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If you have ever played RuneScape.. I'm about to pass on a little known secret to all you players out there:
What is MechScape you ask? Well, in the future, Jagex is currently creating a new MMORPG called MechScape. It's supposed to be similar to RS but it is wayyyy better I've heard.
You don't believe me, eh?
Why don't you find out for yourself...
STILL DON'T BELIEVE ME?? Well, I guess we'll wait and see. The MMo is supposed to be realeased sometime in 2009.
Epic awesome me
I love mechs, i will check it out of for sure.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
This isn't the first time its posted here but w/e i'll tell you more information. It's meant to be released in March, and they said its for a more mature audience.
from the jagex the creators of runescape? mature lol? dont make me laugh
- couldn't find laughing dude so banana had to do
from the jagex the creators of runescape? mature lol? dont make me laugh
- couldn't find laughing dude so banana had to do
I was only quoting what one of them said, I also find it hard to believe
gimme a sec and ill find the link where he says that.
Lol, yeah right.