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is it worth paying for?

alerumalerum Member Posts: 407
i never played the beta and only recently even heard of the game. Is it worth playing or not? also is there a good ryzom site to research the classes and such becaus ethe official site sux.



  • ThoemseThoemse Member UncommonPosts: 457

    So far i'd say yes but i am not far into the game yet.

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503

    I like it because it's the Yin to my L2.  It's a fun game.

    You can begin as a fighter,Magic user,crafter,or harvester.  Or a combo of up too three. ie: fighter/magic/harvest or any combo you choose. I usually spec in Fighter x 2 and magic, this is a goo dstrong combo for starting out, but starting as maybe crafter/harvest/fight would be a good money maker. It's very open ended as far as starting skills.

    However, if you decide later that you want to craft you can save up skill points and grab basic crafting and start leveling in that.

    It's a different kind of system then I have ever played before and I really enjoy it.  I played the first BETA and the second BETA.  I have yet to find a site that has any decent information about the game, and I hope my brief (sorry I am at work I had to keep it ver y brief) explanation helps.  I truly think you will enjoy the game, if nothing else check it out for a month, if you don't like it, eh ditch it.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • alerumalerum Member Posts: 407
    cool thanx i think ill give it a try.

  • KenshooKenshoo Member Posts: 36
    Definitly worth paying for, no downtime is very enjoyable image

  • XiraXira Member Posts: 437
    Trash:) Nothing worth seeing here. They released too early and it's just another EQ clone.

  • diegofrgcdiegofrgc Member Posts: 451

    Worth playing.

    Dont listen Xira, he/she is like every EQ2/WoW fanboy, just a stupid troll

  • dragonsoulsdragonsouls Member Posts: 14
    Well its not like EQ... Its a different gamestyle :) and it has potential.... image

  • eeargyeeargy Member Posts: 300

    Let's put it this way... If you went to a restaurant and they served you a turd sandwich... would you pay for it?


  • diegolinkdiegolink Member Posts: 195

    Originally posted by eeargy

    Let's put it this way... If you went to a restaurant and they served you a turd sandwich... would you pay for it?

    ................................nonsense image

    Just play it image

  • BlackstarBlackstar Member Posts: 50
    I just installed the game and I have to admit I am quite impressed with what I have seen and experienced so far.   Whether it will hold my interest in the longterm I'll have to wait and see.

  • DarkmastershDarkmastersh Member Posts: 205

    Best MMORPG since old Ultima Online when EA wasnt the "boss"

    UO.....good memories.....destroyed by EA... 

  • SotekmanSotekman Member Posts: 2

    >> Take what you want and pay the price<<

    >> Take what you want and pay the price<<

  • DeathBladeDeathBlade Member Posts: 33

    got invited into beta in VERY early stages, basically forced my way through it after several months, just wanna know, Did this game end up turning out as good as it was supposed to? Gave up about 1/2 way through beta as it was just disgusting boring, hope its not the same !

  • BaerfBaerf Member Posts: 72

    Originally posted by DeathBlade
    got invited into beta in VERY early stages, basically forced my way through it after several months, just wanna know, Did this game end up turning out as good as it was supposed to? Gave up about 1/2 way through beta as it was just disgusting boring, hope its not the same !

    No idea yet Deathblade i've only just started to play, so can't say what the long-term appeal is going to be like, but in the 2 days i've played it, i'm very impressed with the launch. Been a very smooth and trouble free startup (for me) so far, which is very refreshing.

    So far i'm enjoying the game, but i'll wait a few weeks before giving my opinion on it.


  • TrigeminalTrigeminal Member Posts: 7

    It is a very fun mmorpg. Buy it or don't. Most people who have are playing it though and not posting on the forums. I have 5 minutes before work so that's why I'm here. Very fun game. You have to give it more than 30 minutes of play though.

    It has a bit of a learning curve like all new mmorpgs do. Alot of people who dislike that game haven't given it a fair chance. Those who like it... like it alot.

  • CreativeNameCreativeName Member Posts: 47
    Just buy the game and play it yourself. money is limited but it's a wonderfully renewable resource.If you're old enough to get a job then dont worry about it, you'll earn it back, and if you like it then wonderful. if you aren't old enough and your mom/dad/legal guardian doesnt want to pay for it.... play runescape or something. =D

    This is CreativeName's fancy schmancy sig. Let the 'ooh'ing and 'ahh'ing commence... Now.

    This is CreativeName's fancy schmancy sig. Let the 'ooh'ing and 'ahh'ing commence... Now.

  • aeric67aeric67 Member UncommonPosts: 798

    I am hearing more and more good things about this game. I may actually give it another shot. Especially after hearing it's as good as UO was before EA took it over.

    I played at the beginning of Open Beta and wasn't blown away so I started on other activities, but I may not have given it a fair shake.

  • AosarAosar Member Posts: 7

    Originally posted by eeargy
    Let's put it this way... If you went to a restaurant and they served you a turd sandwich... would you pay for it?

    If that would be my fetish, yes... Could you, if courteously asked, stop being vulgar?

