i really wonder whats the use of this topic is i mean it went from talking about this game to EA GAMES and back and back. i think that you should try talking about starport and stop quotes just .............(it is dotted cause i do not wanna make anyone feel bad.
Bah. I can't believe I'm actually posting in this forum, it's rather unbecoming of my typical asshat ways. Nonetheless, I do rather enjoy it and have even departed from my Machiavellian ways long enough to understand what the 'good' (i.e. not like me) players have to deal with. The primary two problems facing this game right now are excessive warp-fuel restrictions and minimal colony defense. The former discourages true exploration and recreational gaming, and the latter trumps Starport's claims as an empire-building game.
Fuel could be addressed easily by either increasing the rate of generation, or reducing fuel costs; either by a factor of 5. Let's face it; even if the developers' plan is to force people to pay them for more fuel, most people will not do it anyway. If they're in the mood to pay $5, they'll buy an IG ship, if anything. $5 may not seem like a lot, but owing to the short-lived nature of games and the rate of expenditure of supplies (if you so choose to purchase them) a pay-to-play space MMOG is a far more cost-effective option. (I can think of two very popular ones)
I believe the best solution for colony defense issues is to make the solar gun a built-in part of any colony. It's simply too easy, even with a gun, for someone such as myself to take down a colony that someone else has spent much time in developing. Additionally, due to the real-time nature of the game it's very unlikely that the defender will have his ship within range for a counterattack, or even be online at the time to make plans. See, I can loot a colony that developed for 10 days in approximately 2.5 hours, if I hurry.
Regardless of the developers' motives, if they do indeed wish this game to succeed they must make an environment that encourages more than power gaming, as the situation is now. The future of Starport, as in any modern online game, is to make it both accessible and enjoyable to the casual gaming enthusiast.
Gotta agree with some points of original poster also. While I dont mind the graphical aspects of the game, and actually find alot of parts of it quite cool. There are alot of downsides that would seriously keep me from playing again. 1st colonies are WAY to easy to take over, I was a newb and defended mine with roughly 50 or so turrets a peice and had them taken while I went out drinking (4 hours about). Thing is it took forever just to get that many turrets out there just to be taken down in such a short time, biodomes need some kinda sheild or something. Second the weapons and ships are mostly just stepups with no variety save a few. You just shell out 5 bucks for the IG get the one super beam (forgot name) and there ya go. Would like to see more variety in weapons with some downsides to the upsides, and although I understand trying to make some money with the IG selling they should at least put some downsides to that ship, or make better ships. All in all though I thought it was a pretty addictive game, save the downsides that would probably keep me from trying it again.
Ol' Stump's follow'd this thread fer a while now. Ye know what ol' Stump hears? A bunch o' n00bs whinin'. The common complaint be that planet defenses be too weak, ol' Stump'll say that those who be sayin' that's heads be too empty. Whilst this here game might'n seem not t'have much o' a learnin' curve to it, here be a reality check for ye pups... it does have a learnin' curve. Iff'n ye take the time t'learn the finer aspects o' the game, the strategy and the skills required to excell... then ol' Stump doubts ye'd be whinin' 'bout the piddley garbage that the whiners whine 'bout.
EDIT- A tip fer ye n00bs readin' this. Take 'n spend a round doin' alot of invadin'. 'N don't just invade weak colonies... look fer the tough ones. The more invadin' ye do, the more ye'll learn 'bout what works and what don't fer defense setups. Ye'll b'come a better player fer doin' it.
Hello, my name is Xaxyx, and I am a newbie. I played Starport for around 15 minutes. I think it's got all kinds of fun characteristics and I really, really looked forward to exploring the universe, trading, building colonies, and getting into a skirmish or two.
Then I found out that any moron with $10 and a dream could invest RL cash into their avatar and become the UberPilot overnight. And I quit, never to return.
While I appreciate the need for a company to make money; while I acknowledge that the developers think it to be a clever mechanic to use free play to attract new customers and cash investment to gain power; I nevertheless note that any game that allows paying customers to beat the crap out of non-paying customers is the ultimate grief-fest. I won't spend time just to be griefed. I won't spend money to avoid being griefed. I will never log on again.
