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A very nice update from Mark

Preview Weekend Update - The Update!



Well, things have been, as usual, busy here at Mythic so I have lots of news to share. So, without further ado and no SNL references, here's the update on my update:

1) Significantly improved NPC pathing - Okay, in all fairness it wouldn't have taken much to improve on what we showed you folks during the PW. However, the NPC pathing is back to where it needs to be and while it still isn't perfect, well, it's a heck of a lot closer than it was just a short time ago. We identified a whole lot of bugs and squashed them.

2) Improved pet commands and responsivness - Well, pretty much same as above. Pets will no longer act as if obeying an order from you was the last thing in this world that they wanted to do.

3) Fixed an issue with textures blurring - Nothing like looking at textures through a blurred lens to make things look really sharp eh? Major improvements in and more OTW.

4) Enhanced Global Cooldown Mechanic - Well, for one the GCD actually shows the correct cooldown time and not the rounded up cooldown time (Hey, what a great idea, let's make it seem slower than it is. WOOT!). The slop timer is working fine right now and we'll continue to look at making the GCD and combat in general more responsive.

5) Continuing to improve Client Stability - As always, lots of fixes going in here. The client is supposed to be more stable (and looks like it so far) but until we get the masses back in...

6) Added new Graphics Settings and seeking more feedback from testers to guide future improvements. You asked for it, you got it. Well, in all fairness we were going to put these in anyway but it never hurts to nudge us a bit at times.

7) Target Nearest Target improved - Yeah! One of my pet peeves addressed.

8) Renown Gear changes and Potency of Potions increased. Tweaking, adding, subtracting, in other words (don't say "nerf", we're still in beta!) balancing.

9) Increased bonus for medal winners in PQs. PQs are supposed to be fun, joyous and not grindy. We'll continue tweaking and changing them wherever we need to do that to make it so #1. (okay, a ST reference)

10) Added more loot bags in Tier 1 PQs - Boy, it's going to be rather crowded when we launch so we just upped the loot for the Tier 1 PQs. We'll do the same to T2 as needed. And when the rush is over, we'll tweak downwards.

So, in terms of some other good stuff, lots and lots and lots of bugs fixed and lots of new stuff added to the ToK. But wait, there's more and we'll address some of it next week as well as more coming info in the next update.

Oh, and there's still no such thing as a miracle patch so don't expect one here. Just a ton of fixes, additions and adjustments. We have another major patch coming as well before launch. We don't believe in miracle patches (miracle whip is a whole other subject) here at Mythic but simply hard work and a talented team.

Much respect to my team that is really doing one heck of a job getting things ready for launch.






  • PhilssPhilss Member Posts: 433


  • jjclemmjjclemm Member Posts: 16

    Good job mystic

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156


  • AnnekynnAnnekynn Member Posts: 1,437

    Originally posted by jjclemm
    Good job mystic

    MYTHIC :)

  • MajinashMajinash Member Posts: 1,320
    Originally posted by butters88

    5) Continuing to improve Client Stability - As always, lots of fixes going in here. The client is supposed to be more stable (and looks like it so far) but until we get the masses back in...

    this right here is amazing to me.  saying "we think we have it fixed, but we admit it NEEDS TO BE TESTED"  instead of certain devs claiming things work right before they could possibly know.


    also two of the BIGGEST issues for me have been adressed.  the +points from PQ contribution being increased and PQ bags for tier 1 being increased.


    I have worked my ass off on my archmage to place 1st in PQs, only to roll 11th out of11 or some equally horrible non-loot place.  and tier 1 PQs are way too populated with new alts and everything for THREE loot bags.  hopefully they've upped it to 4-5 (maybe 6 for the first greenskin one, that thing is always busy)


    plenty of loot bags in late tier 1 and tier 2+ when people start to spread out, but early on that was needed.  I already have CE preorded, and this wasn't a make-or-break issue for me, but seeing it fixed really makes me feel better.


    +400 to a roll out of 1000 was nice, but considering I had soloed some PQs first 2 stages, or the 1st and half of the 2nd stage, I think I should have a slightly larger advantage than that.

    Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.

  • zonzaizonzai Member Posts: 358

    I laughed at that "miracle patch" comment.