    Only problem I encountered when I was in the beta was lag and that was mostly due to a curious bug that spawned one path to a city full of npc's. There was atleast a hundred of 'em. It was quite amusing...

    - Aosar

    - Aosar

  • deathtoall2deathtoall2 Member Posts: 25

    Originally posted by eeargy

    Let's put it this way... If you went to a restaurant and they served you a turd sandwich... would you pay for it?

    yesimage and by the way how much does this "turd sandwich cost"image

    and also how much does the saga of ryzom costimage

    life sux then you die get over it

    life sux then you die get over it

  • ZoharZohar Member Posts: 673
    I'm enjoying it thus far, it's a lot more different then I expect. It's too soon to tell if I like it or not, but so far it's good =)

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • LuckystrikeLuckystrike Member Posts: 22

    I started with SoR in the first open beta and have enjoyed it ever since. Having said that, like all games it won't be to everyone's taste. It does have a quite a steep learning curve to start with, but the community is very good and a lot of help is available righ from the get-go on what skills do what and so on (which is good as the skill descriptions in-game are to be honest not very helpful at times).

    I think one of the main things that puts people off early on is that the game can be quite difficult to start with, and when people leave the new players island for the mainland and find the going a lot tougher they get despondant and give up. You really need to stick with it and learn the ropes and then the game suddenly becomes a whole lot more fun.

    In all fairness, there are some issues with bugs and things, but it really does seem like the devs are trying to sort things out, and there are already several changes being made or in the works as a direct result of player feedback. The bugs that are present are pretty minor and there's nothing to stop you enjoying the game(in fact there's a bug fix patch being applied today). At present, a lot of the storyline elements are not in place but these are planned for the first two major patches which are due very shortly, the reason given is the fact that they were not ready to be put in and Nevrax didn't want to add stuff half done simply to say it was in at release (good attitude I think).

    As to whether it's worth paying for, I'd say a complete and utter yes it is, but at the end of the day the game may or may not be to your taste. The only thing I can say is give it a go. If you like it, that's great, if you don't, at least you tried it.

    Call me Legion, for we are many...

    Call me Legion, for we are many...

  • Harma99Harma99 Member Posts: 4

    It might be a great game but, my advice is don't waste you time.  Find another game.  If the programers are as incompetent as the distributors,  you are in for a tough time trying to play it.

    Here is my experience.  I preordered the game on September 16 from  I finally received the game on October 4 despite a second day delivery and a Nevrax ship date of September 21. (I believe the delay was due to Nevrax not  I opened the box and it had 2 disc 2's and no disc 1 in the box.  Disc 1 is the install disc.  I called and they promptly sent me, overnight, another game which I received today October 5.  You probably can guess but, that's right, 2 disc 2's and no disc 1.  I used one of the key codes in one of the game boxes and logged onto a Saga of Ryzom support chat group.  I explained my problem and after 30 minutes of "looking into it" the Nevrax rep. said there was nothing they could do on their end.  And that I should talk to the retailer.  I called back again.  This time I was told they did not have any more games in stock and did not expect to receive any more. I guess they have had enough of Nevrax too.  And, just to add one more aggravation to the list, I never received the pre-order key code that I was promised for preordering.  And, again Nevrax said talk to retailer and said there is nothing we can do. 


  • HifructoseHifructose Member Posts: 308
    I"d like to add that the distribution was supposed to be controlled by Ubisoft, it was kinda funny before all this Nevrax was boasting of how this would insure a great release.  I'm not sure how much is Nevrax or Ubisoft, but also EB games in particular I found very annoying.  They had no idea if they were getting the game and then they changed from getting it to not getting (at all not a delay) several times, and then when they did give a date of course it was never on time (could have been Ubi's or Nev's fault here tho), and when told they woudlnmt be getting at all I was never offered the option to special order it, which many people gave as a response to similar complaints in forums and stuff. Sorry for the bad sentence structure hehe, didn't have much time to sayt his.

  • DrezzdinDrezzdin Member Posts: 30
    I have been In the game about a week and have used 3 of my Personal days from work already for the year...I am at work now craving to play so have been looking at all resources to find new information to get my fix while I am here.  SO YEah I would say the game is worth paying for..ofcourse I had better get back to work or I will be playing it as often as i like except for when looking for a new job.image

  • VarelseVarelse Member Posts: 14

    It's worth it to me - I opted to buy a year's subscription. The best aspects of this game, in my opinion, are the wonderful people I have already met while playing it, and the honest, responsive, friendly customer service provided.

    Other features I like are the sounds and graphics that make you feel like you are actually *in* the world, the way that the quartering, harvesting, and crafting systems are integrated so that players work together to create the best items in the game, the faction/fame system, and the high level of challenge presented to the explorer. You can use the radar and map to sneek around mobs, but it's not a cakewalk and unlike UO, you cannot simply outrun anything in the game to escape it.

    I like the way teamwork and player interaction are rewarded and encouraged, but not forced. You can do very well as a solo player, but there is a benefit to being in a team.

    However, only you can decide if it's worth it to YOU to pay for it. We are all very different and so are our likes and dislikes in games.

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