Possible solutions:
- Make freebie-only servers in which no one can spend RL cash, starting everyone out with the same power potential; - Make pay-only, one-time-fee servers in which everyone spends exactly the same amount of cash and thusly starts with the same power potential; - Make mixed, no-cash-limit servers where the would-be griefers can spend all the money they want to in order to grief the hell out of one another, and the masochists can still play for free and get ganked and griefed constantly.
There. Now everyone can be happy. Unfortunately, I can only assume that the developers like the fact that paying players can grief the hell out of the non-paying ones. Which leads me to believe, as other posters have asserted, that the developers are themselves griefers.
Oh, well. It looked like it could be a lot of fun, too.
I haven't bothered to read the previous replies after the first post because it all probably a bunch of crybaby shit. I've played 2 rounds in this game, I don't log on very much every day, maybe 2-3 hours at max, and i've managed to bag a silver in my first round and gold in my second round. Maybe you should stop sucking and whining and learn how to play. People like you shouldn't even be allowed to play games because all you do is bitch because you get shot down. First off, there is plenty of fuel if you use it right and don't go around doing nothing all the time. Next, its fucking hard to be a pirate, I don't even think you've played a pirate over 50k exp. It costs like 50k per hour to sleep in the un space. There are almost no advantages to being a pirate over a good guy because you risk getting shot down and you lose exp and money all the time. Both rounds where i've gotten 2nd and 1st place, I was rarely under -1000, if I ever was I would immediately run to the nearest starbase to make it go high again. Yes sometimes I would go negative rep because i've taken a few colonies or something but I never stay under -1000.
Another thing about you people that whine about getting your colonies taken. If you actually knew where to put your damn turrets, you wouldn't even need that many to have good defence. Get a solar cannon and turrets around the biodome and mines around the tunnel spots, then its very hard to take. In fact, I had a planet last round that only had maybe 20 turrets and a few mines and a solar cannon. 15 people died on that planet and it was finally taken by 2 of the highest ranked guys working together.
Also, no game start out perfect, thats why there are betas and testing.
My point here to you, guy who wrote the first topic, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME.
Although maybe I wouldn't have put it quite as bluntly... I know this board is for discussion and some of that discussion is gonna be criticism, but 2 things that get right on my tits are 1. people adamantly claiming that defences are totally and utterly pointless when they clearly have no clue what they are doing... as discussed by others... and 2. people whinging that theres no point in trying to win cos theres some guy who pays RL cash and gets the IG ship.... so bloody what??!! Yea, you get a little advantage, but that is no way the key to then go on to win the game.....The last two games I played I came 2nd and 1st and didn't donate on either occasion. Sure, I could donate some cash, get the IG ship and more warp fuel than you can shake a stick at and I'd probably win aswell... but becausew I know how to win games, not because I'm paying RL money.
It just seems that ppl come here to hail abuse because they lost, not to try and get some advice (which I love to give out and help newer players). And these new players are ranting and raving at the game that they haven't even playted enough to know how it works! So my advice is don't be so quick to judge in future!!
Originally posted by jevon07 Also, no game start out perfect, thats why there are betas and testing. My point here to you, guy who wrote the first topic, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME.
First off you need criticism in beta, you seem more intrested in flaming those who think they game needs work instead of actually contributing.
Second, the first poster should just do what all people should with a game dominated by flaming idiots like you, and just not play... Problem solved... Doesnt seem that you care to have much of a player base in this game anyways.
Jevon are you a total retard or just a total and complete n00b!?!?! First off I bet you've never played a single .3 regen game have you? You run out of fuel it 3-4 days MAX. And that's using it very efficiently with a good fuel consumption and 10 wisdom. Since most games are 14-18 days long. How in the hell could 3 days worth of fuel be good enough for a game that lasts 2 weeks?
