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Why not Aussies?

wixywixy Member Posts: 1
In relation to the latest Beta contest for EQ2 it seems Australians are excluded again. I am sure no-one would have specifically said "MMORPG Dont let them Aussies IN".  Really who's idea is this one you really should stop filtering ppl based on there country selection on your site profile.  I always bork at providing sites with personal information I gave it to you guys and you use it as a stick to beat me round the head with. I can (kinda) understand Australia missing out on US exclusive stuff but to exclude us from this when its obvious Australians are part of the target audience ie its either US only or The Whole World dont give me this crap.  The thing that really heckles me about all this is its prolly just a matter of you guys seeking some clarification you cant expect sony to list of the world atlas index everytime the throw you some beta scraps. If I cant rely on my gaming site to ask a simple question like "Are aussies included?", instead of scribing some SOE underlings words verbatin, in the Australian gamers interest then forget my patronage.


  • .:GENACON:..:GENACON:. Member Posts: 17

    I understand where your coming from, being an aussie myself.

    Ive missed out on many things, mainly games that are not released here.


    It just plain sucks.

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    The Mecha Samurai
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