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Yes this is a very redundant post.
But its got to be admitted that there's a real buzz about WAR. There is none of the beta blues - people leaving beta are extremely optimistic and addicted to the game. The people posting the usual "I will not be pre-ordering" post are whining about stuff that excites everyone else:
How many of you are suddenly having a good week at work because it ends with WAR OB access!?!?!!?
<edit> I .... left the house today... to watch my mates band *gasp* After the gig I admitted I liked games and he admitted he's buzzed about WAR.. how random lol
Anyone that pre-ordered AoC will remember the "DONT BUY THIS GAME YOU'LL GET AIDS" posts and the real feeling of risk associated with it.
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
There was a lot of optimism for AoC before the official release. That was attributed to only being able to play up to lvl 20. It was after people finished leveling to 80 that they realized there was nothing else to do and the game started to die. WAR won't suffer the same fate as Mythic is much better then FailCom.
Aye very true. Every good AoC review ended with the sentence "Although I was only able to play unti level 20" lol
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
i agree .. i haven't been this excited about a game coming out ever .. ive beta'd several, played several from day one and nothing has me as interested as this one ..
Im steadfastly insisting that every person I know who plays WoW should at least give War a chance .. matter of fact unless there is some kind of drastic dark secret I haven't heard about I look forward to dropping my WoW account for good .. im gonna give away all my gold, possessions etc and bid my guildies that are too stubborn to join me farewell .. cause finally a game has come out that should keep me entertained for months to come ..
im actually looking forward to it
Honestly, The game will not be for everyone. Some people do not like PvP or RvR. It is a personal deal for some people, but WAR does slide you into RvR from PvE fairly well. You can PvE 100% of the time if you choose to. If you do, I think you will miss much of the game and what it has to offer. From what I have seen from the PW, you could be doing some PvE stuff and the next thing you know you are doing RvR. It all ties together. I think people should at least try to the game due to this if they have fears of RvR to be honest. Mythic has done a great job at joining RvR and PvE together. Unlike DAoC, were you had to zone into a RvR area(frontiers or a battle ground) WAR is really every where in this game. You could be doing a PvE quest and down the road there is a massive battle going on (RvR). It is pretty cool if you ask me.
It is going to a good and fun game to play. Some people are not going to like it for a various reasons though, but it wont be because of the game is full of bugs or is not fun to play. For a company that only has a few major releases and some old MUDS, they are turning into a top notch company.
WAR graphics are way better than WoW's...
HAHA... It's funny how you say people are extremely optimistic leaving the beta, which is only partly true. I've seen quite a few people not happy with the game. But then you go on to dismiss everyone that doesn't like the game. Really funny.
Then you say that AoC had bad reviews coming out of beta. WTF? Were you even on these boards than? People were singing the praises of AoC nearly identical to how they are singing the praises of WAR now. There was no feeling of risk associated with it, and there were very few if ANY "DON'T BUY THIS GAME" posts.
Your post is incredibly biased and borderline fanboy.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
I was very drunk.
But some of it still applies :P
This forum is full of people saying that they are not the target audience for the game.
AoC was full of its target audience getting really upset that the game isn't any good.
Honestly I think people will bore of the RR grind but it should still be fun until then.
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
i had fun grinding high warlords in wow before they nerfed it and i stopped subbing, i shal have fun getting to rr 80 and getting the godlike armors abilities and titles in war and using them to slay the imputent weaklings that shall fall before me
I don't think I've ever had this kind of excitement over a game before. The days drag by at a crawl because all I can think about is how many days left till War. I spend my time reading or viewing War related material. Every interview or announcement from Mark Jacobs reshapes my lost trust in game developers and gets me stoked about the beautiful world that I will soon be playing. I get shakes and tingles and a sort of fanatical desire to play this game. The lore keeps me enriched and I find the enviroments Ill soon be playing in looking as gorgeous as any natural beauty I have seen in the world out there. I for instance went to the park where there is a beach and huge deep forest yet again this week. It felt as atmospheric and amazing as any given number of moments in War Preview Weekend. I found myself looking at white sandy beaches at sunset and thinking "Warhammer has just as great of moments." I really need to stop obsessing!
'Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of WARRRRR!!!'
HAHA... It's funny how you say people are extremely optimistic leaving the beta, which is only partly true. I've seen quite a few people not happy with the game. But then you go on to dismiss everyone that doesn't like the game. Really funny.
Then you say that AoC had bad reviews coming out of beta. WTF? Were you even on these boards than? People were singing the praises of AoC nearly identical to how they are singing the praises of WAR now. There was no feeling of risk associated with it, and there were very few if ANY "DON'T BUY THIS GAME" posts.
Your post is incredibly biased and borderline fanboy.
Actually the AoC boards where pretty well split leading up to launch. Many warnings gone unheard. Many fanboy posts. WAR is about the same tbh. Alittle more in favor of the game but there are still plenty that dont like it. To me one of the main telling factors for AoC was the NDA. Just my opinion but any game that doesnt lift there NDA untill launch day definitly has stuff to hide. Even as a "fanboy" of WAR had they not lifted the NDA yet and I had not played it I would have cancled my CE. But with them lifting the NDA (and having played it) I feel verry confident in my CE preorder.
