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Well, ol' Stump's gonna toss a bone t'all the followers o' this board, 'n reveal the new secret t'makin' money 'n savin' fuel.
What ye need:
A system with a Starport that buys Spice and/or Equipment, 'n also sells Uranium 'n Metal/Anarobes/Medicine (the more o' these last three the better).
A Mountainous planet within this same system
A Biodome
3-4 Million bucks
Ye place yer Dome on the Mountainous (populating it be an option, not a requirement). Ye rush the buildin' o' the Refinery. Ye then stock it up fer what it needs fer the Atom Smasher, then rush t'build that. Voila! Ye now have a completely in-system tradin' setup. Fer those not familiar with how Atom Smashers work, they be used fer convertin' one resource in'ta another, requirin' Uranium fer it t'work. Two Metal and one Uranium can give ye two Spice. So, ye run Uranium and yer cheapest resource from the Port to the Mountain, convert them to the highest Buy item at the Port, then go sell that 'n pick up the next load t'be converted. Ye will have'ta make an empty run to the Port once every 3rd run t'replace yer Uranium. Iff'n ye want to increase the profit margin somewhat, convert Metal into Uranium to eliminate the need to buy any Uranium (this winds up using a bit more fuel due to the number of trips to get Metal being higher, but at 1 fuel per trip, 'tis not 'specially important). Eventually, ye will run the Port out of resources, but that takes quite a long while 'n ye'll have made a good fortune a'fore that happ'ns.
Outstanding, Stump! I know what the do, but I haven't played with an atom smasher yet.
Thanks for sharing!
Two problems:
A) Getting the 3 mil credits in the first place
Ensuring that the colony isnt raided in the meantime
A) 3 mil requires a little effort, but it's hardly daunting
If you don't agree with this got to and mail me.
May The Force Be With You.
May The Force Be With You.
Stump, while this sounds like a GREAT idea, and everyone thinks your either crazy or incredibly brilliant for using (and near abusing) the RUSH system of domes.
#1 Problem. The 4 Million credits. I know that it's not an EXTREMELY large amount, but a LARGE portion of people who play don't even make 3-4 milllion during the course of a regular game. If you look at the rankings your have the the top 20 players with between 1,000,000 xp and 10,000 xp. The rest below that usually have less than 10k and all the way down to like 100 xp for the #100 person. Now think about this. Since there is only 20-30 people max with 10k or more xp, there is no way that they could have 3-4 million credits. It's just not logical. So really this would only work for the top 20% of players on most servers. Not that there's anything stopping them from doing it, it statistically just doesn't happen.
#2. It's doesn't cost you 3-4 mil to set this up. It costs that much just to RUSH both buildings. You never factored in the cost of all of that uranium and all the other resources. I haven't done the calculations on it but as far as stocking up on enough resources to even GET BACK your 4 mil you spent on rushing, it's an enormous cost.
#3. By the time you do spend 4 million credits rushing and 1 million in resources just for this to even take place, you are in the hole 5 million credits. Now I usually don't see that kind of money till a week into the game. I don't know about you people who play 20 hours a day but I don't. So this strategy would only really help for those top 20% OR LESS hardcore players. When you finally do manage to make 5 million credits off of this scheme and deplete the port of ALL of it's resources, you break even. Leaving you with nothing but an empty biodome with a refinery and atom smasher, a COMPLETELY useless starport, and a HUGE waste of time accomplishing absolutely nothing.
Now it sounds like a great plan and all not having to even leave the system to make this much money but the numbers just don't work. So when you waste 3 days trying to do this and you fail to made a 1 credit profit, just post it back on the forum to let everyone know this doesn't work.
Ash dautas durbublatûk. Brought to you by, the Black Speech of Mordor.
Holy crap DZ, you don't half talk bollocks.
1. Why don't you think people see 3-4 million in the game?? Whilst most players wouldn't have 3-4 million on their person at any one time, I think that alot of players earn this in the first few hours easy. How many times have you heard "Woah! A 104 hop taxi!" or similar in chat? 20 minutes later, that player will have 1/4 of the needed cash. When I'm fundraising at the start of my game, I trade and trade until I get around the 2 million mark... takes maybe an hour, and I'll end up with around a 1500 exp from haggling and discovering unused starports etc., so your logic is flawed my friend.
