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Why you ask? Because it sucks mainly. Ok after about 20 levels your bord me and almost everyone that has played quite aroudn that lvl it took me like a month to relize it sucks. You n0bs will prolly post "it the best game ever tee hee" it sucks. then after a while you will relize why the hell did i buy this game its gay i shouldnt have wasted my money and time on it. If you need a good mmo to hold you over until the the better ones come out i recomend daoc. But dont play coh.. it sucks
Not Falling
Yes, it does get boreiung after 20 levels or so. But it is FUN for those 20 levels:)
If you are cash strapped and looking for the next great game, don't play COH. If you can afford it though it's a great tide-me-over game until WoW comes out.
Basically, like all ranters, all you say is:
''This game lack such thing or such that''
You dont pinpoint at anything that the game did wrong! You point at what is ''lacking'' in the game, say it is hollow, like most kids reviews it.
Personnally I LOOOOOOOVE the game more then ever!
Is the game perfect? Nope, but they are improving it FREE on a regular basic, which was not the case of EQ.
Do not expect Cryptic to ask you to raid, tradeskill, PvP, be a customer at wallmart or be graduated to Yales University in order to achieve ''uberness'', they wont. As far as I am concerned, this and the great storyline, long optional grind(not endless saddly hehe) that you dont need to do and the neato gameplay is all I need to be happy.
Hehe, I am earning my sidekick and exemplar badges, and despite the fact that they need to rethink the exemplar system to make it funnier, I enjoy it!
You want to bash the game? Instead of saying it lack something, find something they do wrong and we will start arguing, but say it is shallow as much as you want, the lack of mistakes is not a mistake!
- "EQ2 or WoW? I wont touch it! Not even with a stick!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
haha people are still hating this game? at 200K players, I figure most people would just say ' hey, it's just not for me ' and let it go...
But, I guess I'll just hop on the bandwagon (mebbe it'll make me cool, hahahaha!)
I hate CoH too... it doesn't do my homework for me... it has absolutely no homework doing features after level 20, and believe me, that's very frustrating...
City of Heroes Fanboy
Future Game Designer
All-around bad mutha-shutchomouf
The Illusion of Choice
*yawn* these threads are so old....did the poster even bother looking at all the other threads that talk about this topic???
I've been playing since pre-beta and still having fun. Course, I'm not socially inept like the OP.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
You call lvl 20 not being a n00b? you haven't even seen half of this game yet! if you would stop whining like a little girl who lost her doll, then maybe you can enjoy this game like most of the people playing it! you are the only n00b i see here.
34 Fire/elec Blaster- War-destroyer
19 Fire/Fire tanker
"I killed your cat, you druggie bitch."
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
So, your opinion is that you don't find the combat fun? That each mission is identical, and you can't solo a purple AV?
Combat in CoH has spoiled me, I tried WoW beta and snoozed right through combat. Like to try Guild Wars since combat there looks interactive.
As for the missions, have you tried the Hollows missions? seen some of the graphic changes to make missions look unique, lately? Patch 2 introduced a boatload of enhancements, just a shame that people while about the "+1 mob bug". Myself and my SG have been having a blast entering into combat that you actually have to think about.
Rhoklaw, what is your definition of content? I've seen that word so many times with so many definitions, just humor an old man.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
Ok, lets start with combat and bring out the point that theres no more neural process required to fight in CoH then in any other MMO. Sure, combat is setup differently, but after seeing what portal missions did, I think its safe to say, anyone can master combat in this game in about 2 minutes. As for each mission being identical in graphics, no, but in overall design, yes. Hell, missions in Anarchy Online were more fun simply because there was a reward here and there. CoH rewards are mute because its all about influence gain which gets you nothing special in the end. Your still going to end up with the same powers as the person playing the same archetype combo as you. Not being able to solo purple mobs is another issue since 3-4 archetypes can, while 1 can not. Defenders are the gimpest PoS archetypes in the game. Sure its my fault for trying to make one my main toon, but is that a quality balanced game? no. Don't tell me to group when every other archetype doesn't have to, cause you'll end up diggin a very large hole under your own two feet.
