember the good old days after the bugs got all worked out from release we had a really great time playing for about 2 years.
I miss it
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
I miss it to man and hate it at the same time and here is why.. AO(pre SL) set the bar to high as far as my expectations of what a game should be. When I was forced to leave because of EQ 1.5 err I mean Shadowlands I went searching and till this day im still searching for something that was as complete and fun as AO was for me... Wheather it was the huge shops, the dungeons, the team/solo missions, crafting, farming, PVP, or the raids the Old AO(pre SL) had something for everone....
I have yet to find another game that is even close to this, so I guess you can say AO (pre-SL) spoiled me. And thats where the hate comes in they spoiled me and then they totally turned there back on me. Shadowlands not only killed my org but they killed my orgs 3 tower sites due to the fact that the 4 of us left decided to deconstruct them since all our enemy Omni orgs bascily left the game...That really hurt having to decontruct those sites.. I spent many many hours with friends and fello Claners defending them agianst hordes of enemys.. Never crossed my mine that they would be destroyed in that way.
Im getting to the point now where I dread Expansions, they seem to do more harm then good.... Im also starting to think that I made a mistake in getting into MMO's, for the most part there just one dissapointment after another. Thats why WOW will be my last hope, hell if Blizzard can't get it right I don't think any Company can, so it will be back to PS and Xbox with the rest of my friends for me.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
I always seem to hear this, no matter what MMORPG I check out. People are always saying this expansion killed it, no this expansion killed it. But I mean is change really that bad. I happen to like Anarchy Online and Shadowlands, and I have yet to try Alien Invasion. Is this game really that bad? Ive only been playing the 14 day free trial, and im on my 5th day, but so far Ive been enjoying it. Personally I beleive the only reason there arnt as many people, is because there are so many MMORPG's nowadays, and so few MMORPG players, that the worlds just cant be filled to a more decent level.
My hope is that someday soon a new MMORPG, like The World, will come around, that has the same popularity that game enjoys. Now im not saying the gameplay ideas of the world are good, but the amount of people meant there wasnt any shortage of people to group with, and it seemed to me like it felt like a more thriving world.
So ill ask you this, is it gonna be worth my time to even bother buying a month of this game, or should I just say screw it, and wait for WoW, or EQ2?
<('')>[Sigurd Levenhiet]<('')>
the game is an excellent one ... well built and fun to play, it's not perfect but what game is nowadays
just to state everytime i leave ao i always come back some weeks back due i miss my guild and the peoples in the game ao may not be the biggest populations in mmo but after a few months u will see many familiars names out there just like a big familily
i remember trying ffXI, yes big populations but u dont fee like your part of anything and anyways no one even talks to you
so if like the game after 5 days you havent seen nothing yet and last thing no one looks the same in this game items galore

have fun out there
i play this game by 2 yrs ..
i tryed many mmo games ... but after a while i came back to AO , AO is teh single one who challange me..
Yes , SL changed things .. but not the game .. the system is almost the same.. yes , the meeting places are different now ( remember south gate outside TIR) .. but is normal ..
what i hate is the leveling system after lvl 50 .. Hecklers are the only option (or spirits/dryades if u stay long enaugh to get in a team ) ..
Funcom need more coders , that is real ... never seen a bug lasts so long as in AO , and not a bug who needs 100+ codes line ... just 1 damn code line ..
AO needs better engine , this one works .. .but is 3yrs old ..
I wondar , if a damn line of code needs 100 days to be changed , how much time require a 3d engine for funcom ?!
The twink system rocks .. it chalanges you.
In this game the average player age is 20+ , is not a kids game.
At the final ... this is the only MMO game who deserves attention , and the only one who is a real drug, yayaya .. drug .. take care .. the rest are just @$5^%
AO is still going strong, even if SL was really bugged it's also what saved AO, most high lvls was bored before SL but waited for the expansion, those that quit because of SL would most likely quit anyway since they already were max lvl, had the items they wanted and had nothing to do ingame.
