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My WAR time ;O(

I've been playing WAR now since launch and right away was pissed due to the QUE. My friends had early start or whatever so they already had the server we would be playing so when i finally get my box ( F U Gamestop for F'in up my pre-order) i log on to get into that server. Que 408 45 minute wait. Hmm ok i just spent 50 dollars and now i have to wait another 45 minutes. Bull$h!t. Though i was very pissed and was ready to just say i wasted 50 dollars i stuck it out and logged on finally. At first i rolled a squig herder. I was having a blast doing my little quests here and there then a Scenerio here and there. Then around Level 5 Level 6 you are forced into RvR as a greenskin because in order to get to your Level 6+ quests you have to go through a damn RvR PQ, no if ands or butts about it. So here i am level 5 and a damn level 12 out of no where "Bam Bam Bam" dead. Every Single F'in time. Couldn't even pass if i wanted to at this time a day. So i say ok im F'd as a greenie so i go Dark Elf. DoK. Ok everythings going good I get up to level 10 everythings good. Then i come to realize that this toon is only fun during PvE. so when you goto into the RvR. now unless your higher level or somewhat have a decent group you are useless as a DoK. You fight they will just gang rape you like no other. You do no damage in a since that you are hitting someone and a spec of hp disappears due to armor. I cant even do the Scenerios because i just sit there waiting for something to happen in the back because if i go up front i may get a kill but im dead soon after or right before so cant do that. And dont get me started on a DoK fighting a WP 1 on 1. damn talk about total STALE MATE. Im going to give this game one more try with a Black Orc. And if it fails me guess i have no MMO to look forward to except The Old Republic.



  • RictisRictis Member UncommonPosts: 1,300

    I just want to post that WARHAMMER is a team focused game. DOK is a Healer/ light dps class, you cant expect to fight at the front lines and do massive damage, have massive amount of HP and still be able to heal.  Sorry thats not how Mythic made the game.  This just isnt a solo style MMORPG.  Mostly every class requires a group to be truely effective in RVR.  Now I suggest you get into a group and play, its more fun that way.  And as far as you waiting in the back field. DOK is meant for front line assists for tanks and other DPS specific classes.  They arent meant to really kill anyone fast.  And yes unless your a tank spec in WAR if more then 2-3 players target you and focus fire...your gonna die. Welcome to the WAR, please check your macros at the door, and get ready for skill required gameplay.

  • Cotillion99Cotillion99 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    Originally posted by Goldknyght

    I've been playing WAR now since launch and right away was pissed due to the QUE. My friends had early start or whatever so they already had the server we would be playing so when i finally get my box ( F U Gamestop for F'in up my pre-order) i log on to get into that server. Que 408 45 minute wait. Hmm ok i just spent 50 dollars and now i have to wait another 45 minutes. Bull$h!t. Ouch on the que Though i was very pissed and was ready to just say i wasted 50 dollars i stuck it out and logged on finally. At first i rolled a squig herder. I was having a blast doing my little quests here and there then a Scenerio here and there. Then around Level 5 Level 6 you are forced into RvR as a greenskin because in order to get to your Level 6+ quests you have to go through a damn RvR PQ, no if ands or butts about it.No.  You are so very wrong here.  In fact, if you wanted to you could have ran around it at level 1 and flown to another zone from the warcamp.  Just follow the road. So here i am level 5 and a damn level 12 out of no where "Bam Bam Bam" dead. Every Single F'in time. Couldn't even pass if i wanted to at this time a day. So i say ok im F'd as a greenie so i go Dark Elf. DoK. Ok everythings going good I get up to level 10 everythings good. Then i come to realize that this toon is only fun during PvE. so when you goto into the RvR. now unless your higher level or somewhat have a decent group you are useless as a DoK. You fight they will just gang rape you like no other.You said "they" you aren't going to beat a group of people with any class... but DoK's are definitely good at both RvR and PvE. You do no damage in a since that you are hitting someone and a spec of hp disappears due to armor. I cant even do the Scenerios because i just sit there waiting for something to happen in the back because if i go up front i may get a kill but im dead soon after or right before so cant do that. And dont get me started on a DoK fighting a WP 1 on 1. damn talk about total STALE MATE. This game is made for group PvP not 1 on 1.Im going to give this game one more try with a Black Orc. Probably a good choice since you seem so caught up on being good 1v1 and no class does that like the BO. And if it fails me guess i have no MMO to look forward to except The Old Republic.



  • ProfRedProfRed Member UncommonPosts: 3,495

    Is the Old Republic the official name?  Have they released anything?

    To the rest of the post you should have enough knowledge now to guess where different classes will fall in a group setting and a make choice that fits you.  I love Witch Hunter because I like to take out healers.  I realize that I can sneak to the back, take out a shaman and then die.  It doesn't matter because usually after I drop a healer or two it is the change that shifts the fight and we defeat that group.  I like cap'ing flags, keeping people from running, and annoying casters. 

