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AOC and Warhammer Beta


okay people I'm seeing either a lot of deceiving here in the forums OR a lot of fanbois for particular games.......people in BEta for AOC praised the game about how good it was, yet now everyones talking about how the game is failing.  NOW all the Warhammer beta people are saying the same thing, are we falling for another trap of corporate America or are you guys really sold on this game, I want to believe in this game and buy it when it comes out, but I think I'm gonna wait for the masses, they are the "real skeptics here"  I'm not saying you beta testers are not, but  "you are not the Majority"  I think I will let the rest of the gamers review it for themselves once it comes out,  can't wait for them home made Youtube reviews, they are always entertaining, especially when a game sucks.


  • Blazer6992Blazer6992 Member UncommonPosts: 643

      I did the beta for both, and right now I'm not playing anything. What's that tell you?


  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    Ill be as honest as I can

    I betad Age of Conan  and it was a train wreck beyond biblical proportions. It was really bad. The bugs, the bad coding, the armor, the quests, the developers inability to get things done...ever. It really got to me. I bought it even after all of that. Played it for two months and got rid of it. It never got better.

    Ive betad Warhammer since closed beta....well....lemme just cut and paste what I typed there:

    Let me state that:

    • No, I do not think the game sucks
    • Yes, Ive played it for months so I have at least some experience in what I am saying
    • I am positive this statement will cause some to agree and some to disagree
    • Vote for Cobra Commander/Megatron come November.

    With that said, I am not too sure if I will buy the mmo. There are a few reasons why and I really won't put too much statement into it. Just read as you see it and if you absolutely love the game; don't worry...Im not making fun of your mom or anything so don't get all bothered. Same for the haters; this statement isn't meant to rub in your egos and think you snared another hater; because this game is great...just not for me.

    • PvE: Its ok. Definitely nothing mind blowing, new, or ground breaking. When Im tired of RvRing, an occasional PvE run is fun but the PvE in Warhammer is just bad. When I mean bad, I don't mean its shitty or retarded. I'm just saying whoever did all these PvE quests did not put a whole lot of thought into them. Also, I understand there are some dungeons here and there but you really have to look for em. I found one. I wasn't impressed. It sorta reminded me of a Vanguard: Saga of Heroes type of dungeon. If you don't understand what I mean, its ok.
    • Scenarios: These are fun; for the first few days. Ive been running the same ones for a few months now. They really do get really old. Imagine Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare or Battlefield with very few maps. It can get repitious pretty fast. Also, most of these scenarios are just straight forward, non thinking, grab the flag with no room for any intense coordination or strategy.
    • Balance: I am too unsure about this currently. For the most part, I think its a little off balance between the two worlds. You can go to any scenario and pretty much guess who will win as each scenario has its own advantages according to the race vs race. For example, Empire vs Chaos. know who will win lol. 4 classes versus 3 classes Chaos has tanks....Empire is home to glass cannons and a priest
    • Annoying bugs: I am sure this will be solved by release and they are nowhere near as bad as many other MMOs (*cough* AoC*cough*) but the "You cannot target" thing is really pissing me off. Its like flip a coin and take your chances on a mob you can kill. Some areas its not as bad but other areas its just a great big pain in the ass.

    Like I said, there are other things but not worth mentioning. I don't think the game sucks whatsoever; Im just saying I wasn't impressed with the time Ive been in close/open beta. It just didn't have that magical "Holy Shit" feel like some other mmos I used to play.

    Eh, take it for what its worth. I still may buy it but im not too sure. If I were to score this against other MMOs I would give it a Strong C+ or a Very (very) weak B-. This is on a scale for me where Age of Conan is F and I really haven't seen a A+ MMORPG.

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • susanto1228susanto1228 Member Posts: 203

    You know what Enigma, the thing that pisses me off is when you say that "It's nothing groundbreaking" when, HELL!  it's 2008!  Other Genre's are making ground breaking games, consoles for instance are making some really good games, they are moving forward, while the MMo model remains stale.  If PVe is not improved I can see a lot of people getting bored with RvR, you can get burned out easily with that....where's the scenery, where's the advevnture, the atmosphere, thats where true RPG's were born, Grandia, Final Fantasy, Chrono Cross, yes they are Old school, but they are the foundation for today's MMo's  in terms of dynamic environments, hell I w0uld rather pick up chrono cross than Aoc and play it, anways thanks for your reponse, and the rest of you guys.

