Regardless of the OP's post I am seeing more negativity towards WAR than I thought I would see......I remember hearing in beta how this game was so much better than anything on the planet and how the RVR alone would draw in millions of players (Though it never was that successful in DAoC)........While so many are just writing off each and everyone of these guys eventually you have to take notice that alot of people are not all that thrilled with this game.......
And a lot of people are thrilled with the game. So that tells you what? People have different opinions and like different things? No offense, but that's not exactly a major news flash.
But I do agree with you on one point. I see more negativity towards the game than I thought there would be after playing it myself. I think it's a very fun game, but others' opinions are colored by their different experiences, expectations, and preferences. I see far more posts of people that like the game than dislike it though.
for the poster of this jsut play a game I`m not xpecting that any1 will like this game but graphics arent that much important if game sux (any1 still remembers AOCover 30 Gb I know people who bought a new PC just to play a game and what now?),game has it`s purpose and thaz a large scale PVP and that part is wrealy great PQ`s are great for me if you once in a while read anything in a game xpt looking on a map where to kill some1 or do that you`ll find a bunch of people looking for PQ`s and its great that everyone can do them not to w8 1/2 hr for grp and every quest got few stages every area got several PQ`s +much of usual quests I hawe solved over a 100 quests till my 11th lvl and spend some time reading a TOK which wrealy tracks all you do in beta i played all races and xperiment a while you`ll c that every race got it`s own philosophy and how to achive something artwork is just awesome and now for downsides well for me is that game got several issues with animations and and targeting also chat could be better dunno I just like this game and I wrealy hope that people will play the game more to c the beauty of the world and loreGW created not just running through regions to get till final lvl.
I have to say that I am one of the gamers that is very disappointed.
Art is subjective, but man, the game to me looks and feels like it was made for 8 year olds. I grew tired of it in 15 min much less can I imagine myself spending HOURS in this world. I understand that it's based on the Warhammer IP and this predates WOW by 20 years but I still don't like it. The art, in a word, sucks. The movement is VERY clunky and annoying. It's terrible. The character customization is a flat out JOKE. Not to mention the class choices left me unsatisfied. I found that there was not ONE SINGLE CLASS that I wanted to play. The way the zones are set up is especially uninspiring. Not only are they smallish, but there is only a tiny portion of it set aside for RvR. I just don't like the design as it feels like an afterthought; and it was, according to the developers (originally they planned to have instanced "scenario" battles only). Oh, and no player housing? No thanks. In fact, I'm kinda pissed I bought into the hype. Paul Barnett is a great personality and he hyped this game to the max. But it's just not fun to play. My 2 cents.
what are you talking about? everywhere i'm walking i see "hey, you're about to be flagged for rvr" and it'll go on for a huge section and there will be a couple of objectives to capture/hold in yet ANOTHER rvr area.
the graphics come and go with me... i see you have swg in your tag... the graphics are hellaciously better than swg was/is/probably will be.
i really don't understand the jist of your post, since it's not really an opinion, it's just sentences presented as fact and the facts are simply wrong. the smallish zones with the 'hardly any' rvr areas... honestly... if an opinion is wrong, it's just wrong. how much space EXACTLY do you need for lvl 1-10? how do you plan on leveling ONE toon up and not outlevel ALL the content for ALL the 1-10 areas? you get to what... ch2 or ch3 and you have your flight master and can hit the other 1-10 zones.
i guess i'd have to say -- "don't waste your time reading the op, trust me".
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Amazing how the OP was able to conclude all that in 15 minutes! All the art sucks, all the animations suck, all the classes suck, so bad I couldn't play for more than 15 minutes! Really? Trust you?
Oh and one more thing "the people" who created the artwork for this which idea`s Mythic put into game are maybe the best fantasy artists in a fantasy genre SF and epic ,theyre art has been copied through whole 2 decades through out various games , rip off`s and movies and you tell me that artwork suck
Oh, and no player housing? No thanks. In fact, I'm kinda pissed I bought into the hype. Paul Barnett is a great personality and he hyped this game to the max. But it's just not fun to play. My 2 cents.
