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Although one could tell by reading the info that Mythic was giving out during these last 2 years, this is now a fact for everyone. WAR is boring. No innovation at all. A game that plays exactly the same way as WoW or LotRO. All that PQ and ToK crap is nothing else than the usual MMO elements in a different wrapping (the wrapping being not very different itself). I need some answers from the fans. Why were you so excited with the ToK? How different is it from LotROs book thingy, and how can it change the way you are experiencing the game? What about PQs? What is so exciting about those? And the combat. Oh my. ABSOLUTELY no new ideas. Slow, repetitive, easy. As uninteresting as it can get.
The only thing I kind of like is GUI. Although it has bugs all over the place.
thank you.
Thank you Huxflux..... for your intelligent and well written out response.....
I believe I am going to go delete all of my characters and unsubscribe now, due to this realisation.
Let's see.... I have never seen a ToK before. Lotro one only track how many times you used X move and the like, this one tracks how many monsters you killed, how many people you visited, it has descriptions of the PLACES you go to and what is happening there.
You literally know the history behind the zone when you enter, you know who that dude is because when you talk to him you get a blurb about him in the tome of knowledge.
Plus, it expand the descriptions of the monsters the more you kill. Get 25 dark elves slaughtered and you get a paragraph of info on dark elves, kill 100 and you get one more.
Not to mention it is not just fluff, you get experience for doing this, you get titles for doing this, you get TACTICS for doing this, you can get other rewards... and "cards" that I still have no idea what they are.
It also gives you a lot of other goals for your character cause you will see something like "wolf: Search Wolf lairs in XXXXX" and you are all like "mmmmh... where this could be?" or "loot a specific item off a wolf" and when you do, you get the unlock.
So, no. Different wrapping my boots. This is all new, never done before in MMorpgs.
PQs? Do you really need to ask what is so great in PQs? Well, it is simple. It is a instance dungeon final room WITHOUT the hours of trash mobs. It is a raid experience removed of all the boring bits and concentrated in a nice 10-30 mins bite. If you do not see anything good in that, well that is your opinion, just move on. I personally think they are great.
Bugs in the UI? could you be more specific cause so far I have not seen any bugs in the UI. Yes, there are bugs in the game... but in the UI? please, do tell us about those.
As for combat, It does not feel any worse than WoW combat. They tried to give each class some unique mechanics, some are better than others, granted, but I do not think it is a bad one at all. Not any worse than their competitions anyhow.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Here is your problem, there just isn't anything that pleases you anymore. The point is you don't need innovation to be successful, the common misconception on these boards is that every new next gen MMO has to be different and has to add something new to the industry. Well truth be told it doesn't and they don't have to.
When a game is fun it is fun, not because of the depth or innovative tools, if you are having fun then it does it for you. Hell I know tons of hardcore Quake fans that still rather play it then the latest call of duty titles.
It may not be for you and that is fine, no company can possible target everyone's tastes. Instead of asking everyone else like they are insane you should be asking yourself why it isn't fun to you.
While WAR is not innovative it does reinvent the wheel and does it well with polish. The PQs I had a blast, the RvR I had a blast, and while the PvE is lacking it is still full of lore that any Warhammer fan will enjoy.
The simple truth and point is... everyone has their own tastes don't hate them for it or question them. We all have our reasons.
I dont find WAR particular revoloutinary. Alot content have been seen before. Thats fine by my. I kinda bought the game because i like the concept.
PQ is just a way to make party gameplay more available. When i run around and quest i often come by a large group of ppl standing there. I stop and se whats up, and suddenly im dragged into a fight against some big boss or a invasion of elite mobs. I join the fight for a few mins and get a loot pack in the end. Then i go on with my questing.
This game wasn't ment to be new or inovative, it took some of the best elements of other games and tweaked them and added them together but with a few new things here and there. I liked the LOTR book thing but I just didn't like the game thats why i like the ToK. WAR plays just like WoW, LOTRO, EQ1 and 2 and so on. There are so many games that have the same feel and I like that feel so thats why I play WAR.