  • AntariousAntarious Member UncommonPosts: 2,848

    I dunno I don't really understand a lot of what I see anymore. 

    -OMG that game sucks.. its the worst ever (has the most subs of any western mmo ever)

    -This game rocks its 10/10 best thing ever happened (will have 200k subs long term if lucky)

    Yes I made this up.. but its the generic bs I see on the forums.

    If you're a game player you want great games.. MMO's cost a crap load to make.. this requires investors.  The more crap games that come out.. the less interest investors are going to have.

    Guess what?  It should be pretty plain to see the outcome.

    Beyond that yes many games are in beta and someone will be talking about how great, innovative etc that it is.. and its just the same cloned crap we've had for X amount of years.. with a few names changed and some texture variation.

    So no sorry.. I don't get it.

    If you want to compare beta's...

    AoC was probably the worst beta I've ever been in.. and I think I've been in every MMO beta since Ultima Online.. except that I skipped out on AC1 (sorry AC fans.. I do apologize).

    WAR.. was a very profesionally run beta.. probably had the highest banned from beta ratio I've ever seen.  Which guess what?  didn't suprise me.. I played DAoC up until 3 months ago.. I always figured every time they banned more people they were DAoC players or former DAoC players.

    Not that this really matters.. but the beta was very profesionally run *claps for Mythic*.

    That said...

    Hell yes AoC was more innovative than WAR could ever hope to honestly call its self.  At least the combat tried something... different... failed yes.. but tried.

    I look at WAR I see something that should predate DAoC.. not follow it.. DAoC was 10x the game WAR is.. launch vs. launch or beta vs. beta... w/e.

    I log into WAR its like some abortive attempt to crossbreed WoW and DAoC.. with the same crap UI DAoC had a few a other parts that fail (yes sorry the warcray article from PaX.. I almost felt like I wrote it).

    I gave in and pre-ordered... WAR.

    Why? boredom

    Oh and this is really sad.. because I felt if I didn't buy it.. and enough copies didn't sell.. then investors might not fund the next MMO.. I might actually enjoy. *edit* I am adding this to clarify in the case of EA the investors are the share holders.. rather than private investment firms such as helped finance AoC.. but share holders still have the power to say.. no... if things go financially bad enough.. when you consider EA paid 860+ MILLION for BioWare.. imagine if that MMO falls on its face.  *end edit*

    WAR to me should have been not even DAoC 2.0 but DAoC and Beyond.. (yes that's earth and beyond humor sorry).

    It should have been more than DAoC was...  It shouuld have been more than WoW battle grounds.. renamed scenario's... (as an example)

    Mythic freakin inventred battle grounds.. c'mon..

    anyway... a lot of people at Mythic put a lot of hard work into the game... like it or not.  I'll respect the effor they put in.. and buy the product.. play it and stfu about it.

    Like I said.. I feel if I don't.. then my favorite type of game may not exist in the near future.

    But I still don't really understand the "fanboi" or "troll" and I certainly don't understand trying to lie to someone about what a game is.. or isn't... at least from my point of view (which may not agree with yours) but then there are some things that are just reality based and not subjective.

  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384
    Originally posted by susanto1228

    You know what Enigma, the thing that pisses me off is when you say that "It's nothing groundbreaking" when, HELL!  it's 2008! 


    lol, i know. Thats the reason why I may not be playing Warhammer.

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • 123123456202123123456202 Member Posts: 272

    want to know what i think ithink dont care if WAR is "inovattive" all i know is its very funto play and everything was exicutated right (except alittle class blance) so im playing WAR i like having fun not a list of features that arnt fun bye bye creepy froum people who refuse to play games.

  • susanto1228susanto1228 Member Posts: 203

    geez would a moderator please obliterate the reply above this one, what an abomination

  • WarblazeWarblaze Member UncommonPosts: 178

    I, for one, am not a hater... but i've played the Warhammer beta and, for what it's worth, i think it's just another one of those dull, linear, cookie cutters with some sprinkles on top of it.   Led Zeppelin my ass.