Again, the new patch added more mission environment changes, but very little concept design. Your still entering through a door, killing numerous bad guys of the same background affiliation to reach a certain goal. I'm sorry, but the missions lack any kind of fun what so ever simply because they are, as I said, repititious. I do give them credit for adding in wandering mobs inside missions, cause it was hella boring before they did that.
Ok, I come from EQ, DAoC and Anarchy Online and similar games with player and in-game politics, player affiliation conflict, trade skills, multiple levels of combat, prestige and quest systems that aren't centered around the point A to point B design. CoH has 2 things, combat outside of missions and missions. Aside from that, their newly added badge collection scheme will only tide people over for so long. So tell me "old man", what else does CoH offer that doesn't involve combat? CoH might as well be a first person shooter game and maybe when CoV comes out, it will be.
Thank you for the counter points. If I may, I'd like to rebuttle each one. I don't expect that any of this will change your mind but I still enjoy the banter.
Your right, no MMO requires much "neural process", but the speed of combat, combined with the larger mobs you encounter put CoH above other MMO that is not a shooter.
Sorry that you think your defender is "gimped" I've got a few defender's I play, and in our SG there is a high ratio of defenders that appear to being doing quite well. I can't comment on your style of play, if you want to solo or if you like group dynamics, that is your decision.
I've soloed with a Dark/Dark defender and a Dark/Psi Defender and have had some success and fun with both.
Rewards are starting to become more frequent in that you obtain temporary powers from certain missions that last more then a day or 2. Visual changes show these new powers now, like the Staff of Nemesis, The jetpack you can get in another mission, the undead axe.
So, there are some missions that give more then Influence and XP at the end. Now to make these "loot items" perminent would not be a path that CoH goes down, I hope. I'd rather see them incorperate something like the badge system but it allows visual enhancements only, like the capes.
There are missions that require you now to destroy items, besides the "touch glowie" missions. so, not all missions are "Kill all on the map". I know that you are aware of this, having played it also, just reinforcing.
It is true that there is little outside of the badge collecting and combat right now in CoH. Player affiliation conflict will not occure till CoV comes out so anything dealing with PVP currently can not be compaired. Crafting I hear will be introduced later, probably related to temporary powers. New arch-types will be introduced. Like any MMO, it grows
A strong MMO foundation has been laid out with CoH, it's up to the developers to build upon it. So far they are, each Issue (update) that they introduced has expanded CoH.
Another thing I'd like to point out. On the top 5 list of games that lists. So far CoH has always been up there. People like the game. To say that they are just jaded because they are amazed with the first impression would be wrong, because those same people who gave it a high rating, can always go back and change that rating. Cryptic is doing something right that attracts people.
**edit - I've yet to play a MMO that's not repetition.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
i don't care what all of you say i like this game is cool is diferent from others ilike playing it so plz stop posting stupid posts like i don't like i canceled because we don't care if u cancel your account is your choice so all other guys keep up the great work

I agree there's not much variety in gameplay situations: you get a mission, you find some teammates, you go to kick ass some vilklains and then get to another mission.
I know there are may other MOORPGs around here and they have also good stuff and different kind of missions/things to do.
But I also think there's a lot of people who just like hanging around and killing some mobs with friends and the like, without complex tasks to carry out or huge storylines to uncover.
Yep, it's a really simple game but, hey, haven't you read a superhero comic strip in a while? They're all the same: a new villain come out of nowhere, hero gets him and kicks his ass till he flees or is captured. Then next issue, next villain. There's no astounding story twist; there's no exploration; there's no character evolution.
Maybe this game is simpler than simplicity just because it's meant to be this way and surely it's not a game for everyone. But for me, as for other people out there, it's fun enough to play a couple of hours a day and share some fun with friends. It may become boring if you play it too often; but then again, power choices and archetype differences should make it: if you get bored of all the slashing, just go in with your tanker and stop enemies from running into your weaker mates, or get a defender and help your party regenerate life and endurance.
