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The most antisocial MMO I've ever played.



  • madmax286madmax286 Member Posts: 36

    One of the things that annoy me in every MMO is the noise that sometimes players generate. I dont mind discussions/ debates/ questions going on but how many Chuck Norris jokes can one take.....What it usually ends down to is me leaving the noisy channels to enjoy my game.

    Now I purchased War last week and I'm really pleased with this game but there is a chat problem and it is evident in game. There are issues like:

    How does one recruit a multi race guild? (Without having to be in Altorf)

    How does one find a guild in the first place?

    How does one participate in a PQ when he's not in the specified area?( example: I'm interested in doing chapter 4 in the elven lands while i'm questing in order lands) - this problem isnt chat oriented though, there are alternatives in fixing it.

    How do you ask advice or game questions without having use the /1 channel?

    in my humble opinion this game needs 3 things. An advice channel, a recruitment channel and an in game voice channel (given the nature of PvP). These are not serious additions and I'm sure Mythic will find easy ways to solve these. 

  • Fa+eFa+e Vanguard CorrespondentMember Posts: 190

    I suppose if you are questing, and feeling lonely, you can always count on the Gold Farmers to keep you company. 



    Currently Playing: Aion
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    Retired: The Chronicles of Spellborn, EvE, LotRo, WoW, VG, AoC, CoX, RO
    Waiting on: Blade & Soul, Black Prophecy, Global Agenda, The Agency, SW:ToR, T.E.R.A.
    Working On: The 5th Dimension (coming soon)

  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908
    Originally posted by madmax286

    One of the things that annoy me in every MMO is the noise that sometimes players generate. I dont mind discussions/ debates/ questions going on but how many Chuck Norris jokes can one take.....What it usually ends down to is me leaving the noisy channels to enjoy my game.
    Now I purchased War last week and I'm really pleased with this game but there is a chat problem and it is evident in game. There are issues like:
    How does one recruit a multi race guild? (Without having to be in Altorf)
    How does one find a guild in the first place?
    How does one participate in a PQ when he's not in the specified area?( example: I'm interested in doing chapter 4 in the elven lands while i'm questing in order lands) - this problem isnt chat oriented though, there are alternatives in fixing it.
    How do you ask advice or game questions without having use the /1 channel?
    in my humble opinion this game needs 3 things. An advice channel, a recruitment channel and an in game voice channel (given the nature of PvP). These are not serious additions and I'm sure Mythic will find easy ways to solve these. 


    Yep, advice channel. A global one.

    yep, a recruitment channel. A global one.

    But yes as well to a general chat channel. A global one. Turn it off if you dont wanna read it. You lose nothing and we gain a lot.

    Agree with int VC as well. Why make a fast paced PvP game and not do this from day one in this day and age when the tech is common and proven. Absurd.

    All these are really easy for Mythic to fix, yes, but I doubt Mythic will even recognise the problem until the social people start leaving out of boredom and all they are left with is a cold lonely soulless game of introverted ubr guilds. Wait and see how easy they find it to retain new players then....


  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908
    Originally posted by Fa+e

    I suppose if you are questing, and feeling lonely, you can always count on the Gold Farmers to keep you company. 


    What class do they play?

    Hope it's a healer.

  • neodavieneodavie Member Posts: 278

    That's so weird, I've really never run into that problem. My best suggestion, see if you can get a friend or two to play. In almost all cases a PQ's first and second stage can be finished by just two people plus you'll get a to of influence. Also tons of guilds are recruiting and you dont really need a "good" guild in order to group up and finish a PQ here and there.

    Originally posted by GTwander:

    How are you an MMO? Or any of us for that matter?

    I say we strike all users from the site for not being MMOs.

  • Fa+eFa+e Vanguard CorrespondentMember Posts: 190
    Originally posted by vesavius

    Originally posted by Fa+e

    I suppose if you are questing, and feeling lonely, you can always count on the Gold Farmers to keep you company. 


    What class do they play?

    Hope it's a healer.

    No, you'll still be upset, she doesn't know how to heal either.  I ain't saying she's a golddigger, but she ain't hanging with no broke...

    Currently Playing: Aion
    Trying Out:
    Retired: The Chronicles of Spellborn, EvE, LotRo, WoW, VG, AoC, CoX, RO
    Waiting on: Blade & Soul, Black Prophecy, Global Agenda, The Agency, SW:ToR, T.E.R.A.
    Working On: The 5th Dimension (coming soon)

  • CyberWizCyberWiz Member UncommonPosts: 914

    It isn't the most antisocial mmo ever, but it does need a better chat system.

