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Where to start, well lets say I didnt fell into the hype of the marketing or lisen to the fanboys.
That also means not lisening to wow fanboys or Blizzards undercover marketing employees.
Day one, bought the copy!
My thoughts abouth the game on day one, was well disapointed, I had troubles to activate my key and the FaQ on the GoA site is a mess.
No official Forums to say your problems or to find a solution is a mayor disapointment, there is no communication with the devs or Goa/Mythic
After asking around I finaly been able to activate my key and start updating and playing the game.
Now my personal opinions are that Mythic shouldnt have kept the Lore by the letter and allowed any gender to take any class availeble this seriously take the fun out of a certain class you want to play but the gender you want isnt availble.
Alright now into the game!
Char customization is lacking (gender aside) the faces where all mostly look alike at certain races, but that wasent realy a big point to me.
The constent clicking on "acept user agreement" when you start the game is anoying, but im sure they will fix that.
Armor on low levels basicly look the same, but I guese this will change when reaching 18+
At the start of the game i was overwhelmend with content, there was so much to do it was starting to get confuzing, like having to many candy for your own good.
The game sure isnt lacking content, to be honest it has way to many of it, and at start its hard to swallow it in one go.
The zones are huge il give you that but they lack something, i still feel closed in I do not know why i feel this way.
The flightpath was a bit disapointing i was hoping to look the scenery from above, I guese im spoiled
After reaching level 5 il be honest, i went back to wow, but came back after being so bored of it i gave this game a second chance so to speak, now if reached level 11 im starting to know the ins and outs of the game and it starting to grow into me, finaly people are starting to talk even if its only in "warband" chat.
Things still need to be fixed like pets disapearing and pathing isnt realy 100% fixed yet, and I do hope sincerly it will be
The game is fun, and altho i agree that some people got disapointed at start (me included) it starts to feel fine when reaching higher and higher.
So in all honesty this game isnt a wow killer, but it sure is a nice game i give it a 8/10
The company in terms of no forums and there awefull Goa website i give it sadly a 3/10 and im being generous..
Having no forums is the usual tactic from a dev that is sure that there is going to be flaming. You know which was the previous game that did that?
Vanguard. Guess why.
that's what confuses me... this game is NOTHING like VG on release.
The constent clicking on "acept user agreement" when you start the game is anoying, but im sure they will fix that. <<< that is annoying as hell
but as far as the game goes.. it's pretty fun.. which really makes me wonder WTF there are no official forums... would be nice to have one place to go for the game. no forums is a big irk of mine. whomever made that decision should be fired and kicked repeatedly in the mommy-daddy button. not necessarily in that order.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Have you been to the blizzard forums? it's filled with mentally retarded chimps all writing novels on how blizzard can make their class OP.
Every time someone new asks for help they get flamed its terrible.
I'm suprised the blizzard devs get any work done on the game with all those posts they read through.
Imo mythic did the right thing by not giving players official forums this is a pvp game you know 99% of the forums would be flooded with I R L33T I should PWN ALL posts.
they don't need a forum.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
Yep, and no real chat, no forums = no community outside your guild. Bad for casuals who play these games to socialize.
People that have serious issues with the games will look for help on forums. When you're on an official forum you can usually just log in as your game account and ask for help and at least hope you'll see a Dev/GM/CommunityRep posting. A lot of people will think twice about going to a fansite and registering there just to ask what could be a simple question with little chance of seeing an official response.
...And Mythic hands off the forum responsibilities to fansites that can rule their forums with an iron fist, and many do, as they truly are "fan"-sites.
Questionable tactics.
Your post is insulting to retarded chimps. I have personally met several retarded chimps and not a single one of them would play wow.
Good day.
The WAR alliance forums may be just as bad at the WoW Official forums, to be honest. There could be a 30 page consolidated thread detailing confirmed performance issues, then someone posts a postively worded "top 3 things you'd like to see to make WAR better" and people say "iron out the perfomance problems" and some idiot comes in saying "you obviously don't know anything about computers the game runs fine for me and 99% of people. qq go back to WoW" and the mods don't do crap.
