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What the HELL is so amazing?....



  • sfallmannsfallmann Member Posts: 95
    Originally posted by sabutai22


    Ive been in CB for awhile and i have been saying this for awhile as well, there is "NOTHING" innovative about WAR.  Its simply a clone of WoW in an attempt to lure blizzards player base in order to make some cash since DaoC isnt the cash cow it used to be.
    At the end of the day its really the 'fanbui's' that over hype the game and without realizing it they actually ruin it as well. Not to mention wait till you see how the general chat will fill up with silly 'chuck norris' jokes, just wait and see and mark my words WAR will not make it past 12 months before they start to merge servers!


    I look forward to you giving a detailed report about the game since you have so much the say about it prior to the NDA drop.


  • sabutai22sabutai22 Member Posts: 262
    Originally posted by Xtort

    What the HELL is so amazing? I will try to explain:
    1. Action starts at lvl 1. There are a total of 40 levels and there is NO grind whatsoever.
    This is incorrect, you will have to grind by repeat quests types in order to gain levels. PQ included.
    2. You can earn XP from public quests, regular quests, killing mobs, killing OTHER players, or through exploration.
    This is the method most will use in order to 'grind' their levels, you will need to level in order to compete in PvP. ALL players will be at a disadvantage if their level difference is larger than +/-5 levels. This was proven in CB.
    3. There are 80 PvP levels. It takes much slower to level in these. With those levels you get new abilities, stats and gear.
    As already stated, this is why people will end up 'grinding' once they see how much of a disadvantage they will be by another player of higher level and better gear! So nothing innovative here, no different than WoW!!!!
    4. There is action everywhere, anytime. There are 3 battlefronts, 4 tiers in each. Each tier has 2 zones. Therefore a total of 24 battlefields in the OPEN WORLD concurrently. Plus there are a total of ~24 different (not the same) scenarios (instanced) like WoW battlegrounds. Not finished. There are keep battles, city battles which are different from these.
    Most of those instances and zone are not even finished, and they dont even plan on being finished untill the first or second major path after release, how sad is that?
    5. You can actually use siege weapons yourself to kill other players.
    WoW will have this for WoTLK nothing innovative here!
    6. All classes are unique. You wont see stupid things like an Orc becoming a Warlock or rogue or a stupid 2 foot gnome wielding a 10 foot sword.
    CB didnt show off their higher Tier weapons, wait till you see those and come back and speak, otherwise i suggest you do your research!
    7. You can find groups anytime, anywhere. You see open groups when you enter a zone.
    No innovation here either, this is common for all MMO's.
    8. There is no lag. 100-200 people at the same battlefield will not cause any trouble. The game is almost complete and polished as it is.
    Once again, this is CB and even then there was lag and not to name them all most instances where broken!
    9. The gear does not look crap. Skill > gear but your stats are actually working and through renown points (PvP levels) or gear you can increase your stats.
    This is the biggest lie of all; The actual way it will work is LEVEL >> GEAR >> SKILL with LEVEL being the primary, levels will mean more abilities which already puts ANY and ALL players of lower level at a major disadvantage!! This is why level based grind fest are nothing new or innovative!!!
    So all counted in, which other game gives me those listed here? Tell me...
    If you do not know then you do not have enough salt under your belt in the MMO industry! Many other MMO titles do all of the above already. Nothing Innovative or creative about WAR!!


  • SuorySuory Member Posts: 90

    There are a lot of features that are in the game that sound interesting. I am not going to name them since someone else already has. AoC taught me that the "hype" and that the cool features are not going to be 100% what you thought they would be when you finally get the play the game.

    For me, the "hype" that I have for the game is that it is made by Mythic. They have already proven that they can make and maintain a decent game that I played for five years and had a lot of fun playing. I do understand that WAR is not going to be DAoC 2, but I do have hope that there could be a game that I would have fun playing that is more of  a "new" style game. I think Mythic is one company that could make that kind of game for me.  I am not going to say that WAR is going to be the greatest game ever made, but it could be a game that is fun and exciting to play in a market where the latest releases are really lackluster in the fun department.

