I started downloading it on BitTorrent, but it's notoriously snail-like slow for me. They did say they were working on getting a direct download option... I want to see it.
------------------------- "Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
So I return to the cesspool of mediocrity known as the MMORPG.com forums.
So now Darkfall has a beta signup,what are all you pathetic vaporware trolls/doubters GOTTA SAY NOW HUH?
I say; it's time for you to start begging for beta spots. Soon,hopefully,we'll have a grand alternative to the overhyped,crappy,lame-ass excuses for grindfests that is the mainstream MMORPG market.
So I return to the cesspool of mediocrity known as the MMORPG.com forums. So now Darkfall has a beta signup,what are all you pathetic vaporware trolls/doubters GOTTA SAY NOW HUH? I say; it's time for you to start begging for beta spots. Soon,hopefully,we'll have a grand alternative to the overhyped,crappy,lame-ass excuses for grindfests that is the mainstream MMORPG market.
Your name, the way you type, what you say, shows alot on what Darkfall community will be like.
Why would anyone in his right mind would want to be part of that?
And no, i never said anything, good or bad, about darkfall. Maybe i said about it's 'fanbois' thou... but, no one can blame me.
Animations are not impresive at all, very floaty and slow-motion like. Looks like people are running through a very thick atmosphere. The video was so dark in places I really can't see whats happening very well. I am not impressed by what i see here, but I cannot say if old-school UO gameplay will make it bearable. We'll see, Iguess.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone www.spankybus.com -3d Artist & Compositor -Writer -Professional Amature
I watched the new videos on youtube. I wasn't blown away. /shrug
i have to agree unfortunately....for me.....its was pure "Meh"
i really don't see what the hype is about this game.
The hype is over the fact that it gives you more freedom than any other MMO has ever done. The ability to build ships, fleets, cities, mines, craft any weapons or armor, have FPS combat in an MMO. The fact that you can pick up any skill you want and arent restricticed by classes or anything like that. or that you can go anywhere you wish in a giant open world. Sure the graphics arent that great but who gives a shit about graphics in an mmo as long as they are playable.
I watched the new videos on youtube. I wasn't blown away. /shrug
i have to agree unfortunately....for me.....its was pure "Meh"
i really don't see what the hype is about this game.
The hype is over the fact that it gives you more freedom than any other MMO has ever done. The ability to build ships, fleets, cities, mines, craft any weapons or armor, have FPS combat in an MMO. The fact that you can pick up any skill you want and arent restricticed by classes or anything like that. or that you can go anywhere you wish in a giant open world. Sure the graphics arent that great but who gives a shit about graphics in an mmo as long as they are playable.
but we still havent really seen any of this. On paper this game looks amazing...but this saviour video they produced...looked really staged, and does not contain alot of in game video...in fact looks like very little.
Why did they blow past crafting so fast? was literally only as few seconds, as well as a whole lot of other things they are supposedly hyping. Which is why i keep asking...whats the hype still about,....all they showed REALLY is the combat animations and people running around, some ships firing, but that could be any game....it doesnt stand out yet.
The hype is over the fact that it gives you more freedom than any other MMO has ever done. The ability to build ships, fleets, cities, mines, craft any weapons or armor, have FPS combat in an MMO. The fact that you can pick up any skill you want and arent restricticed by classes or anything like that. or that you can go anywhere you wish in a giant open world. Sure the graphics arent that great but who gives a shit about graphics in an mmo as long as they are playable.
Personally, i wasnt talking about the graphics, altought they do infact look crap.
I was talking about animations, movement, places, what they do, and how they do it. Havent seen all those videos, waiting for the full video to download, but, being a non "graphic whore", i would not play that game.
Ok, maybe when all the features come to light, if it holds to what's promised, i could play it.
Darkfall fanboys do not realize how much grind there will be in the game. Sure you could level up nice and fast but how many man-months do you think it will take to build a boat much less a town that covers the entire crafting tree(including boat requirements).
The most rabid of Darkfall fanboys will end up leaving the game and the community will become pretty tame but pretty paranoid as well because their holdings can disappear.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
The video has over 600Mb... no way i'm downloading that before having "alot" of feedback on it
With all do respect but I just downloaded the 668mb movie and I am left speachless after watching it. The quality of the game looks terribad from what I just wittnessed , I thank aventurine for setting me free after 6+ years of following this piece of trash in the making. The video is clear enough to show me that the game only has one good thing and that is complexity. Everything else like Animations, mechanics, graphics, are garbage, I felt as if I was watching Everquest.
Darkfall fanboys do not realize how much grind there will be in the game. Sure you could level up nice and fast but how many man-months do you think it will take to build a boat much less a town that covers the entire crafting tree(including boat requirements).
The most rabid of Darkfall fanboys will end up leaving the game and the community will become pretty tame but pretty paranoid as well because their holdings can disappear.
Nice theory. How exactly do you level up in a skillbased, sandbox again ?
--- And when we got more women on the team, it was like No, no, no. We need puppies and horses in there. John Smedley, SOE
i'm impressed. those seiges look awesome, both the ground siege and the boat seige. guess after playing vanguard at launch, i'm not a graphics whore anymore.
