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I've been looking into this game and it looks good. I also see it beeing stacked up next to Second Life and I can see the simmilarities the two games have. but does anyone know if Entropia universe like SL is filled with Cyber Sex? Alot? A little?
I second this reply...
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Just for fun I'm gonna say.........yes(?)
Why the heck not? /shrug.........................
If that is an issue and you don't want, definitely not.
Technically everywhere has cybersex, unless you're too lazy to type.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
It might be a serious question. The only thing i saw from the little time i "played" second life, was cyber... nothing else... oh, wait, 1 house of elfs... and cyber... nothing more.
He might be asking to see if Entropia is similar, because he likes/dislikes that side of the 'game'... maybe.
Senhores da Guerra
It might be a serious question. The only thing i saw from the little time i "played" second life, was cyber... nothing else... oh, wait, 1 house of elfs... and cyber... nothing more.
He might be asking to see if Entropia is similar, because he likes/dislikes that side of the 'game'... maybe.
I kinda thought that he wanted it...that's why I gave my little sentence there.....No offense to OP but that's just alittle weird question IMO.......
EW, I feel dirty just reading this topic.
Ok, I shouldn't have even clicked it.
Hm, why am I even responding to it really.
Ok, I have problems.
I do have problems
OH...WTH is cyber sex? Is it like porn....except that if you do that you have no life whatsoever....which is basically porn....
OOps this is not everquest, SRY i hit the wrong thing
if you want virtual sex, try 3feel (dunno if theres an english version)
or naughty america (dunno if its already running)
actually there are many sex themed mmo's out there (mostly from japan/korea i think)
ggle it
Eww eww, please stop! WTH! (Why not what) would you want CYBER sex!!! Mother nature's going to be pissed...shit she's going to call my daddy! NOES!
i dont want vr sex, just helping out the op slime his keyboard
Err....I don't know whats worse, the first post or this one....oooh! BOTH!
LMAO now ya made me go lookin.....and you are right there are tons of 3d RPG Porn games and the such.
wow have things changed in 10+ years, gees whats next. lol
lol this is probably one of the oddest topics I've seen. The only MMO I've heard of that has this kind of crap, which it wasnt really made for, is AoC. Mhm real shocking huh? XD
I remember reading about a guild that was starting up in Age of Conan that offers just Cybersex, all its for... sad huh? What's worse... its probably the closest thing to the lore thats in the game...
Personally I would like to see sex put into anykind of mmo.
I thought AoC would have it, that was a lie -_-
And I don't mean just porno sex, I thinking it should have something to do with particular storyline quest or somthing along those lines.
Or perhaps just a sandbox world or somethign like second life where your allowed to have sex with other players.
maybe its just me. /shrug
I hope so.
I would love a 18 year old phoning Funcom that there's no sex in the game and that he wants a refund.
hihi's sad how far pervs can go '_'
lmao they won't do anything to give you money back, they all just want money, they don't care about our opinions. They'd rather accuse them of something else that is against their rules ban em and get over with it.
Also why an 18 yr old, I'm sure a 15yr old would complain just as much ^^
I don't personally care about cybersex, I'd just like to see less people with such baselessly negative attitudes toward an activity that harms no one, yet allows people in long-distance relationships to have a semblance of sexual activity together and allows teenagers to experiment without risking STDs and pregnancy.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
Entropia Universe is a lottery/casino/ponzi scheme. No real skill progression and some skills are unavailable unless you have a ton of money.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Outside your house is the real world, with real women and if you spend time looking around real sex.
i double that statement.