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Anyone get their actual copy yet?

UPS tried to deliver mine, but I was out...


Just wondering if there are any differences between the beta client and the release copy.


  • ItirelItirel Member Posts: 88

    No differences besides a patch.

  • Lonesamurai1Lonesamurai1 Member Posts: 1,210

    Well, as HMV in the UK have no actual copies, I cancelled my order and got it from PLay.Com and it arrived this morning


    (Collectors Edition btw.)


  • daylight01daylight01 Member Posts: 2,250

    Yep after getting let down by my internet pre-order I got a copy at 3pm today from a shop around the corner...DOH.

    Just waiting for 8am tomorrow to get my grubby hands on WAR now .


    If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"

  • ItirelItirel Member Posts: 88
    Originally posted by daylight01

    Yep after getting let down by my internet pre-order I got a copy at 3pm today from a shop around the corner...DOH.
    Just waiting for 8am tomorrow to get my grubby hands on WAR now .


    Ugh. Don't even get me started on the pre-ordering. EA Store anyone?

  • xtravertxtravert Member UncommonPosts: 134

    A few people I know picked up the box copy this afternoon.  They were pleased (we are in MST) when I pointed out that things open up at 12:01am EDT.  They should be able to play tonight.

  • daylight01daylight01 Member Posts: 2,250
    Originally posted by Itirel

    Originally posted by daylight01

    Yep after getting let down by my internet pre-order I got a copy at 3pm today from a shop around the corner...DOH.
    Just waiting for 8am tomorrow to get my grubby hands on WAR now .


    Ugh. Don't even get me started on the pre-ordering. EA Store anyone?


    Hehe,honest mate I have been to hell and back with my pre-order.

    I got everything from "yep they are comming this week" to "we hope to get them to you before the game goes live" till I got this "if you wanted the headstart you should have ordered the CE of the game"


    hehe I could do nothing more than laugh :)


    If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"

  • cukimungacukimunga Member UncommonPosts: 2,258

    I used direct2drive, no need wasting paper and plastic and having it just sitting around collecting dust somewhere.    I don't think im ever going to buy an actuall game box ever again, well unless its for a console but I havent touched my 360 in months.

  • imbantimbant Member Posts: 1,291

    Local Gamestop got the boxes in this afternoon and just picked mine up.

    Have to wait till tomorrow to register the key though.

    Darkfall Releases on: February 25th, 2009

    Darkfall Recap of everything that has happened the last 3 months:

    "The monsters are tough. I was looking for a challenge, but these things are just too damn smart." -DF Beta Tester

    "If people were dismissing it, then they wouldn't be talking about it. The well-meaning gamers root for efforts that try to raise the bar. So who's left? It's so easy being a skeptic." -Tasos

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    Netherlands here. Ordered it last night before 9 CET and had it in the mail today ^_^

    Way to busy at work to play before tomorow evening though. Which is kinda ok. They might roll out more servers and tweak some caps as the pops increase. Makes it easier to choose the right server I suppose.

  • daylight01daylight01 Member Posts: 2,250
    Originally posted by DarkPony

    Netherlands here. Ordered it last night before 9 CET and had it in the mail today ^_^
    Way to busy at work to play before tomorow evening though. Which is kinda ok. They might roll out more servers and tweak some caps as the pops increase. Makes it easier to choose the right server I suppose.


    Lol I am also in Holland and had nothing but trouble,until the little shop around the corner had it today,no headstart but again no problems,went in and paid the cash and got the game,so much easier than the last 3 weeks .


    If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"

  • Jadamuah47Jadamuah47 Member Posts: 6

    I got both my CE boxes yesterday. Didnt know i ordered two so one is going back

  • MajinashMajinash Member Posts: 1,320

    yep, JUST got back from the store with it.  Gamestop had things working perfectly, got my codes when I preordered, got my box right away.  I know a lot of people have had problems with them, but its not all bad.

    Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.

  • fiontarfiontar Member UncommonPosts: 3,682

    My Standard Edition from came this afternoon.

    The big news was I decided to check out Best Buy for a Collectors Edition, since when Age of Conan came out Best Buy had some CEs on the shelf on launch day.

    I checked out the PC games section and they didn't even have the SEs out. So I went to the front and asked if they could check on it for me. He called a girl from the back, who said they did have them in stock. I went back to wait for her. She brought an SE from the back, but I asked her if they had any Collectors Editions. She told me she thought so and came back a minute later with a CE!

    So, it's worth a shot to check your local Best Buy and have them check in the back for the CE! :)

    Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated

  • BladinBladin Member UncommonPosts: 1,089

    Just got mine!  Funny thing is, the delivery man rang the doorbell and was already out of the yard before i even got the 5 feet from the couch to the door with it laying on the ground.

    My roomie was like who was that?  And i was like "it was jesus".


  • KrayzjoelKrayzjoel Member Posts: 906

    Just got mine a few min ago!! Im stoked.

    Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
    Playing EVE Online and AOC.
    Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD

  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935
    Originally posted by Itirel

    No differences besides a patch.


    This is the kind of guy i HATE, This is the kind of guy that delibertly makes a statement a lie,  These douchebags, yes I say DOUCHEBAGS, like this guy who go and arrogantly spread misonformation have no place on these forums.


    If anyone has received the actual copy, I HIGHLY encourage you to install it and run that versus the beta copy. There appears to be, at the very least, many higher textures included.  The difference between the beta (i..e rather crappy graphics) vs, whats on the disc are VERY noticable.


    I'm not a fanboi of this game, review my posts if you think otherwise.

    As for Iterel:

    please leave these forums.  We have no patience for blatant liars like you.

  • mrskippymrskippy Member CommonPosts: 114

    Gamestop gave me a tracking number, but the tracking number doesn't even show the item is shipped. I should have had the game by now.

    They screwed me on Head Start and now they are screwing me again.


  • SidereusSidereus Member Posts: 316

    EB games called me.... I should pick it up on saturday...not tomorrow because it's the basket-ball team initiation....I feel like some newbs in our team will get drunk....soooooooooooooooooo bad !

    Originally Posted by Xridnasa:
    What's a "grocery store"? Is that like McDonald's?
    Originally Posted by sidimazz:
    Kind of, just without the rapist.

  • PrecusorPrecusor Member UncommonPosts: 3,589

    I bought this POS from the EA down loader and i cant even register the damn game.

    were all screwed

  • Originally posted by grimal

    If anyone has received the actual copy, I HIGHLY encourage you to install it and run that versus the beta copy. There appears to be, at the very least, many higher textures included.  The difference between the beta (i..e rather crappy graphics) vs, whats on the disc are VERY noticable.


    Grimal, thanks for the tip.

  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935
    Originally posted by chillsan

    Originally posted by grimal

    If anyone has received the actual copy, I HIGHLY encourage you to install it and run that versus the beta copy. There appears to be, at the very least, many higher textures included.  The difference between the beta (i..e rather crappy graphics) vs, whats on the disc are VERY noticable.


    Grimal, thanks for the tip.



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