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Darkfall: Fan Q&A

StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696

The folks over at Darkfall have released a new internal Q&A where the developers answer some of the fans' questions.

Here’s the QA…we worked with lists sent to us by community members and tried to answer as many as possible without too much embellishing. There was an effort to answer question categories that weren’t addressed in the previous Q&A’s. We didn’t address the questions having to do with beta and publishing due to recent developments, we would like more time before we get into that.

Do different weapon types damage them (mobs) easier, like a spear, mace, etc.?

Different monsters are vulnerable to different types of attack. In some cases they could be nearly immune to certain attacks like a fire elemental may not take fire damage. This applies to various armors and protections as well, the varying degrees in which they could protect the player against specific types of damage. There’s a whole system in place behind this, and players will learn from experience and through various information sources within the game.

Read it all here.

Jon Wood
Managing Editor


  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,222

    God, it all sounds so good. I hope that it does come to be sometime, while I highly doubt their claim of this year.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • OltzuOltzu Member UncommonPosts: 103

    I lol'd inside

  • nickman1993nickman1993 Member Posts: 287

    So dieing to play this game.....

  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726

    All you have to do is look at their feature list to realize it is strictly a wish list.  The small staff they have will have a hard time even getting half of those features in at release.

    I have to laugh, they talk as if mounts and boats will be in the game at release.  Just like I pointed out above, with a small staff things like that will be for a later release at best.

    Vaporware at it's best!

  • admiralnlsonadmiralnlson Member UncommonPosts: 240

    Some of the answers bug me. For instance Pocket Ponies for mounts?

    When I first learnt about Darkfall, it seemed very sandbox-oriented. But the more I know about, the less sandbox it appears to be.

    Waiting for: GW2
    *thumbs up*: GW, Eve(, WoW)
    *thumbs down*: MO, GA, FE

  • JrodJrod Member Posts: 234

    Six months to go and still no talk of beta.

  • ianubisiianubisi Member Posts: 4,201

    Further mists for the king of vaporware.

  • obiiobii Member UncommonPosts: 804

    If it is vaporware they really go through lots of troubles answering questions.

    So let us hope they manage to sort of launch in the next years with hopefully most features.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,107
    Originally posted by obii

    If it is vaporware they really go through lots of troubles answering questions.
    So let us hope they manage to sort of launch in the next years with hopefully most features.


    Oh no, you don't get to use the "next year" card.  They promised to release in 2008 and we're holding them to that promise.

    Sounds good from the QA..but ...can they deliver?

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • obiiobii Member UncommonPosts: 804

    Would be interesting if they launched this year, even if it is pretty buggy and unfinished, but might be something new to play.


    Cannot be worse than me trying to set up my own uo shard and as an almost 10 year vet I am used to bugs.

    Last UO update managed to make ethereal horses invisible and for laughs they lost a list of houses no one owns but don't decay, so they ask players to send ccordinates in.

  • static07static07 Member Posts: 7

    Vaporware huh? thats been claimed about all mmo's...  besides how stupid will you look when it turns out to be real, and a great game?

    If this game is 75% of what they promise, it may lack boats for instance, for me it will still be a good game, or atleast a step in the right direction.

  • DraccanDraccan Member Posts: 1,050
    Originally posted by static07

    Vaporware huh? thats been claimed about all mmo's...  besides how stupid will you look when it turns out to be real, and a great game?
    If this game is 75% of what they promise, it may lack boats for instance, for me it will still be a good game, or atleast a step in the right direction.


    lol mr. 2 posts.


    Darkfall is a lie; a scam. This Q&A brings nothing new to the table.

    Please remove darkfall from


    CASUAL CONFESSIONS - Draccan's blog

  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726

     I guess we differ on the definition of Vaporware.  To me vaporware is a product that has repeatedly been promised and then fails to appear.  They have announced beta at least 3 times only to fail to initiate it.  It has been at least  7 years since they started work on it,

    This game fits that definition to a tee.

    Does not mean that they won't eventually get the game out, who knows it might be a decent game too.  Just that it time for them to stop talking and show something.   None of the pundits have even seen this game, it has never been shown at any of the trade shows yet.   Any game with any inkling of success starts showing something at least 2 years prior to production.  This company has show nary a thing.  It seems to demonstate to me that they don't have anything to show.

    This game won't launch this year, we might get lucky and see a beta by the end of the year, but don't hold your breath.  It has been promised before.

  • keolienkeolien Member Posts: 198

    I thought it was a really great read.


