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I'm not voting this time around. If I do, I'm putting Ron Paul on the "other" section as a vote of no confidence. I don't really feel that either candidate this time around will benefit the American people.
Let's start with McCain. Here we have a man that served in Vietnam and was a prisoner of war. Sounds like he's got some balls right? Well, not anymore. The last time he ran the republican party questioned his sanity, due to his experiences as a POW, and then slandered him by claiming that he was taking care of an illegitimate black love child. BTW, McCain adopted a little orphan girl from Bangladesh and W muck rakers just took family pictures of this off color child out of context in order to sway racist voters. Thing is, McCain is STILL in the republican party!! I don't know about the rest of you, but I would have told the GOP to go fuck themselves after just one of those things. McCain took both and continued to be a complacent little lap dog. I wonder if it hurt when they removed his spine...
Obama, on the other hand, is probably the most talented and gifted politician any of us are likely to see in this generation. The problem is that he's the most talented and gifted politician that any of us are likely to see in this generation. He's slick and it's hard to take anything he says at face value. I honestly don't see him taking office and dismantling Homeland Security or disposing of the Patriot Act or removing any of the consolidated executive powers that have been accumulating over the past eight years of the Bush administration. Considering that Obama would be occupying a position that has traditionally been denied to African-Americans and the guarantee that there will probably be constant assassination attempts, removing any of the executive powers that are currently in place would be absolutely suicidal. The end result is a continuation of democratic lip service to change as they sit on the sidelines and let republicans continue to whittle away at our constitutional rights. There is a slight chance that we can leave Iraq gracefully if (when) Obama gets elected, but I'm not holding my breath.
The rest of you can argue over who's better for the job and talk about how conservatives / liberals are destroying this country and blah, blah, blah. The rest of us realize that this country was bought and paid for long before we were ever born.
As an afterthought: Isn't it interesting that there was so much venom directed at W. Bush but not one person took a shot at him? Sure, somebody shot Reagan, but out of mental illness and not politics. This is the reason we have a right to bear arms people. Politicians can ignore marches, petitions, sit ins, slogans, etc. it's much harder for them to ignore bullets. I guess we didn't hate W so much after all...
thats alot of assasination talk.
firstly, i think obama has the same chance of being assasinated as gore, clinton and bush. america DOES NOT live in the 60's any longer.
secondly, a liberal would love to shoot bush. only problem is he has been pussified by his party. so now they make movies Bush assasinated for TV
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
I think ive lost interest in who wins the election this time.
Far to stressful to worry about, and I have other more personal things worth getting stressed over
All I ask from these two candidates is to please fix gas prices.
You are still going to get poisoned by either one. One you will die with a smile on your face, the other you will die with a sore bunghole.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!