    Every class has some role to play so imagine yourself playing it and see if it's right for you.  I really like the squishy classes in this game, and trying to avoid direct contact, but then I had a lot of fun as a tank staying up for so long too..  Ah the choice was hard.

  • BoreilBoreil Member UncommonPosts: 448

    Only thing i agree with slightly is the que's , BUT if you try to log into a server thats already FULL the ofcourse your going to have a que , ya suck's your friends are on that server and its full , not the games fault tho.

    Yes i had to pass the giant gate where the shared Pq is 9 both sides compeet over it ) i got killed about 4 times but i got past it , wasnt that hard , wasnt impossible, and i was no where close to being "f'd"  even tho there was almost a full group higher than me and i was alone .

    My wife plays a DoK and she kick's ass ( to my surprize ! first pvp game she has played , she is a EQ person) and does great in rvr , guess it helps when groups actualy work together , i usualy had guard on her and we stayed together with out Sp and worked as a team . Not that hard to keep your healers safe if your SP knows wha tthey are doing, ya we got our ass kicked a lot and yes she usualy got ganged , but it wasnt the end of the world , we still usualy came out on top in SC's .


    Guess the point is it all comes down to the player , sorry its not working out for you , GL finding a class that fits you.


  • ThreetownsThreetowns Member UncommonPosts: 322


    Ive tryed all of them from both sides and now i just play my Engineer..

    Yes i get owned and alot ! 

    Does that Bug me ?  No cause i can really can and will Tick them off with my stuff.. 

    Thats were i have fun ! 

    Also try to get in a Guild or Make a few Friends..

    Anyways look me up if you like to hang out!

    Hang in there.

    Does this game even have a Global Chat ?

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156

    wish people would get out of 1 on 1 pvp mentality...that is not pvp..that is dueling.


    And FYI DoKs are one of the best solo-pvprs in game. healing WHILE you are hitting someone....if you learn how to play the class, you can heal up to HALF of your health consistently. Consume strength + Rend Soul = Great Healing + Good Damage output at the same time. While they wont out heal say a zealot or archmage, or out damage a marauder or another DPS machine....they are great survivors...sort of like the Druids of WoW, master of nothing, but well rounded for any situation.


  • ProfRedProfRed Member UncommonPosts: 3,495
    Originally posted by Threetowns

    Ive tryed all of them from both sides and now i just play my Engineer..
    Yes i get owned and alot ! 
    Does that Bug me ?  No cause i can really can and will Tick them off with my stuff.. 
    Thats were i have fun ! 
    Also try to get in a Guild or Make a few Friends..
    Anyways look me up if you like to hang out!
    Hang in there.
    Does this game even have a Global Chat ?


    /1, /destruction, /order

  • ItirelItirel Member Posts: 88

    A Que.

    A Queue.

    I'm sorry, I couldn't contain myself.

  • ThreetownsThreetowns Member UncommonPosts: 322

    Thanks :)

  • BetelguezBetelguez Member Posts: 52
    Originally posted by Threetowns

    Does this game even have a Global Chat ?


    I wonder, I suggested that and similar things in the beta forum for MONTHS but nothing happened

  • ProfRedProfRed Member UncommonPosts: 3,495
    Originally posted by Betelguez

    Originally posted by Threetowns

    Does this game even have a Global Chat ?


    I wonder, I suggested that and similar things in the beta forum for MONTHS but nothing happened


    /1, /order, /destruction

  • BetelguezBetelguez Member Posts: 52
    Originally posted by ProfRed

    Originally posted by Betelguez

    Originally posted by Threetowns

    Does this game even have a Global Chat ?


    I wonder, I suggested that and similar things in the beta forum for MONTHS but nothing happened


    /1, /order, /destruction


    About time

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156
    Originally posted by Betelguez

    Originally posted by ProfRed

    Originally posted by Betelguez

    Originally posted by Threetowns

    Does this game even have a Global Chat ?


    I wonder, I suggested that and similar things in the beta forum for MONTHS but nothing happened


    /1, /order, /destruction


    About time


    umm its been like that since launch


  • GoldknyghtGoldknyght Member UncommonPosts: 1,519
    Originally posted by Itirel

    A Que.
    A Queue.
    I'm sorry, I couldn't contain myself.


    eh sorry i messed that up, but not really. Its the net, if you no internet slang you no everything is cut down into bits and chopped up n2 new words. 

    So now, I'm sorry.

  • GoldknyghtGoldknyght Member UncommonPosts: 1,519
    Originally posted by Cotillion99



    Yeah i know i can get to the flight master and fly. But id have to wait when i was playing at that point. RvR's  were blocking the path up to the flight master and couldnt level because RvR's were blocking the  PvE.

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156
    Originally posted by Goldknyght

    Originally posted by Cotillion99



    Yeah i know i can get to the flight master and fly. But id have to wait when i was playing at that point. RvR's  were blocking the path up to the flight master and couldnt level because RvR's were blocking the  PvE.



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