^ agreed with AstralGeth .
Personally I stopped using WoW forums a few months after release, and WHA forums is deja-vu already. I'm using our server's IRC channel, and Vent for guild chat.
I can't really disagree with what you say goes on "normally" in official forums but I for one think that mmos should have them especially when it comes to tech support issues etc. I have seen posts of course where players voice their opinions on what they think the devs should do but I usually avoid those type of posts unless it is about upcoming features. I don't really see what is so hard about weeding out bs posts wether it's by the readers or the company itself what I don't agree with though is not giving your audience an official place to voice concerns, find help etc.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
DAOC didnt' have official forums either and that game was not bad. To be honest I don't miss the official forums one bit, they are generally pretty useless. I do think some sort of technical support forum would be warrented though.
These post WoW mmo players are really starting to get under skin. Mythic will never have a offical board. They stated that almost four to five years ago. They stated it again during the creation of WAR. They just dont want to mess with them. How the hell did one person really think that not having a offical board means the game is going to suck.
These hate posts about this game is almost dumb. I realize that almost all the games the last three years sucked, but there really is very little people can bitch about WAR. I understand that its not for everyone though. This is almost enough to get off these fourms and go back to people who actually have more than five years experience in these games. At one time, I thought it was this fourm, but I dont think so anymore.
The WAR alliance forums may be just as bad at the WoW Official forums, to be honest. There could be a 30 page consolidated thread detailing confirmed performance issues, then someone posts a postively worded "top 3 things you'd like to see to make WAR better" and people say "iron out the perfomance problems" and some idiot comes in saying "you obviously don't know anything about computers the game runs fine for me and 99% of people. qq go back to WoW" and the mods don't do crap.
that's ok, obviously the originally quoted person must know much more than everyone.
there's MANY reasons to have official forums.
on unofficial forums... who cares what you say or think... if they don't like you, they don't even need a reason TO ban you... and i guess you haven't ever seen the flaming wars z3r0134kl1zsaelkj, on unofficial type forums, have you? they make blizz's forums look like a walk in the park.
maybe one place where people can post guides and they stay for a long long time? and if the guides are way off-base... someone OFFICIAL could actually update them.
i mean, we saw what great fun it was for mcquaid to go post randomly on different forums, and since he'd posted in ONE of the many forums about a topic... why should he go to another and repost the same info? much less a dozen or so different ones?
and WHY would you compare them to blizzard's forums? is wow all you have to compare something to?
says a lot z3R01eflkasj34322... so maybe some people (like ones who can only compare every game to wow), SHOULD gbtw and stay for ever and ever?
seriously.. anyone who can only compare new games to wow... just go back to wow, and stay. no one cares a whit about wow.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
that's what confuses me... this game is NOTHING like VG on release.
The constent clicking on "acept user agreement" when you start the game is anoying, but im sure they will fix that. <<< that is annoying as hell
but as far as the game goes.. it's pretty fun.. which really makes me wonder WTF there are no official forums... would be nice to have one place to go for the game. no forums is a big irk of mine. whomever made that decision should be fired and kicked repeatedly in the mommy-daddy button. not necessarily in that order.
I think the lack of forums is a good thing - the game is biaised towards guilds and guilds should hve their own forums and these become more important.
They don't read their forums. That's how they get work done. They have so many subscribers, and so much money coming in - they don't need opinions from gamers. They can buy people's opinions who know what they're talking about.
There is a difference between a Dev and a MOD, your confused. A dev is a developer and they do not hang around the forums to moderate. They hire community managers to gather any useful info and seldom will a Dev go to the forums only when they need new ideas in the suggestion section.
Who let you in the VIP section?
Official forums would require there to be forums for each faction within each server. Some companies avoid doing this because of the man power that is required to maintane a forum like this.
For some reason some people still hold onto this idea that fansites will bring communities together better, and can't seem to figure out that it just doesn't work.
