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Twinking and Level Jumping

Has there been any discussion regarding the twinking of Characters on EQ2, using Macro programs or any such devilish gameplay?  I have read that it will be much harder to twink the characters…


This question goes to the current beta players...Have you seen much in the way of this happening or will it be controlled by Sony.

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What else have you guys heard? 


*Part of the bogus things that came across in EQLive is that I saw too much of an advantage some of my level's peers that had kick butt equipment.  I got frustrated due to the fact I cannot schedual the large amount of time, maybe months, of my life to a game to make it fun for me. got the best of me



Bulldog Here!


  • metalfoxusmetalfoxus Member Posts: 805
    You can't twink in EQ2, they've stated that a while ago.


  • DulainDulain Member UncommonPosts: 616

    You can't twink in EQ2 that well because all items have level limits and ranges on them. Twinking is about giving high end items to your lower level characters.

    I doubt they will allow macro's or bot's to help level up your character.


  • VersaintVersaint Member Posts: 43

    The way that encounters with mobs are handled it will be next to impossible to power level also.

    I think the required/reco levels for armor is a great idea. Maybe this way people will be forced to learn how to play thier character! image

  • jayheld90jayheld90 Member UncommonPosts: 1,726
    yes they are changing the equipment so it has level limits, and making it impossible to power level from what i hear. like you cant heal anyone from outside of thier group, and the battles you fight are locked so only you and/or group member(s) may attack the target. i think it is a great idea, so it gives people less of an advantage over new players. also, makes people have to get a feel for thier character instead of plvl'ing it from 1-50 in like one day, and not knowing what they are doing.

  • aeric67aeric67 Member UncommonPosts: 798

    I actually think that twinking makes a good item sink, something that actually may slow down item inflation.

    Players will value items more if they can use them on an alt rather than sell them in the market. If 100 yaks drop in a day, let's say, and only 20 of them are useful to the looting character, then 80 of them will go to market. If 20 of them are useful to the looting character and another 20 or so are useful to a looting character's alt, then only 60 go to market. These numbers are entirely pulled off the top of my head, but you get what I am talking about.

    In EQ2, many items will be soulbound, I understand. So if you can use them and are within the level range, you will equip it and bind it to yourself. So in the example above, since only 20 looting characters can use the yak, then 20 will become soulbound and 80 will go straight to market every time, since twinking isn't allowed due to level limits. I guess the only exception for this is if the looting character holds onto the yak until his alt is high enough level.

    The other variable is that the level limits will reduce demand for those 80 yaks on the market (instead of levels 1-50 being able to use, only levels 20-30 can for example). The sellers will probably be tempted to sell them cheaply to whomever will buy. Since he can't sell them to rich players' alts, the price plummets. Then, when players do reach the right level, they will not have to actually go fight the mob that drops the yak because it is so cheap at market.

    So either way, the fear everyone has of item inflation will occur whether twinking is allowed or not, but may in fact occur a lot slower if twinking is allowed. The only part people are really complaining about is that another character their level may have better equipment than them, which is understandable but silly if you think about it...

  • MischiefMischief Member UncommonPosts: 79

    I love that your used yak's as your example...

    Anyhow, you have a valid point, item depreciation isn't good, but I don't think allowing twinks is more then putting a Band-Aid on the problem. In addition, really which is the greater evil? Everyone’s opinion could vary on that subject.


  • SacfedSacfed Member UncommonPosts: 210

    Twinking, was and should be an important part of the game. If I spend the time to get items in the first place it would be nice to use them on my alts.  But, alas it will not be in EQ2 at an extreme level. 

    A larger problem, as stated earlier is about Bots or Macros.  I hope SoE can enforce that rule, as many other game developers seem not to be able to.  It more likely a grinding issue with bots though, and if the game is immersive enough people will want to play (I hope).

    P4-3.0HT 800Mhz, RAID0 120's, 1Gb Dual 400Mhz,Toshiba 8X DVD+-,ASUS P4P800 DLX, ATI 9800PRO, 500watt PS.

     Love you long time!
  • TanrTanr Member UncommonPosts: 54

    You will be able to twink,  but not in the EQ1 sense.   Weapons and armor will be more level restricted,  but I promise twinking will be an option.