Second, you must be the dumbest f***ing pirate in the entire universe. It costs any high xp'ed person in the game (whose not sleeping in a starport) an insane amount of money EVERY HOUR. And if you mean almost no advantages in being a pirate as in you can steal ATLEAST 100k in 5 mins from any port in the galaxy if your "supposed 50k plus xp" is actually that high. Then if your a pirate with so much xp and money, why in the hell don't you have a Sethdar Cruiser? If you get it there's no way in hell you could die unless you did it on purpose or killed by colony defenses. You can't simply die in a ship like that in a little pve or pvp skirmish (since that's the only type of combat there is in this game). And if you do have a sethdar, how in god's name do you die in a ship with 16k shields and the ability to paralyze any ship for 10 secs in one shot?
The ONLY part i agree with your post is colony defenses. If your planet is too easily taken over, try and find a different one. There are several planet designs that make the colonies nearly impennatrable. There is one that i can think of right off the top of my head that if you spend only around 1 mil on colony defenses (and people willinly spend a lot more) it's NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to take over. All you asses who whine about colony defenses don't understand the word "STRATEGY". And remember, if your planet doesn't work FIND A NEW ONE AND STOP WHINING! All though i do agree that the dmg on Flak turrets could be increased. It's not like they cost 2 dollards or anything i mean come on just to test the balance since obviously 90% of the people who play this game don't understand defensive tactics or anything of the sort.
Man i can't wait to hear the responses from this one...
Ash dautas durbublatûk. Brought to you by, the Black Speech of Mordor.
I hate this kinds of topics! This is so typical for ignorent people with no balls and no brains!
Is it so hard to read the fuck'n Starpedia? And is it so hard to TRY A LITLLE???
Starport is a game with enormous oportunities without the drawbacks of a lot of multi-million dollar mmo's. Is it because you pay $10+ a month for playing a game you will make the effort to get the most fun out of it? That means that free games ( like... euh i dunno Starport maybe? ) aren't worth a little of your time to learn to play it...
I really hope the person who started this topic will come to his/her senses and redownload StarPort!
What on earth are you on about DemonZealot with "You run out of fuel it 3-4 days MAX." ???? You can run out of fuel in 3-4 hours of the server starting if you play fast.... but then you just wait for it to regen no?? Surely you know this... Right???! With efficient spice conversion you can have enough fuel to play on a 0.3 server atleast a couple of hours everyday.. this is plenty to perform managerial duties in your colonies, go NPC hunting, invading or whatever to ensure you keep the exp raking in.
Secondly, you can't steal ~50k from EVERY starport... only the ones that have regular traffic, and a non-evil player will just sleep in a starport even if they do happen to be in UN space, so the high takes for high exp players doesn't really apply to +ve rep players atall.
I don't know whether I have just gotten the gist of your post wrong DemonZ, please correct me if that is infact the case, and for my benefit please explain yourself a little clearer... but it seems your criticism isn't backed up by piddly squat!
Ok DemonZealot, you are the kind of people I am talking about that I love to shoot down. First of all, both of the games that I have played in are .3 fuel regen and both were in maganellic clouds which is a standard game with .3 regen. The first round I played was half in milky way and half in maganellic clouds. I started both when they were 2 days old. I quit on milky way because the galaxy's server crashed for around half a day and my character was out in space so I was bored and tried the "youngest" standard game avaliable which happened to be clouds. Another reason I switched servers was because when I started I didn't know what the hell the stats did so I went with like 10 charisma and 5 dex and 0 wisdom, a VERY bad combo. I started out around the same I did in MW(except for stats, went with 10 wisdom, 3 dex, 2 cha), bought a scout marauder and did taxis and etc until I could afford the Speedstar. See Zealot this is where I am different from idiots like you, I bought a ship that doesn't cost 12 to warp so I didn't have to play 5 minutes a day. At this point, I could kill npcs, do taxi runs, and make overall a lot of money and exp. My strats after this point will be kept a secret because it works so well . That round I finished in second place(around 230k, 3k exp behind Vulg, a very good and experienced player. The next round I played in clouds again, did almost the same thing except for a few fine points I picked up on, I got a convincing first place win with around 400k exp. This is 2 rounds before the current round in clouds, I think. After my first place finish, I basically took a break from the game until I got done with college stuff, etc. Last round in clouds I started at the beginning to show my friend around the game, etc. And to prove my point to you Demon, I played for around 1.5 to 2 days in that game and got 13th place. I was in an escape pod for most of the game and kept my pea shooter for most of the time(switched to fusion for a little bit). I did about 2 taxi runs and mostly I stayed with shooting down npcs. With my escape pod and fusion blaster, I shot down commanders and majors and losing around 100-200 shields per. I even pvped a guy in a battleship and fusion blaster. He fired 7 nukes at me, and I still won(he ran and got shields). If you would like to try me Demon, I'll be glad to fight you in the escape pod and you can have any ship you want, even your precious Sethdar. And another thing about Sethdars, they aren't very good at pvp, I can easily take one down with a battleship.