I know it's not as complete as other MMORPGs, but for me it's a GO! all ranters you complain at what you find is not enought, not at something done wrong.
You want me to start telling you why I wont bother with EQ2 or WoW? I will have nothing to do with lack of levels, AAs, missions or anything althought I am sure they will lack on those topics like everyone, I will have real issues with the game, like handing over the best solo tools to peoples that follow the barking of raid officers, this setting is not even worth a comment because it is so lowly it is beyond comon sense, best solo tools belong to soloers and to nobody else! If a game cant understand that, they can put their finger where I think and turn until it bleed! I dont even mention the downtime waiting for your character to regain mana, wait for the travel system, wait while your character is fighting, wait while character sleep or pee, I dont pay to wait, I pay to play and to progress in what I care, if I care for soloing, I better see that all the best solo tools are inside the soloing system, not outside. Same apply to grouping, tradeskilling, raiding or PvPing.
In CoH, the game is constantly waiting on me, I am never waiting on the game! I love it this way!
''I didnt start the right class to solo well in CoH, the game lack'' Well, like you say, it progress FAST if you pick the right class, so if you are to **** to start an alternate(that you like, there must be a solo combo you like) and be level 30 in 2 weeks, dont complain! Not to mention, that if you group, you will be level 30 pretty fast as well as long as you pick a group wanted class. Again, taking the worst class for what you want to do and then complaining is not an issue about the game, it is an issue about you. If you do it at random(like I do), then assume you will pick wrong and need an alternate! When I reach level 4 I realize my blaster was not a good soloer enought for my tastes, I try a tanker and a controller then I try and see how well a scrapper solo...I am looooving the scrapper!(I have 4 scrappers now)
The game is adding stuff, constantly, and they try to figure a way to make it so to interest hardcore freaks like me(althought I will spit on any raider that think raiding is superior to soloing, they can go to hell, if they just enjoy raiding and dont mind about me soloing, then I dont mind about them either, if they need to be the best soloers, they can stop raiding and start soloing and earn the stuff they want the right way, not the lame way, raiding should be done for raiding edges or for the fun of it, not for soloing edges, grouping edges, special prices at grocery or whatever lame someone can think of) AND keep the casuals interested! I bow to them, they understand althought it is a hard road!
- "Some peoples think I am a geek because, they say, that I think I save the world. They are wrong, I dont think I save the world, I did save the world!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Originally posted by Anofalye all ranters you complain at what you find is not enought, not at something done wrong.
You keep saying this and you are obviously missing the point of what everyone is saying: The lack of content IS the problem. Just because a game doesn't have bugs, doesn't mean it's a good game. Hell Pong doesn't have bugs, but I can't sit there and play that for days.
You want me to start telling you why I wont bother with EQ2 or WoW? I will have nothing to do with lack of levels, AAs, missions or anything althought I am sure they will lack on those topics like everyone, I will have real issues with the game, like handing over the best solo tools to peoples that follow the barking of raid officers, this setting is not even worth a comment because it is so lowly it is beyond comon sense, best solo tools belong to soloers and to nobody else! If a game cant understand that, they can put their finger where I think and turn until it bleed! I dont even mention the downtime waiting for your character to regain mana, wait for the travel system, wait while your character is fighting, wait while character sleep or pee, I dont pay to wait, I pay to play and to progress in what I care, if I care for soloing, I better see that all the best solo tools are inside the soloing system, not outside. Same apply to grouping, tradeskilling, raiding or PvPing.
I would love to respond to this, but I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.
In CoH, the game is constantly waiting on me, I am never waiting on the game! I love it this way!
I know I had to constantly wait for Health or Endurance to recharge.
''I didnt start the right class to solo well in CoH, the game lack'' Well, like you say, it progress FAST if you pick the right class, so if you are to **** to start an alternate(that you like, there must be a solo combo you like) and be level 30 in 2 weeks, dont complain! Not to mention, that if you group, you will be level 30 pretty fast as well as long as you pick a group wanted class. Again, taking the worst class for what you want to do and then complaining is not an issue about the game, it is an issue about you. If you do it at random(like I do), then assume you will pick wrong and need an alternate! When I reach level 4 I realize my blaster was not a good soloer enought for my tastes, I try a tanker and a controller then I try and see how well a scrapper solo...I am looooving the scrapper!(I have 4 scrappers now)
The fact that you couldn't solo with a blaster speaks volumnes.