When going to WAR - why would you need a house? You have a purpose - kill or be killed. No going home to the wife (or in your case unsure, trust me).
Don't trust this guy...Game is a winner....The most fun i have ever had in a MMORPG.
Haha anyone that would actually trust this guy with this post made on launch day deserves to miss out on the fun. People like the OP, and people that would read his post and actually take it to heart deserve to sit around and wait for their perfect MMO for the rest of their lives. Then one day 20 years from now maybe they will look back and realize all of the fun times they missed because of their stubborn ignorance.
You're obviously not a Bloodfin Vet. As a Bloodfin Vet, playing in the best of best Guilds (DREAD, FIGHT, AXIS), this game is the shit.
If your're from PvP, you should love PvP. Obviously you're a character transfer....
Sure pal.
First of all, Dread and Axis were not that big. Great guilds but they were not the top guilds on the server. I was a member of -Fight- so that is especially funny for you to say that.
I was also a member VoD, VEA, DUNE, and numerous others over the years. A dozen people on these forums know me and knew me way back in 2003.
Also, if I want to PvP I would not play this game. I would go back to DAoC (a much better game) or EvE or even SWG.
Further, I did not say I only played the game for 15 minutes - learn to read people. I realize I'm likely talking to 12 year olds, but when I say 'trust me' I am saying 'you have been warned.' Wait for the trial. But I'm sure it does not matter to most of you if daddy wastes his $60.00 bucks for you to try out a new toy.
Who cares if the RvR is good (which it isn't, in my opinion)? The game world is so bland and full of non-immersion that I find I don't care about the war going on. It's not like DAoC where you feel like you are a part of a living world. This game is a console game - 100% on rails. The only 'freedom' you get is what seige weapon to use. My cousin has been playing PnP Warhammer for 17 years and uninstalled this game in less than a week. It's like they say, most folks are content with mediocre products. Enjoy yourselves, by all means.
All you fanboy's are gonna eat your words in the next 60 days.
Take care.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
Anyone who still plays SWG should not be giving advice on whats a decent game or not.Fine, if you dont like it go play SWG and maybe give an opinion but dont tell out and outrite lies and expect people to praise you or thanks you for saving there money on such a terrible game.
And yes dread and axis were large guilds and at there respected times dominated.I was also a member of FIGHT pre cu till NGE FIGHT had there time as well.Good game for its time.Now a terrible terrible game that should be put down.Like i said anyone who still enjoys that game,great im happy for you,but boy is it terrible.
I love this title! These are the most amusing statements on the forums and I always chuckle when I read them.
Basically, you are doing me a favor by telling me not to buy the game. I apreciate the gesture, however, please don't ask me to trust you. Next time, just leave your personal review and let me make a decision. I don't know if you honestly expect people not to buy something because you asked them to 'trust you', but I know personally I am short on trust.
There are a handful people in my life that I can 'trust' and you unfortunately are not one of them. I don't know you or your gaming history but I did appreciate your take on the game.
I would like to say I am on the fence but that would be wrong (trust me)... I buy every damn MMO out there
Did someone actually just suggest player housing for Warhammer? If a Chosen, a twisted mutated fiend of a person hellbent on genocide and anarchy spends a significant portion of his day rearranging furniture in his house, I will die more then a little inside.
You have pretty much summed up my take on housing in MMO games in the most comical way imaginable! The funniest part is that it's so damn true. Why the hell would most evil races hellbent on whatever destruction in whatever game ever care about where to put the armoire or the futon or how to organize the study?
I have to say that I am one of the gamers that is very disappointed.