The video has over 600Mb... no way i'm downloading that before having "alot" of feedback on it
Senhores da Guerra
Amazing, never thought it would happen.
Downloading now.
Edit: Torrent is slow as hell.
Don't forget to sign up for the beta guys
And when we got more women on the team, it was like No, no, no. We need puppies and horses in there.
John Smedley, SOE
I started downloading it on BitTorrent, but it's notoriously snail-like slow for me. They did say they were working on getting a direct download option... I want to see it.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
Member Since March 2004
So I return to the cesspool of mediocrity known as the MMORPG.com forums.
So now Darkfall has a beta signup,what are all you pathetic vaporware trolls/doubters GOTTA SAY NOW HUH?
I say; it's time for you to start begging for beta spots. Soon,hopefully,we'll have a grand alternative to the overhyped,crappy,lame-ass excuses for grindfests that is the mainstream MMORPG market.
Your name, the way you type, what you say, shows alot on what Darkfall community will be like.
Why would anyone in his right mind would want to be part of that?
And no, i never said anything, good or bad, about darkfall. Maybe i said about it's 'fanbois' thou... but, no one can blame me.
Senhores da Guerra
youtube link
One thing is now certain; All my doubts has been washed away.
I watched the new videos on youtube. I wasn't blown away. /shrug
Yeah, saw it too... sucked
Reminded me of Dark and Light !!!
Senhores da Guerra
i have to agree unfortunately....for me.....its was pure "Meh"
i really don't see what the hype is about this game.
I second that...
But it'll keep the DF fanboys all jacked up like a hyper-active kid in a candy store...
Animations are not impresive at all, very floaty and slow-motion like. Looks like people are running through a very thick atmosphere. The video was so dark in places I really can't see whats happening very well. I am not impressed by what i see here, but I cannot say if old-school UO gameplay will make it bearable. We'll see, Iguess.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
i have to agree unfortunately....for me.....its was pure "Meh"
i really don't see what the hype is about this game.
The hype is over the fact that it gives you more freedom than any other MMO has ever done. The ability to build ships, fleets, cities, mines, craft any weapons or armor, have FPS combat in an MMO. The fact that you can pick up any skill you want and arent restricticed by classes or anything like that. or that you can go anywhere you wish in a giant open world. Sure the graphics arent that great but who gives a shit about graphics in an mmo as long as they are playable.
I'd wait for the beta to start and good opinions to start floating around before rejoicing...
i have to agree unfortunately....for me.....its was pure "Meh"
i really don't see what the hype is about this game.
The hype is over the fact that it gives you more freedom than any other MMO has ever done. The ability to build ships, fleets, cities, mines, craft any weapons or armor, have FPS combat in an MMO. The fact that you can pick up any skill you want and arent restricticed by classes or anything like that. or that you can go anywhere you wish in a giant open world. Sure the graphics arent that great but who gives a shit about graphics in an mmo as long as they are playable.
but we still havent really seen any of this. On paper this game looks amazing...but this saviour video they produced...looked really staged, and does not contain alot of in game video...in fact looks like very little.
Why did they blow past crafting so fast? was literally only as few seconds, as well as a whole lot of other things they are supposedly hyping. Which is why i keep asking...whats the hype still about,....all they showed REALLY is the combat animations and people running around, some ships firing, but that could be any game....it doesnt stand out yet.
Personally, i wasnt talking about the graphics, altought they do infact look crap.
I was talking about animations, movement, places, what they do, and how they do it. Havent seen all those videos, waiting for the full video to download, but, being a non "graphic whore", i would not play that game.
Ok, maybe when all the features come to light, if it holds to what's promised, i could play it.
Senhores da Guerra
Darkfall fanboys do not realize how much grind there will be in the game. Sure you could level up nice and fast but how many man-months do you think it will take to build a boat much less a town that covers the entire crafting tree(including boat requirements).
The most rabid of Darkfall fanboys will end up leaving the game and the community will become pretty tame but pretty paranoid as well because their holdings can disappear.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
With all do respect but I just downloaded the 668mb movie and I am left speachless after watching it. The quality of the game looks terribad from what I just wittnessed , I thank aventurine for setting me free after 6+ years of following this piece of trash in the making. The video is clear enough to show me that the game only has one good thing and that is complexity. Everything else like Animations, mechanics, graphics, are garbage, I felt as if I was watching Everquest.
PS. I'd stick with WAR just my opinon.
...I'm in your panties
Nice theory. How exactly do you level up in a skillbased, sandbox again ?
And when we got more women on the team, it was like No, no, no. We need puppies and horses in there.
John Smedley, SOE
hey, my foot sure tastes good, how about you guys...
Edit: and on that note, Im excited. Its not the prettiest thing, but its got some potential to be fun.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
i'm impressed. those seiges look awesome, both the ground siege and the boat seige. guess after playing vanguard at launch, i'm not a graphics whore anymore.
Take that vaporware kids!
This is a great day for the darkfall community
Watch it on Youtube and select the "Watch in High Quality" option.
Also, note that they shot the video on "medium" settings. While not a great marketing move, I guess it is the most honest way to do it.
(Uzik ibnYaraq in game. Always willing to help.)