  • Slashed316Slashed316 Member UncommonPosts: 151

    And this is why i will be playing WAR. 



  • SuorySuory Member Posts: 90

    It is nice to know that they are actually trying to make a good game instead of selling a turd wraped up with Hype.


  • Spaceweed10Spaceweed10 Member Posts: 625

    Keep 'em coming, Mark - just need some trolls to balance out the thread now ...

  • MithrandolirMithrandolir Member UncommonPosts: 1,701

    Mythic is spot on with honesty and stepping up to the plate.


  • PROdotesPROdotes Member Posts: 197

    there will prolly be 1 more "mirracle patch" before launch...

    what? this one isn't one? oh well... compared to funcom patches it sure sounds like one "we added 2 new dance moves and now you cant put gems into armor"

    anyone knows if OB will have the max settings for graphics or are they waiting till the 18th?


  • MajinashMajinash Member Posts: 1,320

    not 100%, but odds are other than the level 20/tier 2 cap, OB is going to be fully functional, and even if not you won't have to wait till the 18th, just till headstart.

    Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.

  • impulsebooksimpulsebooks Member Posts: 561

    Yeah I read that on WHA this morning. Is it me, or does Mark "sound" kind of embarassed about the way Mythic's patch broke the pathing and AI? He sounded pissed in the post before this one, when he acknowledged pathing was busted.

    Can't blame him really. He wanted WAR to make a great impression in PW. I think the game did a good job of it, but the problems put a dent in people's enthusiasm. Not enough to put them off, but it did put a damper on things.


    Mark E. Cooper
    AKA Tohrment
    Proud member of Damned Souls since 2007.

  • jondifooljondifool Member UncommonPosts: 1,143
    Originally posted by impulsebooks

    Yeah I read that on WHA this morning. Is it me, or does Mark "sound" kind of embarassed about the way Mythic's patch broke the pathing and AI? He sounded pissed in the post before this one, when he acknowledged pathing was busted.
    Can't blame him really. He wanted WAR to make a great impression in PW. I think the game did a good job of it, but the problems put a dent in people's enthusiasm. Not enough to put them off, but it did put a damper on things.


    Well annoyed and embarresd is two feelings i can understand, in that situation. Especial because thesse issues with pathing , mobs and pets, had been working alot better just days before the PW. So yeah its like being cheated of a "moment of glory! ". sure thing to stir up some feelings!

  • theniffrigtheniffrig Member UncommonPosts: 351

    Can't wait for the OB to start now!

  • KazzerKazzer Member Posts: 648

    what can i say?.. Freaking nice job mythic :-)))))

  • UbieUbie Member Posts: 185

    Nice job Mystic

  • bigplanetbigplanet Member Posts: 133
    Originally posted by Slashed316

    And this is why i will be playing WAR. 




    I thought it was because of the game, not a developer.

  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384
    Originally posted by bigplanet

    Originally posted by Slashed316

    And this is why i will be playing WAR. 




    I thought it was because of the game, not a developer.


    developers play a big part in how a game succeeds. Look at Age of Conan

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • DloreDlore Member UncommonPosts: 462

    Wewt, Gratz Mythic. Another even happier customer :)


    It never hurt to make the game look even more disturbingly ugly (In a good way, because that's the setting of the game :p)

  • PapaLazarouPapaLazarou Member Posts: 502

    It's nice that a mmorpg developer actually listens and makes fixes for once isntead of ignoring the problems. Alot of the issues I have with the game seem to be on that list and if the open beta shows improvements I might pick up the game.

  • DraconusDraconus Freeworld AdminMember Posts: 781

    like always a A+ job from Mythic!!

    p.s. hmmmmm.... i wonder why Mark or any of the gang don't drop by here.... are we on the wrong forum


  • PhilssPhilss Member Posts: 433
    Originally posted by Draconus

    like always a A+ job from Mythic!!
    p.s. hmmmmm.... i wonder why Mark or any of the gang don't drop by here.... are we on the wrong forum


    Vnboard and WHA is where DEV are posting.

  • ParkCarsHereParkCarsHere Member Posts: 666

    Clever marketing scheme: Honesty.

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