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I think there should be a server that runs indefinately. There was a previous post on this subject that said something about the early comers being supreme. Well what you could do is make a section of the universe for people who have their exp under a certain lvl. also maybe you can't attack someone who has X% lower xp then you.
ThA-sEeR awaits.
ThA-sEeR awaits.
yeah i know anyway your exp thing is a pretty good i think that it would be nice like if only people like 1000-1999 like warrent officers or thiefs could only attack each other.lets see who agrees.if anyone reads this.
master of games.
master of games.
what i meant is u can only attack people X% or level below and over.
not just the same level. so i u were top level. (dark overlord) you can attack a few below you like galactic scourge and that. and u can't attack people any lower than that unless they attack you.
btw, remember that this is a about an unlimited server/game.
ThA-sEeR awaits.
ThA-sEeR awaits.
"if" introduced this server (and maybe others) can have larger corps for corp wars (when fighting no lvl restriction), a subname under people for their corp name (all servs), vendettas (possibly all servs) where the person can be of any lvl, have a few slots, each can only be changed ever few hours or couple of days.
ThA-sEeR awaits.
ThA-sEeR awaits.
master of games.
master of games.
I really would like a persistent server, maybe a bit bigger than what's already there. MAybe build times should be slower to forster having groups of people start colonies rather than individuals. It'll save the game from massive planet rampages. Just seems like having two week games, tho winnable, kinda is like a smackdown when your empire is destroyed and you have to start all over again.
The problem with an unlimited game is that the current colony attack/defense balance is out of whack.
It takes 10+ times as long to build a colony as to take one over or destroy one.
The result is that in a normal game colony builders go forth in full force early in the game(Who knows what they were thinking) and build up colonies...Which are almost all destroyed or captured by the end of the game.(Or sooner with competant players)
If such a game were unlimited eventually all the planets would have barren stripped colonies on them and the game would become a simple PK fest space-combat sim instead of a conflict between builders and destroyers. No new colonies could be created because they would not have UN protection and would be taken down before defenses could be set up....And since everyone would be gunning for that one colony that WAS built up by that noob it would quickly be taken over.
In order for an unlimited game to be viable colony attack would have to take just as long as colony building...If I spend 20+ hours building a colony, it would have to take 20+ hours to take it down.
Similarly if colony balance were unbalanced in toward defense the world would eventually fill up with maxxed-out untakeable colonies with only the best hardcore corps haveing a chance to take over an enemy colony. There would be no places for new players to build things and they would be relegated to trade runs and space-combat PK fest while the ubercorps dueked it out amonst themselves for the colonies.
Makeing this game unlimited would require REAL balance....Something that I just don't think the single guy working on this game can do.
What if it wasn't indefinite, but it was extended from two weeks to 3 months?
When the server "Stratosphere" first appeared, it was described as a longer lasting game of 1 month and I'm sure it was mainly introduced because of requests and suggestions such as the ones here. Shortly after, it was reduced to 3 weeks and now, it only lasts 18 days...
Perhaps it's a hardware issue.. i dunno... but it seems pretty odd as 1 month seemed like a good length of time to me...
It was reduced for the reasons I stated AND becausae the hardware couldn't handle it...By the end of those 1st 1 month games there were only a tiny handful of people playing(Because everyone else kept getting wiped out).
Also...With so few players the NPCs had free reign, they never got killed toward the end of the game. This was very hard on the hardware. These games don't run on real servers...They are running them on home PCs. One world per PC...As you can imagine with such an amaturish setup it can't handle alot.
We might try out an infinite game some time. Its on my list of things to try. There would be some differences like colony recycling and experience would be normalized every week.
-TooncesStarport Administrator
Starport Administrator
Oh and Xira, your post above mine is false, from first word to last word.
Starport Administrator
Starport Administrator
Eh I FRIKKIN GIVE UP. Just click on the dam thing.
Since you seem to love to go back and edit your posts to make them less offensive mind if I go back and edit my post to make your post seem wrong?:)