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I'm looking at picking up a New MMO, and DDO looks interesting. I'm wondering if it is worth getting though. Since there's no trail or anything i not sure if this is the MMO i'm looking to get.
If anyone has a spare trail or buddy key they want to throw my way that would be great as well!
I would say pick it up. AT this point with the updates and all you probably have a years worth of gaming ahead of you.
There is a free trial, lasting ten days. I've been able to try it out twice.
I think it has some nifty features, but I found that it gets repetitious a little too fast.
Good luck!
Apparently the free trials are disabled for now while Turbine works on some anti gold spammer watchamacalits. Hopefully they would be available again with the release of Module 8, creating content for new players then not letting them in would be sort of stupid

DDO Permadeath guilds
I am thinking about getting DDO. Is it any good?
Good or bad are purely subjective. It is certainly worth trying as it breaks away from the standard MMO formula.
Personally DDO is the only MMO I have found that I would consider good, far from perfect, but lacking in the flaws that plague most MMOs. But I am canny enough to know that is just because I have very particular tastes that do not generally match those of the masses.
Is there anything in particular you were looking for, or not looking for?
Disclaimer, personal thoughts follow:
I started off as a wizard, and found that for solo play I was a bit too squishy. Which presented me with a problem. I wanted to enjoy the dungeons and story elements of the game, but in order for me to advance, I found that I needed to party. Finding a party was difficult, and when I did find one, they would rush through the dungeons so quick, that I couldn't keep up, which really turned me off of the game, though it was no fault of the game, but the players' mentality. With that being said, I believe the new module is supposed to address the partying issues by incorporating a henchman system like Guild Wars. If that is indeed true, then I will most likely try it again.
Bottom line of my thoughts: DDO isn't a bad game. If you have the patience wait til they open the trial again.
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Dude... its only like 5 or 7 bucks... make that 10 bucks if you include shipping.
I was thinking getting it, only think pulling me back is the fact that I have absolutely no time these days...
Here are the links on Amazon, I'd say go for it. I played it before and its quiet enjoyable if you have friends playing I guess...
Regular CD Edition - $4.75
Regular DVD Edition - $7.69
Limited Edition (Dunno if its on CD or DVD... think CD) - $9.99
And all are in stock
Hope this helped you and others just browsing around. If you make the choice to buy it, hope you enjoy the game! And do let me know how you like it... I still am considering it.
Give me a good skill based sandbox game, and i'll give you a cookie!
It's a pretty good game and you'll like it if you're into games that require a good degree of strategies rather then mashing the same attack over and over again. You can get it for less then $10 and if you actually play a trial of it then add your purchased copy it'll amount to roughly 45 days of game play.
If you like simplistic games with predesigned cookie-cutter based templates and limited options then this game might be confusing. It has a higher learning curve then most MMO's due to the diversity of character creation and game play.
I'd highly recomend this game to anyone who prefers chess over checkers.
The game will certainly entertain you for a while, but my approach to finding an MMO isn't just a question of whether or not it can entertain me for a while. I usually want to know if I invest time in it, will I end up thinking it was worthwhile down the road.
If you care about that, I would stay away from this one. There is enough stuff to keep you busy for a while (and it will be fun along the way) but down the road you will start to see some huge flaws in the game. It will be a huge turn off when you not only realize the game isnt fun any more, but you've invested time in a game that could have been speant on a game that will always be fun to come back and play.
This is a massive problem with DDO. Questing is the main source of advancement in the game. However current players have done material so many times that whenever a new player gets into a group they'll find that players will want to rush through quest. They've done it so many times there is almost no talking at all. Everyone knows where the hidden areas are, where the traps are, etc.
Now if one just wants to rush through the content that might not be an issue but for new players or even casual players that want to be social or follow the story and events of a quest that isn't possible.
Also be sure to be even more limited in terms of groups if you don't use voice chat. It's optional and you might be able to get groups but it will be as if you are playing by yourself since you WILL be ignored or simply forgotten. I found this to be a huge turn off.
I'm a huge fan of the Eberron setting. I love reading the novels but I'm not able to play D&D in a real life group setting. So DDO was the next best thing. However it's been a disappointing experience. I've tried going back a few times hoping things might be different. After the last time a few months ago I simply packed the CD away as I doubt I'll be giving it another try.