  • stine96stine96 Member UncommonPosts: 45

    They won't De-List this game because it is probably half this websites traffic .

  • static07static07 Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Draccan

    Originally posted by static07

    Vaporware huh? thats been claimed about all mmo's...  besides how stupid will you look when it turns out to be real, and a great game?
    If this game is 75% of what they promise, it may lack boats for instance, for me it will still be a good game, or atleast a step in the right direction.


    lol mr. 2 posts.


    Darkfall is a lie; a scam. This Q&A brings nothing new to the table.

    Please remove darkfall from



    Ah yes that must be true, and mmorpg should do what you say.

    After all, you have over 300 posts and that makes you specialist about mmorpg's and the gaming industry in general.

    The marketing at adventurine may be a bit weak, but on the other hand games have been hyped over and over to ultimatly when its released, to be real dissapointments.

    Darkfall could be a scam, tho I fail to see the point in doing that. And I'm sure as hell not going to take your word for it as you know as little as me about this game.

  • dirtknap69dirtknap69 Member Posts: 295
    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    All you have to do is look at their feature list to realize it is strictly a wish list.  The small staff they have will have a hard time even getting half of those features in at release.
    I have to laugh, they talk as if mounts and boats will be in the game at release.  Just like I pointed out above, with a small staff things like that will be for a later release at best.
    Vaporware at it's best!

    except for a couple of videos showing them in action, half a dozen screenshots, and modelling files.


    yet another game development moron.

  • dirtknap69dirtknap69 Member Posts: 295
    Originally posted by Draccan

    Darkfall is a lie; a scam. This Q&A brings nothing new to the table.

    That is totally hilarious coming from someone with an AoC avatar -- AoC is the biggest MMO scam after Dark'n'Light. Funcom didn't even bother to implement all of the features that are on the box AoC is sold in.

    AoC players making scam accusations, lmao.

  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726
    Originally posted by dirtknap69

    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    All you have to do is look at their feature list to realize it is strictly a wish list.  The small staff they have will have a hard time even getting half of those features in at release.
    I have to laugh, they talk as if mounts and boats will be in the game at release.  Just like I pointed out above, with a small staff things like that will be for a later release at best.
    Vaporware at it's best!

    except for a couple of videos showing them in action, half a dozen screenshots, and modelling files.


    yet another game development moron.

    Just because you see brief glimpses of such on very old videos means absolutely nothing and anyone can make up a bogus screenshot with the tools available on the market today.  Pretty obvious you know absolutely zip about game software development.   To actually get such working right requires a trememdous amount of work and they just don't have the staff to do it.


    They will be lucky to ship the game with the city building options working.

  • ZoNEEZoNEE Member UncommonPosts: 31
    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    Originally posted by dirtknap69

    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    All you have to do is look at their feature list to realize it is strictly a wish list.  The small staff they have will have a hard time even getting half of those features in at release.
    I have to laugh, they talk as if mounts and boats will be in the game at release.  Just like I pointed out above, with a small staff things like that will be for a later release at best.
    Vaporware at it's best!

    except for a couple of videos showing them in action, half a dozen screenshots, and modelling files.


    yet another game development moron.

    Just because you see brief glimpses of such on very old videos means absolutely nothing and anyone can make up a bogus screenshot with the tools available on the market today.  Pretty obvious you know absolutely zip about game software development.   To actually get such working right requires a trememdous amount of work and they just don't have the staff to do it.


    They will be lucky to ship the game with the city building options working.


    Ok i had to step in and say something about this post.... They show waaay more than "brief glimpses" of the ships in the new video. They show a good 5 min of footage of ships going to war. You see players controlling the ships. You see players jumping from one ship to the other, killing off the other players, and then taking over there ship. You see team members on the cannons firing at other ship, and you even see the other ships sink as they loose the fight. All this footage is on the NEW video that was posted on the 2nd of this month. So you might want to take a second look at that video, if you've seen it at all...

    For the people that don't know what im talking about, and haven't seen the video. you can view it here.

  • HYPERI0NHYPERI0N Member Posts: 3,515
    Originally posted by dirtknap69

    Originally posted by Draccan

    Darkfall is a lie; a scam. This Q&A brings nothing new to the table.

    That is totally hilarious coming from someone with an AoC avatar -- AoC is the biggest MMO scam after Dark'n'Light. Funcom didn't even bother to implement all of the features that are on the box AoC is sold in.

    AoC players making scam accusations, lmao.

    Lol thats not an AOC avatar its a Star Wars Avatar 

    Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981

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