As for Public quests its just cool to be running around and just run into a quest without talking to a NPC. Then you compete against the others for a prize, now its more gambling than anything. Ive gotten #1 for contributing and got crap rolls and didn't get any loot.
As for combat its far from slow, if you want to see slow watch a FFXI combat video. Sorry you didn't like this game, but this game is awesome for me cuz it has all my favorite things from all the mmo's I used to play.
I respect other people's opinions. But this is so badly argumented that I find myself laughing every time I try to read it.
Better luck next time
You followed the game and thought you would find it boring, Then you were enough of a fool to shell out money for a game you thought looked boring. And now you're pissed that it bores you.....Ok.
Nothing I say will convince you that it isn't boring. Because to you it is boring. To me it isn't. What constitutes "boring" is utterly subjective, it's a pointless discussion. Some folks enjoy stamp collecting and watching golf on TV after all.
Nothing is for everyone. Better luck with your next game. And next time, maybe you should have a little more faith in your instincts. You are, after all, the best judge of what might appeal to you.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
"Why were you so excited with the TOK?"
I wasn't, really. It's cool, but it's just part of the game. But the unlocks giving you XP are cool, as well as picking up the Lore of the world without having to read about it on the game website. You read the TOK and it makes you feel involved. Then you find some plaque or sign or grave marker or, hell, beer mug somewhere that's clickable, you click it, TOK updates, you read about some cool piece of Warhammer lore and you get some XP to boot. I love that, and I've never been a Warhammer buff. Plus it makes you actually look at your environment. There are a million small things that I've noticed, clicked on, and cool stuff happens.
As for LOTRO's Book Thingy - they're close, but the ToK is more comprehensive and kind of a goal in and of itself, which makes it more inherently interesting.
"What about PQs? What is so exciting about those?"
So, I'm running down the road heading to some Elf to fulfill a quest. I find this elf in a small fort/bunker thing facing a beach, but as I approach I see a horde of Orcs and Dark Elfs storming this little bunker. I'm talking D-Day landing like stuff. To the west is a beachhead, dozens of Orcs and Goblins and Dark Elves, with four or five black ships anchored in the distance. Dwarven grenades are exploding and killing Orcs coming up the beach. In the middle of it, you see four or five players holding off this tidal wave of greenskins from the one remaining ballista, and they're holding on by their fingernails against dozens of adversaries - and they just keep on coming. I jump in there, add the weight of my steel to theirs, and we barely come through. We feel like the freaking Spartans at Thermopylae. Then, we find out our little holdout has pissed off the leader of the Dark Elf Corsairs, whose ships are at anchor just off the beach. He comes out looking for blood. So our little group goes and fights this epic battle against a really tough boss mob who nearly wipes the floor with us multiple times, and this ragtag collection of complete strangers (I just met these guys running by, remember) somehow finds a way to work as a cohesive group enogh to win it. We drop him with a sliver of health left. Hooray! Then the game looks at how much damage/healing we contributed, gives us a bonus to the roll it makes for us, then distributes loot with no hassle.
Not in that whole process, which is esentially a mini-raid, did I have to join a group, join a guild, gear up to raid, suck up to a guild officer, or build DKP for loot. I just fought a bunch of Orcs alongside my fellow Order brethren, and HEY! Loot, XP, and a lot of fun.
That's why I love PQs. And, if I didn't get look this time, hurrah! I can do it again.
As for the combat, one thing I've noticed about Warhammer is that most playstyles are viable. Back in my WoW days, if you didn't play a class a certain way, you were considered worthless.
In Warhammer, I've found myself caring less about that because of the way the open group system works and how RVR in general works. Every man at the front is fine with me, no matter what you've got on or how you're specced. That's just amazing and so natural that I wonder why everyone hadn't done this before.