  • bulldogjonesbulldogjones Member Posts: 12

    Macro = BAD

    ...but People = Creative




  • RuindarRuindar Member Posts: 9
    Of course you will be able to twink.  You have money to make alts or friends have an easier time.  You can get them the items they want at the start of the level range (no time investment and longer use) instead of at the middle or end of the level range.  And, I would bet that more ways will be found to twink.  All the cool things like kiting, AOE, twinking, CH-chains, ... none of these were planned for by the devs.  They are all emergent behaviors that came out of the player base to maximize their fun and minimize the risk/reward equation.  I bet you there will be complete twinking in 6 months.  We will just have to do it a little differently.  As for the whiners complaining about twinking, I suspect they are just jealous that someone else has something they do not because they did not earn it.  So, they have to complain about it.  Unfortunately, that is something you can't get out of the game either.



  • DeathBladeDeathBlade Member Posts: 33

    My personal opinion is that if someone CAN twink a char, they should really have the right to. Not only are they just blowing through the content in about 20x the speed, they aren't really takign the time to enjoy what the creators have spent all this time doing for us. I for one am gonna take it nice and slow (school permitting :P) and just try to enjoy my game this time around, its not like its gonna disapear anytime soon!

  • faydeawayfaydeaway Member Posts: 4


    Twinking is not a "good item sink" but rather an incentive for one character/group/guild to sit on one spawn site and camp it to death, and god forbid there's also a lucrative market for such items.

    Twinking is counter-productive and diminishes the whole idea of playing a "game". You're supposed to be having fun, adventuring, questing. And having everything handed to you cheapens the whole concept. Why even pay $15 a month just so you can stand in one zone, auction for items all across the game world and in 20mins have all the uber stuff granted you have the plat? What does that accomplish? Why does that make you feel like you've accomplished something? You've just cheapend the game for yourself...and given time, for every player whom you may interact with..."What? Help you quest for a yak...Hah, noob, I picked that up when I was level 3. Just auction for one and save yourself the trouble. Har, I hear there's plot line and inter-linking quests involved in getting that yak...who wants to do that? Har!"

    What' makes a more compelling heroic story.
    "Lo and behold, King Arthur did depart from Camelot and come upon the market town of Avonshire where from whence he did purchase the mighty blade, Excalibur, from a merchant named Flooesy069. Upon gaining the mighty Excalibur, Arthur did scratch his bum with named sword and began leet speaking in the market square about his uber item."


    The more traditional story. <---Going with this one.

    Just my two plats.

  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,410

    The way items are set up makes real twinking pointless. The only real advantage would be buying master level scrolls for your skills/spells/combat arts. That would help you much more than the gear. Still wouldn't have the effect of the twinking that went on in EQ.

    A character/group/guild can sit in one spot, and camp a mob, twinked or not. The fact that a valuable item drops from a static spawning mob is the incentive for camping. Twinking has nothing to do with it.

    But really, if you've played through the game, I see no reason why people feel they shouldn't be able to make an alt, and give him a boost in the form of scrolls, or gear or crafting items. I haven't really checked, but I'm pretty sure my peen didn't get smaller because someone else had better stuff than me on a lower level alt of theirs.


  • BaFooNBaFooN Member Posts: 239

    I dont know why twinking would be bad except if there was PvP which there isnt, because I would rather have a twinked char in my grp helping rather than an unclothed crappy char in my group, so I dunno about you guys, but I think twinking a char isnt bad at all.

  • MinxxMinxx Member Posts: 45

    I enjoyed building my first character in EQ1 from scratch, but I also twinked my alts.  Once you are experienced in the game I see no reason not to twink and alt, and for me it made the alt more enjoyable to play.  People have different styles of play, and if someone is offended by twinking they shouldn't twink, but if that isn't a problem for you I think you should be able to do it.  Apparently enough people have complained about it that Sony has attempted to prevent it.  So I guess we will go with the flow and see how it works out.




  • MaselocMaseloc Member Posts: 175

    I personally dont think twinking is a bad thing. I played EQ from the start and i also twinked my alts. A group of twinks gains much better expo and works more smoothly, but dont get me wrong i have no problem with grouping with players that are new to the game.



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