Art is subjective, but man, the game to me looks and feels like it was made for 8 year olds. I grew tired of it in 15 min much less can I imagine myself spending HOURS in this world. I understand that it's based on the Warhammer IP and this predates WOW by 20 years but I still don't like it. The art, in a word, sucks. The movement is VERY clunky and annoying. It's terrible. The character customization is a flat out JOKE. Not to mention the class choices left me unsatisfied. I found that there was not ONE SINGLE CLASS that I wanted to play. The way the zones are set up is especially uninspiring. Not only are they smallish, but there is only a tiny portion of it set aside for RvR. I just don't like the design as it feels like an afterthought; and it was, according to the developers (originally they planned to have instanced "scenario" battles only). Oh, and no player housing? No thanks. In fact, I'm kinda pissed I bought into the hype. Paul Barnett is a great personality and he hyped this game to the max. But it's just not fun to play. My 2 cents.
trust me, dont listen to this person who obviously dont know what the hell he is talking about. The game is freaking awesome.
I believe we are all have a right to our own oppinion about the game. Though you may dislike the game, I don't believe that gives you the right to decide if a person should buy the game or not. It is there own decision if they are gonna buy it or not. Feel free to hate the game and rant about its flaws as you feel necessary, but don't tell people not to buy it.
Ya, I have to admit, I find it odd that someone who so proudly proclaims that they’ve been playing SWG since 2003 could be so harsh on WAR. I got into the MMORPG game late, starting with WoW in 2004, and I’ve grinded through quite a few since that time, including CoH, GW, DDO, Vanguard, and even SWG, to name a few. IMO, SWG sticks out like a sore thumb as the most obtuse, buggy and boring MMORPG I’ve ever played. By far. Which is nuts, because I love the Star Wars universe and I was super excited to finally play it. I didn’t make it past the free month.
Now, I realize that life is subjective and all that, but dissing on WAR as hard as you are just reeks of silly, defensive fanboyism. Seriously, you didn’t have *any* fun? C’mon, now.
I mean, WAR is not without its rough edges, for sure. I’m not crazy about the art direction or lack of races, for starters, but coming from WoW (which was my first and favorite MMORPG of the bunch), it is a nice breath of fresh air. So far, it’s a PvP focused WoW-style game without all the silly time-consuming filler. I feel like I can play the game for 15 minutes and get things done, and that includes something in a group environment. Crazy. For someone who doesn’t have all the time in the world, it’s great. I could see how it might not be ‘core enough for some people, but for the majority of us who expect games—yes, even MMORPGs—to be more about fun than about the grind, I think WAR has a ton to offer. I think even the more hardcore of the bunch can easily find something to enjoy here.
Originally posted by Nikoz78 I have to say that I am one of the gamers that is very disappointed.
Art is subjective, but man, the game to me looks and feels like it was made for 8 year olds. I grew tired of it in 15 min much less can I imagine myself spending HOURS in this world. I understand that it's based on the Warhammer IP and this predates WOW by 20 years but I still don't like it. The art, in a word, sucks. The movement is VERY clunky and annoying. It's terrible. The character customization is a flat out JOKE. Not to mention the class choices left me unsatisfied. I found that there was not ONE SINGLE CLASS that I wanted to play. The way the zones are set up is especially uninspiring. Not only are they smallish, but there is only a tiny portion of it set aside for RvR. I just don't like the design as it feels like an afterthought; and it was, according to the developers (originally they planned to have instanced "scenario" battles only). Oh, and no player housing? No thanks. In fact, I'm kinda pissed I bought into the hype. Paul Barnett is a great personality and he hyped this game to the max. But it's just not fun to play. My 2 cents.
So basically you are saying you didnt bother to do any research into the game before rushing out to buy it. So why would I take your opinion over doing some research and forming my own opinion.
try playing the game a bit first. the starting zones are cramp, what do you expect? once you get into tier 2 you will feel dumb for posting this.
I learnt a long time ago, that when someone says: 'Trust me.', what you really should do is the exact opposite.
And a lot of people are thrilled with the game. So that tells you what? People have different opinions and like different things? No offense, but that's not exactly a major news flash.
But I do agree with you on one point. I see more negativity towards the game than I thought there would be after playing it myself. I think it's a very fun game, but others' opinions are colored by their different experiences, expectations, and preferences. I see far more posts of people that like the game than dislike it though.