That's my take. Sorry if you didn't like the game, but the way you posted about it made me wonder if we were even playing the same game. I've played them all, mostly, back to EQ, I consider myself somewhat burned out with the genre, and I've rarely had this much fun outright in a game.
<Mod edit>
If this isnt your cup of tea, GREAT, go back to WoW, why sit and bitch something just because you diddent fit in, mabey alittle respect for the people who doesnt agree to you ?
I personally think its alot difrent then wow, i havent been grinding mobs since level 3, because of those hilarious scenarios/open RvR, i am having a BLAST.. I havent had this much fun in a mmorpg game since Pre-Toa ( and classic server ) of DAOC.
Thanks Mythic, for a great game, needs some adjustments, but still the best game i've tried taking in notice its the first week of launch.
bugs in the GUI... all over ther place? i can only think that you are either lying to put down the game or you have just not played it.
Nice writeup. I too have been playing since EQ, and I completely agree with you.
The rolls at the end of the PQs give the whole thing a bit of a vegas feel. And even if you get screwed, you can always run one two or three times to max out your inf and pick from several really nice items.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
Mebe War and you are not a good fit as I noticed NOTHING mentioned about RvR... odd considering this is an RvR focused game o_0
No shame in that!
Happy to hear that. Now you might stop burning your brain cells and try out a more intelligent game, like EVE-Online.
I think TheSheikh was being sarcastic... I hope.
1) Lotro has descriptions of everything as well. You find ruins, you get a description of them. You complete slayer deed, you get a description for it. ToK is a complete rip off Lotro Deeds Book.
2) PQs are entertaining for 20 minutes at best. It's the same reputation grind for better items (influence = reputation, repeating the same 15 minute script all over)
3) UI is extremly clunky. The feel of it is a little disastrous. Can't understand how can you be so blind.
WAR isn't boring. The ToK is very cool, and new. PQ's are WoW raids for free without having to find a raid, find a guild, lose your soul, and girlfriend.
The PvP is incredibly fun and the best part: You can level all the way to Rank 40 without doing one PvE quest...
So I have no idea what you are talking about. You didn't even mention PvP in WAR, so if you came for PvE... you are very very very not smart... The devs even said "If you are just looking for PvE, you may be a little dissappointed"
So.. gtfo of my game.
Thank you for your wall of text and indepth review of the game. Just making sure that the negative reviews also gets a thank you. Specially a well written such as yours.
*sigh* and people wonder why threads like the one OP started gets flamed and called trolls.
I dont know why people disagree with the OP...he is absolutely right...
Warhammer is a nice game...thats it...its the same type of mmo as wow and others..the only difference is:
-its more pvp oriented
-you dont need to use the chat and talk to people to be able to play
-grouping is easy, quests are also easyer then drinking a glass of water
-combat is slow and too easy, and not fun
Overall its a rvr oriented mmo, but so easy to do anything that a 4 y old can play and you will never know he is 4 years old..he doesnt even need to type in chat to play the game ffs...
wow is an easy game..but comparing to warhammer you need to actualy try to play wow to do something...
Another review from someone who never even got to an RvR area huh? You guys are some special kind of ridiculous. Attention on the internet must be pretty important to you.
I think there's a few more things that make WAR a bit more different than you realize. Unfortunatly, it takes more than a short time of play to find it.
so some facts
1. This is a PvP focused game. That's where the main challenges are, but on exploring a bit, I found some really good challenges inPvE too.
2. This game's set up is based on a familiar UI. But that being said, it's the first game that's given EVERY player control of the layout of the UI without relying on modding services.
3. You can level up in this game in any fashion you like. That includes the easy route of just doing PvE, or taking the PvP road less travelled aparently. Keep in mind this game did release with a fully done PvP levelling system (120 levels total, 40 PvE, 80 PvP)
4. The grouping feature is a deelightful thing, both with the Open Party system, as well as the PQ system. Both are wonderful evolutions of the MMO gaming that is much needed.