    What should be done is :

    Rename /1 to Chapter, put it in the chatbox menu.

    Make a Channel for each Tier and for each City. Put this also in the chatbox menu.



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  • DeeweDeewe Member UncommonPosts: 1,980

    OP, have a look at AoC it's worse than WAR or at least not better.

    My 2c

  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Yep, I can see Tier channels working well, with people not gaining access until the reach that Tier,  as they do in EQ2.

    But a Global chat channel is still vitally important to engage/ support those in small guilds/ not guilded, which will be all the new starters pretty much from here on in btw.

    I keep saying it, but people don't absorb it, people can just turn it off if they hate it.


  • SmikisSmikis Member UncommonPosts: 1,045

    community is sad and pathetic.. low server caps increase even bigger problems.. instead of uniting community..

    chat system is useless.. it should be PER TIER.. etc 1 chat for  whole epire t1.. and so on..

    not chat for chapter 1.

    hey look.. lets place 5-7 chapters per tier.. give each other a chat.. then lets do math.. we got over 15 channels per single tier..


    as for speaking.. noone ever speaks.. joining open party .. and asking what and where they are doing .. results in frustration .. noone answer unless you ask for good 5 mins till they kick you.. duh


    i wont even speak about scenarios.. i play order.. so called more talking and organized side.. what a load of bullocks is that..  noone ever speaks in scenarios.. if you actually speak and say something as " go back. dont suicide " they will reply with " stfu "  and ye..


    worst community ever.. ppl bash wow community but hell. thats about 50 times better.. aoc community is about 50 times better..

    geez im in guild with nearly 300 members for one reason.. to make this game less dezerted..

  • Random_mageRandom_mage Member UncommonPosts: 1,093

    I agree.

    There is no reason to talk in this game.  Most mobs can be solo'd.  The PQ's aren't a cooperative thing, they are more competitive.   I've yet to see a quest that requires a group.  in RvR just stick with 2 other people and you'll be fine...

    Currently playing Real Life..

    For all your stalking needs..

  • t0mpeet0mpee Member Posts: 12

    Prolly 'cause they're mostly WoW fanboys ftl.

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981



    But I think its just growing pains. People are rushing the game trying to be best in PVP.

    But yes. I agree

    Yesterday I played my IB , tanked Champion in PQ. And next to me stand two healers and do not heal me.

    Although they could not complete the PQ without me ?!?!

    And i yelled "HEAL ME HEAL ME"



  • Cotillion99Cotillion99 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    Originally posted by Novaseeker

     The problems are:
    1.  Wonky chat interface at best.  The main chat channel is spammy and you can't filter out most of the spam --> people do not even see tells and chat requests from people for the most part, just gets lost in the fast scrolling spam.
    2.  No general chat.  The chat zones are tiny subzones of the maps -- like an expanded "say" area.  There is no general zone chat.  There is no RvR zone chat.
    3.  No need to chat.  Group joining is automated and requires no communication.  RvR scenarios are automated and require no communication.  Public quests don't even require a group.  Map indicates the locations of all quest objectives.  Nothing in the game really requires you to ask anyone to join a group, to complete a quest, for the location of anything, or anything else.  If people don't need to chat, they won't.  Gamers are like that.
    4.  Heavily guild oriented.  The game is very, very oriented towards guilds.  Most of the initial playerbase are people who belong to large pre-existing guilds.  These people talk on vent and sometimes in their guildchat, but ignore the chat interface generally most of the time.

    I do agree here, i made a separate chat bar (that makes 4 separate bars on my screen) just to keep my guild and party chat out of all the muck.  It is a slight hassle but at least they give you the tools to make it better yourself.  Also, i'm usually on voice chat so i miss the text a lot.


  • j_jonsonj_jonson Member Posts: 105

    the only problem i have encountered with the no general chat is learning about stuff. I didnt know how to get my pre-order items and when i was asking around no one else knew. I had to make a post here

    As for questing and other things, i have never had trouble finding a couple of other people running the same quests so if there were too many mobs or if there was a cave or crypt to go into. A formal party wasnt formed it was just more of a, "We are doing the same quest i'll cover you and you cove me." thing.  

    For the PQ there is really no trouble you just have to wait, people WILL show up to do the thing so there is never any trouble of not being able to complete it.  You might have to wait a bit for the correct amount of people but come on.

    IF you get into a guild all these problems are basically solved as you get the constant chatter of people over.... random stuff.