    Has far has the cities and some of the classes being cut, I take Mythic at face value 100%. They simply could not make it all work the way they wanted it to. Honestly, I wish Funcom would have made a statement like that before AoC came out. Instead of releasing something that was not going to work out, they simply cut those areas to where they could make the game better.  To me that is a company trying to make a decent game instead of trying to release all of their promises knowing it isnt going to work Aka funcom.

    Anyway, that is my two cents.


  • ManakarManakar Member UncommonPosts: 110
    Originally posted by sabutai22

    Originally posted by Xtort

    What the HELL is so amazing? I will try to explain:
    1. Action starts at lvl 1. There are a total of 40 levels and there is NO grind whatsoever.
    This is incorrect, you will have to grind by repeat quests types in order to gain levels. PQ included.
    2. You can earn XP from public quests, regular quests, killing mobs, killing OTHER players, or through exploration.
    This is the method most will use in order to 'grind' their levels, you will need to level in order to compete in PvP. ALL players will be at a disadvantage if their level difference is larger than +/-5 levels. This was proven in CB.
    3. There are 80 PvP levels. It takes much slower to level in these. With those levels you get new abilities, stats and gear.
    As already stated, this is why people will end up 'grinding' once they see how much of a disadvantage they will be by another player of higher level and better gear! So nothing innovative here, no different than WoW!!!!
    4. There is action everywhere, anytime. There are 3 battlefronts, 4 tiers in each. Each tier has 2 zones. Therefore a total of 24 battlefields in the OPEN WORLD concurrently. Plus there are a total of ~24 different (not the same) scenarios (instanced) like WoW battlegrounds. Not finished. There are keep battles, city battles which are different from these.
    Most of those instances and zone are not even finished, and they dont even plan on being finished untill the first or second major path after release, how sad is that?
    5. You can actually use siege weapons yourself to kill other players.
    WoW will have this for WoTLK nothing innovative here!
    6. All classes are unique. You wont see stupid things like an Orc becoming a Warlock or rogue or a stupid 2 foot gnome wielding a 10 foot sword.
    CB didnt show off their higher Tier weapons, wait till you see those and come back and speak, otherwise i suggest you do your research!
    7. You can find groups anytime, anywhere. You see open groups when you enter a zone.
    No innovation here either, this is common for all MMO's.
    8. There is no lag. 100-200 people at the same battlefield will not cause any trouble. The game is almost complete and polished as it is.
    Once again, this is CB and even then there was lag and not to name them all most instances where broken!
    9. The gear does not look crap. Skill > gear but your stats are actually working and through renown points (PvP levels) or gear you can increase your stats.
    This is the biggest lie of all; The actual way it will work is LEVEL >> GEAR >> SKILL with LEVEL being the primary, levels will mean more abilities which already puts ANY and ALL players of lower level at a major disadvantage!! This is why level based grind fest are nothing new or innovative!!!
    So all counted in, which other game gives me those listed here? Tell me...
    If you do not know then you do not have enough salt under your belt in the MMO industry! Many other MMO titles do all of the above already. Nothing Innovative or creative about WAR!!



    I am not goin to waste my time countering each one of your flawed comments. But since you are the expert on innovation, please tell everyone what MMO you play that is so innovative? And if you say anything other than UO, EQ, or AC...then you are full of sheot and clueless...

  • GreenChaosGreenChaos Member Posts: 2,268

    Sabutai22 is full of it people, don't listen to him.

    Team skill trumps gear and OP classes any day of the week.  Perhaps he has never been in a warband that knows what they are doing.

  • ronan32ronan32 Member Posts: 1,418
    Originally posted by sgel

    I'm either blind... or there's nothing there...
    I've played countless other MMOs... and I'm playing two of them now... I've also been playing WAR beta... playing and playing actually, trying to find out what's all the fuss about.... is it the RvR ?

    I've also been reading these forums and I've noticed a few people who keep on posting comments like "it will rock your socks off" or "prepare to be engulfed in the most amazing game ever" or "this will blow you away" or "this will devour every other MMO out there"...... now either these people are old addicted DAOC players who live to play RVR (which is fine) or they've never played other MMOs.....
    I mean I've got feelings... I like playing games... but there's nothing about this game that would excite me...
    What are these elements that are supposed to rock my socks off?


    tell me what mmo's you do like and then i will know everything i need to know from your post.

