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Stuck in qeues, ...rolled destro?.....guess what?

     No one cares that you are stuck in a que because you rolled the grossly overpopulated side. Ok, maybe I can't say no one, but I certainly don't. Roll an order toon or shush. As messed up as it sounds , que times really are "working as intended".

  It is a necessary evil to make you wait to play the side that is dominating population. In an rvr game, numbers win. So you guys whining actually think they should just let destro outnumber order 3 to 1 and keep on loggin in? No. Just no.

  Roll order or deal with it.




  • ItirelItirel Member Posts: 88
    Originally posted by severity3

         No one cares that you are stuck in a que because you rolled the grossly overpopulated side. Ok, maybe I can't say no one, but I certainly don't. Roll an order toon or shush. As messed up as it sounds , que times really are "working as intended".
      It is a necessary evil to make you wait to play the side that is dominating population. In an rvr game, numbers win. So you guys whining actually think they should just let destro outnumber order 3 to 1 and keep on loggin in? No. Just no.
      Roll order or deal with it.


    I'm destruction and I agree with you, allowing both sides to fill up equally for balance is awesome.

  • AirwrenAirwren Member UncommonPosts: 648

    Good point Severity3.  Btw, your avatar made me lol.

  • severity3severity3 Member Posts: 264
    Originally posted by Airwren

    Good point Severity3.  Btw, your avatar made me lol.


    Lol, thanks for the comment on my avatar. Since the pw,and open beta started, this has been a pet peeve of mine. I specifically chose order because they are the underdog. That said, I have seen firsthand evididence of how hard it is to overcome the population imba. On crag mere, destro literally owned EVERY keep in rvr zones for 90 % of the time.

       Imo, if you want to roll the side that is "dominant" you should expect certain drawbacks. Que times are a small price to pay for trying to choose the easy mode side.

        If it were up to me, servers would be completely locked out for destro on servers where the pop imba was too great.


    *edit* by locked out, I mean new character creation.


  • truuktruuk Member Posts: 45

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.

    I would love to engage in a battle of wits with you, unfortunately my morals disallow me to thwap an unarmed person.

  • severity3severity3 Member Posts: 264
    Originally posted by truuk

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.


      Yes, that is fantastic logic! Why didn't I think of that? If I am unhappy with one side being clearly dominant in numbers, I should just roll that side! Thank you Truuk.

       Also, what the eff is puniched?


  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593

    I don't have any problem with this population policy.

    Me and my guild planned to play both factions on different servers because even if you're really into one or the other, there is always at least one class on the opposing side that is bound to appeal to you.

    And besides, the "good guys" in Warhammer universe aren't that "good" at all. Read up on the lore a bit. Personally, I find Order races (except maybe the dwarves) quite a bit nasty in themselves. No goody-two-shoes there. Destro is at least somewhat more honest about it

  • madstoogmadstoog Member Posts: 132
    Originally posted by truuk

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.

    dest is overpopulated.. live with it or go order, can't get what you want all the time.

    yet another whining kid.

  • DarwaDarwa Member UncommonPosts: 2,181
    Originally posted by severity3

       Also, what the eff is puniched?


    Probably something similar to qeues, que,  and evididence I should think.

  • TrashcantoyTrashcantoy Member Posts: 827
    Originally posted by madstoog

    Originally posted by truuk

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.

    dest is overpopulated.. live with it or go order, can't get what you want all the time.

    yet another whining kid.


    its so easy to say they should go order, they picked destro for a (good) reason so give em some slack for complaining. they bought a CE and cant play unless they pick a toon they dont like anyway...

    MMOs currently playing: -
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  • severity3severity3 Member Posts: 264
    Originally posted by darwa

    Originally posted by severity3

       Also, what the eff is puniched?


    Probably something similar to qeues, que,  and evididence I should think.




  • wjrasmussenwjrasmussen Member Posts: 1,493
    Originally posted by 3on1

    Originally posted by madstoog

    Originally posted by truuk

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.

    dest is overpopulated.. live with it or go order, can't get what you want all the time.

    yet another whining kid.


    its so easy to say they should go order, they picked destro for a (good) reason so give em some slack for complaining. they bought a CE and cant play unless they pick a toon they dont like anyway...

    And part of that cost is the queue.  If they didn't think about the queue as a factor, then they didn't think very well about the situation. lol.


  • JetrpgJetrpg Member UncommonPosts: 2,347
    Originally posted by 3on1

    Originally posted by madstoog

    Originally posted by truuk

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.

    dest is overpopulated.. live with it or go order, can't get what you want all the time.

    yet another whining kid.


    its so easy to say they should go order, they picked destro for a (good) reason so give em some slack for complaining. they bought a CE and cant play unless they pick a toon they dont like anyway...



    "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine

  • severity3severity3 Member Posts: 264
    Originally posted by 3on1

    Originally posted by madstoog

    Originally posted by truuk

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.

    dest is overpopulated.. live with it or go order, can't get what you want all the time.

    yet another whining kid.


    its so easy to say they should go order, they picked destro for a (good) reason so give em some slack for complaining. they bought a CE and cant play unless they pick a toon they dont like anyway...