    And this was funny because it was so silent when i got into a guild my chat window was FILLED with chat and it started bothering me because i felt the need to look at what was going on instead of killing the mobs in front of me so........ this no general chat is sort of a advantage in that area. The area it wasnt an advantage was during professions, i was cultivating for like half an hour with a character that had no guild and that was boring. I guess if you are in a guild while doing that it will cut on the boredom.

    Now this is MY experience from joining a couple of  servers with HIGH population, i dont really know how it is with LOW pop servers and it might be hell there but really.... join a HIGH pop server. This game is about hitting each other, unless there is a tremendous Queueueueueueueu there is no reason to joining a server that has no one there.


  • Did you all know that "/channeljoin" order will add you to a faction wide channel for your server.


    This channel is not by default joined by anyone.  Nor do most people know about this feature.


    Mythic probably should have set it up by default and let people /channelleave instead.

  • Focus*BankaiFocus*Bankai Member Posts: 219

    on my server everyone pretty much is very social.  sure you have the selfish ones that just want to do their own thing, but all you really have to do is join a good guild and u will never have to worry about getting a party ever. 

  • achesomaachesoma Member RarePosts: 1,774

    The game is only a week old.  Good communities take time to build.  The newer servers have smaller guilds and are still gradually growing.  Plus people are still learning, so I think people are more focused on figuring out some of the mechanics of the game than chatting.  The higher you level the more people seem to chat.  I also highly recommend joining a guild.  If you are destruction on Kragg server, Divine Apathy is recruiting.  Send a tell to Chlamydia for invite. 

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  • joswijjoswij Member Posts: 82

    Honestly I don't think it's antisocial at all.  Usually when I get in groups/warbands there is a lot of chatting.  The problem exists in the very segmented "area" chat.  I think they should allow a per Tier and per Faction chat.  Being able to filter out Faction chat would be a nice ability for some, but I think that a Tier wide chat would help immensly.  There is always the ignore feature for people who are spamming.

  • demented669demented669 Member Posts: 402

    i love this game i don't have to talk to people and i love it just click the group window see open group and bang your in and having fun. i blast my tunes in my headphones and kick ass on War, why ruine that with chat! i know how to play my class and i do it well, if you need that social interaction join a guild there chatting all the time ones i been in anyway spam my chat with that nice light blue colour all the time.

  • Nikoz78Nikoz78 Member UncommonPosts: 910
    Originally posted by Smikis

    community is sad and pathetic..

    Yep. Did anyone actually think it would be otherwise?

    It's the "WoW: WAR!!" crowd.

    Welcome to the last days of what used to be called MMORPG's.



    I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.

  • RailgunnerRailgunner Member Posts: 31

    I agree 100%...

    This game may as well be single player against bots.    The only reason it's not is because then they would'nt get a monthly subscription fee.




  • Spiritof55Spiritof55 Member Posts: 405
    Originally posted by Wolfkrone

    This is a PvP game, what needs to be introduced is in game voice chat, why the hell would you stop halfway through combat to type something?

    I'm either talking through /tells or on Ventrilo when playing WAR, I suggest you find a good guild and do the same.


    People have been successfully raiding and grouping in mmorpgs for many years without voice chat.   I hate how the 360 / ps3 crowd can't figure out how to type and fight at the same time.  Its really not too difficult. 

    Voice chat is the lazy persons excuse to not learn how to type and besides, it introduces a new element in gameplay that isn't necessary and one that is more distracting than anything else.

    I suppose mythic will give you voice chat eventually.  Enough people will whine for it. 

  • makiimakii Member Posts: 280

    worst thing beside the boring szenarios,quests and world is the community.

  • AstralGethAstralGeth Member Posts: 197
    Originally posted by Spiritof55

    Originally posted by Wolfkrone

    This is a PvP game, what needs to be introduced is in game voice chat, why the hell would you stop halfway through combat to type something?

    I'm either talking through /tells or on Ventrilo when playing WAR, I suggest you find a good guild and do the same.

    People have been successfully raiding and grouping in mmorpgs for many years without voice chat.   I hate how the 360 / ps3 crowd can't figure out how to type and fight at the same time.  Its really not too difficult. 

    Voice chat is the lazy persons excuse to not learn how to type and besides, it introduces a new element in gameplay that isn't necessary and one that is more distracting than anything else.

    I suppose mythic will give you voice chat eventually.  Enough people will whine for it. 

    VoIP was being used for computer gaming long before consoles adopted it. Consoles began using it because it works well for communication in games.

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