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I read this in PC Gamer October 04, what do you think of it? IMO i love the living ecosystem, massive territorial invasions and epic battles with hordes of monsters.....I find it very original, so original it could change the MMOG genre? What do you think of it?
PS= Moderators, plz do not move this thread, its only for opinions from players of different games
A Story Line That Matters
Ryzom boasts a wholly original universe fusing sci-fi and fantasy where players shape the story and each server charts its own course.
A Lush, Living Ecosystem
The world of Atys is alive, with a rich and diverse ecology where flora and fauna dynamically interact with each other and the ever-changing environment. Nothing is static in Ryzom.
Flexible Skill Basd Advancement
Develop your character through a skill-based system that grows in detail as you gain experience. Ryzom offers 5 huge skill trees with thousands of possible choices.
Rich Item Creation/Enchantment
Hunt and forage for scarce natural resources to craft complex items from the bottom up, then add enchantments to your equipment to make it vastly more powerful.
Massive Territorial Invasions
Ryzom´s RAID Engine delivers excitement on a large scale. Monsters will assault key outposts, dynamically invade territories, and devastate entire regions if left unchecked.
Epic Battles With Hordes Of Monsters
Fight hundreds of creatures at once in pitched battles! Ryzom offers groundbreaking mass combat mechanics that allow combat on a scale NEVER SEEN IN MMORPGS!
Customized Skills and Special Attacks
Ryzoms unique Modular Action System lets you create your own custom actions. From a core set of building blocks, make as many spells and special attacks s your imagination will allow
Guilds and Factions
Meet new friends and form your own Guild to compete against other players (PvP) or build strong alliances to face common enemies in mass combat
Im including some pics, some people say SoR has bad graphics, but i think it has great graphics.....well its up to you.
hmmmmmm...... never mind, thought this was HTML based....isnt it?
those red Xs are pretty tight
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
This is the game Ive been waiting for since i left UO before Third Dawn.
Just a prblem, bout the "massive territorial invasions" and "epic battles with hordes of monsters", It would be very lag, dont you think?
I used to play UO Second Age and UO:R, returned with Lord Blackthorn´s Revenge, and left with Age of Shadows.
EA sux
I think youll be doing quests to reveal the past of Atys, it will have many Role Players
I am playing it atm i find it a breath of fresh air from SWG.
It strange but that adds to the whole feeling
I was in a group of 3 who got beat up by a plant lol
I installed it the other day and I am very impressed with what I have seen so far. The graphics are amazing, as good as SWG, if not better. It does have the feel that it was released a tad early, but not too early in that nothing critical is missing. The only thing that I miss that is not in the game is background music. The ambient environmental sounds are nice, but a good classical score helps to set the mood. The learning curve is a bit steeper than other games as you are given a wide range of skill options to pick from, but nothing is simply given to you like a cookie-cutter class system.
Alot of the reviews and comments made by players have been unfairly negative.
Patch One includes:
Player Vendors (NPCs you can offer your goods for sale through)
Theme Music
Magician Glove
Mounts for the GMs
Tuning and balance for magic users less expensive spells, a refund for certain spells, will need to redo some purchases & stanzas to adjust.
The world becomes a more dangerous place. Creatures have their own agendas. Be careful. They just got a bit better organized!
Patch One is heading to the Advanced Test Server (ATS)soon...
1-2 weeks after landing on the advanced test server Patch One goes live!
Dont worry, youll hear music after Patch 1
BTW...yes, the sound is incredible
Want an example of the incredible sound in this game?
Go in this page:
Download "dawn" and "night"
The combat system is way to slow for me. takes about 4minutes of swinging at a lvl 1 mob to kill it. That alone is enough to destroy a game for me, and it has done so with SoR.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Great Sound
To Remyburke.........nothing is as slow as EQ
SoR is merely a typical MMORPG with very few boring, poorly implemented new features in a bland, yet somewhat unique universe. Nothing really stands out in this game.
I think its a very good game but still very much a beta.
the game universe is not that bad
but game play suxx hardcore
nothing realy new here only some promissed futures those probably will be never implemented
dont pay for beta !!!!!