    Ok, you tell me another solution that doesn't allow destro  to outnumber order to the point of hurting the game? In an rvr game, population matters, a ton. I would be willing to bet mythic would be all ears to a solution that didn't involve ques. Unforrtunately, as I said, it is a necessary evil. You ca't have one side just owning everything or this would just snowball as players on the underpopped side would get frustrated when they can't get renown gear/trainers etc, and finally gave up and went to destro...breaking the entire mechanic of the game.


  • truuktruuk Member Posts: 45

    Yeah severity, attack my spelling because you know destruction is just so bad ass that you can't compete.

    I would love to engage in a battle of wits with you, unfortunately my morals disallow me to thwap an unarmed person.

  • severity3severity3 Member Posts: 264
    Originally posted by truuk

    Yeah severity, attack my spelling because you know destruction is just so bad ass that you can't compete.


    I actually apologize for that. As has been pointed out, in this thread, my spelling isn't great either.

     I am just frustrated that people can't understand the VERY simple logic behind mythics system  for ques in a rvr game.


    * edited for spelling


  • geldonyetichgeldonyetich Member Posts: 1,340

    It's a pretty tough comprimise.

    On one hand, a person should be free to play what they want to play.

    On the other hand, if there was no Destruction/Order queues, then there would be no incentive to keep the server population even.

    It is, like many MMORPGs, a butting of heads between a single player's desire and the overall quality of the MMORPG.

    Here's hoping Mythic can both stick to their guns to preserve the health of the game without having this move ultimately undermine the confidence of a playerbase desiring instant gratification.


  • plaxidiaplaxidia Member UncommonPosts: 171

    Originally posted by 3on1

    Originally posted by madstoog

    Originally posted by truuk

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.

    dest is overpopulated.. live with it or go order, can't get what you want all the time.

    yet another whining kid.


    its so easy to say they should go order, they picked destro for a (good) reason so give em some slack for complaining. they bought a CE and cant play unless they pick a toon they dont like anyway...


    And the people complaining are the same ones who will complain that the game is "So boreing" when there is no opposition to fight and you own all the keeps..

    Balance in a RvR game is only keeping everyone from pissing around about how "The other side doesn't fight back"

  • severity3severity3 Member Posts: 264
    Originally posted by plaxidia

    Originally posted by 3on1

    Originally posted by madstoog

    Originally posted by truuk

      So, because I picked the side I liked the look of I should be puniched for that? Using your logic, if destro is so OP, you should just roll one of those.

    dest is overpopulated.. live with it or go order, can't get what you want all the time.

    yet another whining kid.


    its so easy to say they should go order, they picked destro for a (good) reason so give em some slack for complaining. they bought a CE and cant play unless they pick a toon they dont like anyway...


    And the people complaining are the same ones who will complain that the game is "So boreing" when there is no opposition to fight and you own all the keeps..




  • JonnyBigBossJonnyBigBoss Member UncommonPosts: 702

    Well said OP. If you want to play Destruction (WAY overpopulated side) you better be ready to wait in queues.

    I am most likely rolling Destruction, but at least I know what I'm in for and won't whine about it.

  • maddbomber83maddbomber83 Member Posts: 422
    Originally posted by truuk

    Yeah severity, attack my spelling because you know destruction is just so bad ass that you can't compete.


    It is a flaw in the game.  Destruction does have A LOT more appeal than order.  There are several classes on the destruction side that I want to try.  But. . .

    In the interest of the game the populations have to be kept equal, or. . .  The underpopulated side has to have some sort of handicap to offset it.

    If they want to get rid of the ques, they have to add in a balance mechanic.  In DAoC they had realm rewards for who had relics, little things like plus power or dmg, or something, I forget. But they could do something similar in this game, only have it linked to server population.

    It would be hell to balance, but imagine that destruction out numbers order 2:1.  Order receives a 50% modifier to health, dmg, and heal amount.  Making order roughly 2x as powerful per person as destruction.

    Destruction people would see the order people killing them 1v1 but a balanced fight 12v6 and decide to roll Order chars.  As order population increases, their bonus diminishes until Order = Destruction (or if destruction gets low, they get the bonus).

    But in the end, for the good and fun of the game (both sides) it has to be somewhat equal.  Either by direct population control, or indirect.  The BEST solution is for Mythic to make the classes on the order side appealing enough the population balances itself.

  • kingbloopkingbloop Member Posts: 180

    as beta was coming to a close i was checking out the server list and i think i saw 1 server with med - order and high- dest. that being said, i saw 5 that said med or high - order and low dest.

  • severity3severity3 Member Posts: 264
    Originally posted by kingbloop

    as beta was coming to a close i was checking out the server list and i think i saw 1 server with med - order and high- dest. that being said, i saw 5 that said med or high - order and low dest.


    I looked at the populations on the servers VERY frequently. As I said, this has been a pet issue of mine as launch gets closer. At NO time did i EVER see one single server where order outnumbered destro. Never. Not once.

       Blatant lying does not help your cause.