    You must remember that fanbois from all games flock to this forum, so it's only natural that beta's will be reviewed here as great successes within their little subcategory. The critics will be a vocal minority untill the masses have touched the final product.  We have seen this with Vanguard, Potbs, Tabula Rasa, and more recently with Age of Conan.

    My advice is to wait a while untill all facts are known and then decide whether or not to buy this game.  At least try scoring a buddy key from someone you know.  Cheers mate :)

  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593

    For me it is the next thing. The devs did a very good job at deciding where to innovate and where to stick with the old tried-and-true.

    As a game it feels much much more alive than anything I've played before - from NPCs and environments to players actually influencing the world. In that respect it is the next-gen for me. The only other game I had this feeling of a real living and breathing world is EVE online.

    However if you have any doubts then just don't buy the game now. Wait for a while to see how the things are going and listen to feedback from your friends, if you have any that play and that you can trust. I'm 100% certain this game will take off in a big way once the release is past us and word-of-mouth starts going.

  • ShoalShoal Member Posts: 1,156

    Big Difference between AoC and WAR :

    *  AoC had a phoney-ballony Beta.  Even the 'closed beta' was rigged with Fan-Boyz.

    *  WAR has a real Closed Beta, then a real Open Beta that >anyone< can get into.

    The quality difference is astounding.  Wait till you are in your first open RvR pvp battle with dozens of players on each side.  Not in an instance either; open world PvP.

    AoC failed because the developers were to full of themselves and their syncophants.

    Wait till you see how Mythic responds to their subscribers, and how well their CSR runs.

    Night and Day, folks, Night and Day.

  • AldogoAldogo Member Posts: 30

    Can't say the game is 10/10, neither that it has the same quality as mourning (but then again, what does!)

    For me it's simply  "meh". But it's still better than anything out there so I'm going to play it.

  • UrrellesUrrelles Member Posts: 574

    Since 8 months ago when I saw the blurry leaked YouTube vids of WAr gameplay, I knew exactly what I was getting, and I was 75% correct. 

    I was expecting a game with ok graphics, horrible animation, clunky battle system, polished PvP in all aspects, lots of content, and large open worlds, lots of weird classes with odd little gimmick mechanics, and an interesting living guild system.  I see all of those things in the game.

    I was also expecting cookie cutter classes with no customization except talent trees, crappy capital citys whose only purpose is to get raided, bland looking crappy armor with little detail in progression of looks, and lack of lore.  I was mistaken when I played open beta to find the oppostite of these.

    I was definatly not expectin huge amounts of innovation.  The innovation is in small amounts in perfect places where needed.  This game is doing something simular to what WoW did.  It is setting a standard for future MMO games to achieve. 

    WAR's standard comes in PvP polish.  Not many MMO games have had such well thought out, easy access PvP like this in a long time.  Guild Wars is really the only other game that made a good attempt at PvP, but something about the game just keeps me from immersing into it, and I don't like all the instancing either.

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156

    i came walking into this thread thinking it was going to be a "OMG WAR BETA has more hours on xfire than AOC" Lol...pleasently surpsied...


    PS... WAR BETA does have no more hours logged on xfire....while typing this i thought..."Hmmmm...does it?" went to check and surely it does! in fact doubled lol....

    sorry just thought it was funny :)


  • 92165449216544 Member Posts: 1,904

    Well thats cool, my post just disappeared.

    Anyways, I have said from the beginning that WAR is a RvR version of WoW. Now after being in the beta for around six months, I can say that it still is a RvR version of WoW, but a much much better one. The game is in good condition for release, RvR is loads of fun, the world looks amazing, and the game seems to have content to last. 

    But it still has fundamental EQ premises like click and auto-attack combat. But the things that aren't so innovative at least are a little more refined and polished, plus everything in the game has a Warhammer feel to it.

    I will definitely be playing with head start. I have a few RL friends joining me and I just joined a guild. After seeing how much fun you can have in RvR just being a level six runepriest or a lvl 11 witch hunter, I know that the game has huge potential to be a lot of fun when playing with friends and guildies.

    I don't know what AoC beta was like, but considering the condition of the game at release I don't think the beta testers were very honest. The current condition of WAR is playable and enjoyable.