Ok well thats my biography in this game. My in game name is noob or now no.ob because of obcenity filter. And about the flaming, I am just tired of fools like Demon who whine but don't know anything.
Originally posted by Tallgeese oiy. let me start by saying this WHOS ASKING YOU TO PLAY? no one. so if you dont like how the game works bounce(leave) and dont come back. from what ive read.... it seems that your a newb who jsut got colony jacked and is bitchin cuase it happened. then you start ranting about how the gmae sucks and how you dont like this or that and blah blah blah. Heres the thing. NO ONE CARES. on a final note. for all who read this please, dont waste people's time by making useless post. and if u feel the need to make a useless post PLEASE dont be like the newb and flame(insult) things. end. *edit* instead of insulting try posting on suggestion board, and explain why something needs to be changed and how it would help.BOOM BABY! born to fighttrianed to killready to dieBUT NEVER WILL
Last time I checked this was a free and publically open discussion forum hosted FOR the purpose of exhanging ideas and opinions. And since you did manage to throw a whole lot of opinion in your follow up post I would say you too can "bounce" and not come back...
- Fadeus Hawkwood
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
After Much contemplation and research Im going to have to say this game sucks. The eloquence and brevity conveyed by Bloodknight has brought me to my senses, and to think i was going to try this game. As for the rest of you "pro" Starport gamers, your grandiloquence deserves punishment. Furthermore, all of you should take your "ignorant" selves and stay on topic. This game appears, at first glance, to be moderately good, and they lure you in with ads of FREE THIS and FREE THAT but in reality the makers of this game are scam artists that lure stereotypical twelve year old gamers to empty their mommies pockets.
i really wonder whats the use of this topic is i mean it went from talking about this game to EA GAMES and back and back. i think that you should try talking about starport and stop quotes just .............(it is dotted cause i do not wanna make anyone feel bad.
thank you
master of games.
master of games.
Bah. I can't believe I'm actually posting in this forum, it's rather unbecoming of my typical asshat ways. Nonetheless, I do rather enjoy it and have even departed from my Machiavellian ways long enough to understand what the 'good' (i.e. not like me) players have to deal with. The primary two problems facing this game right now are excessive warp-fuel restrictions and minimal colony defense. The former discourages true exploration and recreational gaming, and the latter trumps Starport's claims as an empire-building game.
Fuel could be addressed easily by either increasing the rate of generation, or reducing fuel costs; either by a factor of 5. Let's face it; even if the developers' plan is to force people to pay them for more fuel, most people will not do it anyway. If they're in the mood to pay $5, they'll buy an IG ship, if anything. $5 may not seem like a lot, but owing to the short-lived nature of games and the rate of expenditure of supplies (if you so choose to purchase them) a pay-to-play space MMOG is a far more cost-effective option. (I can think of two very popular ones)
I believe the best solution for colony defense issues is to make the solar gun a built-in part of any colony. It's simply too easy, even with a gun, for someone such as myself to take down a colony that someone else has spent much time in developing. Additionally, due to the real-time nature of the game it's very unlikely that the defender will have his ship within range for a counterattack, or even be online at the time to make plans. See, I can loot a colony that developed for 10 days in approximately 2.5 hours, if I hurry.
