If someone has a large ship with lots of shields (16k), it is nearly impossible to destroy them without them getting to a starport. Battles could last a long until someone runs out of money and just stays in the starport. It takes long enough to find someone w/ high xp to kill, then when you do, they can run away. Not complaining, as I would run if I was low on shields as well, just wish there was sometning that could be different.
Well, the trick is is to surprise them!! True, most people will fight with primary weapon until they are down to perhaps a few thousand shields, (which you will probably be about the same if things are evnly matched) and then start off to a nearby starport... but thats when you unleash as many nukes as you can, to finish them off whilst they're running away!!!! Then while they shout something like "That's not fair, you cheated and used missiles... what a wus" or something you can laugh out loud in their face and reap in the exp!! HAHAHAHA!!!