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Is the game down today?

Has anyone else had troubles logging on today?  I can get all the way through the load process then on the sign on screen it says cannot connect to server.  Did I just get banned?


  • TempunautTempunaut Member Posts: 34
    No problems for me... have you reset ur comp, connection and all the usual?? Have you done something that you might have got banned for??

  • FaellynFaellyn Member Posts: 14

    Do you have a firewall, such as Zone Alarm, Norton, or McAfee?

    Norton sometimes does this to me, and I've heard of the same problems with Zone Alam.

  • death.adderdeath.adder Member Posts: 12

    Just got a response from Toonces, server was just down.  damn it and I just deleted the game, now I'll be on in t-5hours lol.  oh well, hope it works right.

  • death.adderdeath.adder Member Posts: 12
    oh yea, to answer the other question,   not lately image

  • StaleBagelStaleBagel Member Posts: 19
    I had problems earlier im running on a cable connection and I still had about 360k latency (which is absurd) and my ship was glitching its way across systems like noones business, didn't know that the server went down thought, thats pretty retarded, didn't know that all that was going on. Hmm anyhoo Ill go try and see whas going on see if I can log in and cruise. Aight peez..

    Terrorist Cloud
    Proud CEO of the Boondock Brewery Inc. Corporation

    "I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by"

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