Not really sure how you think that no official forums somehow means that they are trying to avoid bad press about the game. If I want to read flame posts about a game I'll come here, not the official forums were they are moderated by the company itself. It didn't help VG.
Mythic needs to provide better communication tools.
There is not one single successful MMO that operates without its own forums. Yes, Blizzard's forum can be a mess, but it can also be a big help as well when a game needs to communicate with its whole player base. And remember, every one of those people you say are "retarded chimps" is a paying subscriber. Blizzard recognizes this. Lack of a central place for customers (because that's what we are) to find information, link up, or share grievances says to the player base, "You don't matter to us. Just take what we give you and like it!" But people won't keep supporting a company that doesn't support them. They'll leave and they'll take as many as they can with them.
Mythic needs to stop living in 2001.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
There is a difference between a Dev and a MOD, your confused. A dev is a developer and they do not hang around the forums to moderate. They hire community managers to gather any useful info and seldom will a Dev go to the forums only when they need new ideas in the suggestion section.
Yeah and Mods going back and forth to devs with worthless troll concerns isn't wasting time?
I am very happy that WAR doesn't have official forums.
Someone above mentioned tech support, now thats different I think players should get quick responses for in game problems some sort of option should be available on the website for that atleast. I just hate the annoying little nerf this and buff that threads.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
The WAR alliance forums may be just as bad at the WoW Official forums, to be honest. There could be a 30 page consolidated thread detailing confirmed performance issues, then someone posts a postively worded "top 3 things you'd like to see to make WAR better" and people say "iron out the perfomance problems" and some idiot comes in saying "you obviously don't know anything about computers the game runs fine for me and 99% of people. qq go back to WoW" and the mods don't do crap.
that's ok, obviously the originally quoted person must know much more than everyone.
there's MANY reasons to have official forums.
on unofficial forums... who cares what you say or think... if they don't like you, they don't even need a reason TO ban you... and i guess you haven't ever seen the flaming wars z3r0134kl1zsaelkj, on unofficial type forums, have you? they make blizz's forums look like a walk in the park.
maybe one place where people can post guides and they stay for a long long time? and if the guides are way off-base... someone OFFICIAL could actually update them.
i mean, we saw what great fun it was for mcquaid to go post randomly on different forums, and since he'd posted in ONE of the many forums about a topic... why should he go to another and repost the same info? much less a dozen or so different ones?
and WHY would you compare them to blizzard's forums? is wow all you have to compare something to?
says a lot z3R01eflkasj34322... so maybe some people (like ones who can only compare every game to wow), SHOULD gbtw and stay for ever and ever?
seriously.. anyone who can only compare new games to wow... just go back to wow, and stay. no one cares a whit about wow.
Ah normally when i post my full out hate for official forums I usually use wow as an example due to blizzard forums being the absolute worst out of any official forums i have ever read.
Considering i've been playing MMOs for a very long time thats saying alot.
Oh and to your guides comment, use your brain and look for a fan site, maybe check game faqs or an unofficial forums i don't care if it bothers you that you need to search for guides or if you're worried if someone updates them or not.
Oh and Wtf is up with spelling my name wrong numb nuts have you never watched the matrix before?
Ask a matrix fan what Zero one is.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
There is a difference between a Dev and a MOD, your confused. A dev is a developer and they do not hang around the forums to moderate. They hire community managers to gather any useful info and seldom will a Dev go to the forums only when they need new ideas in the suggestion section.
Yeah and Mods going back and forth to devs with worthless troll concerns isn't wasting time?
I am very happy that WAR doesn't have official forums.
Someone above mentioned tech support, now thats different I think players should get quick responses for in game problems some sort of option should be available on the website for that atleast. I just hate the annoying little nerf this and buff that threads.
First of all Mods do not run back and forth to Devs. That is not their job, and second devs will gather suggestions when they need to expand or better their game. Your idea of what a Mod and Dev does is still pretty far off, as highlited above. I find your ridiculous assumption above to be pretty funny though. A mod running back and forth to devs giving them worthless troll information, LOL.
