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AO is the best there is, i have been playin for 3 years, and i mean everyday, i have never missed a day, this is just an awesome game, i remember when i said that i would never play a game i had to pay for, well that is sooo not true, it is worth every penny i have put in.
A RL friend and myself play everynite, so if you are ever in Rubi-Ka (thats the name of the planet that we live on in game) just look me up my in game name is Rhoven, you will love the game.
See ya all later, Rhoven
I'm sorry I just had to repond to this post. You've played for 3 years and still love it? Please tell me what proffesion you play and at what level.
After all the nerfs, expansions the only thing that kept me playing as long as I did was due in large part to just friends to which you stated you play with every night.
Careful Getsome,
He might be someone who dislikes AO, but is on purpose danglling bait to start mini-flames. AO is a nice game, but it is very unusual that such a die hard AO "über-fan" would on purpose not post his praise on the appropiate forum - the AO forum.
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I have a few toons, my main is 162 fixer, i have a 163 soldier, 112 agent, a 65 NT, 45 Trader, and now since my RL friend has came back, i started a new one which is a 45 MA, heck i can never seem to get to 200 cuz everytime my RL leaves and comes back we start new toons, lol. I am not wanting to flame and yes i have posted my praise on them AO forums i just wanted to praise my favorite game on this forum also, sorry in the future i will make sure that my post dont stray i guess i didnt know i wasnt allowed to talk about different MMO's in the pub. Wont let it happen again. But gemstone my RL friend always asked me the same thing what keeps me in AO, maybe if i tried another i would leave ao, not sure but i know that i still love the game as much now as i did when i first play.
Talk to ya later Gem, Rhoven
I gotta say i was hooked on AO for about 2 years. It was way more entertaining than EQ but way less balanced. The game is pretty much built around leveling and Loot. If you like to do lots of both then this is the game for you.
The main problem I have with AO is the fact they have never bothered to upgrade it. The graphics have pretty much stayed the same all these years. I for the life of me cant figure out why they havent gone ahead and developed an AO2. Something with new graphics where they could make a new planet for omni tek and the clanners to fight over with new and old professions and a whole slew of new loot and quests.
I really enjoyed the game for the most part though it still suffers from the same problem that seems to effect all of the sci fi future or space type games. Somehow the melee fighters always end up being more powerful than the gun users wich should never happen in that genre period.
"we're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs....drink up me hearties yo ho"
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
It's ok to praise a game. IMHO the pub vs posting in the specific game forums........ the pub is more for talking about different games, good things about them, bad things, comparing them to each other. Plus info that affects, or is about, ALL games, or many games.
BTW, since you claim to have played AO from its very start, what did you think about AO at its release?
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I will add my 2 cents aswell..
I played AO for a year and never did I say "this game sucks!" to this day I miss the game but am not interrested in restarting.
I loved the Martial Artist!! Out of all MMORPG's this one gives you (from the ones i've played) the best level up customization on skills! The crafting system is pretty darn good in my opinion too! I spent a good solid month getting into it and would make everything I could with the money I had. I am still impressed that i go to anarchyarcanum and find that ppl are STILL finding new item recipies!!!
and to the comment about gunners weaker than melee... NOT always!! If you place your skill points right when u level up higher YOU are the hard hitter!! But you also get aggro'd during a battle and this is when the melee ppl get their props from me! they will hold the enemy on them to take the punishement while u blast em. Healers are like gunners In that they get aggro'd too!!
ME! I was a Martial Artist and most of my hits did low damage, but I would deal damage about the same ammount as the sword guy but doing like 6 hits to his one!! it was a lot of fun for me!!
I loved AO also. The reason I left was because all my friends left. When you are used to grouping every single day, not getting to group much at all got to be very lonely. My friends wanted to return to AC of all things.
The instanced missions where one of the best parts of the game. No longer do you have to wait for one group to finish with an area in order for you to hunt there. Also, you can scale the missions so you can handle them solo no matter what character class you went.
3 years.. no lvl 200+ char and youve played every day... ouch, i played AO while holding down a job and going to school had a lvl 200 doc and a 189 enf (Pre-Expansions)
i didnt play AO at release, i said i started playing about 6 months after the release so i am not sure what it was like at release.
Playing everyday didnt mean i missioned or hunted i did alot of org stuff like role playing and such, so leveling was always second, then i became an ark and that took alot of my time also, so i havent hit 200 yet sorry, Like i said THE Blackhand we did alot of omni-pol stuff like investagating and things like that so i roleplayed alot, and i also have a job, and 2 kids, coach and the president of the youth league in my town so i am pretty busy also, but i will hit 200 with my fixer so, Now that i am in First Order the alien attacks give alot of xp so i should see it soon, but i do have my 1k board, also when i did level it was just myself and my rl friend i really didnt do a lot of big team missions, but with shadowlands one can level very quickly if that is what you only concetrate on, my buddy got to 110 in 2 days by doing hecklars, cripplers, and the spiders, so level can be done very fast if that is what you choose to do.
I just love being in game and doing org stuff, awesome about your 2 chars 200 and 189, bro gratz tough job (pre-expansions) Take care
Moved to AO Forums.
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive" - Malkavian Proverb
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
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"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
I've played only 3 months to AO, but enough to see it was the best game I could buy, but as some people said, there's not enough on the planet, and many of the people playing are high level chars...
AO looks amazing at start. the graphis, the comlex system
lets look at what is happening in last years.
SL= first real expansion,great grapics,nice perks, the most horrible leveling grind ever.kill same mob 10 hours a day. and it aint even a pretty mam. want a good item? get set for a week of camping.was relased with a lot of buggs.
AI= horribly bugged,never properly finished pre-launch, beta ppl BEGGD the company not to realse it like that. offcourse,no one listened. bugged,and now totaly nerfed to become the new grind since FC thinks this game needs more time sinks. low on content, social wear only, not realy anything more.even worse, feature on box back not implemnted into game, and the expansion total ignores the unguilded player,leavving him totaly out of the action. more than one person i know thats been playing for more than 3 years would love his money back on this one.
pvp= lagged so hard ,and so imbalanced, everyone and thier sister is using same wep. profs are far from balanced. some are unkillable, while otherrs are the othe other white meat. this isnt changing , while the devs are aware of the sitation for more than a year.
company and player base communicatins are bad. example? a prof is so horribly screwed up, and the community is posting chars,and logical explantions about it for more than a year, but not only that they get no answer to thier pergactly logical issues, the prof gets ANOTHER kick in the ribs.
personly ive had enough. i cant belive that this is the way it is with all games out there, and will start looking for others. for all of you who play NTs, who play traders, you KNow where this is coming from.the real thing that makes ppl stay in this game is the player community, which is realy something else- good ppl all in all, even some that we love to hate:P
sory to play the party pooper roll here folks.