The game is adding stuff, constantly, and they try to figure a way to make it so to interest hardcore freaks like me(althought I will spit on any raider that think raiding is superior to soloing, they can go to hell, if they just enjoy raiding and dont mind about me soloing, then I dont mind about them either, if they need to be the best soloers, they can stop raiding and start soloing and earn the stuff they want the right way, not the lame way, raiding should be done for raiding edges or for the fun of it, not for soloing edges, grouping edges, special prices at grocery or whatever lame someone can think of) AND keep the casuals interested! I bow to them, they understand althought it is a hard road!
This isn't a hard road at all. You keep thinking this is some spectacular breakthrough in gaming. I have hundreds of single player games that are exactly like this game. The only new thing here is they want you to pay monthly for a single player game.
- "Some peoples think I am a geek because, they say, that I think I save the world. They are wrong, I dont think I save the world, I did save the world!''
The fact you insult me and speak nonsense speak volum in itself.
(I can solo a blaster to level 50 in 3 weeks, I stop at level 4 because I realize it was not a good soloer enought for my tastes, that dont mean I cant solo to the top with it pretty fast, in EQ, I receive guilds offer to transfer server, the spam from my server was incredibly annoying, and yes, from the best guilds by raiders standards, any guild on any server would have drool to see a player with what I do and earn join their rank if I was motivated to raid, which for some reasons they seem to think I was, and I wasnt, yes, most of them have 1 chanter better then me, most dont have 2...that is more then enought to be annoyed beyond common sense, I didnt even use Magelo, I dont even want to think about the spam if folks would have read Magelo with my stats there).
I already reply you earlier, and I see no point to even recognize that you exist from now on, all you do is insult and trash a game with FAR more solo and group content then anyone out there on the market. If you cant see the content where it is, there is nothing I can do to help...
I could say EQ lack content like you because all it have to offer is raiding and somewhat ghetto enforce grouping and I dont enjoy it anymore then I enjoy playing Tetris or Gems, that would not mean the raiding system is bad, just that I dont like it. You dont like the soloing and the grouping system, bug off!
And just for your information, if you wait for endurance and health, then you are NOT a soloing class by CoH standards, and if you say you are, you are ignorant at best! (and before the cheap answer, YES a non-soloing class in CoH CAN solo to the top and quite fast, that dont make them a soloing class) If you wait on endurance or have issues to solo a single purple boss, then you are NOT a soloing class. Under those circumstance I suggest you find a group, and in a group, you will not have to wait on endurance or health, and you wont have issues to clean a pack of purples mobs if your group is good! I suspect it is players like you that refuse some ''poor'' combo in a group, and in fact, I am pretty sure your average group lack way more then mine, and I never refuse a ''poor'' combo. Go to your raiding game where someone else will think instead of you, you seem to need it, badly! Follow your officers, dont argue, you need them!
If raiding was superior and thinking oriented like you claim, then each raid will consist of 1 player and 50 NPCs that follow YOURS order to see if you can think well enought. However, average raider need to follow order and most importantly dont think over it. LOL. I have no shame to admit that many raid officers are more skilled players then me, they are, and by FAR. But the average raider is a laughing joke!
SOLOING is the main course, the most important feature any MMORPG should have and be centered around, if you cant understand that, I am sorry, just bug off to an EQ clone and let us have fun!
- "Some peoples think I am a geek because, they say, that I think I save the world. They are wrong, I dont think I save the world, I did save the world!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
BTW just humbly requesting you read my other post.
City of Heroes is a very good game , well designed, good graphic engine, good skill system. The Sidekick and Reverse Sidekick system is realy a blessing.Ok, I agree the missions are all simular and there need to be some work on that part. There is no crafting in CoH true but not everyone is a crafter. There is no loot except the enhancements which could be improved imo.