  • GreenChaosGreenChaos Member Posts: 2,268

    No matter what you say Sabutai22, people are going to try it.

    And they are going to see that the innovative pacing and early game, game play choices are not the stick a fork in your eye bore fest that WoW is, and they are gong to like it.

    You just don't get it do you?  It's not the individual elements that are innovative, it's how they are put together.  The beauty of this game is in the choices, pacing and flow of gameplay.

  • sabutai22sabutai22 Member Posts: 262
    Originally posted by Manakar
    I am not goin to waste my time countering each one of your flawed comments. But since you are the expert on innovation, please tell everyone what MMO you play that is so innovative? And if you say anything other than UO, EQ, or AC...then you are full of sheot and clueless...


    Not that i need to go into this again because a simple search will show you i have already listed what i have 'considered' to be innovations in the MMO industry.

    But rest your lil'fanbui mind that DaoC was in that list as RvR innovators and not to mention one of the VERY few MMO companies to actually start implementing 'diminishing returns' on crowd control spells early on. But to be honest im not sure you even know what im talking about because most folks on these forums are so far up WAR's behind they do not see the big picture and only think its being bashed.


  • sabutai22sabutai22 Member Posts: 262
    Originally posted by GreenChaos

    No matter what you say Sabutai22, people are going to try it.

    And they are going to see that the innovative pacing and early game, game play choices are not the stick a fork in your eye bore fest that WoW is, and they are gong to like it.

    You just don't get it do you?  It's not the individual elements that are innovative, it's how they are put together.  The beauty of this game is in the choices, pacing and flow of gameplay.


    I never said people will not try it, im for sure going to see how much it will change compared to CB! What most people do not get (your self included) is for the cost of what they are getting paid they are not delivering anything new, ill even go as far as 'assuming' they are using their original DaoC core engine, they simply opt'd to take the easy road and mimic an already played out avenue.

    Oh and pacing and early game play is by FAR not innovation, single shard games, MMO's that have well written drivers that take advantage of GPU's and pass extremely small packet exchange between client to server that can still be played via dial-up is innovation, too many MMO companies get lazy and collect a 'fat' paycheck. But then again who is complaining, you and everyone else seems to be content with mediocre and dont expect anything more! Sad, i say, sad!


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264
    Originally posted by GreenChaos

    Sabutai22 is full of it people, don't listen to him.

    Team skill trumps gear and OP classes any day of the week. 


    But not levels.  Unless both teams are very close in levels, pretty much expect the higher level team to win 3/4 times.

    But glad to hear they've captured the old DAOC feel that  permits a team that is well coordinated to reap the benefits of that experience.

    My concern with WAR lies entirely within myself.  I think I'm really looking for DAOC 2, and while WAR will incorporate many elements of that game, I just can't see it really being a true successor to DAOC.

    Guess I'll have to give it a go though to find out if I like it.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • GreenChaosGreenChaos Member Posts: 2,268
    Originally posted by sgel

    I'm either blind... or there's nothing there...
    I've played countless other MMOs... and I'm playing two of them now... I've also been playing WAR beta... playing and playing actually, trying to find out what's all the fuss about.... is it the RvR ?


    Well for me it is.  I start each char doing a few quests until I hit level 5.  Which takes about a half hour.  From that point on I only do rvr and public quests.  No more standard quests for me.  I will still do rvr quests.

    What's cool is that I have that choice.  Or I could PvE if I wanted to.

    To so answer the OPs question.  What is so amazing?

    It's not the innovation or lack thereof, it's the choices, pacing and flow of gameplay.

    It's the same stuff we have all seen before but put together in a way that is fun and not boring. 

  • ManakarManakar Member UncommonPosts: 110
    Originally posted by sabutai22

    Originally posted by Manakar
    I am not goin to waste my time countering each one of your flawed comments. But since you are the expert on innovation, please tell everyone what MMO you play that is so innovative? And if you say anything other than UO, EQ, or AC...then you are full of sheot and clueless...