Regardless of the developers' motives, if they do indeed wish this game to succeed they must make an environment that encourages more than power gaming, as the situation is now. The future of Starport, as in any modern online game, is to make it both accessible and enjoyable to the casual gaming enthusiast.
I got what he said, im new and i hope changes complained about perviously are fixed
"<i>A Good Man Only Needs Do Nothing For Evil To Prevail</i>"
"<i>A Good Man Only Needs Do Nothing For Evil To Prevail</i>"
Ol' Stump's follow'd this thread fer a while now. Ye know what ol' Stump hears? A bunch o' n00bs whinin'. The common complaint be that planet defenses be too weak, ol' Stump'll say that those who be sayin' that's heads be too empty. Whilst this here game might'n seem not t'have much o' a learnin' curve to it, here be a reality check for ye pups... it does have a learnin' curve. Iff'n ye take the time t'learn the finer aspects o' the game, the strategy and the skills required to excell... then ol' Stump doubts ye'd be whinin' 'bout the piddley garbage that the whiners whine 'bout.
EDIT- A tip fer ye n00bs readin' this. Take 'n spend a round doin' alot of invadin'. 'N don't just invade weak colonies... look fer the tough ones. The more invadin' ye do, the more ye'll learn 'bout what works and what don't fer defense setups. Ye'll b'come a better player fer doin' it.
Hello, my name is Xaxyx, and I am a newbie. I played Starport for around 15 minutes. I think it's got all kinds of fun characteristics and I really, really looked forward to exploring the universe, trading, building colonies, and getting into a skirmish or two.
Then I found out that any moron with $10 and a dream could invest RL cash into their avatar and become the UberPilot overnight. And I quit, never to return.
While I appreciate the need for a company to make money; while I acknowledge that the developers think it to be a clever mechanic to use free play to attract new customers and cash investment to gain power; I nevertheless note that any game that allows paying customers to beat the crap out of non-paying customers is the ultimate grief-fest. I won't spend time just to be griefed. I won't spend money to avoid being griefed. I will never log on again.
Possible solutions:
- Make freebie-only servers in which no one can spend RL cash, starting everyone out with the same power potential;
- Make pay-only, one-time-fee servers in which everyone spends exactly the same amount of cash and thusly starts with the same power potential;
- Make mixed, no-cash-limit servers where the would-be griefers can spend all the money they want to in order to grief the hell out of one another, and the masochists can still play for free and get ganked and griefed constantly.
There. Now everyone can be happy. Unfortunately, I can only assume that the developers like the fact that paying players can grief the hell out of the non-paying ones. Which leads me to believe, as other posters have asserted, that the developers are themselves griefers.
Oh, well. It looked like it could be a lot of fun, too.
- Xaxyx
I haven't bothered to read the previous replies after the first post because it all probably a bunch of crybaby shit. I've played 2 rounds in this game, I don't log on very much every day, maybe 2-3 hours at max, and i've managed to bag a silver in my first round and gold in my second round. Maybe you should stop sucking and whining and learn how to play. People like you shouldn't even be allowed to play games because all you do is bitch because you get shot down. First off, there is plenty of fuel if you use it right and don't go around doing nothing all the time. Next, its fucking hard to be a pirate, I don't even think you've played a pirate over 50k exp. It costs like 50k per hour to sleep in the un space. There are almost no advantages to being a pirate over a good guy because you risk getting shot down and you lose exp and money all the time. Both rounds where i've gotten 2nd and 1st place, I was rarely under -1000, if I ever was I would immediately run to the nearest starbase to make it go high again. Yes sometimes I would go negative rep because i've taken a few colonies or something but I never stay under -1000.
