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I want a big open universe with no instances.
I want to beable to type in some space coordinates and warp my ship to that area.
I want the neutral zone to have pvp combat in.
I want the universe to be less secure in the outer reaches from starbases and stuff to have more pvp combat.
I would like to beable to beam marines to other ships to attack things like you could in Klingon Academy.
I want the skills to work like they do in Eve so I dont have to grind my butt off.
Gotta say I want SOME instances. But most of all I want at least one server to be VERY strictly RP, and Guild run Starships
If you beam down to a planet it should be instanced. Otherwise it needs to be like eve Online. I hope there will be more than just the federation and kingon! I woulnt mind playing the romulans, Cardassians, or ferengi. I also hope you can choose from many federations races if you play them.
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
When you guys say like EVE i'm confused on that as they have no avatar in ship interiors (we want ship interiors, right?).
I pretty much want what we all posted about and on for almost 3 years on the forums, a crew that actually helps pilot run the ship a true sand box game not a Star Trek skin hashed over a city of heroes body.
I'm gonna just sit back and wait for things to come together as 1,806 posts on the subject of how Star Trek should be made falls on deaf ears with developers (PE devs are still working on this at Cryptic to I bet).
He said he wanted skills to be like EvE online and quite frankly that is a horrid idea. it would literally take years to fly a decent ship.. We would all be in shuttle craft to start out with.
I just want my friends to come aboard my party ship.
Perpetual was so limiting and restricting it just looked like a bad dream.
Yes! Ferengi!
Rule of Acquisition #75: Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum.
Unfortunately its headed to consols too....which means no open universe, and ALL instances.
Same with beaming to other ships, not sure if you can even explore other players ships...
Some suggestions:
1. Five Empires: Federation (several races to choose from), Klingon, Cardassian, Romulans, and Ferengi.
2. Player Skills like Eve Online and the ability to train your handpicked crew!
3. Galaxy in 3d like Eve Online. It should fing huge!!!
4. Work your way up to different starships. Other players can beam aboard your ship with your permission. You can walk around in your ship too!
You also should be able to customize the ship as you like (Eve Online).
5. Starship PVP and Captain PVP (with your hand picked crew!)
6. Planets (and few space areas ) should be instanced. You can party up with other captains for space instnacing or landing party instancing.
7. Galactic events that should affect all players. (such as a borg invasion)
These are some suggestions. I cant think of anymore right now.....I know this would be monumental task but if all of this were incorporated some how...awesome
and no i dont want the game to copy Eve Online........
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
i would like to see guild made ships, holodeck action for single or multiple people. and maybe start out at starfleet acadamy and crafting
Unfortunately its headed to consols too....which means no open universe, and ALL instances.
Same with beaming to other ships, not sure if you can even explore other players ships...
Seriously, are all you console haters that ignorant? The new consoles Xbox 360 and PS3 have huge hard drives, can be equipped with keyboards and mice, essentially making them a computer. How about not bashing it because it will be on consoles also and just wait till the dang game is finished and judge it then.
So many uninformed people making uninformed judgements on a game that has just been announced.
Guild-owned Space Ships - that's really about all I expect, since this is the main thing about Star Trek for me. PvP is fine, but I can see where that would cause a lot of problems/work (creating content for multiple races, for starters). I dont need a seamless world per se - Warping from one large Space Zone into another is perfectly fine, if each zone is big enough. Instancing is also fine, if it is for story archs and such where everthing that's happening is focused on a group. No point in exploring an unknown world, if you bump into three other groups and 2 gold spammers...
Well, time will tell.
Unfortunately its headed to consols too....which means no open universe, and ALL instances.
Same with beaming to other ships, not sure if you can even explore other players ships...
Seriously, are all you console haters that ignorant? The new consoles Xbox 360 and PS3 have huge hard drives, can be equipped with keyboards and mice, essentially making them a computer. How about not bashing it because it will be on consoles also and just wait till the dang game is finished and judge it then.
So many uninformed people making uninformed judgements on a game that has just been announced.
Call me dumb....
Consoles cannot handle large amount of players in one instance. That is why it sucks. You cannot have 100 people in one spot on a console, something that happens in mmos. So what will happen is that once a certain ammount of people gather in an area, that area will instance to allow more players to visit the same area. Meaning there will be many copies of a single area in order to allow everyone in. This destroy immersion.
Consoles do not have the networking capability of online games. Imagine WoW if when more than 50 people entered the barrens, it instanced and a second copy of the barrens appeared. This WILL happen because consoles can handle at most 64 people on one server.
But maybe im just a fuc-king moron.
Unfortunately its headed to consols too....which means no open universe, and ALL instances.
Same with beaming to other ships, not sure if you can even explore other players ships...
Seriously, are all you console haters that ignorant? The new consoles Xbox 360 and PS3 have huge hard drives, can be equipped with keyboards and mice, essentially making them a computer. How about not bashing it because it will be on consoles also and just wait till the dang game is finished and judge it then.
So many uninformed people making uninformed judgements on a game that has just been announced.
Call me dumb....
Consoles cannot handle large amount of players in one instance. That is why it sucks. You cannot have 100 people in one spot on a console, something that happens in mmos. So what will happen is that once a certain ammount of people gather in an area, that area will instance to allow more players to visit the same area. Meaning there will be many copies of a single area in order to allow everyone in. This destroy immersion.
Consoles do not have the networking capability of online games. Imagine WoW if when more than 50 people entered the barrens, it instanced and a second copy of the barrens appeared. This WILL happen because consoles can handle at most 64 people on one server.
But maybe im just a fuc-king moron.
i dont know if you are a moron or not, but these are all issues that can be solved on the server side. As far as not being able to network consoles, dont know why you would say that, its just as easy as any pc.
When I said i had "time", i meant virtual time, i got no RL "time" for you.
Amen brother
Have to say I big time agree with the RP. I have never seen an ip that fit mmo's as well as this, and it will fit with the RP real well also. Can really not wait for this one as the fact is I love Star Trek, and on top of that I only play mmorpg's for this most part, so this should be awsome for me !
As for console MMO's...
I played Everquest online adventures on PS2 which was ALL open world with a few optional instances. Often there were 80-120 people in Freeport all gathered together, and 600-800+ people server wide. I didnt notice any lag/problems. So why can't this be done for STO?
Keep in mind this was only the Playstation 2. Newer consoles have better capabilities.
My build: Sapphire Radeon HD 4850, Asus P5GC-MX/1333 Motherboard, 4gb G.SKILL DDR2 667MHz RAM, Core 2 Duo e7200 CPU, 250gb Western Digital SATA Harddrive, Windows Vista Home Basic 64-bit.

Do they mean lots of ZONES? Im fine with zones and instances myself. I never played an MMO on a console but to me it just opens the world of Star Trek up to alot more people.
I really want a vast and complex universe to explore as well. I really don't see this as possible if it weren't zoned though. Hopefully there is so much to explore that instancing woudn't be required.
I also want to see an MMO more based on exploration than domination. It wouldn't seem like Star Trek to me if the game just revolved around destroying each other. There are plenty of other MMO's for that, let's see this one true to the vision, "to boldly go where no one has gone before"
I truely have high hopes for this game and wonder if the dev's really realize the potential they are sitting on.