    Edit; I am na. Perhaps your numbers came from eu, otherwise , i am quite positive you are either mistaken or skewing facts.


  • kingbloopkingbloop Member Posts: 180
    Originally posted by severity3

    Originally posted by kingbloop

    as beta was coming to a close i was checking out the server list and i think i saw 1 server with med - order and high- dest. that being said, i saw 5 that said med or high - order and low dest.


    I looked at the populations on the servers VERY frequently. As I said, this has been a pet issue of mine as launch gets closer. At NO time did i EVER see one single server where order outnumbered destro. Never. Not once.

       Blatant lying does not help your cause.


    Edit; I am na. Perhaps your numbers came from eu, otherwise , i am quite positive you are either mistaken or skewing facts.


    well as i am not lying and can have a few people back me up on this, there were a bunch of order heavy servers, of course you had to scroll all the way down to see them, but they were there, Hell i jumped on Isle of the Dead cause it had a High Order pop and a Med Dest pop. it was all out mayhem in the RvR lake. also Q times were short, they popped almost instantly.

    maybe you need your eyes checked, or to pull your head out of your ass long enough to get oxygen to your brain. also, wtf are you complaining about anyhow. you want faster q times for your side? then play on a server that is low (your side here).

    i saw what i saw, and thats the bottom line. get over it.

    oh and no i'm not from EU, i live in beautiful southern Cali >.>

  • severity3severity3 Member Posts: 264
    Originally posted by kingbloop

    Originally posted by severity3

    Originally posted by kingbloop

    as beta was coming to a close i was checking out the server list and i think i saw 1 server with med - order and high- dest. that being said, i saw 5 that said med or high - order and low dest.


    I looked at the populations on the servers VERY frequently. As I said, this has been a pet issue of mine as launch gets closer. At NO time did i EVER see one single server where order outnumbered destro. Never. Not once.

       Blatant lying does not help your cause.


    Edit; I am na. Perhaps your numbers came from eu, otherwise , i am quite positive you are either mistaken or skewing facts.


    well as i am not lying and can have a few people back me up on this, there were a bunch of order heavy servers, of course you had to scroll all the way down to see them, but they were there, Hell i jumped on Isle of the Dead cause it had a High Order pop and a Med Dest pop. it was all out mayhem in the RvR lake. also Q times were short, they popped almost instantly.

    maybe you need your eyes checked, or to pull your head out of your ass long enough to get oxygen to your brain. also, wtf are you complaining about anyhow. you want faster q times for your side? then play on a server that is low (your side here).

    i saw what i saw, and thats the bottom line. get over it.

    oh and no i'm not from EU, i live in beautiful southern Cali >.>


    I don't have que times, as I p[lay order, and as stated  they are underpopulated on every server and have been throughout all of beta. My issue is with the people rolling destro, who are overpopulated on every server, or equal at best, and have been throughout all of beta , who then complain about queues .

      I did scroll down. Many many times. The situation you describe where order outnumbered destro NEVER happened. It may have spiked on a server or 2 , but in those instances, there were still 10 servers for every one where destro outnumbered order.Period.


    Edit: see sig. People like you are why I chose it.


  • GrrlGrrl Member UncommonPosts: 354
    Originally posted by kingbloop

    Originally posted by severity3

    Originally posted by kingbloop

    as beta was coming to a close i was checking out the server list and i think i saw 1 server with med - order and high- dest. that being said, i saw 5 that said med or high - order and low dest.


    I looked at the populations on the servers VERY frequently. As I said, this has been a pet issue of mine as launch gets closer. At NO time did i EVER see one single server where order outnumbered destro. Never. Not once.

       Blatant lying does not help your cause.


    Edit; I am na. Perhaps your numbers came from eu, otherwise , i am quite positive you are either mistaken or skewing facts.


    well as i am not lying and can have a few people back me up on this, there were a bunch of order heavy servers, of course you had to scroll all the way down to see them, but they were there, Hell i jumped on Isle of the Dead cause it had a High Order pop and a Med Dest pop. it was all out mayhem in the RvR lake. also Q times were short, they popped almost instantly.

    maybe you need your eyes checked, or to pull your head out of your ass long enough to get oxygen to your brain. also, wtf are you complaining about anyhow. you want faster q times for your side? then play on a server that is low (your side here).

    i saw what i saw, and thats the bottom line. get over it.

    oh and no i'm not from EU, i live in beautiful southern Cali >.>



    and I can back him up on this. We were on Dest populated server for a while then switched to High Order pop on Isle of the Dead cuz we were plainly curious how Empires work. I rolled a Bright Wizard and enjoyed it immensely. We even had RvR down by the lake provoking Destruction folks that was hiding by the rocks (or standing on them) trying to get ranged shots at us and use cannons. It was amusing. They were trying to take over our keep earlier and we owned them. To be honest, the first few days of OB.. the servers of both sides were quite low.. and Destruction servers were usually at medium til the last few days of OB, it has changed all of a sudden to high/med for Order.. but it was mostly Order taking over before the OB ended. I'd know this cuz I personally witnessed it. kthx

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