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qwertyfrozenqwertyfrozen Member Posts: 12
can ccp plz make que abale skills!!!image they wouold help soooo much!!image


  • qwertyfrozenqwertyfrozen Member Posts: 12
    plz post your opinions and voteimage

  • Clever_GloveClever_Glove Member Posts: 996

    This will never happen because once you get off all the 1 skills it take a great deal of time to train something, if you could queue up skills someone getting all races battleship to level 5 wouldn't need to log into the game for 8 months.

    However, you can currently interrupt one skill for another without losing a single point.

    Let's say your available to log in at 7am, and 6pm-11pm. You have a skill that that has 4 hours left at 3 hours left when you need to go do bed at 11pm. You switch skills, when you get from work the next day, start it again. It'll finish at 9pm. And your other skill has 18 hours less on it.

    It's a tricky when you start, train short skills while you play and long skills overnight.


    "We're a game that's focused on grouping and on solo play, you know, more group oriented, more solo play..."
    John Blakely Senior lead for EQ2. Link

    Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.

    Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle

    Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.

  • OudoksujaOudoksuja Member Posts: 106

    The way EVE is built, it attempts to be a game that is more equal to hard core players and casual gamers when it comes to character development. It's also a game that promotes actually playing the game for fun and doing what you like in the game, instead of to level up your character to have fun.

    Now, you might argue that you should be allowed to queue skills for two months and come back when the character has all the basic stuff ready. I should think however, that CCP has pretty good reason for disallowing that. They want people to play their game, not only play for owning an account. Playing keeps people in the game longer than a level counter in your character stats, or 20 rank 5 skills at 5.

  • wizardpetewizardpete Member Posts: 28

    I would like to see a que for skill training, so I don't have to make sure I have a skill training when I get back from work or wake up in the morning. With two accounts that makes it even more difficult image.

    But on the other hand I have most trainings on 3-25 days now, so I guess the loss of missing a couple of hours of training or even days is not that bad.

    Also I do agree that the game facilitates the casual gamer more than most games as you don't need to be online to train your skills and progress. Thats what I still see with a lot of Corp members during the week. They just log on in the week and setup skill training, say Hi and leave. However in the weekends they are online a lot. Effective due to the fact that they can train even when they are not playing the game.image

  • ZipehZipeh Member Posts: 265
    loging in is not too hard to do, nor is planning ahead.  If im going to work or to sleep, i place a skill that trains for 24hrs or more, and work shorter ones when online. Easy as heck. 



  • UltharUlthar Member Posts: 16

    lol I remember during Beta and just after release that it used to be you couldn't stop training or you would lose all sps toward the next level. Then there was the concurrent "skill training completion immanent" bug where you had to abort it training after it reached that point for the skill to actually complete. Mistime it and bang, say goodbye to those several hundred thousand sps you'd accumulated.

    I REALLY don't wanna see them tinker with the skills like that, I'm currently training a 29-day skill (Gallente Industrial 5) and I'd hate to have to go back to playing that stupid timing game because the devs mucked with it again.

    I got asked about Character Manager by several relative newbs, because it has a section for queuing skills and that seems to cause a lot of understandable misunderstandings. CM is a third-party utility that logs onto Eve Insider and monitors skill progression and money when one is not on. To switch skills one must actually log onto the Tranquility server, which CM does not do; that would make it a bannable utility. The queue seems to just keep track of how long it would take to complete the last few skills you started but haven't finished training.  It affects nothing in-game, and in fact right now is completely useless since the character sheets have been disabled on Eve Insider. I've even seen CM promoted on Help channel for skill queuing (obviously when POLARIS wasn't on) by people who haven't actually used it themselves.

    Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond the blood that flows
    Buried beneath the stream of time is where your power grows
    I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand
    Before the power that you bestow
    In my unworthy hand

    Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond the blood that flows
    Buried beneath the stream of time is where your power grows
    I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand
    Before the power that you bestow
    In my unworthy hand

  • AlkatrazAlkatraz Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by qwertyfrozen
    can ccp plz make que abale skills!!!image they wouold help soooo much!!image

    Why do u boder to loggin in the first place?

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