I can't see how AO will survive the release of WoW and EQ2 tho, the player base is so small so I think those new games can kill it..
And FC doesn't really deserve better after releasing more bugs than they fix in every single patch and never learn.
I say you may be right that WoW and EQ2 might possible kill it, but you need to take into effect that AO is a SCI-FI game, while EQ2 and WoW are FANTASY games. Now you can argue that Shadowlands made AO more fantasy like, but in effect it is still a Sci-Fi game. I personally hope this doesnt happen, as I am loving AO, more than I have any other MMORPG. And I hope that Funcom might make a new graphics engine, and a new advertising campaign, to try and get back some people, and to bring a whole new group into the game, cause it more than definately deserves it.
I think pretty much all "old schooler" ( read: pre-SL/AI players ) miss the good old RK days.
Tir "Grid", Tarasque, Fair Trade, 2H0 Wars, Arena fights, Pre-NW Merc Camp, Broken Shores, etc. I never had that much fun in a MMO than in AO during these days. Back then, GMs were active and very oftently organising events. Can't remember how often we got slayered by GM spawned's Juggernauts in 2H0 etc
But as many said, all expansions added new bugs than they fixed... NW's "Crowd Control" is a good example, and as far as I know it's still broke.
I can only speak for myself here, but I'd have sticked to AO/NW w/o shadowlands. But the Reward/Efforts rate was too harsh for me the first weeks/months. And the stupid bugs were annoying aswell. For the ones whom skipped SL launch, we simply couldn't go past Adonis the first monthes. The "Scubba Gear" quest had stupid drop rates, the ring quest was bugged as hell, and Penumbra Shades quest was simply not doable due to bugged "ring spawn" mobs and fubared loot tables.
They finally fixed these quests, and once we got to Penumbra, it was simply unplayable. We were chain-warped back to spawn portal, mobs were attacking from the other side of the map, invisible holes in ground warping you back to RK, etc. Again after a few weeks, they fixed the Rubber Banding problems somewhat, and then we could figure out that no quest were working there. Clan Garden quest remained undoable for several more monthes, and this is were most of us quit. I personally spent several weeks trying to complete all these quest, mainly Garden one. I did petition a few times, asking if it was actually doable, and even GM answers were positive. So I and a few friends tried harder and harder to figure out how to complete it. Some weeks later they officially announced that the quest was not doable. You can't imagine how frustrated we were.
Anyways, WoW and new other games will most likely hurt AO. Alot of players I know are waiting for EQ2/WoW/Vanguards/etc. ( Altho many players quit for same reasons already and came back, i'm sure that if the games I listed above are decent enough and "followed" by enough players - unlike L2, SWG, PS - alot might not come back this time )
Damn I truly miss my Ithica packing engi with her slayer(yes I had a low light LLTS). I was browsing one of my picture folders and there low and behold my AO screenshots, almost brought a tear to my
Hell I even miss my MA, she was bad ass!!!!
EDIT2: Oh man LOL...i just did the "see if your charcter is still in the database/not deleted check" and my friggin characters have NOT been if i could only remember my lvl 162 SOL name dern it...(keep in mind, i havent played AO in er 2 and a half YEARS. Wow....this impresses me....
Is there another way to retrieve account info other than the player search? It would be pretty nice to have a decent lvled character to farm with since im starting again soon. Anyone know of a way? Still VERY shocked that my characters are still there.....prolly wondering where the hell i went if they could in fact...wonder...where the hell i went....
I miss the game to That AI & SL expension have screwed it SL = way to much xp and AI= makes it un-real!