Yes don't waste your money over the next three months, but instead spend it on a fun game that you can spend hundreds of hours in: Warhammer Online.
for the poster of this jsut play a game I`m not xpecting that any1 will like this game but graphics arent that much important if game sux (any1 still remembers AOCover 30 Gb I know people who bought a new PC just to play a game and what now?),game has it`s purpose and thaz a large scale PVP and that part is wrealy great PQ`s are great for me if you once in a while read anything in a game xpt looking on a map where to kill some1 or do that you`ll find a bunch of people looking for PQ`s and its great that everyone can do them not to w8 1/2 hr for grp and every quest got few stages every area got several PQ`s +much of usual quests I hawe solved over a 100 quests till my 11th lvl and spend some time reading a TOK which wrealy tracks all you do in beta i played all races and xperiment a while you`ll c that every race got it`s own philosophy and how to achive something artwork is just awesome and now for downsides well for me is that game got several issues with animations and and targeting also chat could be better dunno I just like this game and I wrealy hope that people will play the game more to c the beauty of the world and loreGW created not just running through regions to get till final lvl.
More bandwidth for me!
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
what are you talking about? everywhere i'm walking i see "hey, you're about to be flagged for rvr" and it'll go on for a huge section and there will be a couple of objectives to capture/hold in yet ANOTHER rvr area.
the graphics come and go with me... i see you have swg in your tag... the graphics are hellaciously better than swg was/is/probably will be.
i really don't understand the jist of your post, since it's not really an opinion, it's just sentences presented as fact and the facts are simply wrong. the smallish zones with the 'hardly any' rvr areas... honestly... if an opinion is wrong, it's just wrong. how much space EXACTLY do you need for lvl 1-10? how do you plan on leveling ONE toon up and not outlevel ALL the content for ALL the 1-10 areas? you get to what... ch2 or ch3 and you have your flight master and can hit the other 1-10 zones.
i guess i'd have to say -- "don't waste your time reading the op, trust me".
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
ok, I will trust you.
Proud member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
You're obviously not a Bloodfin Vet. As a Bloodfin Vet, playing in the best of best Guilds (DREAD, FIGHT, AXIS), this game is the shit.
If your're from PvP, you should love PvP. Obviously you're a character transfer....
Amazing how the OP was able to conclude all that in 15 minutes! All the art sucks, all the animations suck, all the classes suck, so bad I couldn't play for more than 15 minutes! Really? Trust you?
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated

Oh and one more thing "the people" who created the artwork for this which idea`s Mythic put into game are maybe the best fantasy artists in a fantasy genre SF and epic ,theyre art has been copied through whole 2 decades through out various games , rip off`s and movies and you tell me that artwork suck
When going to WAR - why would you need a house? You have a purpose - kill or be killed. No going home to the wife (or in your case unsure, trust me).
Don't trust this guy...Game is a winner....The most fun i have ever had in a MMORPG.
Haha anyone that would actually trust this guy with this post made on launch day deserves to miss out on the fun. People like the OP, and people that would read his post and actually take it to heart deserve to sit around and wait for their perfect MMO for the rest of their lives. Then one day 20 years from now maybe they will look back and realize all of the fun times they missed because of their stubborn ignorance.
OMG, you can't play Holly Housemaker in this game?
Gamer Plus+
Sure pal.
First of all, Dread and Axis were not that big. Great guilds but they were not the top guilds on the server. I was a member of -Fight- so that is especially funny for you to say that.
I was also a member VoD, VEA, DUNE, and numerous others over the years. A dozen people on these forums know me and knew me way back in 2003.
Also, if I want to PvP I would not play this game. I would go back to DAoC (a much better game) or EvE or even SWG.
Further, I did not say I only played the game for 15 minutes - learn to read people. I realize I'm likely talking to 12 year olds, but when I say 'trust me' I am saying 'you have been warned.' Wait for the trial. But I'm sure it does not matter to most of you if daddy wastes his $60.00 bucks for you to try out a new toy.