HAHA... It's funny how you say people are extremely optimistic leaving the beta, which is only partly true. I've seen quite a few people not happy with the game. But then you go on to dismiss everyone that doesn't like the game. Really funny.
Then you say that AoC had bad reviews coming out of beta. WTF? Were you even on these boards than? People were singing the praises of AoC nearly identical to how they are singing the praises of WAR now. There was no feeling of risk associated with it, and there were very few if ANY "DON'T BUY THIS GAME" posts.
Your post is incredibly biased and borderline fanboy.
Actually the AoC boards where pretty well split leading up to launch. Many warnings gone unheard. Many fanboy posts. WAR is about the same tbh. Alittle more in favor of the game but there are still plenty that dont like it. To me one of the main telling factors for AoC was the NDA. Just my opinion but any game that doesnt lift there NDA untill launch day definitly has stuff to hide. Even as a "fanboy" of WAR had they not lifted the NDA yet and I had not played it I would have cancled my CE. But with them lifting the NDA (and having played it) I feel verry confident in my CE preorder.
Funcom have never lifted the Age of Conan NDA. In fact, their NDA for Anarchy Online which released in June 2001 is still in place.
Why does that not surprise me.
As for WAR, it's hard to describe, but even if the ratio of positive to negative is similiar to AoC's forums before launch, there's a differrent vibe here than there was there. The hesitancy of positive reviews with a qualifier at the end are missing here. The vibe is better, more positive, and peoples opinions who've actually got beta time in with the game are abundant, and usually positive. The secrecy and worry due to lack of concrete details that plagued AoC are completely absent as well.
I've got beta time in myself and I'm actually looking forward to the launch without any real concerns or worries. Well, except for the nagging "EA is the devil and by gawd if they make Mythic ruin this game I'm buying a shotgun" thought that I almost always successfully resubmerge into my subconcious.
heh Mythic beats Funcom hands down. OK maybe ToA wasn't such a hot idea but overall DAoC was a damn good game and Mythic was upfront and honest as a company. I just finished my download and while I am looking forward to this weekend between real life, LoTROand my shelf full of single player games I won't be laying awake at night.
I miss DAoC
Why do people keep bringing up AOC? WAR and AOC are two totally different games and Mythic and Funcom are on a totally different level.
As for AOC beta, at the end it was pretty obvious for anyone who has played multiple MMOs that AOC wasn't going to succeed.
I think I will like RVR what I dont enjoy is 1 vs 1 pvp
But I like in Guild wars faction alliance battles with scenarios.I tried POTBS and I liked the RVR although it was too slow with ships all the same it was fun
Already made a list of toons I want to jump into Cant wait for the beta .Really excited
Was playing an alliance battles in GW yesterdya nd our team was not organised Fruitlessly they were trying to put down tanks without trying to get teh casters.Reminded me of threads here of people complaining that Black Orc with a healer is too difficult to put down.
But thats the beauty of it, this games needs strategy noot just brute force Tanks are meant well to tankl and keep you away form objectives.
The 2nd time around we changed our strategy ignored th tanks and went for the casters.
I feel Strongly we wil get QUALITY FUN FROM THIS GAME ...
After playing AOC for 2 months I have learnt 1 important lesson Gameplay > Graphics
HAHA... It's funny how you say people are extremely optimistic leaving the beta, which is only partly true. I've seen quite a few people not happy with the game. But then you go on to dismiss everyone that doesn't like the game. Really funny.
Then you say that AoC had bad reviews coming out of beta. WTF? Were you even on these boards than? People were singing the praises of AoC nearly identical to how they are singing the praises of WAR now. There was no feeling of risk associated with it, and there were very few if ANY "DON'T BUY THIS GAME" posts.
Your post is incredibly biased and borderline fanboy.
Were you on these boards leading up to AOCrapmans release? Their were plenty of people in beta shouting about the bad state of AOC and missing content that had not been tested by the normal beta testers. The funcom forums and these were rife with beta testers telling the funcom fanboys how AOCrapnan sucked.
The problem was that fanboys like you didn`t want to believe it and listened to idiots like amazingavery.
I was one of the beta testers who knew the truth and spoke out loads of times on the funcom forums just to get banned and then join again in another name.
Once the idiots and blind fanboys had bought the game it was to late. I just sat back and smiled at all the fools who slated anyone who tried to tell them about AOCrapman.
How many in this WAR forum have come from AOC forums on this site and have slated WAR when they were blind AOCrapman fanboys? I could pick out many who were and expose them for being idiots and hypocrites, are you one of them?
Checking peoples posts is your friend.
Keeps and open world RVR has no limits.
It could be like DAOC
The whole server in one place(about 2100 players and this is based of the preview weekend) lol. Now that would be an event to see.
This is not a game.
Funny enough, my 3 month WoW subscribtion expires September 18th. Is that a hint from god?
For me the choice is obivious
Only 1 active subscription at a time