Another thing about you people that whine about getting your colonies taken. If you actually knew where to put your damn turrets, you wouldn't even need that many to have good defence. Get a solar cannon and turrets around the biodome and mines around the tunnel spots, then its very hard to take. In fact, I had a planet last round that only had maybe 20 turrets and a few mines and a solar cannon. 15 people died on that planet and it was finally taken by 2 of the highest ranked guys working together.
Also, no game start out perfect, thats why there are betas and testing.
My point here to you, guy who wrote the first topic, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME.
Yeah! Well said jevon!!
Although maybe I wouldn't have put it quite as bluntly... I know this board is for discussion and some of that discussion is gonna be criticism, but 2 things that get right on my tits are 1. people adamantly claiming that defences are totally and utterly pointless when they clearly have no clue what they are doing... as discussed by others... and 2. people whinging that theres no point in trying to win cos theres some guy who pays RL cash and gets the IG ship.... so bloody what??!! Yea, you get a little advantage, but that is no way the key to then go on to win the game.....The last two games I played I came 2nd and 1st and didn't donate on either occasion. Sure, I could donate some cash, get the IG ship and more warp fuel than you can shake a stick at and I'd probably win aswell... but becausew I know how to win games, not because I'm paying RL money.
It just seems that ppl come here to hail abuse because they lost, not to try and get some advice (which I love to give out and help newer players). And these new players are ranting and raving at the game that they haven't even playted enough to know how it works! So my advice is don't be so quick to judge in future!!
Very far from the worst game ever: its FREE.
I tried it, so far its ok, but not the kind of game I can really get into, as for the devs, props on your work.
Without music - life sucks.

All rights reserved by their respective owners.
Jevon are you a total retard or just a total and complete n00b!?!?! First off I bet you've never played a single .3 regen game have you? You run out of fuel it 3-4 days MAX. And that's using it very efficiently with a good fuel consumption and 10 wisdom. Since most games are 14-18 days long. How in the hell could 3 days worth of fuel be good enough for a game that lasts 2 weeks?
Second, you must be the dumbest f***ing pirate in the entire universe. It costs any high xp'ed person in the game (whose not sleeping in a starport) an insane amount of money EVERY HOUR. And if you mean almost no advantages in being a pirate as in you can steal ATLEAST 100k in 5 mins from any port in the galaxy if your "supposed 50k plus xp" is actually that high. Then if your a pirate with so much xp and money, why in the hell don't you have a Sethdar Cruiser? If you get it there's no way in hell you could die unless you did it on purpose or killed by colony defenses. You can't simply die in a ship like that in a little pve or pvp skirmish (since that's the only type of combat there is in this game). And if you do have a sethdar, how in god's name do you die in a ship with 16k shields and the ability to paralyze any ship for 10 secs in one shot?
The ONLY part i agree with your post is colony defenses. If your planet is too easily taken over, try and find a different one. There are several planet designs that make the colonies nearly impennatrable. There is one that i can think of right off the top of my head that if you spend only around 1 mil on colony defenses (and people willinly spend a lot more) it's NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to take over. All you asses who whine about colony defenses don't understand the word "STRATEGY". And remember, if your planet doesn't work FIND A NEW ONE AND STOP WHINING! All though i do agree that the dmg on Flak turrets could be increased. It's not like they cost 2 dollards or anything i mean come on just to test the balance since obviously 90% of the people who play this game don't understand defensive tactics or anything of the sort.
Man i can't wait to hear the responses from this one...
Ash dautas durbublatûk. Brought to you by, the Black Speech of Mordor.
I hate this kinds of topics! This is so typical for ignorent people with no balls and no brains!
Is it so hard to read the fuck'n Starpedia? And is it so hard to TRY A LITLLE???
Starport is a game with enormous oportunities without the drawbacks of a lot of multi-million dollar mmo's. Is it because you pay $10+ a month for playing a game you will make the effort to get the most fun out of it? That means that free games ( like... euh i dunno Starport maybe? ) aren't worth a little of your time to learn to play it...
I really hope the person who started this topic will come to his/her senses and redownload StarPort!