    But in the end, if you don't like these type of games stop lieing to yourself and wasting your time/money. A Darkfall game is not going to come around for a long time, if at all. It would be too difficult for developers to have the confidence with another persons capital to try out new stuff, unless they are willing to have a game with a lower fan base, lower sub fee, etc. So stop wasting your time, pick another hobby, and stop whining.

    If you chose WAR I will see you there!

  • RavenRaven Member UncommonPosts: 2,005

    Do people REALLY need to continue making these threads? The game is launching in 4 days, if its another AoC you will know in 4 days, some people just feel the need to stir things up with these threads when they know they will have no conclusive answer anyway.


  • JackthecatJackthecat Member Posts: 277

    Where there's smoke, there's fire and I haven't seen any smoke surrounding WAR. I've only heard grumblers who say it is WoW, but only played it for a few hours. PvP/RvR has that replayability that PvE just hasn't perfected yet. Once you get to tier 2 the real fun begins. Keep sieging will blow your mind. As you level up through the tiers you will also find that things become more complicated. I suggest you try the game. Don't take it from me. See for yourself.


  • SuorySuory Member Posts: 90

    Well after playing AoC's early access and into a month of the game and after playing both PW and open beta of WaR, I can honestly say that WAR is in much better shape than AoC was.

    WAR will not be for everyone though. There will be people who do not like for whatever reason, but it wont be because of the stuff that drove me and my entire guild from AoC. I remember a lot of posters on this site saying that due to funcoms history that WAR will be the better bet when so many people where comparing them before they came out, but the Hype won with AoC. There were people posting that the mature rating and the nude scenes in AoC would just attract the most non mature people playing mmos. There were quite a few actual beta testers that came on and did break the NDA  calling all the problems with the game. The end result was that most of us did have doubts about AoC, but the all mighty hype that surrounded the game won out in the end. Yes, this inculdes me also. I got the CE of AoC which is something I have never done in all the MMO games I have played over the last 11 or 10 years.

    I dont think most players who played AoC and was let down with the game did not have doubts about it in the back of their head. I know I did when I bought the game. I had doubts about WAR also. But after actually playing the game, I can say the game is a lot of fun for me. This is something I can not say for the last 3 years of releases. Thats just my opinion.


  • rikiliirikilii Member UncommonPosts: 1,084
    Originally posted by Blazer6992

      I did the beta for both, and right now I'm not playing anything. What's that tell you?


    That you're too cheap to pay for a game?

    Seriously though, based on the OP's logic, there could never be another good MMO.

    im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good

  • BrenelaelBrenelael Member UncommonPosts: 3,821
    Originally posted by susanto1228

    geez would a moderator please obliterate the reply above this one, what an abomination

    Why? I'm no War fanboi and won't even play it because I know it's just more of the same in a shiny new wrapper but even fanbois are entitled to their opinion. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't give you the right to say they can't post even if you did start the discussion. You opened this can of worms so you need to expect the fanbois to come in here and defend their game like a pack of rabid dogs. I'm just surprised that there hasn't been more considering the blind faith a lot of people have in War at this point.




  • I got into the open beta because I forgot to cancel my gamespy account so I gave WAR a shot. A few of my prior WOW guild mates had been talking about WAR for a while and some were playing in the beta so I joined them. (Our prior guild was a pvp guild and we'd do pvp all day and night some days)


    From level 1 I enjoyed the pvp. To me that's all it takes. I had no plans to buy WAR but yesterday I went out and grabbed the last preorder my local gamestop had. After the mistake that was AOC (my wife loved the game though) I did not have high hopes but the pvp in WAR is done pretty well. Besides I've not been playing anything lately so might as well give this a go.


    I hope people at least try the game and don't base what they think on what they hear and see.  If not oh well I'll be happy as long as the pvp is flowing.

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by rav3n2

    Do people REALLY need to continue making these threads? The game is launching in 4 days, if its another AoC you will know in 4 days, some people just feel the need to stir things up with these threads when they know they will have no conclusive answer anyway.


    Actually Conan didn't shows its uglier side until a few weeks after launch when people started getting up in levels.  Still people blamed the players for leveling up to fast as if that was the real problem with the game.  I recogonized a few posters names doing that from the forums here.