This is kinda personal to me on a few levels, you make it sound like a Mod is stupid and doesn't know better of what is a worthless idea and what they are capable of doing.
The relationship between a mod and a dev is almost nill on most online game companies. The only important ones being a community manager who is appointed to gather information when a dev requests it or most times a dev will look for suggestions and ideas off the official suggestion threads. I shouldn't have to list my credentials here but I was a mod for a large MMORPG before and have done development work before for a couple online games, not that any of this matters. It just gives you an idea of why it is on a personal level when you say what you say.
As far as tech support goes, a whole section is provided with links and fixes to most issues found during beta and after release that a consumer may end up having. Rather that be hardware, software, or simply game support. There is no reason why they would need to hire extra people simply to answer peoples technical problems. This is why they have areas to go to get help. The end user is responsible for their end. A game company is responsible for making sure the game works.
Your always going to find Nerf this and that threads on any online game forums. I can tell you that a dev does not nerf things because players demand it. A games balance is always an issue. If they have to tone down some class or spell or even content to balance something they will do it. Players just find these flaws naturally while playing. The devs know when they create content that they foresee and examine any possible issues that could come from it. Mostly checking for balance.
Who let you in the VIP section?
The WAR alliance forums may be just as bad at the WoW Official forums, to be honest. There could be a 30 page consolidated thread detailing confirmed performance issues, then someone posts a postively worded "top 3 things you'd like to see to make WAR better" and people say "iron out the perfomance problems" and some idiot comes in saying "you obviously don't know anything about computers the game runs fine for me and 99% of people. qq go back to WoW" and the mods don't do crap.
that's ok, obviously the originally quoted person must know much more than everyone.
there's MANY reasons to have official forums.
on unofficial forums... who cares what you say or think... if they don't like you, they don't even need a reason TO ban you... and i guess you haven't ever seen the flaming wars z3r0134kl1zsaelkj, on unofficial type forums, have you? they make blizz's forums look like a walk in the park.
maybe one place where people can post guides and they stay for a long long time? and if the guides are way off-base... someone OFFICIAL could actually update them.
i mean, we saw what great fun it was for mcquaid to go post randomly on different forums, and since he'd posted in ONE of the many forums about a topic... why should he go to another and repost the same info? much less a dozen or so different ones?
and WHY would you compare them to blizzard's forums? is wow all you have to compare something to?
says a lot z3R01eflkasj34322... so maybe some people (like ones who can only compare every game to wow), SHOULD gbtw and stay for ever and ever?
seriously.. anyone who can only compare new games to wow... just go back to wow, and stay. no one cares a whit about wow.
Ah normally when i post my full out hate for official forums I usually use wow as an example due to blizzard forums being the absolute worst out of any official forums i have ever read.
Considering i've been playing MMOs for a very long time thats saying alot.
Oh and to your guides comment, use your brain and look for a fan site, maybe check game faqs or an unofficial forums i don't care if it bothers you that you need to search for guides or if you're worried if someone updates them or not.
Oh and Wtf is up with spelling my name wrong numb nuts have you never watched the matrix before?
Ask a matrix fan what Zero one is.
but, your name isn't Zero one. it's z3R0122q32 or something.
so... when an official from a company makes a post on a forum (which there are forums they make posts)... how many forums will they make that post on? will they make the same reply/explanation and bring the entire thread to all the forums which they say they shall frequent?
and wow, i've gone thru a ton of official fansites, golly gee whiz, mr 'use your brain' condescending wow fan. turns out, on the 14th or so site i visited... and checked out their faqs and guides and (yet again) their forums... on that 14th or so fan site that i visited i found the information for which i was looking.
or... mythic could've used common sense and made official forums and i'd have had to go to ONE place to get that information.
i'm so glad that most games don't take horrible, unsubstantiated OPINIONS that they shouldn't have official forums. otherwise, you'd better hope you never have any questions about BASIC GAMEPLAY which ISN'T covered on the official faq/url/ingame help.
but that's great you have this wonderful opinion coke one. thank you for not making useless troll posts like this on the official forum... oh wait
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?