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Ethical Senarios in a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland (semi-long)

Well I am bored so I thought up some senarios to see what people value/how they think, but in a post-apocalyptic gloss.

For the purpose of these senarios a manufactured virus designed to created super soldiers escapes into the general public via a lab accident, as they all seem to do, and has the nasty effect of turning those infected into undead carnivorous creatures with poor motor skills (zombies).  The virus is transmitted through bodily fluids like blood and the only known cure is a timely blood transfution.  In a attempt to eradicate the undead the military indiscrimatly bombs and burns all areas affected, rendering most the flora and fuana dead, making it a wasteland.  And you are always armed, unless stated otherwise.

Senario One

You are traveling through the wasteland alone, you are out of food and water and have been for a couple of days. Luckily you spot what seems to be a camp of people, as you approach you notice it is highly fortified.  After being stopped by a wall guard you explain you are only looking for food and water, even possible shelter.  The guards inform you that you can come in, you will be given food and water and can stay as long as you like, but you must give them your supplies and weapon.  What do you do?

Senario Two

You are traveling with a dog through the rubble of what was a town.  As you are rummaging through debris in a blind alley your dog barks and growls, grabbing your attention, as you turn around you see a zombie walking toward you.  You grab for your gun and aim at its head then click, the cylinder turns but is empty.  The zombie is very close now and your dog moves into an attack position in front of you ready to pounce.  What do you do?

Senario Three

You are in a party of travelers, making your way to a shelter after recieving word that a zombie horde was moving your way along with the begginings of what looks to be a bad sandstorm (you have a CB radio BTW).  When you arrive you see an old man unlocking the large iron gate and rushing the travelers inside,  he wears a large cross on his neck and the inside of his shelter is plastered with other crosses and painted scripture passages.  As he locks the gate his wife comes up offering food and drink but also asks your party many personal questions.  After paying particular attention to a young pregnant woman in your party she turns to the old man and you hear him scream "The Devil Begon!" hoisting his shot gun and pointing at the young woman.  "What? What is going on?" you ask and the man explains "She bears a child out of wedlock, sinners like her brought down god's wrath on us and created this plague, the rest of you can stay but she must go, I'll not have this house cursed." The young woman stands up and moves toward the door. What do you do?

Senario Four

The hammer crashed down casting a bullet between the eyes of a the last walking corpse, you and your friend just barely escaped a fierce bout with a zombie horde, luckily no one was hurt or so you thought.  With the adrenaline pumping you nor you friend noticed the bitemark on his/her wrist.  Reality sinks in and your friend slumps down onto a concrete slab, after awkward silence you start to say "look there is a shelter not far from here, they have medical supplies we can catch this in time,"  "no" they interject " we'll never make it time... listen I have thought about this before, I am too much of a danger to you, I want you to kill me before I turn,"  as you part your libs to speak your friend hands you their gun "don't make me do it myself,"  What do you do?


So whats it going to be?

Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit


  • cityzencityzen Member CommonPosts: 313

    I like zombie movies so I'll answer these.

    Scenario One

    I think I would do everything I could to get food and water without giving them my supplies and weapons. I'd even offer to be a guard, but I've seen to many zombie movies to go defenseless, so that would be the last thing I do.

    Scenario Two

    Assuming its a slow zombie I'd grab the dog and haul ass. If its a fast one I'd try to grab something and beat it down. If its zombie land though I think I would have some kind of melee weapon before hand, just in case.

    Scenario Three

    I guess it depends if I made her pregnent or not. First though I'd try to convince him, and get other people to convincce him, that that's not the right way to go. If after that he isn't convinced and I was the father, yeah I guess I would have to go too. I'd also ask him to marry us, if it came down to it.

    Scenario Four

    I'd apologize, then shoot him.

    I'm of Generation X, we are supposedly survivors. What would you do?


  • IlliusIllius Member UncommonPosts: 4,142

    Scenario One:

    Assuming I can stay as long as I want I would be willing to part with the weapon and other supplies.  Since the place is highly fortified the chance of me dieing to a zombie horde is dramatically reduced.  I could spend enough days there to regain my strength and find a way to work out some deal to perhaps get my things back.

    Scenario Two:

    Since these are zombies with poor motor skills, I would pull the dog away with me and make my way over the debris.  I would think the lack of good motor skills would drastically slow the zombie down to the point where I can gain some distance and perhaps pick up a long object to defend myself with or give me time to clear my firearm.  If all else fails I'd just put more distance between myself and my pursuer.  The dog has already proven it's value as an advanced warning system and I'd think it a shame to have it take a hit for you.

    Scenario Three:

    Since I am armed at all times I would shoot the old man.  He is old and will more then likely not live very long to impact the future of the population.  If it came to running from a horde of zombies he would only slow the rest down.  The young pregnant woman is ... well.. young and fertile.  I would think she were a better option if it came down to keeping the human race alive.  As far as I'm concerned she has more value.