    Anyhow, Warhammer looks to be a solid game and a good launch.  The PvE is pretty weak like most people say, but the PvP is fun or frustrating (pugs/zergs can really suck sometimes).  My biggest fear of the game is the amount of content.  In just the open beta weekend I saw pretty much half of the game.  I know I didn't see city sieges, but everything else seemed to be present. 

    Scenarios are fun and will hold strong based on how much people can have fun doing them over and over.  A few were boring, but most were fun.  Keep sieges were fun.  Nothing mind blowing, but fun as long as the sides have balanced numbers on each side.   World PvP is pretty good. 


    I don't know how big the T3/T4 zones are, but the world overall seemed rather small and judging by how quick I went through the T1/T2 content I worry about the longevity of the game. 

  • M1sf1tM1sf1t Member UncommonPosts: 1,583

    Originally posted by rav3n2
    Do people REALLY need to continue making these threads? The game is launching in 4 days, if its another AoC you will know in 4 days, some people just feel the need to stir things up with these threads when they know they will have no conclusive answer anyway.

    I knew AoC was going to bomb the moment I played it in the "Open **LETS SELL SOME PRE-ORDERS FAST** BETA" phase and because of the closed nature of it's development. Not to mention Funcom's prior history.

    Unless Mark Jacobs starts smoking crack for some odd reason and completely destroys the launch servers himself in a fit of crackhead anger I don't see how WAR can fail. WAR brings what DAOC had in it's RvR/PvP goodness along with a interesting and engaging PVE environment and IP that I love which is namely WARHAMMER.

    Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.

    Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:

    GW2 (+LoL and BF3)

  • templarxtemplarx Member UncommonPosts: 181

    Well firstly, why don't i remember some public outcry during AoC Beta  [as to how bad the game is?] , why do i remember people raving about AoC during Beta. In fact there's SURVEYs on the web showing clearly how the Beta/Early Access people loved the game, and the exact same survey later when the game was public showing how the satisfaction with AoC dropped...


    So my conclusion? All you beta testers suck. All beta testers are unreliable and basically just grabbing a free ride. I'm so tired of hearing how people now suddenly say how bad a game was in beta and how they knew it's gonna fail...but during actual beta/before launch the game is the most awesome..nothing can touch it.

    If someone then actually criticize a game in beta, the backlash is always "oh but it's still beta blah blah, you can't judge a game during beta..blah blah bullcrap " . See the WarCry article on WAR. 



  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by templarx

    Well firstly, why don't i remember some public outcry during AoC Beta  [as to how bad the game is?] , why do i remember people raving about AoC during Beta. In fact there's SURVEYs on the web showing clearly how the Beta/Early Access people loved the game, and the exact same survey later when the game was public showing how the satisfaction with AoC dropped...
    So my conclusion? All you beta testers suck. All beta testers are unreliable and basically just grabbing a free ride. I'm so tired of hearing how people now suddenly say how bad a game was in beta and how they knew it's gonna fail...but during actual beta/before launch the game is the most awesome..nothing can touch it.
    If someone then actually criticize a game in beta, the backlash is always "oh but it's still beta blah blah, you can't judge a game during beta..blah blah bullcrap " . See the WarCry article on WAR. 

    You seem to be confusing the two types of "beta testers".


    Open beta players only get to see limited amounts of content.  AOC was level 20, Warhammer is level 20, LoTRO was level 13?.   Open beta testers are not there to test, but to generate internet hype.  They get to see the earliest parts of the game which can often be the most finished, complete, polished or whatever word you choose.  The case with Conan was the early part of the game was finished, the closed beta part was not.   Open beta is designed by the game developers to showcase what they want the public to see. 


    Closed beta players are usually under NDA until launch.  They can't speak about the game and the few who do are often chastized for talking.  Is AOC most of the closed beta testers that talks warned of the games future.  From what I have read of closed beta warhammer leaks and since the NDA was lifted was good reviews with the worst being mediocre or "meh". 



    In conclusion, yes open beta players are looking for a free demo and their words are limited to what content they can access.  Closed beta testers are where you get a better feel for the game. 

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