    Not that i need to go into this again because a simple search will show you i have already listed what i have 'considered' to be innovations in the MMO industry.

    But rest your lil'fanbui mind that DaoC was in that list as RvR innovators and not to mention one of the VERY few MMO companies to actually start implementing 'diminishing returns' on crowd control spells early on. But to be honest im not sure you even know what im talking about because most folks on these forums are so far up WAR's behind they do not see the big picture and only think its being bashed.


    You named DAOCs RvR system as one example of innovation. { Mod Edit } its the same company that made DAOC, so yeah its still their innovative feature. Also just because I enjoy something you dont, does not make me a fanboy.If there is something terrible or broken about WAR I will admit it with no problems. Meaning when the game is launched and it has issues, I will be the first to point out those issues. Also if I comes to the point I no longer like the game I will be the first to cancel my account and say the game is terrible. 

    Like I said, what MMORPG do you play that is so innovative? Please tell me about this MMORPG you play, where everything is so new and innovative to where its never been done before.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • sabutai22sabutai22 Member Posts: 262
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by GreenChaos

    Sabutai22 is full of it people, don't listen to him.

    Team skill trumps gear and OP classes any day of the week. 


    But not levels.  Unless both teams are very close in levels, pretty much expect the higher level team to win 3/4 times.

    But glad to hear they've captured the old DAOC feel that  permits a team that is well coordinated to reap the benefits of that experience.

    My concern with WAR lies entirely within myself.  I think I'm really looking for DAOC 2, and while WAR will incorporate many elements of that game, I just can't see it really being a true successor to DAOC.

    Guess I'll have to give it a go though to find out if I like it.



    Thanks, its nice to see im not the only one that played CB for real rather than just saying they did! And i agree with DaoC it would have been nice to have seen something along those lines rather than the copy/cat they pulled rather than "playing it" safe!


  • sabutai22sabutai22 Member Posts: 262
    Originally posted by Manakar

    You named DAOCs RvR system as one example of innovation. { Mod Edit }its the same company that made DAOC, so yeah its still their innovative feature. Also just because I enjoy something you dont, does not make me a fanboy.If there is something terrible or broken about WAR I will admit it with no problems. Meaning when the game is launched and it has issues, I will be the first to point out those issues. Also if I comes to the point I no longer like the game I will be the first to cancel my account and say the game is terrible. 
    Like I said, what MMORPG do you play that is so innovative? Please tell me about this MMORPG you play, where everything is so new and innovative to where its never been done before.


    You do not seem to grasp anything i say, there for i can only speculate you just do not have enough knowlege or understanding to comprehend or read for that matter. I suggest you read before you post, oh and a little tip, name calling is childish.

    By the way, allow me to clue you in abit more since you did not take the time to read or lack the know-how, when i said "DaoC was one of the very few MMO companies to implement diminishing returns for crowd control" that should have been a huge flag for anyone with enough knowledge to understand where i stand and background i have with Mythic. Anyway please dont waste our times, you make no sense and you lack too much knowledge to keep up!



  • ManakarManakar Member UncommonPosts: 110

    Ive been in CB for awhile and i have been saying this for awhile as well, there is "NOTHING" innovative about WAR.  Its simply a clone of WoW in an attempt to lure blizzards player base in order to make some cash since DaoC isnt the cash cow it used to be.

    At the end of the day its really the 'fanbui's' that over hype the game and without realizing it they actually ruin it as well. Not to mention wait till you see how the general chat will fill up with silly 'chuck norris' jokes, just wait and see and mark my words WAR will not make it past 12 months before they start to merge servers!

     Ok So I am sorry if I missunderstand this but you are saying there is, "NOTHING" innovative about WAR?

    So you do not like playing MMORPGs that lack innovation or is that wrong?

    Like I said, please tell me what MMORPG you play that is so innovative...


    Btw calling people fanboys is calling someone a name so I guess you know about being childish..

  • Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247

    If you disliked WAR and actually enjoyed AOC then we just have very different opinions on what makes a good game and I won't be able to convince you of what is good about WAR.

    Given your other responses in the thread though I'm guessing you didn't play WAR and are just trolling.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264
    Originally posted by sabutai22

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by GreenChaos

    Sabutai22 is full of it people, don't listen to him.