Onnidrah- Horizons
Onnidrah- Neocron
Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
Onnidrah- Ryzom
Onnidrah- SWG (trail)
Onnidrah- Runescape
Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Horizons
Onnidrah- Neocron
Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
Onnidrah- Ryzom
Onnidrah- SWG
Onnidrah- Runescape
Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Anarchy Online
I played AO for 3 years, pretty much from the start, I was never a vast player but I enjoyed the game and I still think it has a superb game play element and great story. Ive just cancelled my subscription though, principally due to the AI expansion. I was pretty much a solo player, not having the time to put into the game that most of my friends have. The AI expansion is purely aimed at organisations. There's no interesting element for the solo gamer that I can see. And it would have been pretty simple to add: a new mission type that has you exploring a downed alien space craft. The craft is added dynamically and only you can enter it when you have the mission key. A lost opportunity to give the solo player a reason to by the product.
I have to admit to not liking SL either, too fantasy for my taste.
A Korpz in all things
I was in SL beta and in AI beta to it looked their great but..
AO is something whole diff then AI & SL exp.
Notumwars is and was the best exp (best sold)
Onnidrah- Horizons
Onnidrah- Neocron
Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
Onnidrah- Ryzom
Onnidrah- SWG (trail)
Onnidrah- Runescape
Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Horizons
Onnidrah- Neocron
Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
Onnidrah- Ryzom
Onnidrah- SWG
Onnidrah- Runescape
Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Horizons
Onnidrah- Neocron
Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
Onnidrah- Ryzom
Onnidrah- SWG (trail)
Onnidrah- Runescape
Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Horizons
Onnidrah- Neocron
Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
Onnidrah- Ryzom
Onnidrah- SWG
Onnidrah- Runescape
Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
Onnidrah- Anarchy Online
SWG had absolutly nothing to do with anything bad happening in AO. AO released years and years ahead of SWG. What messed up AO was...... AO. The first 6 months of release AO was litterally 98%
Even more sad, may AO players, AO beta testers, pinpointed the problem. But the AO game DEVs denied it was the problem - a sevear memory leak. After they finally delt with it, it was waaay too late. AO has never ever recovered from the permenate damage it suffered from having one of the worse ever launches in MMORPG history.
-Personal Website (A Work in progress):
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, SWG:
-More SWG:
-EverQuest II:
-EQ, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II, *UXO*:
-EVE Online !!!
Go to the AO site.
Click on "My Account" on the left side.
Go to the very bottom of the page. Where it says "Login (For Registered Users)" enter your account name and password. It does not matter if you no longer play AO in years.
It will then let you go into your account. IMHO you can use a Money Order, (or any of the tons of other ways to pay) and pay for 3 months or whatever. Then you login to the game. Pick whichever server. The game will list ALL of your characters on the server.
-Personal Website (A Work in progress):
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, SWG:
-More SWG:
-EverQuest II:
-EQ, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II, *UXO*:
-EVE Online !!!
AO went downhill (for me) as soon as I discovered the antiguardians database site and all the items I needed to have but needed to camp or run endless team missions for.
At that point the game became work or resign yourself to being a gimp.
Once agian xplororor I think you have been sniffing some of that Moon dust with those aliens you think MINE up there.. lol
After the intial horrible launch that AO had its started to steady increase in Subs.. A few months after the NW booster pack it was at or close to a all time high.. There were tons of people on the servers both RK1 and 2...But people started to tire of the game alittle and the oppurtunity to try SWG which at the time was suppose to be "THE GAME" of all games was to hard to pass up. Lots of AO vets left to go test SWG and that really put a little hurting on the community but it was not enough to kill it. Some came back once they found out that SWG sucked and would get released to soon, some didnt.. Those that came back where greeted with perhaps one of the worst thought out patches ever the dreaded "AR NERF PATCH" which was pre SL... Then they were greeted with SL itself, which as shown on this thread was not liked by alot of people.
So SWG did have something to do with AO's Demise, just not to the effect of say a EQ 1.5 er I mean Shadowlands.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
-Personal Website (A Work in progress):
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, SWG:
-More SWG:
-EverQuest II:
-EQ, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II, *UXO*:
-EVE Online !!!