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So, In the US the Collectors edition preorders are in and the standard preorders are sitting on the sidelines. After a week of Open beta everyone seems excited about WAR (myself included)
However, many more players bought Standard preorders than collectors. Do you regret this choice? Do you think it was a smart move?
What is it 30 bucks more for a few gimmicks, shiney box, and 1 day extra gameplay? I think I'll go spend it on my girlfriend who I'll be ignoring for the next 3 weeks.
I do not regret not getting the CE at all. Just like the above poster said, The extra stuff in the box and the few days head start is not worth the extra money in my book. I heard the other day that people were paying up to 300 dollars to get the CE off of Ebay just to play 1 or 2 extra days head start. Most people inculding myself can not justify that at all.
However, I am very glad I did get the SE pre order. It allowed me to test the game and really see what the game was all about. The two preview weekends and the open beta allowed me to see for myself if I really wanted to play this game. After the AoC, I am wanting to see for myself before I make my mind on a game. The SE pre order allowed me to do this, and it was money well spent. I am glad that they allowed SE to do this.
Honestly, I plan on playing the game long term here. The extra days of head start does not make much of a difference. The only real benefit I see is the fact that you can claim your name first.
the ONLY way it would be worth it is if your a collector and werent gonna open it
i regret not buying it, i had bought the CE of AoC regretted spending that much money on a game i ended up not liking. i had CE of War on amazon back as soon as it was availible but cancelled after AoC wasted my money was afraid to get burned again. then i got to play the OB now know i like it and wish i had stuck with my original purchase.
I kinda do. Wish I had it now.
I preordered but not CE. Now, my guild is already level 5, several players are 10-12 already, the server is damn near full, and by the time I can even log in Tuesday they will be in tier 3 (if I can even get on same server as guild, could be locked by then). I don't care about the useless swag in the CE but the two days playtime has me reconsidering where I start out. I'm thinking that at this point I may just go for the lowest pop server available Tuesday AM and wait to see how things shake out.
So yeah, I think I do regret not getting the CE but I didn't get a chance to try the game until PW and by then they were sold out (tried to get one of the "found" extras at gamestop but they were gone in flash).
I kinda regret not getting the CE as well, but yeah, I'm cool with it... Two days of headstart, a few bonus quests, and some other assorted ingame goodies I most likely won't be using... Considering I spent the day tracking down a video card that will run WAR decently, I'm going to make the most of my time out of OB.
Not to mention that on that note, there's a chance that I might not be playing WAR anyway if my parents don't trust me tearing the back off the computer to stick a foreign card inside in the first place... You know, the types of parents who think I'm the "computer genius" of the family that can fix any and all system breaking errors with the press of a button but immediately assume I'm out to destroy it if I suggest anything that involves a hardware upgrade; or heaven forbid, just replacing the ancient thing after five or more years. :P
So I might just end up letting the SE sit on my desk for a few months before I can get something that *can* run it... And save a few bucks in the process. ^_^;
I'm hoping SE servers will be the sweet zone. Gamers with the forethought to pre-order, minus the worst fanatics and power levelers
I also passed on the CE due to the bad experience with AoC. Also, the pre-order bonuses listed on all the major e-tailer sites seemed to indicate there was zero difference in pre-order benefits between the editions.
I had the CE in my cart when Gamestop found that last minute batch of CEs a few days ago, but I was not going to pay $30+ for shipping!
I just pray one way or another the community on what ever server I end up on has a better community than I saw in Open Beta. People in MMORPGs have just become so completely anti-social in the last two years. Before, we would figure those people were all foriegn gold farmers, but unless gold farmers now outnumber regular players, it seems that a lot of players would rather play an MMORPG like a solo RPG.
Now, if you even say "hi" to someone in game it seems there is an 80% chance they literally run away.
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Yea, I wondered how much of a 'once bitten, twice shy' effect AoC was going to have on the Warhammer preorders.
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
The content in the CE is hardly 'useless swag', as one person put it, or 'gimmicks' as another stated. They are items and content for fans and believe it or not, 'COLLECTORS'. Who would have guessed?!?!?!?!?! The gall of some people...
all i can do is regret that i did =/
oh well, i guess i get some cool art work.
I wouldn't have minded the CE, but after getting shafted by Funcom I swore never to pre-order an MMO again... That was until I was invited as a beta tester, but even then I left it a few months to make sure and by that time the CE's were all sold out.