May The Force Be With You.
visit: http://blastacor.tripod.com
May The Force Be With You.
visit: http://blastacor.tripod.com
What on earth are you on about DemonZealot with "You run out of fuel it 3-4 days MAX." ???? You can run out of fuel in 3-4 hours of the server starting if you play fast.... but then you just wait for it to regen no?? Surely you know this... Right???! With efficient spice conversion you can have enough fuel to play on a 0.3 server atleast a couple of hours everyday.. this is plenty to perform managerial duties in your colonies, go NPC hunting, invading or whatever to ensure you keep the exp raking in.
Secondly, you can't steal ~50k from EVERY starport... only the ones that have regular traffic, and a non-evil player will just sleep in a starport even if they do happen to be in UN space, so the high takes for high exp players doesn't really apply to +ve rep players atall.
I don't know whether I have just gotten the gist of your post wrong DemonZ, please correct me if that is infact the case, and for my benefit please explain yourself a little clearer... but it seems your criticism isn't backed up by piddly squat!
Ok DemonZealot, you are the kind of people I am talking about that I love to shoot down. First of all, both of the games that I have played in are .3 fuel regen and both were in maganellic clouds which is a standard game with .3 regen. The first round I played was half in milky way and half in maganellic clouds. I started both when they were 2 days old. I quit on milky way because the galaxy's server crashed for around half a day and my character was out in space so I was bored and tried the "youngest" standard game avaliable which happened to be clouds. Another reason I switched servers was because when I started I didn't know what the hell the stats did so I went with like 10 charisma and 5 dex and 0 wisdom, a VERY bad combo. I started out around the same I did in MW(except for stats, went with 10 wisdom, 3 dex, 2 cha), bought a scout marauder and did taxis and etc until I could afford the Speedstar. See Zealot this is where I am different from idiots like you, I bought a ship that doesn't cost 12 to warp so I didn't have to play 5 minutes a day. At this point, I could kill npcs, do taxi runs, and make overall a lot of money and exp. My strats after this point will be kept a secret because it works so well
. That round I finished in second place(around 230k, 3k exp behind Vulg, a very good and experienced player. The next round I played in clouds again, did almost the same thing except for a few fine points I picked up on, I got a convincing first place win with around 400k exp. This is 2 rounds before the current round in clouds, I think. After my first place finish, I basically took a break from the game until I got done with college stuff, etc. Last round in clouds I started at the beginning to show my friend around the game, etc. And to prove my point to you Demon, I played for around 1.5 to 2 days in that game and got 13th place. I was in an escape pod for most of the game and kept my pea shooter for most of the time(switched to fusion for a little bit). I did about 2 taxi runs and mostly I stayed with shooting down npcs. With my escape pod and fusion blaster, I shot down commanders and majors and losing around 100-200 shields per. I even pvped a guy in a battleship and fusion blaster. He fired 7 nukes at me, and I still won(he ran and got shields). If you would like to try me Demon, I'll be glad to fight you in the escape pod and you can have any ship you want, even your precious Sethdar. And another thing about Sethdars, they aren't very good at pvp, I can easily take one down with a battleship.
Ok well thats my biography in this game. My in game name is noob or now no.ob because of obcenity filter. And about the flaming, I am just tired of fools like Demon who whine but don't know anything.
back to the point "One of the worst games ever"
yes it is, but its fun crap
Last time I checked this was a free and publically open discussion forum hosted FOR the purpose of exhanging ideas and opinions. And since you did manage to throw a whole lot of opinion in your follow up post I would say you too can "bounce" and not come back...
- Fadeus Hawkwood
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
After Much contemplation and research Im going to have to say this game sucks. The eloquence and brevity conveyed by Bloodknight has brought me to my senses, and to think i was going to try this game. As for the rest of you "pro" Starport gamers, your grandiloquence deserves punishment. Furthermore, all of you should take your "ignorant" selves and stay on topic. This game appears, at first glance, to be moderately good, and they lure you in with ads of FREE THIS and FREE THAT but in reality the makers of this game are scam artists that lure stereotypical twelve year old gamers to empty their mommies pockets.
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.