    Scenario Four:

    With reluctance I think I would have to do it.  Since he/she has collapsed, having to carry them to the medical facility would take extra time and effort thus preventing you from getting there on time.  They have resigned themselves to it and I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't honor their last wish.


    I decided I'd write this out before reading the other peoples responses as to not contaminate my ideas.

    No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-

  • modjoe86modjoe86 Member UncommonPosts: 4,050

    Senario One
    Give them my supplies and weapon.
    Senario Two
    Let the dog fight. If he turns, I choke him.
    Senario Three
    Praise Jesus, Amen.
    Senario Four
    Shoot him.


    Self-preservation comes first. Shooting my best friend was the only one I hesitated on.

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  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    Scenario One: Since giving me food and water isn't a problem for them, I'd just say, "Well thankee very much, just fill a canteen with water and a bag with food, and I'll be on my way". If that didn't work, I'd surrender my shit and mooch off them forever. Serve the stupid buggers right.

    Scenario Two: I probably wouldn't have had a dog, cause I'd have ate him (See Scenario One). However, if I did I'd tell him to attack the zombie while I ran like hell in the other direction. Everyone needs a "soak off" diversionary attack once in a while. By the way, do zombies eat dogs, or would the fresh meet still be there in about an hour?

    Scenario Three: If it was a hot chick I'd at least have sex with her one last time before I blew her ass away and took all her stuff (no, I wouldn't ask, "Can I have your stuff"). If it was a guy he wouldn't even get to bring the subject up, once I saw the wound I would have shot him and taken his stuff.

    Scenario Four: I would dick with the demented old fart, and convince him the fetus should be aborted. Especially if the chick were hot. If that didn't work, and if she was hot, I'd fess up to being the father, and telling the old fart that we pawned our wedding rings for food and water. She either has to go along, or she's toast. Whether it works or not, she's either staying with me, or going out the gate with me. If she was a dog, I'd yell out "Hallelujuh, begone you spawn of the devil", and drive her out myself. By the way, if his wife is hot, I'd wait til they're asleep, get the gun, blow the silly fucker away, and shack up with his misses. Show her there's more to sex than the missionary position.

    Ah yes, the moral decisions in a post holocaust world....


  • saniceksanicek Member UncommonPosts: 368

    Scenario 1:

    1st of all it is highly unlikely I would be caught in a situation like that, but if it came to that, sure, I wouldn't mind. After a few days of freeloading it shouldn't be too hard to steal everything back along with some extras and disappear.

    Scenario 2:

    1st of all, you would have to be really careless which equals suicidal with your ammo if this happens, but whatever, I would just quickly decapitate the zombie with my katana (giving my well trained and obedient dog a stay command if that would be necessary).

    Scenario 3:

    Very unlikely scenario tbh, why would I be traveling with group, why go to some strange house, how is it exactly a shelter (as oposed to dozens other structures), if it is, why the people are not already living there if its so safe a haven, whats up with the sandstorm and zombies, wouldnt the storm just take care of the zombies anyway and in any case it seems to be kinda risky to lock yourselves up in one location just hoping everything will pass, we have a radio, so where is this military, cant we just radio in for zombie blasting? Well onto the problem at hand, maybe I would just shoot him, one less religious fanatic idiot the world is better of without and as for the woman, well its her problem, getting pregnant in highly uncertain times where it brings extreme burden is not smart at all, if she's so keen to repopulate, she should think 1st and wait for things to settle down to some resemblance of stability instead of endagering the survival of additional people majority of which would probably irrationaly try to put the safety of an unborn child that will not be an asset for at least 15-16 years in front of their own.

    Scenario 4:

    I kill him of course. Maybe after he helps me repack and sort the things to be carried around on one person only.

    Subscribtions: EVE, SWTOR WOW, WAR, DDO, VG, AOC, COV, FFXI, GW, RFO, Aion
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    Female Dwarf player: WOW, VG, WAR, DDO
    Due to the recent economic crisis and spending cuts the light at the end of the tunnel was turned off. Sincerely, God.

  • CactusmanXCactusmanX Member Posts: 2,218

    To clarify, no you are not the father of the baby, no one knows who it is except the girl, and even so he isn't there/ maybe dead.

    The old kook's house is a shelter since it is fortified and has generator power, he stockpiled food and fuel, other buildings are in ruins, and I was implying he was the one that sent the message out.  Sandstorms will not effect zombies, they aimlessly roam looking for food, as long as they don't smell, see or hear you you can hide from them and they will pass by.

    Zombies can move at a brisk walking pace, they are not super slow or fast, but they don't have good reflexes.

    The Military will not waste their time saving individuials or small groups, you can talk to other people with CB radios but the military does not care.

    The guards have no intention of giving your weapon and supplies back, you can leave but they are keeping your stuff.

