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Another GOA incompetence - servers/patch probs

And just another entire day I am totally blocked out of the game because of some patch problem. I heared some got in, others didnt, rumors of servers going down and it took endless to get any official word. As it is they try to get it right for half the day, from afternoon to now - late evening - WAR has been shut down again.

When will this GOA incompetence end? How can a 33MB patch which works fine in US make entire GOA WAR servers crash down? Man, those GOA guys are just too plain dumb. *fumes*



  • ItirelItirel Member Posts: 88

    On that note, I have a new signature. I agree completely.

  • Spaceweed10Spaceweed10 Member Posts: 625

    I believe the patch caused problems for the US servers as well - a few hours downtime there too.

    I'm surprised that these issues weren't fixed in readiness to be patched to our servers, unless they are issues that need to be solved in situ - I'm no expert.

    All it looks like is that GOA have ****ed up again.  The lack of communication is staggering regardless of what the issues are.

    GOA ftl!

  • KazzerKazzer Member Posts: 648

    naah its beta, they can do this without teling us, things go worong when it does, first at release u can complain tbh, it all happent in US aswell, same patch, same down time..

  • sassoonsssassoonss Member UncommonPosts: 1,132

    delays one can understand but GOA doesnt bother to update teh problem or how much more is expected

  • ZoulzZoulz Member Posts: 477
    Originally posted by Kazzer

    naah its beta, they can do this without teling us, things go worong when it does, first at release u can complain tbh, it all happent in US aswell, same patch, same down time..


    This is no excuse for keeping us in the dark. Even though it's beta, they should at least keep us informed about what is going on. It can't take that much time to post a simple message about the situation.

  • RayanaRayana Member UncommonPosts: 525
    Originally posted by Kazzer

    naah its beta, they can do this without teling us, things go worong when it does, first at release u can complain tbh, it all happent in US aswell, same patch, same down time..


    I can already predict the following at release: "The game is just out/the game has potential/they will fix it (insert any of those three), just give it a few months".



    Playing: Final Fantasy Online: ARR, Destiny
    Most memorable games for me: UO, GW1, LoTRO

  • donaldduckdonaldduck Member UncommonPosts: 158

    I might have bought this game on release but after the complete farce of the past week I'll wait for a good 4/5 months to see if GOA can prove themselves worthy.

  • KazzerKazzer Member Posts: 648
    Originally posted by Zoulz

    Originally posted by Kazzer

    naah its beta, they can do this without teling us, things go worong when it does, first at release u can complain tbh, it all happent in US aswell, same patch, same down time..


    This is no excuse for keeping us in the dark. Even though it's beta, they should at least keep us informed about what is going on. It can't take that much time to post a simple message about the situation.


    and u are right about that 100%, they are to slow about the news. after 7 hours they tell us its delayed... like we havent guessed that after 6-7 hours lol

  • PheacePheace Member Posts: 2,408

    GOA has stated quite clearly that the start of the OB was for them the point that they would start providing services for their "paying" customers so the level of service is quite certainly a point of importance already at this point regardless of it being "beta".


  • ItirelItirel Member Posts: 88

    Any update from them would be nice, even if it's a: 'yea, we knocked over the server, broke something inside it and can't get it repaired.' - would be nice.

  • ronan32ronan32 Member Posts: 1,418

    GOA's communication today


    September 12th 14:30 CET

    version 4.1.1 is on its way


    September 12th 19:45 CET

    server re-opening times delayed ( it took 5 hours to send out this message)

    I'm sorry but that is a total lack of respect for your customer, i have already paid for this game and this is the kind of communication i get.

    Goa you might as well have told me to go fuck myself


  • YunbeiYunbei Member Posts: 898

    At 3 PM the GOA servers went down, for what was said to be "one hour" or "short". After almost FIVE long hours a news on the official website was posted that the servers were still down (WOW, what news!) and no ETA at all. Now, at 11:25 PM the servers are STILL down and NO word of any ETA.

    Any company who starts to patch at Friday aftternoon is ripe for a Darwin Award! Maybe they hire some 5 year old kids to handle the stuff, I am sure they could do it better. Or outsource their service to Bombay.


  • sassoonsssassoonss Member UncommonPosts: 1,132



    The open beta servers are still down following the patch operation. Our technicians and Mythic's developers have identified the issue and are working on the fix. We can't give you any ETA, though.

    We are sorry for the delay.



    Thank you this beta has helped me I dont knwo about the game but sure dont WANT to be with GOA

  • jakkarsjakkars Member Posts: 207
    Originally posted by sassoonss

    The open beta servers are still down following the patch operation. Our technicians and Mythic's developers have identified the issue and are working on the fix. We can't give you any ETA, though.
    We are sorry for the delay.
    Thank you this beta has helped me I dont knwo about the game but sure dont WANT to be with GOA


    We can't give you any ETA, though

    I'm sure you can. And I think beta is over now. Thanks for 3 days of beta.

  • KereboKerebo Member Posts: 131

    I cancelled my preordered CE Euro version now. Waited almost a week for help with crashes and issues from GOA, no responses what so ever. And I wont be able to get the money for my preorder for OB and EA but I can live with that as it gave me the money back in a way. I got to test the game for a short short while before all the errors and downtime from GOA started.

    Have managed to get hold of a few copies of the US version for me and family + friends, (even snagged a CE edition for myself!), so all is good. Looking forward to playing on the US servers. Service seems more solid and already now when I contacted Mythic I got a response within a hour, and that is quite good compared to no answers for 5-6 days :)


  • DeridiumDeridium Member Posts: 99
    Originally posted by Kerebo

    I cancelled my preordered CE Euro version now. Waited almost a week for help with crashes and issues from GOA, no responses what so ever. And I wont be able to get the money for my preorder for OB and EA but I can live with that as it gave me the money back in a way. I got to test the game for a short short while before all the errors and downtime from GOA started.
    Have managed to get hold of a few copies of the US version for me and family + friends, (even snagged a CE edition for myself!), so all is good. Looking forward to playing on the US servers. Service seems more solid and already now when I contacted Mythic I got a response within a hour, and that is quite good compared to no answers for 5-6 days :)


    Glad it worked out for ya bro!

    There can be only one

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