    Team skill trumps gear and OP classes any day of the week. 


    But not levels.  Unless both teams are very close in levels, pretty much expect the higher level team to win 3/4 times.

    But glad to hear they've captured the old DAOC feel that  permits a team that is well coordinated to reap the benefits of that experience.

    My concern with WAR lies entirely within myself.  I think I'm really looking for DAOC 2, and while WAR will incorporate many elements of that game, I just can't see it really being a true successor to DAOC.

    Guess I'll have to give it a go though to find out if I like it.



    Thanks, its nice to see im not the only one that played CB for real rather than just saying they did! And i agree with DaoC it would have been nice to have seen something along those lines rather than the copy/cat they pulled rather than "playing it" safe!



    Well actually, I did play a bit of the CB, and it didn't really feel much like DAOC to me (though I never got to the high level stuff, so maybe that's where the magic lies).  At the lower levels I was testing it felt pretty much like any other fantasy MMO that I've played before (except DAOC) with quests, and leveling, though the little mini fights were sort of cool.

    Again, I can't judge the game on my limited view of it.  I'll have to try the full release to determine if it can be fun for me in its own right.

    I  think I've got to make sure not to expect it to be DAOC2 and judge it for its own merits.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • nakumanakuma Member UncommonPosts: 1,310

    i been playing the beta off and on for the last 5 months+ and nothing in this game has excited me. i found the game bland and generic. a percentage content/gameplay was obviously scrapped (look to the other posts regarding that as well as go to the WH site). Scenerios are nothing more than instanced battlegrounds. RVR? did a little bit, but found it kind of unkempt, and sporadic at best. nothing really to yell home about. graphics are a darker, grittier version of WoW with the player models having more polygonal detail.

    PQ's  which while its a good idea in theory, its bad in practice. I wont go into specifics ( research on your own accord)

    I think  ill be passing this game up, everyone I know who played it felt it was more of the same thing. It personally feels like WoW 1.5 with emphasis on open/instanced world PVP. id say wait til it gets released, let websites review it (hopefully they will remain impartial and give real facts)

    Now Im not saying people wont like it, Im sure they will, but my personal experience (emphasis on "personal" meaning my experience) I felt the game wasnt really great.

    People really hype stuff up too much, and the same thing is happening here, as it happened in AOC ( bought the collectors edition but I think its safe to say ill never do that again).there will always be people who will play, love it, swallow it up irregardless of the state of the game. Like i said, wait for it to be released, or if your lucky or unlucky play the Open beta.

    **(for the trollers, realize this is my personal experience so therefore its only my opinion nothing more. do what you want, your going to do it anyways im just giving my side of the story.)

    3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.

  • GreenChaosGreenChaos Member Posts: 2,268
    Originally posted by sabutai22

    I never said people will not try it, im for sure going to see how much it will change compared to CB! What most people do not get (your self included) is for the cost of what they are getting paid they are not delivering anything new, ill even go as far as 'assuming' they are using their original DaoC core engine, they simply opt'd to take the easy road and mimic an already played out avenue.
    Oh and pacing and early game play is by FAR not innovation, single shard games, MMO's that have well written drivers that take advantage of GPU's and pass extremely small packet exchange between client to server that can still be played via dial-up is innovation, too many MMO companies get lazy and collect a 'fat' paycheck. But then again who is complaining, you and everyone else seems to be content with mediocre and dont expect anything more! Sad, i say, sad!


    LOL, You remind me of myself back in the early days of first person shooters.  I was a huge quake fan.

    Whenever a new FPS would come out I would talk about the lack of innovation.  Even with Halflife, I said it was just another quake clone.  Even when quake 3 came out I was still playing quake.

    If you want to talk lack of innovation I say look at the First Person Shooter industry.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • sabutai22sabutai22 Member Posts: 262
    Originally posted by Kyleran 
    Well actually, I did play a bit of the CB, and it didn't really feel much like DAOC to me (though I never got to the high level stuff, so maybe that's where the magic lies).  At the lower levels I was testing it felt pretty much like any other fantasy MMO that I've played before (except DAOC) with quests, and leveling, though the little mini fights were sort of cool.
    Again, I can't judge the game on my limited view of it.  I'll have to try the full release to determine if it can be fun for me in its own right.
    I  think I've got to make sure not to expect it to be DAOC2 and judge it for its own merits.