    People do not stay with the old man long for a reason, ie he is kind of crazy, and this is only a couple of weeks after the incident, so not much organization.

    And bodily fluids includes all, if you have sex with your infected friend you are infected too.

    As for what I would do,

    1.  I would chance it in the wasteland, food and water is not worth losing my defenses and property, even if the camp says they can protect me.

    2.  I wouldn't sacrifice my dog, I would fair better in a fight with a zombie than my dog so I would attack the zombie myself, by knocking it down or something.

    3.  I wouldn't shoot the oldman, since you are not sure how the other people in your party will react, but I wouldn't let the woman go outside by herself at least, besides I wouldn't want help from someone who is an asshat.

    4.  I would shoot him, I have no problem with that.


    I picked things that I figured most people would see as ethically black and white so I figured people would choose pretty much the same thing, I just want to see why they choose that, how they justify their choice.

    Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit

  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486

    • Scenario 1: Give them my supplies and weapon, I couldn't see what else to do and it seems fairly safe. Should I need to get away from there then stealing would probably be the option.
    • Scenario 2: If nothing is at hand to throw at the zombie with, then the gun; a good throw into the head should provide you with necessary time to get away.
    • Scenario 3: I can't really decide but given the situation at hand I would probably have to "sacrifice" the girl for the greater good.
    • Scenario 4: Shoot him.



  • JrodJrod Member Posts: 234

    1. I would give him my supplies and when I decide to leave I would steal them back.


    2. Grab my dog and run away.

    3.I would let him shoot her. Better her than me

    4.I would kill him.

  • fulmanfufulmanfu Member Posts: 1,523

    1. since im alone, and they aren't they are going to get my weapon one way or another. i hand them over.

    2. let the dog loose, when the zombies distracted crush his head. then kill the dog. then eat the dog.

    3. let her go.

    4. try to get him help, now that i have both guns. if he turns before we can get help then shoot him.

  • WickershamWickersham Member UncommonPosts: 2,379
    Originally posted by CactusmanX
    As for what I would do,
    1.  I would chance it in the wasteland, food and water is not worth losing my defenses and property, even if the camp says they can protect me.  Humans die after 3 - 4 days without water.  I'd eat the dog from Senario 2  there would be some rehydration from it.  Aside from that water wouldn't be too scarce.  Toilets, water boilers, vending machines, water pipes, water towers, eavesdrops all have water in them.
    2.  I wouldn't sacrifice my dog, I would fair better in a fight with a zombie than my dog so I would attack the zombie myself, by knocking it down or something.  What dog?
    3.  I wouldn't shoot the oldman, since you are not sure how the other people in your party will react, but I wouldn't let the woman go outside by herself at least, besides I wouldn't want help from someone who is an asshat.  If the area had dust storms the zombies would be blind or buried so no real threat there besides it's unwise the enter a place you know nothing about.
    4.  I would shoot him, I have no problem with that.  Bind the hands and strangle him - bullets don't grow on trees.
    I picked things that I figured most people would see as ethically black and white so I figured people would choose pretty much the same thing, I just want to see why they choose that, how they justify their choice.


    "The liberties and resulting economic prosperity that YOU take for granted were granted by those "dead guys"

  • FariicFariic Member Posts: 1,546

    I can answer all four scenarios with one word.


    It's not a world worth living in at that point.

  • Scenario One:

    I don't trust them, not at all. If I can sneak in and steal some supplies I will. If there's a weak point that I can bust through, take a hostage and get supplies, I will. If not, I'll leave it alone. Better to die of thirst than become a potential slave.

    Scenario Two:

    If the dog is small enough I will grab it, throw it over my shoulder and run. If not, I will attack the zombie with whatever melee weapons I possess. Alot depends on how infectious the zombies in this scenario are. If I risk compromising my human status I will withdraw, even if I can't save the dog. I'd prefer to save the dog, but not if it means zombie infection.

    Scenario Three:

    Assuming I am armed, shoot the old man, take his weapon. I'd prefer to shoot the wife, too, lest she turn against me, but doing so would probably get the crowd going against me. Instead I can say I was defending the pregnant woman, and hopefully score bonus points with the crowd. The wife, and anyone who seemed sympathetic to the old man, must be watched. If I suspect them moving against me, I'll either try to kill them and get it blamed on one of the others who is hostile, or bait them into a situation that destroys the group's trust and sympathy for them. I'll definately be sure to keep an eye on the pregnant girl, make sure no one tries to do anything to her in vengeance, either.

    Scenario Four:

    It all depends on the zombie infection. If there is truly a chance to save him, I will bind his arms and muzzle him as best I can and head back. The moment he displays zombie signs he gets a bullet. If I do not believe there is a way to get him back in time, or if there really is no cure and this is just wishful thinking, I'll put one through his head as painlessly as possible. I'd expect him to do the same for me.

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