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The new beta key validation system
As a lot of people seem to be a little confused over this I'm going to post up some quick Q&As. If you have other questions then please post them below and I'll try to answer them, please don't post anything else other than questions in this thread so that it's easy to find the important info.
Q: I can't log into the site, I get the 'Authentication servers are offline message'
A: Yes, you do not need to login to the site to use this page. Simply go to here and fill in your details.
Q: Who can use that page?
A: Anyone who already has a beta centre account - this means anyone who created an account to apply for the closed beta or to recieve the newsletter even if they didn't get a closed beta invite. In addition, anyone who created an account on our site yesterday and has received a confirmation email.
Q: I don't have an account yet, when will I be able to use my key?
A: We are bringing a new account centre online, at the moment we have no ETA for this but we will keep you informed via the news.
Q: I put my details in, now what?
A: All you need to do now is to wait for an email from us. This email will either confirm that your validation is complete (in which case you can log in and play) or that there was a problem with your details (in which case you need to go back and resubmit your information).
Q: Why are you doing it this way?
A: To reduce the load on the database server we have an asynchronous system. What this means is that when you put your details in, the system will store it, another system will then check it and confirm the details to you. This means the whole system is much smoother.
Q: How long before the confirmation emails arrive?
A: This will depend but the current turn around seems to vary between 1 and 2 hours, it is possible that some people will be waiting for longer whilst others will get a reply sooner. If you haven't received an email yet, be sure to check your junkmail folders or spam filters.
Q: Is there a difference between the link posted today and the link posted in the news yesterday?
A: No, both are the same system.
Q: When I get the email can I log in immediately and play?
Sadly no, there is a delay before your account is activated. When you get the email you may not be able to patch immediately but as soon as you can patch, you can play, this is normally less than an hour.
Please don't post the same question over and over, there is no point repeating a question, I'll answer it when I can regardless of how many times it's asked, 6 pages of the same thing just makes it harder for me to find the new questions amongst the rest.
EDIT: Added the new info he posts on the waralliance site.
How long do emails take to arrive from the system?
A: This will vary but should be within an hour. Make sure you check your junk folders and spam filters as well as adding [email protected] to your whitelists.
Hmm, I have waited 2.
more than 2 hours and still no mail
He that lives upon Hope dies farting.
Lies. All of it.
Thread stickied for now.
Edit: Un-stickied, Beta is over.
1.5-2hrs for me
3 1/2 for me
Around 3 hours for me, and no e-mail. =/
I entered my key at 16:05 CET
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
16.30 - no email. Warsong Gulch here I come!
Something to read while waiting for a key email
Server caps
Previous closed beta testers are being let in. We are successively allowing more and more players join. The current population cap is 500 players per realm (so 1000 max players online per server) with an additional 1500 players in queue. We will raise both the online and queue caps by roughly 25% every few hours. This is a delicate process, vital in keeping the servers and starting zones in good shape. Reports from QA reveal that our Open Beta servers have indeed performed very well since they were brought online, as those of you who can currently play can surely attest to.
Key Authentication
Keys are slowly beginning to be available. 414 errors are bound to occur, still, but the service is running and we are processing authentications as fast we can.
Account registration
Registration servers have been taken offline for maintenance. This means that it is currently not possible to create new accounts. We don't expect account registration to be available tonight.
Key has expired
Open Beta key authentication error: Key has expired. This is caused by a communication problem with our databases. We are working on a solution. This error does not mean that your key is invalid.
Status: we had a possible solution to this on the way, but alas, it failed. We don't expect the key authentication to be online tonight.
We were experiencing problems with the patcher earlier today. As our technicians performed maintenance and optimization, many lost the connection with the patcher and had to restart. To the best of our knowledge, the patcher is now working.
Another update on Warhammer Alliance:
Q: Is there a difference between the link posted today and the link posted in the news yesterday?
A: No, both are the same system.
Q: When I get the email can I log in immediately and play?
Sadly no, there is a delay before your account is activated. When you get the email you may not be able to patch immediately but as soon as you can patch, you can play, this is normally less than an hour.
3 and a half hour, I can't believe it.
I have got an email: key registration failed, wow what a happy day
Well you atleast got the E-mail. ^-^'
do you have a address? please i need to know .
thanks in advance
rofl, 2 days and I still can't register on their f***ing site
4 hours and no email..
good job GOA..
Less then an hour, yeah right N_N
nom nom nom
yep close to 4 hours now and no mail GG GOA
Bloc, yahoo email. Registration failed but no reason explained why (just says Error 303 connenction to data base failed). I have no idea whether my key from EA store does not work or whatever else.
They cant hold promises... -sigh-
Also waited over 3 hours. But I never hoped for much since I have experienced their poor service.
3 hours, still waiting.........
4 hours, and I can't even play when I receive it. I think I will be able to play wednesday.
lmao, nearly fell outta my chair there.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I seriously wonder when EA will pull the plug and send GOA where they belong: into the line of unemployed.
1 hour?