5. When joining a group, I don't get aksed what my build is or being told I need to change my spec to be "useful" With the renown skill system, the variations are so many that there are no cookie cutter builds. It is completely open.
Now back to the "easy mode" comment
I have a few questions to ask. Mind you this all is Tier 1 stuff
Did you complete the mission to kill 10 enemy players via PvP?
What is the enemy PvE boss level above hero and did you find the tier 1 one, and did you defeat it, and with how many people?
What rank was your renown?
What was your top characte's name and class?
Thank you for youe time. I find this game very complex after tier 1 and if you found the "easy mode" i'd like to know what it is....
Open parties
I'm not going to list everyting. That's enough for a troll thread like this
I ve been saying it all along, played beta for almost a year and the game got boring pretty soon.
Not enough good reasons to log on.
RvR is fine, but there is nothing else.
It looks like a huge PvP arena, with the RPG element almost totally missing, it does't feel like MMORPG IMO.
Hence I didn t buy it.
But for people who like to smash button is a good game.
I think there's a few more things that make WAR a bit more different than you realize. Unfortunatly, it takes more than a short time of play to find it.
so some facts
1. This is a PvP focused game. That's where the main challenges are, but on exploring a bit, I found some really good challenges inPvE too.
2. This game's set up is based on a familiar UI. But that being said, it's the first game that's given EVERY player control of the layout of the UI without relying on modding services.
3. You can level up in this game in any fashion you like. That includes the easy route of just doing PvE, or taking the PvP road less travelled aparently. Keep in mind this game did release with a fully done PvP levelling system (120 levels total, 40 PvE, 80 PvP)
4. The grouping feature is a deelightful thing, both with the Open Party system, as well as the PQ system. Both are wonderful evolutions of the MMO gaming that is much needed.
5. When joining a group, I don't get aksed what my build is or being told I need to change my spec to be "useful" With the renown skill system, the variations are so many that there are no cookie cutter builds. It is completely open.
Now back to the "easy mode" comment
I have a few questions to ask. Mind you this all is Tier 1 stuff
Did you complete the mission to kill 10 enemy players via PvP?
What is the enemy PvE boss level above hero and did you find the tier 1 one, and did you defeat it, and with how many people?
What rank was your renown?
What was your top characte's name and class?
Thank you for youe time. I find this game very complex after tier 1 and if you found the "easy mode" i'd like to know what it is....
Yeah got your point i got mine...
Warhammer is a nice game with some nice features...
But for someone playing wow for 4 years i want to find a new game..but going from wow to warhammer it feels to me going from one type of game to another that looks alike but has less to offer in terms of things i like..
If i want a different king of game from wow i must try fallen earth, darkfall etc..because going from wow to warhammer feels going to a less good game...even with 4 years of playing wow..i have so mutch more fun just fighting someone and killing it...and i do it for 4 years...
Warhammer lacks something, theres a feeling of boredom in it...and the people dont talk at all...i mean this is an mmo...people should talk, ask for directions etc..why dont they?? because the game is too easy..they dont need to ask stuff..anyone can do it easy ..and thats boring...i prefer to play a game..but warhammer is nothing about playing it plays by itself...
Its my very sorry i dont like warhammer like you guys..but not everyone has the same tastes...
I know its a good game..but not averyone is going to like it...
It looks to me that the OP, read a write up about warhammer, then came here to post why he didnt like it, its as if he had never played warhammer before, which is fine, the games not really a pve focused game. If your a pve guy then mabey avoid warhammer.
But honestly nothing the OP mentioned reflects warhammer, how it plays, the bugs, or its fun factor. I suggest playing warhammer, past level 15, try the RvR and the PQ's you seem to hate so much. They really play difrently then how they read in a review.
Those of us who play warhammer know when someone hasnt played and writes a review...UI bugs...please
At least you had the nerve to come back and flame someone's sarcastic post...