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This Game is Great...

In my opinion... this game is awesome

I love everything about it. And i never lag at all (although i do have a great computer) A lot of people said way to much bad stuff about it and it didnt get the Attention it Deserved. Right now i am playing COh only because my dad plays it with me and that i can't afford to play both games at once nor do i have enough time....



  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871
    Yes the game is awesome or at least it was until the problems suffered after the shard merger.

  • LumianaLumiana Member Posts: 8

    Aye, I like it too. Horizons has it's faults, but overall I like it.  image

  • ShineyShiney Member Posts: 19

    the game is a shameless flop. ::::30::

  • SunbrightSunbright Member Posts: 34

    I have a 3.6 with 1 gig ram and the 5900 256 meg g-force vid card and the fastest dsl connection    and I still get lag and many others like me do to so I really find it hard to believe that SLNTASN has no lag. even harder to believe cause this game has a memory leek and all people are hit by that.

    but I do like the game

    but right now all they are doing is restarting the servers and to many darn rollbacks now and I really hate it when you play 4 hours and lose all the game play to a roll back  grrrrrrrrimage


    Streak 100/100 dragon

  • DeathBladeDeathBlade Member Posts: 33
    played this game for 2 months on release, can't say i didn't enjoy my time there, just has alot of bugs.........many fixes required... hows it doing now, im guessing basically the same?

  • SunbrightSunbright Member Posts: 34

    well it still has its million bugs and they have to keep restarting the server during primetime. So needly to say people are really getting pissed at the restarts,
    but they have been adding somr really nice content. To bad they should try and fix what they have first before moving on.

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871
    The constant restarts are really starting to bug the hell out of me, especially seeing as quite often it is rolled back also during the restart. This problem with their servers could probably break this game as a lot of people are going to get fed up and leave.  Why pay money for something that is offline quite often.

  • propolyzpropolyz Member UncommonPosts: 182
    its ok but i like daoc more ;/

    Darkage of Camelot | Since Day 1 |

    Seabasz 50 Hero | Lancelot / Hib
    Seabas 50 Enchanter | Lancelot / Hib
    Vlyden 50 Bezerker | Guinevere / Mid
    Vydien 50 Armsman | Bors / Alb
    Hellzpyro 43 Wizard | Merlin / Alb

    Darkage of Camelot
    Seabasz 50 Hero | Lancelot / Hib
    Seabas 50 Enchanter | Lancelot / Hib
    Vlyden 50 Bezerker | Guinevere / Mid
    Vydien 50 Armsman | Bors / Alb
    Hellzpyro 50 Wizard | Merlin / Alb
    Oceany 45 BM | Mordred / Mid
    Seabasy 48 Bard | Mordred / Hib

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