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whats up with the patch?

Dec. 18 2007.  Single player patch .06 released for download.  Memmory management system still broken.  Game leaks registers like Paris Hilton leaks stupid.

Dec. 21 2007.  Multiplayer patch released for download for paying subscribers.  Memmory manager completley re-writen.  No longer sucks?  Yay, we fixed it! Along with lots of other things that sucked! Within the last three days?... hu?

Oh ya, but if you want the game you payed $50.00 US to play to actually WORK LIKE IT SHOULD HAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE... you need to pay us another $x.xx US PER MONTH for this nifty new 3 day mirical patch we just came up with and arnt holding out of the download version for any neffarious reason.  We swear.

Thank you for giving us $50.00 US to beta test our game.  Pay us more or enjoy your crashes sucker.

Well, that last dime of the 50 I dropped on this game will be the last dime flagship ever sees from me.  Till the day I die.


  • dA_fReAKdA_fReAK Member Posts: 384

    Heh, I myself think Hellgate: London = fail.

  • W0wsersW0wsers Member Posts: 40

    Hellgate London will fail miserably like fury is sad, but so damn true

    Processor: AMD Athlon X2 Dualcore 6000+
    Ram: 2gigs Patriot Performance
    OS: Vists Basic
    VC: Evga 8800 Gts
    HD: 260g
    MB; Gigabyte S Serioes

  • LiquidvisonLiquidvison Member Posts: 112

    hellgate london is a waste of cpu usage, they could of made another barney and friends game that seems more appeling to me

  • SoldarithSoldarith Member Posts: 184

    While I understand your frustration with the game and the company (similar to mine), I don't believe you truly understand how the patching system works.


    From my understanding, you do not need to subscribe in order to download and install the patches - There are many fixes in there, including class balancing, that are for everyone (not just subscribers). The problem is that the single-player and multi-player clients are treated and patched separately, so they are not at the same patch level. For example, 0.7 has been released for the multi-player client, however, you are currently only at 0.6 in the single-player client.

  • razer_zerorazer_zero Member Posts: 10

    Ya, first off, let me start with the seperation of the single and multi player games.  I think perhaps it is you that dosent understand how the patch system works :/

    The only things that seperate the single and multi player excecutables (.exe) and thier associated library's (.ddl) is network transaction code.  Memmory management and program logic would be identical.  Content would be added or removed via external library's and cabinet's containing graphics and individual codebase for multi player or single player ( consider these as plugins or mods).

    Now, when it comes to fixing network code or issues experienced with multiplayer content that would be a multiplayer only patch.  When it comes to fixing core game logic, memmory management, error handling, sound proccessing, etc.... those are the kinds of things that are parts of the local excecutable program.  Just to reiterate to make sure my point is made, that would be the same across single or multi player.   It would be the same, or flagship's programing team would be high school C++ interns on thier first project after mastering the IF loop.

    And so there would be one reason and one reason only to leave such sweeping performance changes out of the single player patch that requires no registered account to access. 

    I will leave that reason to your obviously capable deductive engine.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    What about the third kind of patch which fixes none of the above?

  • razer_zerorazer_zero Member Posts: 10

    An update to my original opinion....


    As the months have rolled by, many additions and upgrades to the hellgate codebase, especially the memmory management system have produced a game that could be considered playable.


    When playing on windows XP with a maximum of 2GB of ram available to the operating system that allows any givin program to reserve a maximum of 1.5GB of ram for it's own uses, and taking into account Approx. 256-512mb of that memmory is locked in a secure transaction space, you still reach the 1.3Gb "Crashlimit" after hours of continous play.  However, this limit was reached in less than an hour in the release version. 


    On my windows vista machine I have no issues.  Mostly because of the 8GB of ram, and a 64bit stack.  I fall asleep long before I hit the great wall of "OMFG why didnt you use release();".

    This is a great game.  In concept, design, and art.  It sucks me in.  That is a feet. 


    I hope the people that where fired from FSS where the coders.  I dumped more complete and less buggy code into my diapers when I was still sucking on mamma's tits.  I hope there art, and production / design teams found other jobs quickly. 

    But I still wish I didnt have to pay a subscription fee to take advantage of huge content updates :/

    They should have just gone all the way with this and spent the money to make it an honest to god, monthly fee worthy MMORPG.  Or taken the Guild Wars "Free but pay for expansions" approach.

    Hopefully, and I mean I really want to see, a Hellgate New York.  That isnt crippled by a crappy financing system.

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