Well I pre ordered the CE to get the codes, then downgraded to an SE so I get the extra headstart, but otherwise no CE benefits. Honestly CE always seems like a waste to me. The extra headstart is the only thing I have liked about CE's.
I think I probably would have pre-ordered collectors if it wasn't totally sold out by the time I decided to buy WO:AR...
Collector's Editions are always a giant freaking waste of money. Hello, harsh really calling: the main event is the game, and not all the extra crap or two days headstart in the world will make up for paying $30 more.
I usually think of Collector's Editions are more of a charity thing. Thanks for making this game, I really like this game, here's $30 more just because I likes ya. Oh, you're giving me some extra stuff? How nice.
I considered the CE for a moment after reading it will contain Warhammer figurine, but after finding what it was I gave it a pass (even though I own a small greenskins army).
Too bad they didn't have like 6 versions of CE (one with a char from each race. Than I would probably pick one...
Yes, it's an extra $30 for the CE box. But the early access code for people who pre-ordered the CE is selling for $70 alone.
Sadly, I wasn't quick enough. =/ Came in too late when I heard the game as on sale. I was waiting for it to be released before purchasing. Then ended up purchasing 3 weeks ago when I finally started getting in the buzz again on Warhammer....sigh...oh well.
yeah i would have been more excited if i had gotten the CE but ill take any WAR i love all.
Personally I wish they allowed D2D to Australian customers. I dont need the gimmicks, the shiny xp ring, or the cardboard and paper waste were apparently trying to cut down on. The few days headstart is immaterial for the long haul, unless you count the possibility of exploiting new game bugs, which are hopefully already eliminated.
Give me a net connection, a link, and somewhere to bung my c/c details in and im done.
Heh, I like that sentiment, giving Mythic a tip.
...I tip waitresses, hairstylists, cabbies, masseuses, and that bum I paid to beat up my friend that puked in my jeep so why not a game developer? If they weren't bankrolled by the Evil Entity That Eats Quality And Craps Out Games that is EA I'd be all for it, with bells on.
I'm glad that I could get my hands on a CE last week, but not because of the head start (shops here are lazy, so they don't hand out the keys), but because of the artbook that comes with it. Considering that it has 228 pages, it's on par with the existing three artbooks of Warhammer/Warhammer 40K. I really like those books, even though they did cost me around € 30,- each. So I really don't mind paying € 70,- instead of € 45,-, because I would have payed it anyway, just for the artbook. Only this way I also get some nice ingame goodies
I wish I would of gotten the ce. I preordered the se and ebgames was out of codes so I preordered and get none of the head start or the items so I have to wait till thursday when if I would of gotten the ce I could be on right now playing.
The other day when the Herald announced that Gamestop had found more CE's I was one of the people who bought it. Then a little voice in my head started telling me that I was being obsessive compulsive and not using my brains. I wound up cancelling my order about an hour later.
ZERO regrets.
We found out on Saturday that the server my guild had chosen wasn't even going to be in the CE headstart. After some open discussion, the guild decided to stay with our chosen server and the CE people would roll up Destro alts on the CE servers. Then we'd all start playing together on Order starting tomorrow.
One of the reasons for this was that I anticipated many CE players would belong to preestablished guilds. So however populated the servers might get during Sunday and Monday, they'd be absolutely slammed come Tuesday when these people's buddies all join them on the CE servers. What's more, the CE servers would have a higher concentration of already guilded players than the SE servers will have. So SE is a good choice for our guild to be on as we're a relatively small guild that wants to grow.
So far, everything is going exactly as anticipated. If I hadn't cancelled my CE it would have wound up costing me $50 after shipping for a few more gew-gaws and 2 days of extra play with a character that wouldn't ever be more than an alt. So yeah, I'm not unhappy at all.
i loved getting in a day early. no regrests here, plus i reserved a lot of names that were probably be gone if i had to download/play tonight.
i'm really enjoying this game, such a nice pace and different from WoW enough to keep me playing. for the 1st time in a long time i didn't want to stop playing last night.
The CE was more than just a box..
You had the closed beta tests, and all of the open beta tests.. Hell, playing a game for a month (at least to test for longer than everyone else) would be worth the 30 bucks..
But then you get the figurine.. and even if you aren't a huge WAR fan.. that's still pretty cool, as well as the art work, and the ability to start 2 days earlier..
So, yeah, I regret it.
Currently playing Real Life..
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