Who cares if the RvR is good (which it isn't, in my opinion)? The game world is so bland and full of non-immersion that I find I don't care about the war going on. It's not like DAoC where you feel like you are a part of a living world. This game is a console game - 100% on rails. The only 'freedom' you get is what seige weapon to use. My cousin has been playing PnP Warhammer for 17 years and uninstalled this game in less than a week. It's like they say, most folks are content with mediocre products. Enjoy yourselves, by all means.
All you fanboy's are gonna eat your words in the next 60 days.
Take care.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
I paid for WAR, and I don't regret it. My wife does though......
Anyone who still plays SWG should not be giving advice on whats a decent game or not.Fine, if you dont like it go play SWG and maybe give an opinion but dont tell out and outrite lies and expect people to praise you or thanks you for saving there money on such a terrible game.
And yes dread and axis were large guilds and at there respected times dominated.I was also a member of FIGHT pre cu till NGE FIGHT had there time as well.Good game for its time.Now a terrible terrible game that should be put down.Like i said anyone who still enjoys that game,great im happy for you,but boy is it terrible.
Darkfall - Sick
Earthrise - Sick
I love this title! These are the most amusing statements on the forums and I always chuckle when I read them.
Basically, you are doing me a favor by telling me not to buy the game. I apreciate the gesture, however, please don't ask me to trust you. Next time, just leave your personal review and let me make a decision. I don't know if you honestly expect people not to buy something because you asked them to 'trust you', but I know personally I am short on trust.
There are a handful people in my life that I can 'trust' and you unfortunately are not one of them. I don't know you or your gaming history but I did appreciate your take on the game.
I would like to say I am on the fence but that would be wrong (trust me)... I buy every damn MMO out there

You have pretty much summed up my take on housing in MMO games in the most comical way imaginable! The funniest part is that it's so damn true. Why the hell would most evil races hellbent on whatever destruction in whatever game ever care about where to put the armoire or the futon or how to organize the study?

I believe we are all have a right to our own oppinion about the game. Though you may dislike the game, I don't believe that gives you the right to decide if a person should buy the game or not. It is there own decision if they are gonna buy it or not. Feel free to hate the game and rant about its flaws as you feel necessary, but don't tell people not to buy it.
well , there isn't alot of classes since not all the classes is implented at launch but they'll come soon and i'm guessing you're a hybrid player
Ya, I have to admit, I find it odd that someone who so proudly proclaims that they’ve been playing SWG since 2003 could be so harsh on WAR. I got into the MMORPG game late, starting with WoW in 2004, and I’ve grinded through quite a few since that time, including CoH, GW, DDO, Vanguard, and even SWG, to name a few. IMO, SWG sticks out like a sore thumb as the most obtuse, buggy and boring MMORPG I’ve ever played. By far. Which is nuts, because I love the Star Wars universe and I was super excited to finally play it. I didn’t make it past the free month.
Now, I realize that life is subjective and all that, but dissing on WAR as hard as you are just reeks of silly, defensive fanboyism. Seriously, you didn’t have *any* fun? C’mon, now.
I mean, WAR is not without its rough edges, for sure. I’m not crazy about the art direction or lack of races, for starters, but coming from WoW (which was my first and favorite MMORPG of the bunch), it is a nice breath of fresh air. So far, it’s a PvP focused WoW-style game without all the silly time-consuming filler. I feel like I can play the game for 15 minutes and get things done, and that includes something in a group environment. Crazy. For someone who doesn’t have all the time in the world, it’s great. I could see how it might not be ‘core enough for some people, but for the majority of us who expect games—yes, even MMORPGs—to be more about fun than about the grind, I think WAR has a ton to offer. I think even the more hardcore of the bunch can easily find something to enjoy here.
IMO, I think WAR is a solid buy.
So basically you are saying you didnt bother to do any research into the game before rushing out to buy it. So why would I take your opinion over doing some research and forming my own opinion.
Which is what I did. And I am enjoying the game.