I used to play DAoC, AC2, Horizons and to be honnest in these games you also end up in teams and go hunt/grind 90% of the time. So don't blame CoH for its boring missions because grinding countless mobs in other mmorpg's is too.
I am a lvl 46 defender in CoH and still having fun. I am in a great SG with many people online every day so that helps a lot. The update #2 brought us the badge system and this is already a good step to break away from the normal missions. I am sure the next update will add more content and makes the game better.
Hmm, Seems like my other post vanished.
City of Heroes is an excellent game and I have to disagree with Rhoklaw negative assessment.
Why? Here are some reasons.
1. Large amount of strategically different skills.
2. Strategic fighting in 3 axises or planes and importance of terrain.
3. Sidekick system so there is no pressure to stay same level as friends and can still be useful even as a casual player.
4. Lateral as well as vertical leveling (Skills do not get obcelete)
5. Many storylines/missions based on origin. Thus difference experiences. Any storyline in an MMORPG is an achievement.
6. Your power is more you and less your items (enhancements/weapons). Versus if you loss your weapon or armor in other MMORPGs that's it. You can't do anything.
7. High degree of customization.
8. You always feel powerful even as a newbie as you are killing multiple enemies and not one at a deperate struggle unlike other RPGs.
9. The penalty of rest and recovery is reversed. You rest and recover quickly but must tactically choose when and where as it is dangerous and limited. All bars recover fast even while standing encouraging you to actually use your skills rather than conserve MP/END, but you MP/END/HP must last the fight.
10. You are hunting on the move and feel you are actually beating crime/monsters as mobs do not respawn quickly.
I will explain a few of these in next post.
11. You use many skills rapidly and don't just hit the same skill over and over again like in some RPGs.
Explaining these first two:
1. Large amount of strategically different skills.
2. Strategic fighting in 3 axises or planes and importance of terrain.
In most MMORPGs, there are skills with difference strategic differences such as range or power and occassionally effects. However City of Heroes has much more strategic difference skils that any MMORPG I have seen. Include skills that have what i call axis advantage. In most MMORPG's everyone is fighting in the same axises/planes so there is limited strategy there. You and the monster would be fighting on two planes (length and breadth) and the only distance makes a strategic difference to kite or close with enemy, depending on if it's melee and you're ranged or vice versa or use a skill to enforce a advantageous range (like root/slow). Same will 3 axis space game, both ships may be anywhere in space but both can hit anywhere, limited only by distance of their weapons.
In City of Heroes some enemies are not just melee but can only travel the 2-axis plane and can not get to you in the air, not without special skills that have a 3rd-axis such as Recall Foe. It also makes moving up staircases, ramps to get to the enemy, flight to stay some distance or teleport to change axis and distance rapidly very important strategically. Considering many skills cannot be used through walls this also makes a strategic difference. For example, a Gravity Controller/Storm Summon healer in a broken wall building in The Shallows cannot heal her fighting allies thru the walls. But if she Hovers above the roofless building she can, and stay out of trouble will 2-axis meleers or even 2-axis rangers who have less range and can close with her vertically. She can also attack this way and use the wide variety of skills to snipe, stop 3-axis (flyers) rangers/melee enemies and slow/immoblize 2/3-axis meleers. Thus the Blasters/Scrappers kill all non-held enemies, then the ground scrappers can hit the stopped 3-axis rangers (which due to their flight could not without 3-axis skills) and blasters can eliminate the immoblized/slowed meleers, safely keeping out of range.
Also there are skills to unique to City of Heroes, some of above, that add incredible strategy. For example Teleportation up to flyer, Air Superiority/hit him down to ground fighters then teleport/fall back to ground fight. Dimensional Distortion to be invulnerable but can't attack yet draw enemies away from bigger group or safely away from hurt friends or even taunt them perhaps. Concealment to heal without getting in battle. Teleport to top of building with enemies and pull allies there. Use more accurate Crush/Gravity Distort/Fire Cage vs inaccurate area effect ones like to make sure heaviest hitters are out of the battle, esp when other party members are damagers. A Poison Scrapper enemy with Negative Energy aura that damages all on ground yet you are hovering above him and hitting ranged. And that's just the tip of the iceburg. Awesome strategy.