I played both BETAs. It looked OK, was a bit laggy for me. In the 2nd beta I was involved in an invasion by chitins. It was a complete blast, lots and lots of monsters storming the city, hack and slash and magic going every where. Not too laggy but there was some.
The skill system is better and I think they are taking steps in the right direction, but alot of work has yet to be done. Maybe if they held their cards for abotu 6 more months and fixed the lag issues, balanced everything it might have worked out.
Umm I don't remember Magic being gimp to Melee at all in the first beta, but the 2nd one, wow, way out of proportion. Any way. my 2 cent.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
i played EQ for 3 years. and yes EQ is a bit slow in the combat but Rysom is ridiculous. keep in mind EQ is 7 years old and beside UO there was nothing else out in its hayday. Rysom is new but plays like its an old fart.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Well quite honestly.. ryzom was great for the first week, (Beta) then by that time the effect of the graphics faded on me(they are great, the water is got to be the best I have seen in any game so far) and the really lousy combat system, lost me. I mean, combat is really just pick your attack type(from whatever you have) and sit back for 4 min, heal once, then continie watching for another 4 min.
The harvesting was pretty much the same.. prospect an anrea, find something, then mine it(and sit back and watch) or move on and prospect another area, etc.
Crafting was also sort of boring, but with crafting, it was not bad.(I mean, as far as crafting systems go in any game, there is no real player driven can't do anything to improve your chances, not that u should. The crafting system was fine I guess)
I only played the beta, so I don't know what has changed when it ended, but that game, can't hold me, someone who played AC1 for 4 years, and other games since for months at a time.(RO held me for a year, and even even got me paying for 2 months, but ryzom I dropped even before the free beta was over)
Honestly.. my feeling toward ryzom is my own, but if anyone else has these feelings, I am sure that it is a great percentage of the MMORPG'ers population who feels the same as I do, and if thats the case, ryzom is going to be a blimp on the mmorpg radar screen. Unless they do something about the boring combat system, change the way skills work(like above poster said, Lots of skills, but most are usless and others are overpowerd, creating a mess of cookie cutter builds that there is no real point to divulge from, and the lack of any real effective Hand to hand combat ability(u can go hand to hand, bu tno matter how strong you are, picking up a weapon is always better, no matter what) Also the simple ability to jump and climb and swim underwater would vastly improve the game's chances out there in the real mmorpg world.
Sorry.. but SoR gets a double thumbs down from me(but nice graphics, if thats what you want in a game and nothing else matters, please, try SoR out.. it is gourgous)
The problem with SoR is the fact that they had to release it now in its unfinished and unbalanced state since there's no chance of it competing with EQ2 and WoW. Soon these two games will share the vast majority of the mmorpg customers.
Therefore, I think it was a smart move for them to release it now. The gaming industry is about making money. It was either release it now while the mmorpg market is empty to make some money, or release it when the game is ready but competing with EQ2 and WoW will leave them with no sales.
Thought i might correct a couple of things as i've been playing Ryzom since release & not the beta version..
- magic / melee has never been so well balanced in any mmorpg ( & i've played a lot : EQ, UO, Daoc, AO, AC2, Horizons ..)
Magic is slightly tough to level up in the early levels but gets really mean later on.
- Combat lasting too long ? If you solo with some good gears/spells or with a nice group, you can chain kill mobs & drop them in seconds one after the other. Even more : hardly any downtimes..
- Broken skills : I've selected about 20+ skills since i've started playing including :
accuracy, increase damage, circular strike, bleeding (dot), speed power, invulnerability, etc...
I still got to find a broken one.. Even more, as a melee it's the first time ever i see a 'Taunt' skill that actually works to get aggro from casters !
Anyway , thought it would be fair to bring here the view of someone who actually plays the game.
I originally bought Saga of Ryzom waiting for EQ2 & WoW, & it happens (imo) to be the best mmorpg comin out in years.
It's Huge, Deep & Immersive.
Playing : Uncharted Waters Online
Withhold sex from her! Demand that she play games for sex!
Ah...err....also give her my number:)