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Release date firm!

apocalanceapocalance Member UncommonPosts: 1,073

Less than three years. lol

Sorry, had to do it. It was in the video, it's less than three years from release, which in MMO release is pretty soon. :)



  • ThradarThradar Member Posts: 949

    It'll still beat Darkfall.

  • Devildog1Devildog1 Member Posts: 494


    Originally posted by Thradar

    It'll still beat Darkfall.



  • fansedefansede Member UncommonPosts: 960

    I thought that was interesting too. Since they are using the same engine, it will look similar to City of Heroes. Good for development. So, I believe them

  • gamerman98gamerman98 Member UncommonPosts: 809

    Originally posted by fansede
    I thought that was interesting too. Since they are using the same engine, it will look similar to City of Heroes. Good for development. So, I believe them

    If you seen the webcast you would know that it is a modified version of the engine that runs Champions online...I wont look anything like CoH since that engine is a older version.

  • mrroboto40mrroboto40 Member UncommonPosts: 657

    Looking through one of those screenshots, I saw similar graphics to that of CoV type areas, the colours they use are just way to colourful and heroic looking.


    It's quite disapointing, I mean the Star Trek IP is just so large and so important to some people, it's just funny how they could re-use something and not develop something completely new like all of the engineers who manage to think of new electronic devices they used in The Next Generation compared to the original.

    I don't want my Star Trek looking anything remotely cartoon, in 3 years, there is not any excuse for anyone not to have 4gb of RAM and at least a decent video card 512mb of video memory.


    How does that not look like CoV.

    This games immersion already seems ruined for me.


  • ZorvanZorvan Member CommonPosts: 8,912

    Eve in space and WoW on the ground. No thanks, I'll pass. Another lame Star Trek game to join all the others.

  • ScalebaneScalebane Member UncommonPosts: 1,883

    I can't wait for it, as long as its a fun game i don't care about graphics.  Actually kinda tired of all these games trying to do realistic graphics, the world looks good but the movements end up looking too robotic and stupid, if they can do realism and make them not look stupid jumping and just moving around in general i would be more for it.

    But to each their own, i just want it to be fun =)


    "The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
    - Lewis Thomas

  • StellosStellos Member UncommonPosts: 1,491
    Originally posted by Thradar

    It'll still beat Darkfall.


    You can count on it. 

  • Cpt.StubbingCpt.Stubbing Member Posts: 269
    Originally posted by Scalebane

    I can't wait for it, as long as its a fun game i don't care about graphics.  Actually kinda tired of all these games trying to do realistic graphics, the world looks good but the movements end up looking too robotic and stupid, if they can do realism and make them not look stupid jumping and just moving around in general i would be more for it.
    But to each their own, i just want it to be fun =)

    I agree, also adding Content, Content, Content!

  • firefly2003firefly2003 Member UncommonPosts: 2,527

    Graphics should never come first before content .......who cares if its not shiny and flashy all i care about is content and replay value ...just like games used to have...

  • ToadmonkeyToadmonkey Member UncommonPosts: 84

    Hehehehe  Trash talk is in high gear I see.     Trolling is soon to follow. 

  • themiltonthemilton Member Posts: 353
    Originally posted by Toadmonkey

    Hehehehe  Trash talk is in high gear I see.     Trolling is soon to follow. 


    Says the guy with a Ferengi for an avatar.

    The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.

  • WikkedbowtieWikkedbowtie Member Posts: 494
    Originally posted by Scalebane

    I can't wait for it, as long as its a fun game i don't care about graphics.  Actually kinda tired of all these games trying to do realistic graphics, the world looks good but the movements end up looking too robotic and stupid, if they can do realism and make them not look stupid jumping and just moving around in general i would be more for it.
    But to each their own, i just want it to be fun =)



    Have you lost your mind??????

    No game is allowed to be fun!

    It has to be super realistic graphics and nothing but grind grind grind.

    Not to mention there have already been posts about what the game needs to be fun for everyone. Don't you see that nothing has been put in to make this game fun for you?

    /end sarcasm directed at the Player Crew or nothing posters

  • UltimateN00bUltimateN00b Member Posts: 51
    Originally posted by themilton

    Originally posted by Toadmonkey

    Hehehehe  Trash talk is in high gear I see.     Trolling is soon to follow. 


    Says the guy with a Ferengi for an avatar.


    Ferengi are awesome!


    I mean MMORPG developers all follow Rules of Acquisition, especially number 1. "Once you have their money, you never give it back."

    Or EULAs in Rules of Acquisition number 8. "Small print leads to large risk."

    Or why we have so many WoW clones Rules of Acquisition number 10. "Greed is eternal."


    If you would embrace the Rules of Acquisition, then you would understand MMORPGs a whole lot better.


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