2. Did you flunk math again?? It will cost you 2,246,400 to rush both buildings, 40,000 for the biodome, 300,000 (if you're rubbish at haggling) for the resources for the Atom Smasher, and assuming you're in the Dream Sower, around 25,000 (66ur + 132metal) for your first alchemy batch. Then you can go back to the starport with 132 newly created spice and flog it for around 100,000, which is ofcourse plenty for the next batch. Total: 2,614,240. So where did you get your figure of 5 million???? I thought Stumps 4M was a bit much, but yours is way out dude!
3. So 75k profit a trip, that's hmm.. around 35 trips to get quids in.. probably less as I have been using average, unhaggled prices here. All for 70 fuel and again maybe an hour or two of game play. Every cred made from now is profit and guess what, why not fill the biodome with people and then you have a colony and perhaps you can even earn some exp and tax money from it?!!!!!
Tell ya what old buddy now that I have corrected you on two of your angry posts on this forum, here's a bit of advice for free. Before you start ranting and ravin, make sure you've got your facts right!!
Oh, and save your orcish for your geek conventions would ya? Cheers.
Heh, good lord pup, ye seem t'be goin' out o' yer way t'make an arse outt'a yerself!
Ol' Stump's no math genius... but 2796400/75000=39.7. Ok? Lets round that to 40 trips then to break even. 40 trips equals 80 fuel. Iff'n ye be too much o' a n00b t'figure out how t'make a few million bucks either tradin' or taxiing... then this here be an entirely too advanced method o' makin' money fer ye. Ye should just stick with yer little n00b ship that cloaks 'n shoot down sleepers.
Ol' Stump appologizes fer not figurin' out to the exact nickle how much this thing costs... t'was more intended fer those that'd recognize the huge profit potential at a glance, 'n not fer the DemonZealot types out there.
Ol' Stump may just get the resource cost of Atom Smasher raised a bit :-)
Hey folks check out the new message forums at:
Starport Administrator
Starport Administrator
Good Lord. I really do wonder sometimes about the education system...
Unfortunately, by the time I had seen the updated thread, good old DZ, aka "Brains", had edited his post to say nothing but I get the gist of it from your quote Stump... heh..
Toonces had deleted his post too... Hmm.. wonder what it said...!
Lol, why do my posts keep getting deleted? My post said "Ol' Stump might just get the resource requirement on atom smasher raised a bit."
Its stuff like this that's why I'm moving these forums.
Starport Administrator
Starport Administrator
Well, heck! By the time I try this over the weekend, and get back to the forums, this horse seems to have been beat to death. But I've done the work, so ya'll are gonna get it anyhow. Here it goes...
I had an atom smasher up and running on the new Rise of the Empire server within 6 hours of game start. Here are my costs:
Biodome 90,000
Rush Refinery 864,000
Rush Smasher 2,072,000
Metal Ore 200 @ 35 = 7000
Anaerobes 100 @ 55 = 5500
Medicine 100 @ 135 = 13500
Organics 100 @ 165 = 16500
Oil 100 @ 200 = 20000
Uranium 400 @ 235 = 94000
Equipment 100 @ 335 = 33500
Spice 200 @ 400 = 80000
Total = 3,296,000
Now, the starport in the local system sells ore at about 35-50 c/u, and uranium at 235-300 (depending on supply). So, I can take 2 units of ore, and one unit of uranium, (lets assume a fairly low supply, and use an average total price of 375) and turn it into a unit of spice, which I can resell to the same starport for an average price of 625. (Again, this assumes a fairly low-percentage demand at the starport, which is where I can expect demand to remain, I believe.) So I'm making a profit of 250 per unit on each haul. In a dreamsower, I'm making 50K profit per trip, ad infinitum, using only 2 units of fuel each time. That makes it about 66 trips for me to break even on my investment.
I have a 10 charisma and haggle well, averaging 10% on the front and back end, so that brings me down to about 47 trips or so. So it takes a bit of effort to reap a benefit from this, but it's a great plan for those with the patience and wit to make it work for them.
Heh... well, it'd likely be a reasonable thing t'do all 'n all. The Atom Smasher be one o' the most powerful tools in the game, so fer balance sake they should likely cost a bit more t'make.
And Tempo, ol' Stump regrets not keepin' more o' DZ's original post in the quote. I suspected he might do somethin' of that nature, as he managed t'get both feet solidly wedged in his mouth.