    Agreed, my anger comes from the sad fact that WAR cost way more than DaoC originaly cost to make, and i was a hardcore fan of DaoC (original not the junk added later) and to slap the player base in the face with a sub par product like WAR is almost insulting considering the funds and company background they have! And then they have the 'audacity' to tell us AFTER already prolonging the release date they are removing classes and cities at launch! i mean talk about about SWG all over again!



  • sabutai22sabutai22 Member Posts: 262
    Originally posted by GreenChaos 
    LOL, You remind me of myself back in the early days of first person shooters.  I was a huge quake fan.

    Whenever a new FPS would come out I would talk about the lack of innovation.  Even with Halflife, I said it was just another quake clone.  Even when quake 3 came out I was still playing quake.

    If you want to talk lack of innovation I say look at the First Person Shooter industry.


    I agree there as well, lord knows that genre is filled with copy/kats! However its the MMO industry whats sad, those guys get funded for millions at a time to make a title, you would think for that amount of money into a game they can come up with something more creative! FPS nor most any other type of game in the industry comes close to the cost that goes into making MMO's which is why i focus on them.

    Its sad when some developers sit in a round table acting like they cured cancer when all they have done are a few sprite manipulations.


  • HivesHives Member UncommonPosts: 203

    It's not mind blowing by any means but it does have a couple of things that I enjoy that WoW doesn't..... At level 1 I can contribute to my faction and RVR/PVP, PQ, A reason to RVR/PVP besides loot and more loot. I've played WoW from day one and I still think it's a great game for PVE but it has been going in the direction of... fly through 1-60 to get to the high levels to do nothing.  I won't get into the idiotic debate what game is better because they both are good in my opinion for different reasons and it seems to me that you want all of us to say you are correct and we should not want to RVR and grind... Sorry, I read about the game before I signed up for beta and I knew what I was getting. Oh... The comment about WoW having world pvp now that was hilarious next you'll be telling me that purple gear is hard to get... go back to doing your dallies.  I suggest FPS or a console game for people that don't want a grind but people called WoW a grind also and that was only a grind if you had A.D.D.

  • zmortiszmortis Member Posts: 152
    Originally posted by sabutai22

    Originally posted by Kyleran 
    Well actually, I did play a bit of the CB, and it didn't really feel much like DAOC to me (though I never got to the high level stuff, so maybe that's where the magic lies).  At the lower levels I was testing it felt pretty much like any other fantasy MMO that I've played before (except DAOC) with quests, and leveling, though the little mini fights were sort of cool.
    Again, I can't judge the game on my limited view of it.  I'll have to try the full release to determine if it can be fun for me in its own right.
    I  think I've got to make sure not to expect it to be DAOC2 and judge it for its own merits.


    Agreed, my anger comes from the sad fact that WAR cost way more than DaoC originaly cost to make, and i was a hardcore fan of DaoC (original not the junk added later) and to slap the player base in the face with a sub par product like WAR is almost insulting considering the funds and company background they have! And then they have the 'audacity' to tell us AFTER already prolonging the release date they are removing classes and cities at launch! i mean talk about about SWG all over again!




    I'd  have to guess that you lived a childhood full of regret and disappointment to turn into such a bitter hate filled person.  I've yet to read a single positive thing about any game you've tried or played.  I think I understand the issue you have, you're a hard core fan.  You want to be a fanboy to the n'th degree, but no one will make the perfect, most innovative, coolest, uber fanboy game for you to drool over.  They all have some flaw that gets in your craw and turns you into a hater.  So now you join the anger filled trolls that hate on everything and try to piss on everyone else's good time. 


    It's well understood by the fanboys here that every game eventually disappoints you.  It's time for you to move on, we've heard you, your work is done.  We'll continue to use our own judgement of what we like instead of depending on your bitter disappointed judgement of what we should be playing.

    I hope this helps.

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