3. Businessmen, like myself, and casual gamers can play it with sidekick system with more obcessed people and still be wanted/useful yet not have the variety of skills that a high level player rightfully earned.
4. All skills are different not better or worse in the same way. The first skill can be leveled laterially with more slots and be more powerful that newest skills. Very different from other RPG where you are dead if you don't use this newest Fire spell but are using the beginning one. Can also level secondary or travel for equal effectiveness to leveling primary.
Excellent Game.
Look I'm not going to respond to most of your post, you've already proved to most of the people here you're an idiot, but for the record, I'm going to say again what you can't seem to get through your thick skull
Anything confusing you about any of that?
Oh and for the record, I didn't insult you until this post.
All of what you say is absolutely true. The fighting system in CoH is top notch, I won't and can't take anything away from it. I do sort of disagree with the amount of skills you have as most of the time I do use the same 2 or 3 in a fight, but you're right the 3 axis that you have to fight on makes things very interesting. The trouble is, IMO an MMO that I pay for every month has to have a few things:
1. Something for me to do when I don't feel like fighting.
2. A reason to log in every day or I will feel like I will miss something.
3. A feeling of having an impact on the "world"
Now the first one pretty much every other MMO has. The second one a few of them have and the third one I have only only really been able accomplish by becoming a good crafter. Horizons had some great ideas for this but they fell through, but CoH has none of these. To me CoH is a single player game, and I won't play monthly for a pretty Diablo II.
No problem. I can understand and respect your personal preferences in a game and generally speaking I agree, although the truth is that playing with my LAN group and friends/collegues and advancement in the game provides 2. for me and I have yet to see any MMORPG that completely satisifies 3., maybe Ryzom will as it's story is apparently GM editted and system engine editing constantly based on players actions as individuals, races, guilds and a whole. How City of Heroes handles this is in I actually feel like I am doing something when enemies don't just respawn seconds after I kill them but stay gone for at least awhile, when civilians thank me for actually saving them (I love getting worshipers *grin*) and when I actually advance my personal story through missions. Thank you for your opinion and post. I greatly appreciate it.
I just can't seem to get myself to agree with you about repetition. Sure it has some, but more than other MMORPGs? It simply has greater interest in the fighting and greater differences in each fight that many other MMORPGs where one can just "farm". Try doing that in CoH, can't be done nearly as easily. You actually got to seek out crime somewhat or explore mission levels that have quite different structure to each other. Sure they have similarities, but no more so that different levels in Mario, dungeons in Diablo or Lineage 2 or star systems in Eve or Earth and Beyond.
As for lack of extreme customization, I can agree that they can and always could be more powers, in any MMORPG, definitely. But there is hardly a time when you would say that's enough, don't want to see any more unique powers. And the customization is in not just which classes and power sets one picks, nor even which powers, but also how one enhances such powers so that in effect two ppl can have the same power the functions very differently. I have a two slot range as well as accuracy on one of my "short range" powerful attacks and it functions very diiferently to one of my teammate who pumped up two power and two accuracy slots on the same power. While his is more damaging and accuracy he has to use it in nearly melee range and taking damage, I can be relatively far, safely doing significant damage but missing more. Skills can be set up many ways like effect (Knockback/Slow enhance), quality (power and accuracy) and quantity/spamming (Activation Accel/Cooldown Reduce/Endurance Reduction). I could be wrong but that feels like more customization that just picking many spells/ablities. Then again Ryzom allows ppl to build there ablities, but in some ways with less options and some more, than CoH.
Anyway, I respect and appreciate your opinions, and I agree with there validity from certain points of view, but not when comparing fairly with the majority of MMORPGs out there.
You right, i played ths game for 3 weeks and then starting to get annoyed, because it's long to level up and It sucks very quicky.